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Will Tengu and/or Kodan be playable?

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The only way i think they can implement more races is through the LW and the story of the episode is a flashback of events long past like the Caithe S2 , where the new races start and do the missions as their starting story. So we get the map for everyone some new story steps for everyone and we reuse it so there is no wasted time on more development and on top of that we get new models ( that would probably mean that the episode will have delay like the ones with mounts, but if they teaser trailer it will be ok) .

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@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

Old does not mean invalid. Nothing has changed to make half races fit the lore or the engine to make half races cost effective to create. If nothing else, piling on new code on top of the base code where character creation and armor lie means it’s even trickier to add and change at that level. They can’t even add color options to weapons and backpacks because they’re afraid of literal game breaking bugs nor can they change the personal story to be replayable because of problems with messing with the code at that level. Changing the UI and personal story to allow new races is unlikely for those reasons.

Creation of a new mob/mount isn’t the same as creation of a new playable race that needs to fit the lore and fit the armor, character creation with personal story and the UI.

Stories don’t make things true or even possible. For example, in the real world there are stories about all sorts of creatures but so far no proof (fur found and DNA sampling has been determined to be from known native creatures). Just because the game world might have stories doesn’t mean it’s relevant to the argument here.

That’s a profession, not a race. Not the same and not relevant to the discussion of races/half races as the level of difficulty in adding professions to the game is less than adding new races

To be clear, I don't see a human/norn cross as a new race. They'd be considered humans with norn blood, or norn with human blood. No new story, no new armor, no new anything. It would simply be a matter of a small change to the lore of the game.

I brought it up more as a way of saying "the game changes, and impossible today may be possible tomorrow". At least as far as the story goes.

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@Palador.2170 said:

@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

Old does not mean invalid. Nothing has changed to make half races fit the lore or the engine to make half races cost effective to create. If nothing else, piling on new code on top of the base code where character creation and armor lie means it’s even trickier to add and change at that level. They can’t even add color options to weapons and backpacks because they’re afraid of literal game breaking bugs nor can they change the personal story to be replayable because of problems with messing with the code at that level. Changing the UI and personal story to allow new races is unlikely for those reasons.

Creation of a new mob/mount isn’t the same as creation of a new playable race that needs to fit the lore and fit the armor, character creation with personal story and the UI.

Stories don’t make things true or even possible. For example, in the real world there are stories about all sorts of creatures but so far no proof (fur found and DNA sampling has been determined to be from known native creatures). Just because the game world might have stories doesn’t mean it’s relevant to the argument here.

That’s a profession, not a race. Not the same and not relevant to the discussion of races/half races as the level of difficulty in adding professions to the game is less than adding new races

To be clear, I don't see a human/norn cross as a new race. They'd be considered humans with norn blood, or norn with human blood. No new story, no new armor, no new anything. It would simply be a matter of a small change to the lore of the game.

I brought it up more as a way of saying "the game changes, and impossible today may be possible tomorrow". At least as far as the story goes.

So you’re saying they look identical to a core race but with a backstory of mixed heritage? If so, why not just roleplay it?

Edit: One way to get around some problems is an outfit that changes you to another mixed or new race. It will lock you into that outfit while wearing it so you can’t show your armor and everyone wearing it would look the same but a new race outfit would allow new races without causing possible game breaking bugs.

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a new race can still start with it's own PS and doesn't really need the orders (since that part doesn't affect anything else but access to exclusive skins we can get trough other races anyway), a race that starts at lvl 60 and 2 new areas can be of some use.however, i really hope they will never ever add the tengu, that race has no place in GW2 and especially not playable.

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@sorudo.9054 said:a new race can still start with it's own PS and doesn't really need the orders (since that part doesn't affect anything else but access to exclusive skins we can get trough other races anyway), a race that starts at lvl 60 and 2 new areas can be of some use.however, i really hope they will never ever add the tengu, that race has no place in GW2 and especially not playable.

Tengu in the domain, and tengu in the jungle.

Tengu all over Tyria.

More place than skirt, asura, or plant people.

