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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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23 hours ago, Crossbones.3106 said:

Inculpatus cedo.9234 posted 

Another possible troubleshooting thing to try: place 'Content Streaming' on Max in 'Options'.

Good luck.




Will give this a try and see if it works. I'll update soon with results.

Update: I successfully played through the episode in the Tomb of Primeval Kings, and the following one in the Mists to contact Kormir. No disconnects from them, but I'll have to continue playing further into the storyline to see what happens.

Update 2: Been playing through the storyline just fine now. No disconnects or crashes. That might just be the fix for some people.

Update 3: Disregard 2nd update, just got all the way to the end of To Kill A God and disconnected at the end. I'm so sick of this game crashing on me, I'm not playing any story until they fix this problem. I'm actually beyond angry at this point.

They NEED to implement an auto-save or some kind of checkpoint save during episode instances in the event of a disconnect so it doesn't erase all your progress! And some of these episodes take 15-30 minutes to complete.

Edited by Caitybee.3614
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... yup, another tiresome quest reset because of a last-minute disconnect. Happens always at the same moment, just when you've finished the main part. I didn't find any ArenaNet posts regarding this topic. Guess they don't give a toss? Suggestion: if you're not able to build a stable client, just introduce permanent checkpoints within the quests, so we can pick up from where we got booted. (This is just blowing off steam, because I don't think this will be read by the people that actually can do something about it...)

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On 12/29/2021 at 11:56 AM, hadesgangster.1963 said:

Guys if u got a Disconnect in Stories change your Grafic Quality to high and the disconnects are gone. If you play on Middle or Low Quali u get Disconnects i dont know why but yeah that works.


I'd rather not blow up my PC just for the story to work, if that even does. They need to fix these issues before EoD comes out or they can expect a LOT of angry tickets.

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1 hour ago, Perfido.7869 said:

... yup, another tiresome quest reset because of a last-minute disconnect. Happens always at the same moment, just when you've finished the main part. I didn't find any ArenaNet posts regarding this topic. Guess they don't give a toss? Suggestion: if you're not able to build a stable client, just introduce permanent checkpoints within the quests, so we can pick up from where we got booted. (This is just blowing off steam, because I don't think this will be read by the people that actually can do something about it...)

You will find one, or more, in this very thread. 

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hello all,

i am relative new to the game but i already experienced several disconnects in the main story too. just some minutes ago it hit me hard in the path-of-fire story where i wanted to go to ammnan. i too have to begin new with these story....


i agree with you, perfido.7869! we really need checkpoints in all of the storylines! so please, guild-wars-dev-team.... put them in! it really is frustrating to get a disconnect in the middle of the story!

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Honestly this is so disappointing. 

I came back after playing the game at launch wanting to get back into Guild wars 2, but this problem is so persistent that I've had to quit again.

I was thinking of buying the expansions as well but after seeing that this problem isn't being addressed at all, at least publicly, I've decided It's just not worth it.


Skipping all cutscenes does work but I'm playing the story for well... the story so I don't see that as a real solution. I've tried almost every other suggested fix as well to no avail.

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Been researching around because I've been experiencing this same issue (disconnects after completing a story mission) and just wanted to comment that I'm in the same boat. I've been playing since launch and have always had this problem. In that time span I've; replaced machines, replaced modems, changed ISPs, moved to different houses, and the only constant I can rely on is that I'll have to repeat story missions in GW2. Obviously I didn't do all of these things to try to 'fix' the issue - I just wanted to demonstrate that no amount of troubleshooting or changing things around will fix this problem. It is clearly a software issue that has not been fixed after all of these years.


Guess I'll do this hour long icebrood sage quest AGAIN.

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I'm so sick seeing so many people are having this issue, and so many people are giving Anet some suggestions to implement. Such as certain checkpoints into a story instance. I understand it's a whole process to implement, but come on Anet. It's been around for so long people complaining about this.. 

You're losing a lot of (new) gamers due to this. Simply because it's a waste of time doing all you're instances over and over again.

I'm calling it too; not playing this stupid game anymore. Don't have the time for it.

Such a shame Anet..

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This is one of the reasons I gave up on the "Return to-" achievements in Thunderhead Peaks and been spending majority of my time in FFXIV instead. The story missions keep kicking me the moment I reach the end. 

I came back to try Crystal Dragon but still kicks me to character selection right as the ending cutscene finishes every time I tried it. 

It's infuriating that I can't just log back in at same spot like GW1 allowed.

It finally let me through after attempting multiple things mentioned throughout thread at once:

-Deleting GW2 appdata folder
-Not allowing launcher to remember username/password so it doesn't generate extra appdata file
-Changing streaming from On Demand to Max
-Leaving settings on High
-Spamming mouse clicks and keyboard keys during cutscene

So dunno which worked but something did.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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I wasn't going to post anything but this is soooo upsetting. I've been traying to do the "Hidden arcana" part of LWS2 (which has a terrible playability tbh), and everytime I've come close to finish it , the game loses the connection and I got kicked out of the instance. While it is true that a "bad connection" (which only applies to gw2 btw) is not anet foult, it is their foult that the instance doesn't save the progress already made. Like this is so basic.


You ain't gonna do anything so whatever, I just needed to say it.


(Btw, well job on messing up the war with the new specialization... is just ridiculous)

Edited by Chaarliee.2307
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Seriously, I am raging mad currently

Doing last instance personal story on alt account.

Disconnected after defeating the Mouth, over halfway in...


Come ON ArenaNet... this is UNACCEPTABLE!

I cannot believe that you are unwilling to go back in, and at least put in checkpoints to reduce our frustration for these disconects

The last instance, the dungeon one, is a long one... to play it and constantly be affraid to disconnect knowing that zero progress is saved is something I am getting tired of.

