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Why does thief now have perma dodge with perma cc

The Ace.9105

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Pistol whip build is so fun and interactive. No real counterplay cause it's thief and it has the panic button of dagger storm and instant 1200 away range port and short bow which is like 3600 range in 1s. Thanks anet for this fun and interactive spec, it really makes the game fun to play and really shows how high iq the thief class is and how players can really feel good about themselves and think they are the best in the game with this spec.

I thought rev was already broken but at least you can hit revs.

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That build's been there right under your noses for so long like really now. If there is anything broken about pistol whip thief it's acrobatic's instant reflexes trait which shouldn't be a thing on any asssassin like spec to begin with (since evade = invulnerability). Aside from that I don't find it too difficult to deal with on certain specs and clear head (which doesn't happen often lately to me unfortunately).There are frames on both Dagger Storm and Pistol Whip when thief is very vulnerable. Is it spammy low risk high rewards spec? Yes. Unpunishable? Maybe but it's still not as absurd as some other bullshit out there.

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@The Ace.9105 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Funny enough u play rev ?

Yeah and I thought rev has too high mobility and too many dodges but compared to thief rev has nothing. I mean you had 48s duel and you spent 26s of that duel in evade frames and 14s out of range of the enemy and 8s in the range of the enemy.

Probably 1 second to get downed too.

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@"Eugchriss.2046" said:Imagine revs being able to spamm Unrelenting Assault or wars spamming whirlwind attack..."tHeY hAvE a ShOrT wInDoW bEfOrE aNd AfTerCaSt. YoU nEeD tO sToP sPaMmInG aLl YoUr Cd'S aNd TiMe YoUr SkIlLs" lmao

The fact that pistol whip doesn't move you to your target aside, I hit revs with headbutt/shield bash all the time right as they're coming out of unrelenting because the aftercast makes that move free/forces them to burn their darkness gaze/their energy on shiro evade if they don't want to get stunned. Don't see why that counterplay isn't enough for thief.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@"Eugchriss.2046" said:Imagine revs being able to spamm Unrelenting Assault or wars spamming whirlwind attack..."tHeY hAvE a ShOrT wInDoW bEfOrE aNd AfTerCaSt. YoU nEeD tO sToP sPaMmInG aLl YoUr Cd'S aNd TiMe YoUr SkIlLs" lmao

The fact that pistol whip doesn't move you to your target aside, I hit revs with headbutt/shield bash all the time right as they're coming out of unrelenting because the aftercast makes that move free/forces them to burn their darkness gaze/their energy on shiro evade if they don't want to get stunned. Don't see why that counterplay isn't enough for thief.

Because thief shadowstep into PW has no tell for you to follow like unrelenting assault. It also has much better disengage/reengage potential if it goes poorly. PW is already a low risk, high reward skill that can be further mitigated by their plethora of teleports and evades.

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The reason they have permanent dodge with cc is because they merged the condi clear trait with the heal which also allows you to take pulmonary impact as second tier. Tbh this is kind of busted in general and it’s not just pw, pretty much and daredevil build with acro seems busted rn.Example- I accidentally played my first placement as acro, bound Valkyrie s/d because the season came out of nowhere and it seemed decent so I played all my placements with this troll build and somehow I placed 9-1 solo q when commonly going against legend players.My point being absolutely anything that takes advantage of acro and these new daredevil trait can be busted. It makes you potentially very tanking and if you take advantage in my case of damage modifiers u can still hit for 6k on larcenous or u can just spam cc for damage. It’s so incredibly ez with almost zero downside in specing for it

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@"Eugchriss.2046" said:Imagine revs being able to spamm Unrelenting Assault or wars spamming whirlwind attack..."tHeY hAvE a ShOrT wInDoW bEfOrE aNd AfTerCaSt. YoU nEeD tO sToP sPaMmInG aLl YoUr Cd'S aNd TiMe YoUr SkIlLs" lmao

The fact that pistol whip doesn't move you to your target aside, I hit revs with headbutt/shield bash all the time right as they're coming out of unrelenting because the aftercast makes that move free/forces them to burn their darkness gaze/their energy on shiro evade if they don't want to get stunned. Don't see why that counterplay isn't enough for thief.

Because thief shadowstep into PW has no tell for you to follow like unrelenting assault. It also has much better disengage/reengage potential if it goes poorly. PW is already a low risk, high reward skill that can be further mitigated by their plethora of teleports and evade.

Sure it does, if we're not counting stealth. If a thief is winding up pistol whip from 1200 range (or 600, whichever you prefer), is facing you, and clearly won't hit you from where you're standing, you can treat that like churning earth/lightning flash and dodge preemptively.

But at this point, whatever. Just make sure the skill requirement that you hold thief to also applies to every other class~

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