Tengu have been in game since prophecies.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:a new race can still start with it's own PS and doesn't really need the orders (since that part doesn't affect anything else but access to exclusive skins we can get trough other races anyway), a race that starts at lvl 60 and 2 new areas can be of some use.however, i really hope they will never ever add the tengu, that race has no place in GW2 and especially not playable.

Tengu in the domain, and tengu in the jungle.

Tengu all over Tyria.

More place than skirt, asura, or plant people.

Tengu have been in game since prophecies.

i have bin in tyria before tengu was even a friendly option, doesn't make it any more likely i would ever want them playable nor does it make it any more useful for GW2.also, if tengu is so loved, why is my other threat being talked down even while it was about a moa skin, the one creature truly all over tyria. (there are no tengu in elona or anywhere in northern tyria)

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:a new race can still start with it's own PS and doesn't really need the orders (since that part doesn't affect anything else but access to exclusive skins we can get trough other races anyway), a race that starts at lvl 60 and 2 new areas can be of some use.however, i really hope they will never ever add the tengu, that race has no place in GW2 and especially not playable.

Tengu in the domain, and tengu in the jungle.

Tengu all over Tyria.

More place than skirt, asura, or plant people.

Tengu have been in game since prophecies.

i have bin in tyria before tengu was even a friendly option, doesn't make it any more likely i would ever want them playable nor does it make it any more useful for GW2.also, if tengu is so loved, why is my other threat being talked down even while it was about a moa skin, the one creature truly all over tyria. (there are no tengu in elona or anywhere in northern tyria)

Because people on the forums take great pleasure in shooting ideas down, often using the excuse "better uses for other/better content".

Luckily, despite their arrogance they are largely ignored by the dev's just like any other requester.

So keep throwing coins into the well and keep making wishes, they might pop up one day.

For example, never mounts.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:a new race can still start with it's own PS and doesn't really need the orders (since that part doesn't affect anything else but access to exclusive skins we can get trough other races anyway), a race that starts at lvl 60 and 2 new areas can be of some use.however, i really hope they will never ever add the tengu, that race has no place in GW2 and especially not playable.

Tengu in the domain, and tengu in the jungle.

Tengu all over Tyria.

More place than skirt, asura, or plant people.

Tengu have been in game since prophecies.

i have bin in tyria before tengu was even a friendly option, doesn't make it any more likely i would ever want them playable nor does it make it any more useful for GW2.also, if tengu is so loved, why is my other threat being talked down even while it was about a moa skin, the one creature truly all over tyria. (there are no tengu in elona or anywhere in northern tyria)

Because people on the forums take great pleasure in shooting ideas down, often using the excuse "better uses for other/better content".

Luckily, despite their arrogance they are largely ignored by the dev's just like any other requester.

So keep throwing coins into the well and keep making wishes, they might pop up one day.

For example, never mounts.

This happens to be a topic where it is the devs who have repeatedly said “no new races” and “better uses for other/better content.” I think the devs would know, which means it’s these requests that the devs are ignoring.

As for mounts the devs said not at launch. They left it open if mounts could be added later.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:a new race can still start with it's own PS and doesn't really need the orders (since that part doesn't affect anything else but access to exclusive skins we can get trough other races anyway), a race that starts at lvl 60 and 2 new areas can be of some use.however, i really hope they will never ever add the tengu, that race has no place in GW2 and especially not playable.

Tengu in the domain, and tengu in the jungle.

Tengu all over Tyria.

More place than skirt, asura, or plant people.

Tengu have been in game since prophecies.

i have bin in tyria before tengu was even a friendly option, doesn't make it any more likely i would ever want them playable nor does it make it any more useful for GW2.also, if tengu is so loved, why is my other threat being talked down even while it was about a moa skin, the one creature truly all over tyria. (there are no tengu in elona or anywhere in northern tyria)

Because people on the forums take great pleasure in shooting ideas down, often using the excuse "better uses for other/better content".

Luckily, despite their arrogance they are largely ignored by the dev's just like any other requester.

So keep throwing coins into the well and keep making wishes, they might pop up one day.

For example, never mounts.

This happens to be a topic where it is the devs who have repeatedly said “no new races” and “better uses for other/better content.” I think the devs would know, which means it’s these requests that the devs are ignoring.

