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New Hairstyles Soon?™


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@Josiah.2967 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I think the only way they can make a profit from new hairstyles is to change the current system.

1.) You can unlock hairstyles with gems. Once unlocked you can use them on any character and change the color whenever you want like an outfit.2.) Current style kits continue to work; however, they only allow you to access the current hair styles. There is a TAB for the new exclusive hairstyles you can buy with gems.

I know to many people with stacks of style change kits. I would buy some of the new exclusive ones; heck, I would even buy my favorite current one to bypass the current system and use an outfit type tab. This means profit they are not getting now.

Of course they stack them, not like there is any use for them. When you have what you want and there is nothing new, there is no point in wasting them.So, if they implement your suggestion, do i get 250 gems per kit removed?

They are not removed. You lose nothing. They function the exact same way as when you bought them, with the exact same options as when you purchased/acquired them.

The unlock system requires you pay per hairstyle. New hairstyles will be exclusive to the unlock system, which is similar outfits.

How expensive would these hairstyles be? One kit is 250, so if it's the same or more for one hairstyle per race, it's pretty bad.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I think the only way they can make a profit from new hairstyles is to change the current system.

1.) You can unlock hairstyles with gems. Once unlocked you can use them on any character and change the color whenever you want like an outfit.2.) Current style kits continue to work; however, they only allow you to access the current hair styles. There is a TAB for the new exclusive hairstyles you can buy with gems.

I know to many people with stacks of style change kits. I would buy some of the new exclusive ones; heck, I would even buy my favorite current one to bypass the current system and use an outfit type tab. This means profit they are not getting now.

Of course they stack them, not like there is any use for them. When you have what you want and there is nothing new, there is no point in wasting them.So, if they implement your suggestion, do i get 250 gems per kit removed?

They are not removed. You lose nothing. They function the exact same way as when you bought them, with the exact same options as when you purchased/acquired them.

The unlock system requires you pay per hairstyle. New hairstyles will be exclusive to the unlock system, which is similar outfits.

How expensive would these hairstyles be? One kit is 250, so if it's the same or more for one hairstyle per race, it's pretty bad.

The Black Lions Key pricing structure seems like a good starting point. I am sure their marketing department has a better analysis for something like this.

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@Josiah.2967 said:I think the only way they can make a profit from new hairstyles is to change the current system.

1.) You can unlock hairstyles with gems. Once unlocked you can use them on any character and change the color whenever you want like an outfit.How will this make profit? Sure, as a one-time purchase but then that's it.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I think the only way they can make a profit from new hairstyles is to change the current system.

1.) You can unlock hairstyles with gems. Once unlocked you can use them on any character and change the color whenever you want like an outfit.How will this make profit? Sure, as a one-time purchase but then that's it.

You know how many people unlock everything? My fiance would unlock all of them... This is way better than nothing they currently get because we have stacks of hairstyle kits. If it works for outfits, it could work for hair styles. :-)

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@Josiah.2967 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I think the only way they can make a profit from new hairstyles is to change the current system.

1.) You can unlock hairstyles with gems. Once unlocked you can use them on any character and change the color whenever you want like an outfit.How will this make profit? Sure, as a one-time purchase but then that's it.

You know how many people unlock everything? My fiance would unlock all of them... This is way better than nothing they currently get because we have stacks of hairstyle kits. If it works for outfits, it could work for hair styles. :-)

Actually, no I don't know how many people unlock everything. How is this way better?

Currently: purchase self-style hair kit with gems (250 I think?). Change hair. Want to change again, purchase another kit.

Proposed: unlock hair style with gems (250 I guess to remain consistent). Change hair. Want to change again, unlock another style.

In both cases, the user would need to purchase either a kit or an unlock. The difference with your idea, though, is once unlocked it can be used account wide. That would, in my opinion, dis-incentivize players from needing to purchase additional kits/unlocks. That would result in a net loss of gem transactions.

Of course, with the gold -> gem conversion, it really isn't so difficult to obtain enough gems to purchase the existing kits. Or, obtain them through RNG BLC (which I'm sure that Anet would greatly prefer). I really don't see the benefit for Anet to act on your proposal.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I think the only way they can make a profit from new hairstyles is to change the current system.

1.) You can unlock hairstyles with gems. Once unlocked you can use them on any character and change the color whenever you want like an outfit.How will this make profit? Sure, as a one-time purchase but then that's it.

