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Please do not use this chapter as a precedent to sell the portal after the story


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I personally don't like locking it behind the story either, doesn't matter if access is unlocked in a minute, or 30. I complete the story with my partner the first time, and well... sometimes it takes a long time. This means I can't bring other characters without always doing the first part, or wasting friend stones; which I don't have a million of as I do not buy BL Keys and the permanent version costs too much for what it does and frequency it would be used; I would have none if I used them every time it's been suggested too. I am also not sure why people would even suggest a cash shop/loot box item as a solution to a problem the developers intentionally created.

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@Yamazuki.6073 said:I would have none if I used them every time it's been suggested too. I am also not sure why people would even suggest a cash shop/loot box item as a solution to a problem the developers intentionally created.For one, I strongly suspect the developers intention was to incentivice you to replay the content, not to buy your way past it.

Secondly, teleport to friend stones are frequently brought up since they have a habbit of accumulating even without purchase. Personally I never buy keys nor do I key-farm, but I do have a full stack of the stones on my main account and about 100 on my alt account, simply from birthday gifts and regular gameplay (mostly map completions and story playthroughs on my permanent characters).

Third, why do you want to even bring all of your characters to the new map if you don't intend to play them? And if you do intend to play them, the 1 hour cooldown on the permanent teleport stone really is a non-issue.

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It's funny how OP tries to prove to people why requirements in games are bad.

They are not. Games have requirements. And if these doesn't fit your taste, too bad for you. What if I enjoy the fact that not everything is handed to my face with one click?What if I want to feel like I achieved something? What if I want it to be this way?

It's just a game, deal with it.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:For one, I strongly suspect the developers intention was to incentivice you to replay the content, not to buy your way past it.It seems the requirement is a single character finishing the story, I'm unsure how a single completion is an incentive to re-do the story. Once again, there was zero reason to change how this worked.

@Rasimir.6239 said:Secondly, teleport to friend stones are frequently brought up since they have a habbit of accumulating even without purchase. Personally I never buy keys nor do I key-farm, but I do have a full stack of the stones on my main account and about 100 on my alt account, simply from birthday gifts and regular gameplay (mostly map completions and story playthroughs on my permanent characters).No, they don't. They are not common enough from playing the game, even with multiple characters per year, and a ton of map completion over several characters, the vast majority of the measly 54 I currently have came from BLCs; keys gained through map completions, story, and the weekly level 10 quest every now and then. I have been playing for multiple years, and have an above average playtime, that 54 would be significantly lower if I played as often as most people do unless I spent more on keys. These 54, or your 100, wouldn't even be anywhere near enough if someone listened and just used one as a solution each time it has been suggested, or if any was used for the previous exploit.

@Rasimir.6239 said:Third, why do you want to even bring all of your characters to the new map if you don't intend to play them? And if you do intend to play them, the 1 hour cooldown on the permanent teleport stone really is a non-issue.Where did I say I wanted -all- my characters brought to the map? And why do you assume I don't play more than a single character? I don't bring all my alts to a map, just the 6 that I actually play.I never even complained about the 1 hour timer either, I said there realistically isn't much of a use for them as a whole, and that 800 gems for such an item is too much, even if I paid for it through gold.

Not only that but if it's as simple as using a teleport stone to get to the map then what purpose would there be in locking the scroll behind story other than to encourage having them in the first place? Do you really think A-Net doesn't know the community will just tell anyone who complains to just spend 800 gems?

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I cannot stress the following posts on this thread enough with this issue:

@DonArkanio.6419 said:It's funny how OP tries to prove to people why requirements in games are bad.

They are not. Games have requirements. And if these doesn't fit your taste, too bad for you. What if I enjoy the fact that not everything is handed to my face with one click?What if I want to feel like I achieved something? What if I want it to be this way?

It's just a game, deal with it.

@Dami.5046 said:I can't face palm enough. sorry.why does no one want to do anything in the game and why do they have to post a thread about it?The story wasn't even that long.Zero sympathy.