As for mounts the devs said not at launch. They left it open if mounts could be added later.

I dont have any expectations from GW2.

But I recall that it was "unlikely" versus just a no.

But, realistically, I dont expect there will be anything else beyond new mounts/skins, sagas, and gemstone updates for the game.

From what i gather the supply drop packages (the fake subs) as some have pointed out are pretty successful.

Most players seem satisfied with this model, and that is probably why ncsoft,anet, and their leadership have put that into full focus.

That is a relief for me, because as long as the servers are on and I log in every so often, all the new content will be free for me.

Before a new race, I'd prefer an overhaul to the competitive game modes.

Seeing how soon that is going to happen, I can concede "never in life" to new races for gw2.

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@"SinisterSlay.6973" said:Could be easily corrected. Some asuran scientist figured it out.

That's plain disgusting. I don't want to even think about how such hybrids came to be, even if it was "by natural means" (or especially if it was by natural means... :s ).

-edit: make the scientist want gems to unlock the race for your account.

No, thank you. I'd prefer actual new playable races, like Koda, Centaurs, Tengu etc.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"SinisterSlay.6973" said:Could be easily corrected. Some asuran scientist figured it out.

That's plain disgusting. I don't want to even think about how such hybrids came to be, even if it was "by natural means" (or especially if it was by natural means... :s ).

-edit: make the scientist want gems to unlock the race for your account.

No, thank you. I'd prefer actual new playable races, like Koda, Centaurs, Tengu etc.

That won't ever happen.

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:They could probably make sub races. Like a mix of char and human, then you choose which town you were born, and that picks which personally story you get. Everything else is duplicated. So it's literally just a slightly modified character model with horns or claws or something.

This should only be effort for the graphics designers.

Not possible. They can't breed. Also they've never been seen in the world before.Besides, creating half breed models and animations is as much work as creating a new race altogether.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

Old does not mean invalid. Nothing has changed to make half races fit the lore or the engine to make half races cost effective to create. If nothing else, piling on new code on top of the base code where character creation and armor lie means it’s even trickier to add and change at that level. They can’t even add color options to weapons and backpacks because they’re afraid of literal game breaking bugs nor can they change the personal story to be replayable because of problems with messing with the code at that level. Changing the UI and personal story to allow new races is unlikely for those reasons.

Creation of a new mob/mount isn’t the same as creation of a new playable race that needs to fit the lore and fit the armor, character creation with personal story and the UI.

Stories don’t make things true or even possible. For example, in the real world there are stories about all sorts of creatures but so far no proof (fur found and DNA sampling has been determined to be from known native creatures). Just because the game world might have stories doesn’t mean it’s relevant to the argument here.

That’s a profession, not a race. Not the same and not relevant to the discussion of races/half races as the level of difficulty in adding professions to the game is less than adding new races

To be clear, I don't see a human/norn cross as a new race. They'd be considered humans with norn blood, or norn with human blood. No new story, no new armor, no new anything. It would simply be a matter of a small change to the lore of the game.

I brought it up more as a way of saying "the game changes, and impossible today may be possible tomorrow". At least as far as the story goes.

So you’re saying they look identical to a core race but with a backstory of mixed heritage? If so, why not just roleplay it?

Edit: One way to get around some problems is an outfit that changes you to another mixed or new race. It will lock you into that outfit while wearing it so you can’t show your armor and everyone wearing it would look the same but a new race outfit would allow new races without causing possible game breaking bugs.

Not outfits, you mean combat tonics.We already have a few for Kodan, Awakened, etc.Even the Ohlmakan sand elemental.We just need a Tengu tonic, now

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

Old does not mean invalid. Nothing has changed to make half races fit the lore or the engine to make half races cost effective to create. If nothing else, piling on new code on top of the base code where character creation and armor lie means it’s even trickier to add and change at that level. They can’t even add color options to weapons and backpacks because they’re afraid of literal game breaking bugs nor can they change the personal story to be replayable because of problems with messing with the code at that level. Changing the UI and personal story to allow new races is unlikely for those reasons.

