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Snowball Mayhem win requirement for daily

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I have noticed that donating gifts to orphans seems time consuming - at least without mounts and when I don't know a safe route. (Too lazy to look at the wiki and I have only 1 screen and I'd need to tab out.) There are also other annoying dailies like snowball hitting 3 players. (Not many seem to do this.)

So I'd say this one could at least be made a little bit easier. I checked for halloween the Reaper's rumble only needed participation - not winning. Would make sense to have at wintersday/christmas this as well. I don't see why they would want a less fun activity/minigame and then forcing the players to play it until they win. (Would have made more sense if the reapers rumble at halloween had required the winning.)

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Ever since one particular time when I must have gone through 10 matches to finally get the daily completed, I realized it would have been better to just do the jumping puzzle an additional 3 times so I just considered this daily a non-starter ever since.

Start learning where the orphans are, best wintersday daily in terms of rewards as karma is everything for this festival.

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As to the orphans, check https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orphan for locations (there are a couple of maps, along with detailed text descriptions). Somewhat inconvenient if you don't have a second monitor or a laptop or tablet, to be sure, but they are always in the same places and there are twice as many as you need for the daily. I haven't had to look at a map for them this year, I did the route enough last year.

I haven't touched Snowball Mayhem this year and I'm progressing the dailies just fine.

Regarding the hitting players with snowballs one, I'm surprised at the above comment that players don't do that one. There always seems to be a clump of people in the snowpile near the vendors with a couple standing there letting themselves be hit (on NA a bit after reset anyway). I go there, peg someone three times, then hang around a few minutes to be pegged.

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@Luthan.5236 said:There are also other annoying dailies like snowball hitting 3 players. (Not many seem to do this.)

I'm surprised to hear that. On EU there's often a crowd at the snow patch in front of the jumping puzzle, people will even stick around after completing it to let other people hit them. It's one of my favourite Wintersday dailies for that reason. It's fun seeing people cooperating on something silly.

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Yeah, it's a massive problem with Snowball Mayhem. Once one side gets an advantage the match is basically unwinnable, and you need a winning match for the achievement so the losing team tends to leave. Then new people get dumped into an already losing match (or people from the winning team get autobalanced into the losing one), and so on.

I don't know why they never changed it to work like the Halloween equivalents and only require playing a match.

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@Luthan.5236 said:I have noticed that donating gifts to orphans seems time consuming - at least without mounts and when I don't know a safe route. (Too lazy to look at the wiki and I have only 1 screen and I'd need to tab out.) There are also other annoying dailies like snowball hitting 3 players. (Not many seem to do this.)

So I'd say this one could at least be made a little bit easier. I checked for halloween the Reaper's rumble only needed participation - not winning. Would make sense to have at wintersday/christmas this as well. I don't see why they would want a less fun activity/minigame and then forcing the players to play it until they win. (Would have made more sense if the reapers rumble at halloween had required the winning.)

Look for GW2TacO, and the Tekkit master guide. It's a visual guide that always plays on top of the game, and can be used to record routes and markers.Really easy and nice system, and entirely an overlay.That said, while it shows you the quickest route past the orphans, on foot, it will still take a few minutes.

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For todays daily I simply did bell choir (1 time is enough and you can make a lot of mistakes. You don't need to do all waves), I unpacked 4 gifts (Tixxx and Christmas trees already give enough for this) and I donated 1 copper to Hoho-tron). Took no longer than 5 mins for the 3 needed dailies.

I also see ppl at snowballs in eu but if there aren't and I want to do that daily I just ask around in say, map or at friends/guild if someone wants to help by holding a snowball so I can throw 3 at them and return the favor after so they also have their daily completed.

Races btw can also be started by talking to the npc, you don't have to wait till its up. The jumping puzzle is easy if you pick the most right path.

So for now I have had no daily that took long for this festival as we always had the other options.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:There are also other annoying dailies like snowball hitting 3 players. (Not many seem to do this.)

I'm surprised to hear that. On EU there's often a crowd at the snow patch in front of the jumping puzzle, people will even stick around after completing it to let other people hit them. It's one of my favourite Wintersday dailies for that reason. It's fun seeing people cooperating on something silly.

^ This.I loved it that somebody let me hit them for 3 times, then I saw new people join and I decided I'd let them hit me a couple times each as well so they didn't have to wait. Usually you can just throw it at some afks, no? There are a ton of those standing around the waypoint.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:There are also other annoying dailies like snowball hitting 3 players. (Not many seem to do this.)

I'm surprised to hear that. On EU there's often a crowd at the snow patch in front of the jumping puzzle, people will even stick around after completing it to let other people hit them. It's one of my favourite Wintersday dailies for that reason. It's fun seeing people cooperating on something silly.

^ This.I loved it that somebody let me hit them for 3 times, then I saw new people join and I decided I'd let them hit me a couple times each as well so they didn't have to wait. Usually you can just throw it at some afks, no? There are a ton of those standing around the waypoint.

Completely correct until your last line. The afk's would have to be holding a snowball for you to hit them.

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@Donari.5237 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:There are also other annoying dailies like snowball hitting 3 players. (Not many seem to do this.)

I'm surprised to hear that. On EU there's often a crowd at the snow patch in front of the jumping puzzle, people will even stick around after completing it to let other people hit them. It's one of my favourite Wintersday dailies for that reason. It's fun seeing people cooperating on something silly.

^ This.I loved it that somebody let me hit them for 3 times, then I saw new people join and I decided I'd let them hit me a couple times each as well so they didn't have to wait. Usually you can just throw it at some afks, no? There are a ton of those standing around the waypoint.

Completely correct until your last line. The afk's would have to be holding a snowball for you to hit them.

I wasn't sure, I haven't tried. Thanks!

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@Donari.5237 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:There are also other annoying dailies like snowball hitting 3 players. (Not many seem to do this.)

I'm surprised to hear that. On EU there's often a crowd at the snow patch in front of the jumping puzzle, people will even stick around after completing it to let other people hit them. It's one of my favourite Wintersday dailies for that reason. It's fun seeing people cooperating on something silly.

^ This.I loved it that somebody let me hit them for 3 times, then I saw new people join and I decided I'd let them hit me a couple times each as well so they didn't have to wait. Usually you can just throw it at some afks, no? There are a ton of those standing around the waypoint.

Completely correct until your last line. The afk's would have to be holding a snowball for you to hit them.

and snowballs despawn in your hand pretty quickly

you could go for the people doing the dolayk escort but that is basically trolling ...

IIRC during one of the years the NPC snowball fighters worked, back when the event was still in Lion's Arch

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