You know how many people unlock everything? My fiance would unlock all of them... This is way better than nothing they currently get because we have stacks of hairstyle kits. If it works for outfits, it could work for hair styles. :-)

Actually, no I don't know how many people unlock everything. How is this way better?

Currently: purchase self-style hair kit with gems (250 I think?). Change hair. Want to change again, purchase another kit.

Proposed: unlock hair style with gems (250 I guess to remain consistent). Change hair. Want to change again, unlock another style.

In both cases, the user would need to purchase either a kit or an unlock. The difference with your idea, though, is once unlocked it can be used account wide. That would, in my opinion, dis-incentivize players from needing to purchase additional kits/unlocks. That would result in a net loss of gem transactions.

Of course, with the gold -> gem conversion, it really isn't so difficult to obtain enough gems to purchase the existing kits. Or, obtain them through RNG BLC (which I'm sure that Anet would greatly prefer). I really don't see the benefit for Anet to act on your proposal.

If you include the hairstyles with the current kits...everyone I know will just user our current kits. There is no profit to be made from established players hording them. Outfits, Armor, and Gliders are scalable; however, the current style kits are not.

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I maintain my objection that some hairstyles are only available through hair-style kits (which no longer drop from BL Chests since last July, and there is no way to earn them in game). I can understand the convenience factor of being able to change your look after character creation, but ALL hair styles, looks, etc, should be available during character creation, and kits should only be required to make changes afterwards.

I'm kind of grateful I'm not someone who cares to have 50 characters.

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@Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Edit: we also got new char styles when the new char race was released in ls4e2.

That was ONE hairstyle, One face (for female only) and only a few horn designs and rather lazy genderswap for existing horns (making most of them look strange on the opposit gender du to poor scaling. Many are thin at the base and then thicker in males for example, when made large).

Humans got far more with PoF.

  • I would like more horns (antlers for example).
  • I would like to be able to choose colors for my horns. And claws should have the same color as horns.
  • I would like more faces for both charr genders, both rough and smooth looking.
  • I would like more fur patterns.
  • And new hairstyles with 2 colors for hair +1 accesery color (3 in total).
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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@"Jagblade.4627" said:masses of dreads or ponytails

would love a simple ponytail though.. but yeah i dont wanna see more dreads (we got a lot with the elonian styles that came with PoF) or 1-side shaved hairstyles.

more simple hairstyles would do, either long or short, for either gender and for all applicable races

none of them are dreads, they are braids.

dreadlocks are braids.

wrong, they are not the same and nor can be seen as the same, with that logic a pig and warthogs are exactly the same but nope.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@"Jagblade.4627" said:masses of dreads or ponytails

would love a simple ponytail though.. but yeah i dont wanna see more dreads (we got a lot with the elonian styles that came with PoF) or 1-side shaved hairstyles.

more simple hairstyles would do, either long or short, for either gender and for all applicable races

none of them are dreads
, they are braids.

dreadlocks are braids.

wrong, they are not the same and nor can be seen as the same, with that logic a pig and warthogs are exactly the same but nope.

you clearly misunderstand me then. let me rephrase: dreadlocks are braids, but not all braided hairstyles are dreadlocks.see: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dreadlock


@sorudo.9054 said:none of them are dreads, they are braids.

here are ingame examples of dreadlocks.


there's atleast 1 or 2 more other hairstyles than the ones i presented.

do a google image search for dreadlocks.

do a define search on dreadlocks.

BUT YEAH im done with this pointless argument.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@Jagblade.4627 said:masses of dreads or ponytails

would love a simple ponytail though.. but yeah i dont wanna see more dreads (we got a lot with the elonian styles that came with PoF) or 1-side shaved hairstyles.

more simple hairstyles would do, either long or short, for either gender and for all applicable races

I also wouldn't mind a simple ponytail, I just also don't want a huge mop, comb over, or mass of spikes on my head to accompany it. I think I just want at least semi-realistic hairstyles that aren't exaggerated. I realize that taste is subject, but would a sleekly combed and tied back pony-tail be too much to ask? A simple business part> Maybe some bangs but not a full on emo-cut? Simple and sweet stuff would be nice. There is one hairstyle with a ponytail that is perfect but the sides of the head are basically shaven down unfortunately.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@"Jagblade.4627" said:masses of dreads or ponytails

would love a simple ponytail though.. but yeah i dont wanna see more dreads (we got a lot with the elonian styles that came with PoF) or 1-side shaved hairstyles.

