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Uh oh with the amount of cry threads about thief theres prolly more "balance" incoming

I could care less about the dead garbage that is pvp, the problem is the "balance" keeps seeping into pve and impacts walking around and slapping monsters.

GW1 had thousands of skills and a bazillion combinations due to the class system (and healthy pvp for a long time) but now its apparently impossible to properly balance or even just split about 50 skills of 8 or so fixed classes.

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I didnt realize thieves were an issue? Their only good role is +1, losing to a staff thief is hilariously bad and DE are 90% of the time an easy kill, unless of course you have no projectile hate, can't LOS, or can't dodge. If your dying to DE pistol whip spam it means carry a stun break and stop dodging for mobility... The amount of fights I win is hilariously high cause people always dodge roll way to early...

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lul the only reeason why there were so many thief builds is because they decided for some reason to bring back condi thief and acro staff, both are unhealthy for the game and it has been proven that the community DOESN'T LIKE THEM AT ALL, why would they bring them back? probably because they have a hamster working in the pvp section.

"Deadeye thieves" literally only ddbuf played de, and sind played dp for some reason which didn't do that much. everybody else was playing condi thief and acro staff, only few were playing s/d core.

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@"Elxdark.9702" said:lul the only reeason why there were so many thief builds is because they decided for some reason to bring back condi thief and acro staff, both are unhealthy for the game and it has been proven that the community DOESN'T LIKE THEM AT ALL, why would they bring them back? probably because they have a hamster working in the pvp section.

"Deadeye thieves" literally only ddbuf played de, and sind played dp for some reason which didn't do that much. everybody else was playing condi thief and acro staff, only few were playing s/d core.

Maybe the brought them back cuz playing power s/d for yrs gets very boring. More viable builds the better and thief is no exception. Few are playing power s/d cuz they've been already playing that build for yrs lol

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Acro staff is horrible. Horrible for this game. As for thief in general. It blows in solo q but is very powerful in terms of map control and overall effectiveness when used as a coordinated team.

However .01% of the pvp population takes Teamplay competitive in gw2 seriously so it won’t get nerfed.

Just move on Flandre

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Elxdark.9702" said:lul the only reeason why there were so many thief builds is because they decided for some reason to bring back condi thief and acro staff, both are unhealthy for the game and it has been proven that the community DOESN'T LIKE THEM AT ALL, why would they bring them back? probably because they have a hamster working in the pvp section.

"Deadeye thieves" literally only ddbuf played de, and sind played dp for some reason which didn't do that much. everybody else was playing condi thief and acro staff, only few were playing s/d core.

Maybe the brought them back cuz playing power s/d for yrs gets very boring. More viable builds the better and thief is no exception. Few are playing power s/d cuz they've been already playing that build for yrs lol

i would rather play s/d thief forever than playing acro staff or condi thief, literally cancer.dp died for this? to play freaking 2 buttons spam builds???

this community have a weird concept of more viable builds equal good balance or better balance, in paper it sounds good but when you have a clueless team like Anet doing the balance then it's not good because there's the chance of creating these abominations.

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"you can play basically anything""most broken mechanics and survivability""most classes aren't even able to fight you""can disengage every fight for free""get rewarded for bad play"

That's so much uninformed bullshit in one place that I give up in advance, have at it sheep.

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@Elxdark.9702 said:

@Elxdark.9702 said:lul the only reeason why there were so many thief builds is because they decided for some reason to bring back condi thief and acro staff, both are unhealthy for the game and it has been proven that the community DOESN'T LIKE THEM AT ALL, why would they bring them back? probably because they have a hamster working in the pvp section.

"Deadeye thieves" literally only ddbuf played de, and sind played dp for some reason which didn't do that much. everybody else was playing condi thief and acro staff, only few were playing s/d core.

Maybe the brought them back cuz playing power s/d for yrs gets very boring. More viable builds the better and thief is no exception. Few are playing power s/d cuz they've been already playing that build for yrs lol

i would rather play s/d thief forever than playing acro staff or condi thief, literally cancer.dp died for this? to play freaking 2 buttons spam builds???

this community have a weird concept of more viable builds equal good balance or better balance, in paper it sounds good but when you have a clueless team like Anet doing the balance then it's not good because there's the chance of creating these abominations.

Well that's ur preference and opinion which is more than fine and needs no justification as its ur opinion. I for one am glad theres a strong-ish power s/d build, condi build and a staff build for thief that are strong enough to be considered meta although staff falls bit short on that. I myself believe power s/d, d/p and d/d are actually in need of buffs to have a decent spot in today's version if nerfing alot of the powercreep was not to happen that is.

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@"Alatar.7364" said:"you can play basically anything""most broken mechanics and survivability""most classes aren't even able to fight you""can disengage every fight for free""get rewarded for bad play"

That's so much uninformed kitten in one place that I give up in advance, have at it sheep.