Creation of a new mob/mount isn’t the same as creation of a new playable race that needs to fit the lore and fit the armor, character creation with personal story and the UI.

Stories don’t make things true or even possible. For example, in the real world there are stories about all sorts of creatures but so far no proof (fur found and DNA sampling has been determined to be from known native creatures). Just because the game world might have stories doesn’t mean it’s relevant to the argument here.

That’s a profession, not a race. Not the same and not relevant to the discussion of races/half races as the level of difficulty in adding professions to the game is less than adding new races

To be clear, I don't see a human/norn cross as a new race. They'd be considered humans with norn blood, or norn with human blood. No new story, no new armor, no new anything. It would simply be a matter of a small change to the lore of the game.

I brought it up more as a way of saying "the game changes, and impossible today may be possible tomorrow". At least as far as the story goes.

So you’re saying they look identical to a core race but with a backstory of mixed heritage? If so, why not just roleplay it?

Edit: One way to get around some problems is an outfit that changes you to another mixed or new race. It will lock you into that outfit while wearing it so you can’t show your armor and everyone wearing it would look the same but a new race outfit would allow new races without causing possible game breaking bugs.

Not outfits, you mean combat tonics.We already have a few for Kodan, Awakened, etc.Even the Ohlmakan sand elemental.We just need a Tengu tonic, now

No, I meant outfit. We know an outfit can change your body. Just check out a Raiment of the Lich outfit. It changes the legs to the legs of a goat. An outfit could change your entire body to something completely different, such as another race.

[Raiment of the Lich]

The advantages of an outfit versus a tonic is that not only can it be used in combat like a tonic, it can be used while mounted and the armor can be dyed, giving some individuality, and it won’t disappear if you waypoint to another map.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

Old does not mean invalid. Nothing has changed to make half races fit the lore or the engine to make half races cost effective to create. If nothing else, piling on new code on top of the base code where character creation and armor lie means it’s even trickier to add and change at that level. They can’t even add color options to weapons and backpacks because they’re afraid of literal game breaking bugs nor can they change the personal story to be replayable because of problems with messing with the code at that level. Changing the UI and personal story to allow new races is unlikely for those reasons.

Creation of a new mob/mount isn’t the same as creation of a new playable race that needs to fit the lore and fit the armor, character creation with personal story and the UI.

Stories don’t make things true or even possible. For example, in the real world there are stories about all sorts of creatures but so far no proof (fur found and DNA sampling has been determined to be from known native creatures). Just because the game world might have stories doesn’t mean it’s relevant to the argument here.

That’s a profession, not a race. Not the same and not relevant to the discussion of races/half races as the level of difficulty in adding professions to the game is less than adding new races

To be clear, I don't see a human/norn cross as a new race. They'd be considered humans with norn blood, or norn with human blood. No new story, no new armor, no new anything. It would simply be a matter of a small change to the lore of the game.

I brought it up more as a way of saying "the game changes, and impossible today may be possible tomorrow". At least as far as the story goes.

So you’re saying they look identical to a core race but with a backstory of mixed heritage? If so, why not just roleplay it?

Edit: One way to get around some problems is an outfit that changes you to another mixed or new race. It will lock you into that outfit while wearing it so you can’t show your armor and everyone wearing it would look the same but a new race outfit would allow new races without causing possible game breaking bugs.

Not outfits, you mean combat tonics.We already have a few for Kodan, Awakened, etc.Even the Ohlmakan sand elemental.We just need a Tengu tonic, now

No, I meant outfit. We know an outfit can change your body. Just check out a Raiment of the Lich outfit. It changes the legs to the legs of a goat. An outfit could change your entire body to something completely different, such as another race.

The advantages of an outfit versus a tonic is that not only can it be used in combat like a tonic, it can be used while mounted and the armor can be dyed, giving some individuality, and it won’t disappear if you waypoint to another map.