@ OP just because "in the past" we were able to instantly buy the portal tomes, and now we cannot does not mean anything. My strong advice, is use some mindfulness to live and play in the present. Just because "X" thing was achievable / attainable in the past, DOES NOT mean Anet have to follow suit in the future and the exact same goes for real life. Do not live in the past, do not expect, predict, hope of things that will happen in the future as that's a futile waste of mental energy: Live in the here and now, and face any challenges & obstacles head on with solutions. If you don't like something, don't do it.

Anet will do whatever Anet will do, so demanding that "They do not do this again" over what frankly is nothing but a very trivial, insignificant matter to all the other things Anet could/should fix in the game is an exercise in futility.

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@Yamazuki.6073 said:

@"Rasimir.6239" said:For one, I strongly suspect the developers intention was to incentivice you to replay the content, not to buy your way past it.It seems the requirement is a single character finishing the story, I'm unsure how a single completion is an incentive to re-do the story. Once again, there was zero reason to change how this worked.Sorry, I thought you were talking about the "get twinks to the map" part. But regardless, it is an incentive and a reward for playing through the chapter. Just because it wasn't that way before doesn't mean they can't change things.

Btw, do you realize that in previous episodes you could bypass the need to play story at all? Using a single teleport to friend was all that was needed to buy the portal scroll. I guess ANet has the metrics on how many people bypassed the story, and this change might be a hint of how happy they were with the situation.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@Yamazuki.6073 said:I would have none if I used them every time it's been suggested too. I am also not sure why people would even suggest a cash shop/loot box item as a solution to a problem the developers intentionally created.For one, I strongly suspect the developers intention was to incentivice you to replay the content, not to buy your way past it.

Secondly, teleport to friend stones are frequently brought up since they have a habbit of accumulating even without purchase. Personally I never buy keys nor do I key-farm, but I do have a full stack of the stones on my main account and about 100 on my alt account, simply from birthday gifts and regular gameplay (mostly map completions and story playthroughs on my permanent characters).

Third, why do you want to even bring all of your characters to the new map if you don't intend to play them? And if you do intend to play them, the 1 hour cooldown on the permanent teleport stone really is a non-issue.

The reason to bring other characters in is to farm whatever is the new resource on the map. Not to mention that you may have done the story with one class but discover something there you would rather do with another class.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@Rasimir.6239 said:For one, I strongly suspect the developers intention was to incentivice you to replay the content, not to buy your way past it.It seems the requirement is a single character finishing the story, I'm unsure how a single completion is an incentive to re-do the story. Once again, there was zero reason to change how this worked.Sorry, I thought you were talking about the "get twinks to the map" part. But regardless, it is an incentive and a reward for playing through the chapter. Just because it wasn't that way before doesn't mean they can't change things.

Btw, do you realize that in previous episodes you could bypass the need to play story at all? Using a single teleport to friend was all that was needed to buy the portal scroll. I guess ANet has the metrics on how many people bypassed the story, and this change might be a hint of how happy they were with the situation.

How does that say anything about, oh, saying you could only buy it after the first story part, which was the case with the node? Actually, in this chapter you could even buy the node on the TP without stepping foot in the zone.

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In my experience, it's not having to play through the story once to get the scroll. That should be expected, imo. The issue (for me at least) is that there is no current tome which allows use of the scroll. Granted, it will most likely end up coming out with the next episode but you would think that Anet wouldn't overlook making the scroll useless until that point.

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@Robj.6815 said:In my experience, it's not having to play through the story once to get the scroll. That should be expected, imo. The issue (for me at least) is that there is no current tome which allows use of the scroll. Granted, it will most likely end up coming out with the next episode but you would think that Anet wouldn't overlook making the scroll useless until that point.

You can just use the scroll, you dont need a tome to get it to work.

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@Robj.6815 said:In my experience, it's not having to play through the story once to get the scroll. That should be expected, imo. The issue (for me at least) is that there is no current tome which allows use of the scroll. Granted, it will most likely end up coming out with the next episode but you would think that Anet wouldn't overlook making the scroll useless until that point.