It's just another biased I don't like thief thread full of useless statements full of hyperbole. One of many.

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I want to break this down since there are valid points in the OPs post.

@"Flandre.2870" said:Relevant through every single meta

This depends on the build and who's using it. In general, not all Thief can play meta build and often tweaked to support their playstyle. This make each Thief build unique for the player instead of have a general build called meta. The reason for the tweak is proof that the Thief is not "relevant through every single meta" and there are times that Thief would be a very bad pick.

with the most broken mechanics and survivability out of any class.

This is simply not true. Compare to the Guardian who can save themselves and others at the same time, Thieves struggles to even save themselves.

Last monthly we had 5 different thief builds in semi finals (D/p daredeveil, s/d core, deadeye s/p rifle, condi daredevil, staff daredevil). It's time to gut shortbow 5 and sword2 insane mobility so that people aren't always and forever forced to take a thief. You did it to mesmer portal, why not do it to thief? Especially since the class dominates the gamemode and is the only class where you can play basically everythign due to how stupid the class mechanics are. Most builds like revs build variety is one rune swap. Sword2 gives you insaene advanmtage, most calsses aren't able to even fight you since it's the most consistent over-the-wall skill in the game and you can force easy decaps by placing it between the points.

I have to say that you have a valid point here. I, myself, do not like watching Thieves as a decap +1 profession. It's degrading to the profession to act as a gopher (errand boy). For a different reasoning from yours, I want to see Thieves more invested in team fights. Also, I do agree that something has to be done with SB#5. Shadowstep has 50s CD while SB#5 has 6s CD that can be used twice in a row at full Initiative. There was a discussion about SB#5, but I don't think there has been a solution to this issue.

However, I disagree with your point about Sword#2. Infiltrator Return only last 15s thus the Thief has to find the balance to pull off what you have described. That required high level skill and experience to know where to place return and when to return. Besides, locking Sword#2 to Infiltrator's Return means that the Thief have sacrificed access to Infiltrator's Strike for a short window of tactical advantage. Also there is a risk that the Thief placed the return point on the opposite side of the map which is an acceptable trade off for what benefit the skill provides.

Shortbow5 needs lots of extra initiative or you are able to disengage every fight for free and get get rewarded for yor bad play with decaps due to unmatched mobility. tldr: thief broken

Although I agree that SB#5 needs to be addressed, but if the Thief failed at decap, doesn't that mean you keep your node? How is that a reward for the Thief?

Even though Thief has high mobility, it is by no means unmatched. IMO, seeing Thief in the matches again is a good thing. Seeing the Thief as a gopher really irritates me. The decap +1 role has to die.

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@"GRRRR.3521" said:Uh oh with the amount of cry threads about thief theres prolly more "balance" incoming

I could care less about the dead garbage that is pvp, the problem is the "balance" keeps seeping into pve and impacts walking around and slapping monsters.

GW1 had thousands of skills and a bazillion combinations due to the class system (and healthy pvp for a long time) but now its apparently impossible to properly balance or even just split about 50 skills of 8 or so fixed classes.

PvE is the reason why condis are so broken in PvP/WvW.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:Hate to say it but i dont agree.

Frustration level vs Condi thief 7/10Frustration level vs Power evade/staff thief 6/10Frustration level vs Perma stealth thief 8.5/10Frustration level vs Sage mantra firebrand 10/10Frustration level vs Any form of staff / scepter mirage 12/10

This as far as my frustrations seems close. staff DD being OP is just lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:Hate to say it but i dont agree.

Frustration level vs Condi thief 7/10Frustration level vs Power evade/staff thief 6/10Frustration level vs Perma stealth thief 8.5/10Frustration level vs Sage mantra firebrand 10/10Frustration level vs Any form of staff / scepter mirage 12/10

This as far as my frustrations seems close. staff DD being OP is just lol

annoying? YesOp hardly.

To be frank with you there are warriors out there who dodge almost just as much as daredevils do and can dishout more damage and hold more pressure on you while doing it with stronger cc's and abetter blocking skill to boot.

We can agree to disagree ;)

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:Hate to say it but i dont agree.

Frustration level vs Condi thief 7/10Frustration level vs Power evade/staff thief 6/10Frustration level vs Perma stealth thief 8.5/10Frustration level vs Sage mantra firebrand 10/10Frustration level vs Any form of staff / scepter mirage 12/10

This as far as my frustrations seems close. staff DD being OP is just lol

annoying? YesOp hardly.

To be frank with you there are warriors out there who dodge almost just as much as daredevils do and can dishout more damage and hold more pressure on you while doing it with stronger cc's and abetter blocking skill to boot.

We can agree to disagree ;)

I think u quoted wrong person as I was agreeing with u. Or u miss understood my post.

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