The mounting is a good point, give you that. Tonics don't disappear if you waypoint. Report a bug if it happens.But they do disappear if you die.All the more reason for anet to fix the tonics so they can be used more widespread

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

Old does not mean invalid. Nothing has changed to make half races fit the lore or the engine to make half races cost effective to create. If nothing else, piling on new code on top of the base code where character creation and armor lie means it’s even trickier to add and change at that level. They can’t even add color options to weapons and backpacks because they’re afraid of literal game breaking bugs nor can they change the personal story to be replayable because of problems with messing with the code at that level. Changing the UI and personal story to allow new races is unlikely for those reasons.

Creation of a new mob/mount isn’t the same as creation of a new playable race that needs to fit the lore and fit the armor, character creation with personal story and the UI.

Stories don’t make things true or even possible. For example, in the real world there are stories about all sorts of creatures but so far no proof (fur found and DNA sampling has been determined to be from known native creatures). Just because the game world might have stories doesn’t mean it’s relevant to the argument here.

That’s a profession, not a race. Not the same and not relevant to the discussion of races/half races as the level of difficulty in adding professions to the game is less than adding new races

To be clear, I don't see a human/norn cross as a new race. They'd be considered humans with norn blood, or norn with human blood. No new story, no new armor, no new anything. It would simply be a matter of a small change to the lore of the game.

I brought it up more as a way of saying "the game changes, and impossible today may be possible tomorrow". At least as far as the story goes.

So you’re saying they look identical to a core race but with a backstory of mixed heritage? If so, why not just roleplay it?

Edit: One way to get around some problems is an outfit that changes you to another mixed or new race. It will lock you into that outfit while wearing it so you can’t show your armor and everyone wearing it would look the same but a new race outfit would allow new races without causing possible game breaking bugs.

Not outfits, you mean combat tonics.We already have a few for Kodan, Awakened, etc.Even the Ohlmakan sand elemental.We just need a Tengu tonic, now

No, I meant outfit. We know an outfit can change your body. Just check out a Raiment of the Lich outfit. It changes the legs to the legs of a goat. An outfit could change your entire body to something completely different, such as another race.

The advantages of an outfit versus a tonic is that not only can it be used in combat like a tonic, it can be used while mounted and the armor can be dyed, giving some individuality, and it won’t disappear
if you waypoint to another map.

The mounting is a good point, give you that. Tonics don't disappear if you waypoint. Report a bug if it happens.But they do disappear if you die.All the more reason for anet to fix the tonics so they can be used more widespread

If you waypoint within the same map they stay but if you waypoint to another map they disappear. I checked. I used an infinite tonic and jumped to the Mistlock Sanctuary and the tonic was removed.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

No, I meant outfit. We know an outfit can change your body. Just check out a Raiment of the Lich outfit. It changes the legs to the legs of a goat. An outfit could change your entire body to something completely different, such as another race.

The advantages of an outfit versus a tonic is that not only can it be used in combat like a tonic, it can be used while mounted and the armor can be dyed, giving some individuality, and it won’t disappear if you waypoint to another map.

The disadvantage is that you keep your base size. You'd have tengu (or whatever race) ranging in size from the smallest of asura to the biggest of norn.

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@Palador.2170 said:

No, I meant outfit. We know an outfit can change your body. Just check out a Raiment of the Lich outfit. It changes the legs to the legs of a goat. An outfit could change your entire body to something completely different, such as another race.

The advantages of an outfit versus a tonic is that not only can it be used in combat like a tonic, it can be used while mounted and the armor can be dyed, giving some individuality, and it won’t disappear if you waypoint to another map.

The disadvantage is that you keep your base size. You'd have tengu (or whatever race) ranging in size from the smallest of asura to the biggest of

Maybe, but how do you know that? How do you know an outfit won’t replace your body with a body of a different size?

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@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:Maybe, but how do you know that? How do you know an outfit won’t replace your body with a body of a different size?

Because the items that do that are transformation tonics. I don't think they'd make them full on transformations if they didn't need to, so that's what the size change calls for.

And yes, a wide range of sizes for a "new" race could be interesting, but it would have to be a race that's not of a limited size range in pre-existing lore. We know adult Tengu are not supposed to be asura small, for example, so it wouldn't be right for them. Or for Skritt, when a huge norn puts on the outfit. (And don't forget, outfits allow the use of the growth and shrinking potions too, so that can make it even worse.)

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