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The BS builds of Gw2


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Im starting a list of all the builds that are BS in some area of pvp. The fact that these builds are allowed to exist would be laughable if it wasnt so sad. People shouldnt have to tolerate this poor quality of gameplay. Feel free to add builds that you think are BS. The reason for it being BS should be class design, not whether or not it is meta/strong right now.Ill be listing them with the format:Build Name - main reason why its BS

Condi mirage - mirage cloak, unaviodable condi & clone spam, visual noisePower mirage/mes - mirage cloak, unavoidable 1 shots from stealthFire weaver - 0 telegraph burning burst, evade/heal spamFA weaver - minimal telegraph on burstCondi scourge - huge aoe spam, condi spam, corrupt spam, visual noise spam, spam spam spam

Boonbeast - perma boonspamStaff daredevil - chain evade spamCondi daredevil - evade & condi spamDeadeye - stealthRifle holo - can do everythingProtection holo - boonspam

Spellbreaker - quickness burst, cc chainsSupport FB - group boonspam & sustainHybrid/burn FB - huge aoe, weakness & blind spam, cc spamPower shiro - sword 3, staff 5 telegraph, mobility

Honorable mentions:Any 1 shot build not mentionedTrap buildsStealth buildsBunker buildsAny other mirage buildThe quickness boon in general

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I will bite yet again.

Fire weaver - 0 telegraph burning burst, evade/heal spamI mean, it's very easy to dodge and kite nearly everything a FW can throw at you.

FA weaver - minimal telegraph on burstThe last time I died to a FA weaver was when I had 300 ping.

Condi scourge - huge aoe spam, condi spam, corrupt spam, visual noise spam, spam spam spamI kinda agree kinda don't.

Spellbreaker - quickness burst, cc chainsJust nerf Full Counter uptime, it's all good.

Support FB - group boonspam & sustainIt's strictly for ATs

Honorable mentions:Any 1 shot build not mentionedStealth builds+1

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:That sounds like not a single build should exist at all...?

It’s more like “any build that I cannot beat with the build I randomly chose should be removed regardless of my skill level and that of my opponent’s”.

@"rowdy.5107" said:sounds like another "I cant beat these builds with my build so im gonna cry and complain about it in the forums" to me....

From my original post "The reason for it being BS should be class design, not whether or not it is meta/strong right now." This has nothing to do with winning or losing. Its about pointing out builds that ignore counterplay or promote lazy and uninteractive gameplay.

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:If fa ele and sword Weaver are bs build to you...what other ele builds is acceptable to play against u with?

Core ele is fine

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Wait so you are mad at warrior for having basic boi combos that don't even pump out perma quickness. And your double mad because you don't time your stunbreaks when the warrior is trying to all in you so you are saying quickness spam and cc spam????? You do know warrior is a BRUISER class to LOCK a SINGULAR person down correct?

Yea, this is definitely a whine thread.

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A lot of people I run into feel the same exact way as the original poster on the surface it gives the impression that the game is broken or they are running an exploit auto pilot build and it's more trait based rather than skill based.. so that's why the population feels pretty dead and not very welcoming to new people

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:Wait so you are mad at warrior for having basic boi combos that don't even pump out perma quickness. And your double mad because you don't time your stunbreaks when the warrior is trying to all in you so you are saying quickness spam and cc spam????? You do know warrior is a BRUISER class to LOCK a SINGULAR person down correct?

Yea, this is definitely a whine thread.

No i said quickness burst is BS because quickness in general is BS. And being able to throw 3-4 cc's one after the other with dagger, shield, tether, bulls rush, rampage is excessive.

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The only build in this that legit gives me some issues is Spellbreaker, even then not unkillable and I'm outside the meta, so I don't know.

The biggest issue with people lately is that they stunbreak right away when there's another coming, especially against Holosmith. Patience pays off too.

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@"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:From my original post "The reason for it being BS should be class design, not whether or not it is meta/strong right now." This has nothing to do with winning or losing. Its about pointing out builds that ignore counterplay or promote lazy and uninteractive gameplay.

you should add renegade and turret engi to the list then because both builds are super lazy since they are just about summoning all your AIs then afk

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@Razor.6392 said:Why is FA ele or staff daredevil even in the list? FA ele is not viable and has no sustain. Very easy to pressure.

Staff daredevil dodges a lot... and yeah. You are not going to die to someone just dancing around.

Annoying =/= good

To be fair he never said these buids had to be good, he's just talking about what he consider to be BS he even said so in his post.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Wait so you are mad at warrior for having basic boi combos that don't even pump out perma quickness. And your double mad because you don't time your stunbreaks when the warrior is trying to all in you so you are saying quickness spam and cc spam????? You do know warrior is a BRUISER class to LOCK a SINGULAR person down correct?

Yea, this is definitely a whine thread.

No i said quickness burst is BS because quickness in general is BS. And being able to throw 3-4 cc's one after the other with dagger, shield, tether, bulls rush, rampage is excessive.

No, that's called skill be able to link skills (aka warrior's case CC) together. Combos. And most good, dps warriors play with axe nowadays because nerfed warrior dagger is awful.

Again, warrior is literally the most predictable of all of these classes and has to be the most predictable with their cc chains because they are relatively easy to pick up. Again, even with one stun break someone could basically ignore the full chain. Hell, even popping stability will ignore ALL of the chain. Like, what do you want this class to do? Just look at you while you kite them?

They need something to make their hits stick since their attacks are large and telegraphed.

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According to this thread if you play the game at all you are cheesing it.

Jokes aside, from my point of view the real issue is the speed of combat and the spammy nature of boons and conditions. Simply put way to many skills have short cooldowns and no/low cast times, which results in you being able to cast multiple skills at the same time or in a extremely quick succession. This is compounded by allot of classes having most or all boons at all times and you get cheese.Gw2 combat is fast paced when compared to other mmos (except maybe tes online), but ever since the power creep of expansion, and reworking of core skills to be in line with the power creep the game became cheese.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Wait so you are mad at warrior for having basic boi combos that don't even pump out perma quickness. And your double mad because you don't time your stunbreaks when the warrior is trying to all in you so you are saying quickness spam and cc spam????? You do know warrior is a BRUISER class to LOCK a SINGULAR person down correct?

Yea, this is definitely a whine thread.

No i said quickness burst is BS because quickness in general is BS. And being able to throw 3-4 cc's one after the other with dagger, shield, tether, bulls rush, rampage is excessive.

No, that's called skill be able to link skills (aka warrior's case CC) together. Combos. And most good, dps warriors play with axe nowadays because nerfed warrior dagger is awful.

Again, warrior is literally the most predictable of all of these classes and has to be the most predictable with their cc chains because they are relatively easy to pick up. Again, even with one stun break someone could basically ignore the full chain. Hell, even popping stability will ignore ALL of the chain. Like, what do you want this class to do? Just look at you while you kite them?

They need something to make their hits stick since their attacks are large and telegraphed.

I agree that out of all the elite specs spellbreaker is one of the more balanced and fair to fight. As i said before, im pointing out BS parts to classes even if they are minor things. Quickness removes most of the telegraph on skills, and in some cases makes them too quick to react to. This makes it too easy to use skills and have them land without having to think of whether or not you are being predictable. I understand the importance of cc for this class and still think spb has an excessive amount. I am not crying about getting beat by any class. I am talking about poor class design for competitive games.

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