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Never say something is too hard,


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Just adjust to the difficulty.

For the MMORPG GW2 has the best combat system and that should be shown with the creature fight design.

GW2 began to storm with flashy effects that make more harm than the bosses themselves, and now Boneskinner is pretty all about mechanics whicb reminds me of old, good times in which you had to use your mind to get the mechanics.

Instanced content should be all about different tactics, different approach, abundance of mechanics.

If you look at the WoW's Raid/Dungeon tabs which show all the bosses, you can also see so many mechanics to learn, so many things to know, and it's simply fun, especially on the higher level of difficulty.

It's cool, because there is fun in tactics as well, I mean that what makes instanced content unforgettable.

I could see that, after such a long time yesterday, when the Boneskinner was actually challenging, because it has tactics that you have to learn to notice, and all you must do is to adjust to them.

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@"Arden.7480" said:Just adjust to the difficulty.

For the MMORPG GW2 has the best combat system and that should be shown with the creature fight design.

GW2 began to storm with flashy effects that make more harm than the bosses themselves, and now Boneskinner is pretty all about mechanics whicb reminds me of old, good times in which you had to use your mind to get the mechanics.

Instanced content should be all about different tactics, different approach, abundance of mechanics.

If you look at the WoW's Raid/Dungeon tabs which show all the bosses, you can also see so many mechanics to learn, so many things to know, and it's simply fun, especially on the higher level of difficulty.

It's cool, because there is fun in tactics as well, I mean that what makes instanced content unforgettable.

I could see that, after such a long time yesterday, when the Boneskinner was actually challenging, because it has tactics that you have to learn to notice, and all you must do is to adjust to them.

Proplem is this old gw2 phrase "play how you want."

Players think that it means that they can do any content how they want and success. Even tho that phrase has nothing to do with skill lvl of instanced content.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Arden.7480 said:Just adjust to the difficulty.Unless you count 'not doing the difficult content' as adjusting to it, some people simply can't adjust to every difficulty.Many people simply aren't good enough and don't have enough talent make up the missing expertise.

Its ok that some content is too hard. Gives you an option to train and get better which keeps the game intresting.Or like you said, players can just skip the content that they dont enjoy.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Arden.7480 said:Just adjust to the difficulty.Unless you count 'not doing the difficult content' as adjusting to it, some people simply can't adjust to every difficulty.Many people simply aren't good enough and don't have enough talent make up the missing expertise.

There are often ways around that however, unless you're talking about extreme cases (and even then there's probably something you can do to make it less of a problem, it's just whether that's worth the hassle - for example buying different controllers and setting up the software to use them). For example I know my timing isn't very good, I often miss dodges or mess up kiting so I can't rely on active defences as much as many GW2 players will. So I avoid the 'glass cannon meta' and always use equipment with toughness or vitality (or both!) and make sure I have a good healing skill, condition cleanse etc. in my build. It does mean I kill things slightly slower, but it keeps me alive which means overall I do better than if I was trying to mimic the way other people play.

To me understanding your own limitations and preferences and how to allow for them is as much part of learning the game as understanding what abilities are not available to your profession or build and learning how to play without those. Everyone has to accept that their greatsword ranger will never be a great condition build because the greatsword skills don't cause conditions, and likewise everyone has to accept that there will be builds or ways of playing which are effective but aren't practical or fun or otherwise worth doing for them.

Having said that this is also why I really like GW2's horizontal progression system. The vast majority of content only needs to be done for it's own sake, or for cosmetic rewards and achievement points. No one will ever be stuck unable to progress because they can't beat something like the bone skinner and can't move on to other areas until they have the item/s it drops or whatever.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.And then you have people with natural physiological and neural disadvantages, like slower reaction times, in which cases practices won't help at all.Practise never is a 100% solution to anything.

And ppl like that are not the majority of this game. Should we set difficulty of every game in a lvl that my friend can play every part of every game? He is missing one hand btw.

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@sokeenoppa.5384 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.And then you have people with natural physiological and neural disadvantages, like slower reaction times, in which cases practices won't help at all.Practise never is a 100% solution to anything.And ppl like that are not the majority of this game. Should we set difficulty of every game in a lvl that my friend can play every part of every game? He is missing one hand btw.

That comment was more about how practice is not guaranteed to make up for lack of talent.I never meant to imply a game should be balanced around handicapped people.But I equally disagree about a game being designed around the top 5% of players, nor should most instanced content cater to these outliers.People should know their limits and, based on that, choose the content they try.

The ideal solution would be different difficulties for instanced content, but Anet apparently isn't fond of that idea.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.And then you have people with natural physiological and neural disadvantages, like slower reaction times, in which cases practices won't help at all.Practise never is a 100% solution to anything.And ppl like that are not the majority of this game. Should we set difficulty of every game in a lvl that my friend can play every part of every game? He is missing one hand btw.