That did take me by surprise for half a second until I realized it is only a problem if it is not available in the second episode. Whether or not it is in a tome it is still only one slot in your inventory.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:This is such a non-issue.I actually think its a good idea to keep the scroll out of the vendor until you have played through the story on one toon, if you really cant wait then use a TP to friend.Again, such a non issue for ANET to spend even the slightest amount of time looking at imo.

A nonissue? Someone actually had to ADD a check to see if the story was done rather than just add it to the vendor.

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@Lambent.6375 said:Slightly related: is there a skip function for living story dialogue yet?

I wish. I wanted to skip it the first time. I have had to sit through it 3 times now ha ha

As for my 3rd trip, I timed it. New character that has never been to the Black Citadel. Had to go to Divinity Reach, to gate to Lions Arch (which I had also never been to). Then gate to the Black Citadel for the helicopter. When the talkie talkie started I went and cooked breakfast. Came back and shot the cables. Whole thing took 20 minutes. Probably would have been less if I was not cooking breakfast.

Hardly seems like an issue to get there. But I guess I cannot miss what I never had - the intro to PoF was the only travel scroll I ever got (and if I remember correctly it was given to me for free after completing the intro?). Where were the others? Living World? I do have all the Seasons, but this is the first one that looked interesting enough to play. This seems like a useless place to teleport to, there is not even a bank...

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@Lambent.6375 said:Slightly related: is there a skip function for living story dialogue yet?

I wish. I wanted to skip it the first time. I have had to sit through it 3 times now ha ha

As for my 3rd trip, I timed it. New character that has never been to the Black Citadel. Had to go to Divinity Reach, to gate to Lions Arch (which I had also never been to). Then gate to the Black Citadel for the helicopter. When the talkie talkie started I went and cooked breakfast. Came back and shot the cables. Whole thing took 20 minutes. Probably would have been less if I was not cooking breakfast.

Hardly seems like an issue to get there. But I guess I cannot miss what I never had - the intro to PoF was the only travel scroll I ever got (and if I remember correctly it was given to me for free after completing the intro?). Where were the others? Living World? I do have all the Seasons, but this is the first one that looked interesting enough to play. This seems like a useless place to teleport to, there is not even a bank...

If your talking about the lily of elon pass to travel to amnoon you got that for deluxe or ultimate expasion pack.

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@Lambent.6375 said:Slightly related: is there a skip function for living story dialogue yet?

I wish. I wanted to skip it the first time. I have had to sit through it 3 times now ha ha

As for my 3rd trip, I timed it. New character that has never been to the Black Citadel. Had to go to Divinity Reach, to gate to Lions Arch (which I had also never been to). Then gate to the Black Citadel for the helicopter. When the talkie talkie started I went and cooked breakfast. Came back and shot the cables. Whole thing took 20 minutes. Probably would have been less if I was not cooking breakfast.

Hardly seems like an issue to get there. But I guess I cannot miss what I never had - the intro to PoF was the only travel scroll I ever got (and if I remember correctly it was given to me for free after completing the intro?). Where were the others? Living World? I do have all the Seasons, but this is the first one that looked interesting enough to play. This seems like a useless place to teleport to, there is not even a bank...

Teleport scrolls became more popular once season 3 started. Before that every map was reachable from some other zone on the map. Now for just about every map you can only get to it via teleporting (there are exceptions, but they are not the rule). Even if you only want to get the portal scroll for a character that has already been to the map it can still add up after awhile.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Korunos.4758 said:Can you teleport to your own character or how should this work?

I am trying to puzzle that one out! Even if you wanted to do it you can only be logged in once at a time and the T2F might not even know how to pick between more than 1 simultaneous logins.

You need two accounts, and two different computers to log on to both at the same time, then you can teleport to yourself.

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@otto.5684 said:I even would take it a step further from the OP. I have zero interest in the story. And I really hated that I have to go through ~30 mins to get to the map. Now that it requires going through the whole kitten episode (or what ever the kitten Anet calls them now), it is even less of a reason to play GW2.

It's something that takes roughly 2 hours to complete and then you can do what you want...or you can just not get the Teleport scroll and use the Way Points as they're intended to be used if you don't desire to do the story.

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