I am seriously on the verge of being done with any form of story, despite how good it is... 

It is... WAY too frustrating to do instances from scratch. It is unacceptable in this day and age to let your old content fade away this badly... This is part of the core game, what is suppose to entice people to pay you for more. Yet the experience is below par, and completely ignored. 

If I wasa a new player and this happens to me... 2 disconnects so far... and start from the VERY beginning every time, I would not feel enticed to get my wallet out for expansion. 

I love this game, but currently I am so dissapointed that I seriously consider to X out for a while. To complete personal story I have to go in again... but every fiber in me screams no.

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Here is another one:

City of Hope, Heart of Thorns.

Not only does this instance, without warning, steal your food buffs, it has ZERO checkpoints.

I did all 3 trials... including the tormenting bunny one...

And right before I place the egg "Disconnected" 

And guess how much progress was saved... 


Gotta to this ENTIRE instance again. 

Considering for how long this has been on the forums, and considering that so many people have issues and complain about lack of checkpoints, it is mindboggling to me, why they never were installed. There is no excuse to just let your older content die off like that. There is no reason (specially not in an instance with several loading screens) that there are no checkpoints.

I am starting to think that this game is End of Dragons only. Rest is forgotten and neglected.


People will have issues with connection. That is inevitable... disconnects will happen. The LEAST we can expect is checkpoints. Because running lengthy instances from the start - specially when you were so close to the end - is tormenting.

Edit: Did it twice now, and this time disconnected at the very very end. After placing the egg.

Edited by Tuna Bandit.3786
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I've been trying to do all the stories on a new account recently. Before this I played when there wasn't even a a single expansion out, so long time ago. Did mostly WvW back than, hated Orr when it came out 🙂

In the past weeks, on this new account where I do all the stories, I am stuck at killing Zaithan, right after defeating the Eye, as so many others have mentioned for years on end now.


I also had to do Mordremoth over and over, even got booted from leaving the instance after I got thrown in the air too high and simply couldn't fall fast enough down to enter the instance again. The other dc's were again at the same marks others have mentioned here for years.

In Path of Fire I am dc'ing at 'The Departed', after defeating the devourer, while listening to Joko's proposition. Same as others...

I did several of these with streaming maxed, highest settings, and a lot of other utterly random suggestions that seem to help at times, but no one actually knows why.

This thread is years old by now, not one or two.
How this remains unadressed is beyond me, it really really is.

It has gotten me so incredibly frustrated and gutted, I either want to throw my computer out of the window, or the game...

Three main stories, and I was able to finish one after repeated tries. I am NOT going through that for the other ones.
Zaithan unfinished, and stuck at The Departed. So much for doing the stories, I guess.
Without checkpoints these bits are simply too long to keep 'trying out solutions that might work'.

I'm lost here, I truly am. 
These segments are so incredibly long, that I really have no enjoyment whatsoever of repeating them over and over, without knowing if something will work this time around, or not.


Edited by Wiggely.7320
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Yeah, tried to do LWS2 story instance "disturbance in brisban wildlands". While I was done with all the mobs and the NPCs were talking, I get kicked to character select screen with the infuriating error code 7:11:3:202:101. This time setting a heal skill on autocast didn't save me. Server ip was 


Seriously I can semiafk on open world maps like 24h and never get disconnected. But no, when I enter a instance I get kicked unless I spam skills nonstop. I can't do large part of the game because of this silly bs. I'm kinda done.

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Just went through a very long celestial challenge start to finish for daily only to be random booped to character selection without warning or error the moment the chest spawned. guess it's back and here to stay after all the fix attempts.

edit: Uh wtf? When I checked my settings it shows "content streaming" set back to idle~ something I certainly never did myself as one of the fixes I tried was putting it to Max. If that's why it returned, idk.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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I just wanted to share how much fun I've been having helping friends with the story.

The other night we did that descent into the volcano in Draconis Mons.  Everything worked fine up until the final fight, at which point the dogs became immortal and stopped responding to the mechanics as they're supposed to.  Reset. 

Okay, this time the dogs didn't bug out and we were able to complete the fight.  Oh, but wait!  We aren't able to interact to initiate the final sequence.  Reset.

Third time's a charm.  We finally finished it.  Really cool and enjoyable, let me tell you.

Tonight we did the instance with Vlast.  We really enjoyed the rapidly shifting boundaries and green areas.  I only got kicked out of the instance one time because where I was standing suddenly became a no-go zone.  Really great design there.

Then we get to the top of the plateau and I guess because we didn't take the stairs and instead used our mounts to hop up, it failed to trigger the next sequence.  But of course it indicates that you should interact with Balthazar anyway and he has a green star over his head, but you can't interact with him.  That is until you walk over to the stairs and it triggers the boundary to shift again (hope you weren't standing outside of it!).

Add this kind of garbage to the numerous story mode disconnects and other stupidity.  Seriously, ANet, I doubt you could design these instances to be more annoying if you set out with that as your goal.  Just...why?  Absolutely hate it and I don't understand it.  Thanks for listening.  /rant

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I'm playing on US server from Norway and i have never gotten disconnected on a single quest or in the game at all.

But my girlfriend who lives in US is getting them constantly and it's EXTREMELY annoying and time consuming.

Arenanet needs to fix this immediately. It's been a concurrent issue for 4-5 years now. I get the feeling that you put a lot of effort and heart into your game, please put effort into maintaining it.

Edited by Achaius.2754
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Receiving this message right after defeating Almorra at the end of Darkrime Delves mission. It get's through the end cinematic and instead of continuing on in disconnects back to character selection with this error. Have tried multiple times and it does it ever single time.  

The message states "The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. 

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