That comment was more about how practice is not guaranteed to make up for lack of talent.I never meant to imply a game should be balanced around handicapped people.But I equally disagree about a game being designed around the top 5% of players, nor should most instanced content cater to these outliers.People should know their limits and, based on that, choose the content they try.

The ideal solution would be different difficulties for instanced content, but Anet apparently isn't fond of that idea.

We already have different difficulties for instanced content. We have first strike mission, dhuum CM and everything between that. Or is this another make easy mode for boss X request?

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@sokeenoppa.5384 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.And then you have people with natural physiological and neural disadvantages, like slower reaction times, in which cases practices won't help at all.Practise never is a 100% solution to anything.And ppl like that are not the majority of this game. Should we set difficulty of every game in a lvl that my friend can play every part of every game? He is missing one hand btw.That comment was more about how practice is not guaranteed to make up for lack of talent.I never meant to imply a game should be balanced around handicapped people.But I equally disagree about a game being designed around the top 5% of players, nor should most instanced content cater to these outliers.People should know their limits and, based on that, choose the content they try.

The ideal solution would be different difficulties for instanced content, but Anet apparently isn't fond of that idea.We already have different difficulties for instanced content. We have first strike mission, dhuum CM and everything between that. Or is this another make easy mode for boss X request?

Different difficulties for all instanced content, as a blanket change, not tied to only specific bosses, should not be too much to ask.But difficulties can't be sold on the gem shop.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.And then you have people with natural physiological and neural disadvantages, like slower reaction times, in which cases practices won't help at all.Practise never is a 100% solution to anything.And ppl like that are not the majority of this game. Should we set difficulty of every game in a lvl that my friend can play every part of every game? He is missing one hand btw.That comment was more about how practice is not guaranteed to make up for lack of talent.I never meant to imply a game should be balanced around handicapped people.But I equally disagree about a game being designed around the top 5% of players, nor should most instanced content cater to these outliers.People should know their limits and, based on that, choose the content they try.

The ideal solution would be different difficulties for instanced content, but Anet apparently isn't fond of that idea.We already have different difficulties for instanced content. We have first strike mission, dhuum CM and everything between that. Or is this another make easy mode for boss X request?

Different difficulties for
instanced content, as a blanket change, not tied to only specific bosses,
not be too much to ask.But difficulties can't be sold on the gem shop.

Thus has been discussed many times already. Its almost impossible to make easy mode for raids unless its a faceroll without rewards.

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I dunno, I don't have any problems with the game difficulty (probably because the weapons I like are generally not overnerfed garbage, looking at you warrior rifle), but sometimes when I do die I do get a sense of helplessness. I can't pinpoint a single mistake, decision or weapon/skill/trait that could prevent my death; it just feels like flat bad luck.

I know something isn't right with this games combat design, since in other games I can generally think back and point out the "LOL, WTF WAS I THINKING" moment(s). I can't do that in gw2, which makes it difficult to reflect and improve.

I imagine anyone in a similar mindset would expect nerfs.

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@"sokeenoppa.5384" said:Thus has been discussed many times already. Its almost impossible to make easy mode for raids unless its a faceroll without rewards.Then turn it into a "faceroll" with exotics or even just rares (and maybe a small monetary reward).Or make bosses around the difficulty of the Inquest Golem in Season 4, Episode 2. Last time I did it, it was no faceroll at all.WoW's LFR also is around that difficulty and it is immensely popular. It has no notable rewards either.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@Arden.7480 said:Just adjust to the difficulty.Unless you count 'not doing the difficult content' as adjusting to it, some people simply can't adjust to every difficulty.Many people simply aren't good enough and don't have enough talent make up the missing expertise.

Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.

You have never had a physical disability have you?

I had brain damage at birth. As a result, my hand/eye coordination is not that swift..which is why I like this game. It keeps me sharp. But, sharp for me, is not how other people define sharp. I can practice every day for weeks and I still will not be able to complete semi-hard jumping puzzles...trust me I tried.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.And then you have people with natural physiological and neural disadvantages, like slower reaction times, in which cases practices won't help at all.Practise never is a 100% solution to anything.And ppl like that are not the majority of this game. Should we set difficulty of every game in a lvl that my friend can play every part of every game? He is missing one hand btw.

That comment was more about how practice is not guaranteed to make up for lack of talent.I never meant to imply a game should be balanced around handicapped people.But I equally disagree about a game being designed around the top 5% of players, nor should most instanced content cater to these outliers.People should know their limits and, based on that, choose the content they try.

The ideal solution would be different difficulties for instanced content, but Anet apparently isn't fond of that idea.

