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Senior players

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      I noticed quite some time ago of the vast amount of players in the 40+ age range and also many families. I have also noticed how much of the game wasn't geared to those demographics. The game suffered many dumbdowns thru time, which took much fun from the game, us older players like the satisfaction of earning our rewards not exerting token effort for them. Also the story line and characters are pretty cringy, especially the characters.  I have a hard time playing thru, just recently saved the lava dragon and went to CD, (a hated WvW rival). WvW is my main refuge and right now seems to have become somewhat  meh, but still better then PvE.      My point is that Anet needs to maybe consider us old people more and factor that into their decisions.      Well that's my mind, any opinions or ideas u got, lets hear them. Anet might hear them.
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I am in my late 20s and I still find the story predictable and quite bland. And it's disappointing because it's supposed to be one of the biggest selling points of the game. The fact that we are all the chosen commanders doesn't help either. So this is not about the age but preference.As for the general difficulty of earning certain things, yeah, you can say it's the way new games work. However, there are a lot of time sinks here too. I am quite new to the game and when I open my achievements panel I feel completely overwhelmed. There are a ton of things to do here. As for mobs and other things, I do prefer the mobs in HoT because they are more difficult and give a sense of danger.

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@DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:I noticed quite some time ago of the vast amount of players in the 40+ age range and also many families. I have also noticed how much of the game wasn't geared to those demographics. The game suffered many dumbdowns thru time, which took much fun from the game, us older players like the satisfaction of earning our rewards not exerting token effort for them. Also the story line and characters are pretty cringy, especially the characters. I have a hard time playing thru, just recently saved the lava dragon and went to CD, (a hated WvW rival). WvW is my main refuge and right now seems to have become somewhat meh, but still better then PvE. My point is that Anet needs to maybe consider us old people more and factor that into their decisions. Well that's my mind, any opinions or ideas u got, lets hear them. Anet might hear them.

All I see you asking for is1) make the game harder2) make the story more interesting

I don’t think either of these are things that are specific to older people. Making the game harder is more towards a personality type not age as many young people would like the game to be harder and everyone regardless of age would like the story to be more interesting. You might want to add suggestions that are actually for older people so ANet will know how to consider older people in their decisions.

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I am 55, not yet a senior, but I certainly have more days behind me than in front of me ha haI have been playing games since Pong 1976. I would have to say this older player does not agree with your post. Not saying your opinion is wrong, but it does not reflect me at all. I am a very casual gamer, even if I play 3 or 4 hours a day sometimes. There are many things I already cannot do ingame - like jumping puzzles. I simply cannot see them. The "3D" world is very 2D and I cannot see where half the jumps are, or how far I am supposed to go. The critters are mostly good for me. A lot I cannot solo, but that is what groups are for, and plenty for me to do still.

As for the story... I could not care less. No game - ever - had a story that kept my interest. I am an avid reader, but gaming stories have always been lame. Just point me to the monsters and let's go bash em :) This new LW Season is starting out great. Just my style. Some story, but mostly not in the way. Tons of fun events. The loot sucks, but I pretty much sell everything on the trading post, so no worries. I used the keys once to open the vault, the loot sucked, so I will sell the keys for more than the chests contains. It is all good. But I am on my 3rd character in the new area, and still use my first 2 characters for some. The replayability is very nice (and I pay so little attention to the story I cannot come up with the name of the season, or the land ha ha).

I really think GW2 has a good mix for all play types. There PvM (PvE for you youngsters), PvP, WvW, and stories if you want them. My only complaint is how often the talking/videos cannot be skipped. Bad enough to watch that junk once, but on every character? :)

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I agree with those who say that the OP should not be talking for all 40+ people.

Yes, I would love to see more variety in armour and weapon skins. I would be happy if there were more female outfits less focused on sex appeal. However, I am very much content with the story and the overall difficulty level.

I seriously doubt I would play this game if it was more challenging. Real life is the place to seek rewards, at least for me. Games are for relaxation and a healthy dose of escapism.

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@"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:I noticed quite some time ago of the vast amount of players in the 40+ age range and also many families. I have also noticed how much of the game wasn't geared to those demographics.That's a debatable line, Not because you're wrong, but because many people will differently understand how the game isn't geared for that demoghraphics (which only shows that it isn't an uniform demographics at all)

The game suffered many dumbdowns thru time, which took much fun from the game, us older players like the satisfaction of earning our rewards not exerting token effort for them.Correction. I don't know about you, but i liked that when i was way younger, had more energy and more free time to spend on those types of games. Now i just want a laid-back experience. And from what i understand, that kind of attitude is actually more common among old players. Yes, there are those that look back with fond reminiscence at "old, good days of gaming, when we had to work for what we've got, and we were proud of it", but from my experience, even some of those players do not, in fact, want to play those games anymore. Many just think they do, but when given opportunity to do so, they find that they remembered only the good parts, and forgotten the bad ones (and why they stopped playing those games at some point).

Also the story line and characters are pretty cringy, especially the characters. I have a hard time playing thru, just recently saved the lava dragon and went to CD, (a hated WvW rival). WvW is my main refuge and right now seems to have become somewhat meh, but still better then PvE. My point is that Anet needs to maybe consider us old people more and factor that into their decisions. Well that's my mind, any opinions or ideas u got, lets hear them. Anet might hear them.Yes, the storyline could be made more nuanced and complex. Although here i also don't think it is something aimed for only older demographics (unless for "older" you use a very low age cutoff, much, much lower than 40)

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Good counter points, and by the way I am 59. Guess I could have elaborated more. Many events were deemed too hard and dumbed down to hold interest, with the result being a lack of interest as I observed. My observations could be flawed, no one perceives things in the same ways so I apologize for speaking for others. I still do not care f or the story line, nor the characters.

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@DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:Good counter points, and by the way I am 59. Guess I could have elaborated more. Many events were deemed too hard and dumbed down to hold interest, with the result being a lack of interest as I observed. My observations could be flawed, no one perceives things in the same ways so I apologize for speaking for others. I still do not care f or the story line, nor the characters.

Too hard and dumbed down? Sounds a bit contradictory; at least, to me.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:Good counter points, and by the way I am 59. Guess I could have elaborated more. Many events were deemed too hard and dumbed down to hold interest, with the result being a lack of interest as I observed. My observations could be flawed, no one perceives things in the same ways so I apologize for speaking for others. I still do not care f or the story line, nor the characters.

Too hard
dumbed down? Sounds a bit contradictory; at least, to me.

Tsk, Cedo! You don't usually misread :) That line was saying because events were deemed too hard they then were dumbed down, not both at once.

I will weigh in as someone who did the grind stuff years ago and am happy enough for shorter attention span stuff now. I'll be 54 on Monday. I'm happy with the current difficulty level, in part because I like feeling competent at something, heh. I've played a lot these past seven years, so I think some of the sense of the game getting easier lies in me getting better at it. There are definitely parts that are too hard for me, eg Liadri and Turai Ossai or any timed jp that needs precision jumps mostly always to one side (darn you, Clocktower). But the bulk of PvE is within my skill level and I'm good enough at it to be helpful to others that need guidance. I'd be willing to raid with friends, I have raided in the past in WoW and in GW2 and chewing glass is fun. However I don't feel the lack of it in my current play.

I agree that the NPE dumbed down the starter maps too much. Even back in beta and early launch, when I didn't know anything about how the game worked and was stuck in WoW habits, the starter zones were amazing fun discoveries rather than confusing complexities. I still yearn for how they were. Overall, however, the game offers plenty to do and remains engaging for me.

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