more simple hairstyles would do, either long or short, for either gender and for all applicable races

none of them are dreads
, they are braids.

dreadlocks are braids.

wrong, they are not the same and nor can be seen as the same, with that logic a pig and warthogs are exactly the same but nope.

you clearly misunderstand me then. let me rephrase:
dreadlocks are braids, but not all braided hairstyles are dreadlocks.


none of them are dreads
, they are braids.

here are ingame examples of dreadlocks.


there's atleast 1 or 2 more other hairstyles than the ones i presented.

do a google image search for dreadlocks.

do a define search on dreadlocks.

BUT YEAH im done with this pointless argument.

funny you say google image while none of them are braids, you just showed you're wrong but let's take your advice, end this pointless argument.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Would love some charr hairstyles that dont make me look like a member of rammstein, lol.

But more than hairstyles, I think we need additional face/horn options. Pretty much every Charr male face looks terrible, and most of them look very low-detail.

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  1. Bangar/rytlocks faces, as well as more faces for charr in general. We need more Ferocious faces that are realistic some of the ones we have are.... yea.
  2. More horns (I know we got some in PoF) but new, new ones. Again like bangars... heck why not some flame legion customization like shoulder spikes? (I mean clipping already exists, who cares at this point.... we can fashion wars a way to make it work.)
  3. Norn need new hair-styles/faces, some more celtic/native american themed stuff for them customization wise will go a long way. But most importantly for the love the spirits can we get tattoos? Like runes and so on? Some real norse themed/celtic knot sort of stuff? C'mon please!? It would be sweet.
  4. Asuran need stuff too, what I have no clue... honestly Id like the option for tech augmentations (Like robot arm or something) just because they are our Sci-fi tech race.... so let them have some cool stuff. If WoW can do it with nasty little gnomes, then you can do it with Asuran... and you can do it better <3
  5. Sylvari need mordrem customization, I wana make a freaky looking Sylvari who looks intimidating. They can have pretty options like they do now but Id absolutely love to have some choices in other roles, Id love to have the option to make a monster. Heck we could even have desert/asian themed customizations for them due to the fauna present in those maps. (Cactus's and so on.) Go nuts ! I love it when you guys go ham, and do some wacky/cool stuff.
  6. Oriental humans, with oriental options.... that would make me create the first human to ever grace my account. You did it with the elonians now do it for canthans too... The fact we have the OPTION to tell them in a personal story mission our lineage, and yet dont look remotely close is baffling. (I helped a friend through that story path, she is new. And when the question showed up my eyebrows went up in confusion. I. Want.My.Canthan.Necromancer.back.please.)
  7. Give charr the option to stand up straight, and disgard their four-leg run if they want? Again WoW did it with orcs....

    ! 8. Give norn the option to pop in and out of beast form whenever they go into combat, as we have now freed the spirits meaning we have full contact again. So give us customization beast-forms, use the charr running animation for them when in combat and that form? Make it something us norn players can choose. I dont care about any stat BS but Id love for the theme like from GW1 to be there. Its part of why I fell in love with the norn to begin with.

  8. God themed customization for the humans? Like maybe god themed Tats, jewlery or even scaring? Maybe some hair pins or I dont know literally ANYTHING.
  9. Legion based customization options for charr players to show-case their legion if they want. Like we have one set of horns with gears in it.... thats it.
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@"Frostfang.5109" said:

  1. Give charr the option to stand up straight, and disgard their four-leg run if they want? Again WoW did it with orcs....

Just NOT upright/straight charr! Charr are charr, not humanoids!

There used to be a lot of upright Charr in GW1.They generally were casters. With the Flame Legion back as allies it would make sense to see more upright charr.


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@Raknar.4735 said:

@"Frostfang.5109" said:
  1. Give charr the option to stand up straight, and disgard their four-leg run if they want? Again WoW did it with orcs....

Just NOT upright/straight charr! Charr are charr, not humanoids!

There used to be a lot of upright Charr in GW1.They generally were casters. With the Flame Legion back as allies it would make sense to see more upright charr.

And it looks awful imo. I want their armour though!!!

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