Bingo again! I call the top 5 percent of players "Young whippersnappers with young whippersnapper reflexes"

To stay alive, a game needs three things. (1) people playing the game (2) People buying things from cash shop and (3) People willing to lead teams.The more team leaders leading things, the more people will log in because they know they will always find something to do.

The game will have more log-ins, if people know they will get some quality playtime.

There really should be difficulty settings to ensure this because, guess what...designing your game around these elite whippersnapper players will shrink the number of ordinary players from logging in...and I doubt these Elite whippersnapper players buy gems with real money.

I do not know of course, but I bet it is the ordinary players who buy the gems with real money.

Chase them, the regular players away, in favor of the Elite players who do not buy a single gem with real money and the game will fall flat on its face.

in a roundabout way, I am saying that if the game is designed around these elite peeps, we need difficulty sliders. ..darn I need coffee.

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@Julischka Bean.7491 said:

@Arden.7480 said:Just adjust to the difficulty.Unless you count 'not doing the difficult content' as adjusting to it, some people simply can't adjust to every difficulty.Many people simply aren't good enough and don't have enough talent make up the missing expertise.

Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.

You have never had a physical disability have you?

I had brain damage at birth. As a result, my hand/eye coordination is not that swift..which is why I like this game. It keeps me sharp. But, sharp for me, is not how other people define sharp. I can practice every day for weeks and I still will not be able to complete semi-hard jumping puzzles...trust me I tried.

Are you saying not having a disability makes you talented?

Disabilities are bad and i feel bad for ppl that have to live with them but i personally wouldnt want the game balanced around the skill lvl of ppl with disabilities. Not to sound like a prick, i believe the game should have something for everyone but i dont think the game should be balanced around say ppl with less fingers or with effectively one arm (like i was when i broke my arm 2 years ago).

Yes it would allow me to experience all of the content and have fun with it maybe but it would turn off alot more ppl. For better or for worse ppl with disabilities are a minority and therefor should be the main focus of a game which never revolved around them to begin with.

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@zealex.9410 said:Are you saying not having a disability makes you talented.Not having a disability gives you higher chances to succeed in using practice to overcome the lack of talent.For better or for worse ppl with disabilities are a minority and therefor should be the main focus of a game which never revolved around them to begin with.Top percentage players and METAelitists are a minority, too.Therefore, the game or balance should not revolve around them either.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@Arden.7480 said:Just adjust to the difficulty.Unless you count 'not doing the difficult content' as adjusting to it, some people simply can't adjust to every difficulty.Many people simply aren't good enough and don't have enough talent make up the missing expertise.

Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.

You have never had a physical disability have you?

I had brain damage at birth. As a result, my hand/eye coordination is not that swift..which is why I like this game. It keeps me sharp. But, sharp for me, is not how other people define sharp. I can practice every day for weeks and I still will not be able to complete semi-hard jumping puzzles...trust me I tried.

Are you saying not having a disability makes you talented?

Disabilities are bad and i feel bad for ppl that have to live with them but i personally wouldnt want the game balanced around the skill lvl of ppl with disabilities. Not to sound like a prick, i believe the game should have something for everyone but i dont think the game should be balanced around say ppl with less fingers or with effectively one arm (like i was when i broke my arm 2 years ago).

Yes it would allow me to experience all of the content and have fun with it maybe but it would turn off alot more ppl. For better or for worse ppl with disabilities are a minority and therefor should be the main focus of a game which never revolved around them to begin with.

Which is why we need difficulty sliders :)

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@Julischka Bean.7491 said:

@Arden.7480 said:Just adjust to the difficulty.Unless you count 'not doing the difficult content' as adjusting to it, some people simply can't adjust to every difficulty.Many people simply aren't good enough and don't have enough talent make up the missing expertise.

Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.

You have never had a physical disability have you?

I had brain damage at birth. As a result, my hand/eye coordination is not that swift..which is why I like this game. It keeps me sharp. But, sharp for me, is not how other people define sharp. I can practice every day for weeks and I still will not be able to complete semi-hard jumping puzzles...trust me I tried.

Are you saying not having a disability makes you talented?

Disabilities are bad and i feel bad for ppl that have to live with them but i personally wouldnt want the game balanced around the skill lvl of ppl with disabilities. Not to sound like a prick, i believe the game should have something for everyone but i dont think the game should be balanced around say ppl with less fingers or with effectively one arm (like i was when i broke my arm 2 years ago).

Yes it would allow me to experience all of the content and have fun with it maybe but it would turn off alot more ppl. For better or for worse ppl with disabilities are a minority and therefor should be the main focus of a game which never revolved around them to begin with.

Which is why we need difficulty sliders :)

With you on that, have been asking for cms on these since they were introduced. They aint adding them so a compromise is to have some harder and some less so. Dont forget these are supposed to get ppl into raiding, the dificulty of the first 3 is hardly compairable to fractals, let alone raids a jump in dificulty is required at some point.

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