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GW2 Stealth : Extremely poor implementation respect to other MMOs


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@Tharan.9085 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:Imagine crying about stealth while the actual problem is powercreep

Imagine two problems existing at the same time

Imagine one of them not beeing a problem until the other emerged

Immagine if stealth was not a problem , why the company tried unsuccefully to create 3 sec cast time Stealth Disruptor traps > Stealth Detection Balloons on the stractures > HoT Warriors aoe utilities stealth detection > throw paint ball stealth detection > marked stealth debuff for 30 sec (you can max stealth for 2 sec , every xxx sec)(2014)

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:Imagine crying about stealth while the actual problem is powercreep

Imagine two problems existing at the same time

Imagine one of them not beeing a problem until the other emerged

Immagine if stealth was not a problem , why the company tried unsuccefully to create 3 sec cast time Stealth Disruptor traps > Stealth Detection Balloons > HoT Warriors aoe utilities stealth detection > throw paint ball stealth detection(2014)

The mistake wasn't that stealth existed, the mistake was sending 20 guys to do what 2 or even 1 would do. Though now they gave thief portal so they messed up balance there.

Though it does go back to what I was saying, "the only problem with stealth in this game is that stacking of it needs to be brought under control."

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Imo if your stealthed then your damage should reduced by 50% at least. U already have the element of surprise. U already have a free chance to CC and combo hit. No one needs to have extreme damage like backstab or a 20k mes burst happen without seeing anything.

usually stealth is an ENTIRE ability, to make it last meaningfull time sometimes its SEVERAL traits and SEVERAL abilities.how do you make stealth worthwhile if you have to give up so much for it?

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:Imagine crying about stealth while the actual problem is powercreep

Imagine two problems existing at the same time

Imagine one of them not beeing a problem until the other emerged

Immagine if stealth was not a problem , why the company tried unsuccefully to create 3 sec cast time Stealth Disruptor traps > Stealth Detection Balloons > HoT Warriors aoe utilities stealth detection > throw paint ball stealth detection(2014)

The mistake wasn't that stealth existed, the mistake was sending 20 guys to do what 2 or even 1 would do. Though now they gave thief portal so they messed up balance there.

Though it does go back to what I was saying, "the only problem with stealth in this game is that stacking of it needs to be brought under control."

Giving more tools in theifs , like the portal/new traps , its fine .Give them even more , like Blade and Soul .The problem is the population of ppl that play Assasins/Genji/High Crit characters , they have the lifespan of 2 years of protecting their spec > crying about powercreep > leaving > going into other games and saying about how the company kitten their game by appeling to the casualsTry to move them to other characters , that have more simple rotationsThey are the first to leaave when an other games comes up ...

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@"Fueki.4753" said:Remove the option to enter stealth while in combat.And remove Stealth from all Non-thief skills, except the few elites dedicated to only apply stealth (Scrapper's drone and Mesmer's mass invisibility).Rework rune of the trapper to not give stealth.Make blasting Smoke fields give AoE blind instead of Stealth.Have Stealth give some detrimental effects (like reducing movement speed or reduce stats while stealth).

There are many ways to reduce Stealth output and to make Stealth balanced, but apparently Arenanet doesn't want to.

"yeah guys, just actually remove the entire thief class from the game. if they attempt to stealth during combat give them a debuff that takes 15% of their hp per second and if they stay in combat until they die, don't allow them to res anymore during that match. If it's in wvw make their items drop on the floor and be lootable by other players instead"

this is as ridiculous as what you are saying here.

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:Imagine crying about stealth while the actual problem is powercreep

Imagine two problems existing at the same time

Imagine one of them not beeing a problem until the other emerged

Immagine if stealth was not a problem , why the company tried unsuccefully to create 3 sec cast time Stealth Disruptor traps > Stealth Detection Balloons > HoT Warriors aoe utilities stealth detection > throw paint ball stealth detection(2014)

The mistake wasn't that stealth existed, the mistake was sending 20 guys to do what 2 or even 1 would do. Though now they gave thief portal so they messed up balance there.

Though it does go back to what I was saying, "the only problem with stealth in this game is that stacking of it needs to be brought under control."

Giving more tools in theifs , like the portal/new traps , its fine .Give them even more , like Blade and Soul .The problem is the population of ppl that play Assasins/Genji/High Crit characters , they have the lifespan of 2 years of protecting their spec > crying about powercreep > leavingTry to move them to other characters , that have more simple rotations

Thief should never have had portal as it then competes and encroaches upon mesmer for role diversity where there's already plenty of overlap.

Mesmers are magical duelists who wield deception as a weapon. Using powerful illusions, clones, and phantasmal magic to ensure that their enemies can’t believe their own eyes, mesmers tip the balance of every fight in their favor.Mesmers are masters of mirage. They weave deception magic that seeks to confound, disorient and dumbfound their enemies. With a wave of the hand, they can shatter their own illusions to produce even greater special effects. As a scholar profession, mesmers wear light armor.


Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which can make them very hard to hit.Thieves are expert in the shadow arts. They utilize stealth and shadowstepping to surprise and to get close to their target. They're deadly in one-on-one combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to overcome their enemies. They have an affinity for using venoms and preparations. As an adventurer profession, thieves wear medium armor.


Edit: Wrong mesmer reference

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"lightstalker.1498" said:In elder scrolls, nightblades are cloaked, invisible. It's not stealth.

Yes its invisible, cleanses and chains together with press of a button, no having to use a skill than other skills to stack it ie smoke fields in gw2. Long duration stealth is 10x easier in eso, archeage u get 10+ seconds at press of one button and bdo as well lol. Actually I'd say gw2 has the most hoops to go thru for long duration stealth, most limitations as well compared to all the other mmo's I've played. Devs even went as far as marked zones in wvw where more than 2 sec stealth reveals u lol.

The main benefit of ESO compared to GW2 is the vast number of anti-stealth options open to all professions, potions or reveal magick/skill all good to
nightblade, keyword here is negate.....

There is counterplay in ESo easily accessible to all players, something not present in GW2 where a thief player can basically stealth and run away, do whatever

Oh u mean reveal potion like the reveal traps and or skills that have reveal tacked onto already useful skills? This is halarious cuz I've played eso nightblade for over a years and its stealth and its ganking potential is far easier to capitalize on the gw2 lol it's like uve never actually played nightblade or against one but are just reading tool tips and are now a knowledgeable eso player. All above rings true for bdo and archeage and kno what? All those forums have these very same anti stealth post by non rogue players lmao it's always the same everywhere. Learn to counter with counters ur given, there will always be a rogue class, it will always utilize stealth and the like tactics and will always be annoying for most people to fight as that's what it is designed to do.

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@"Arheundel.6451" said:To put it in very simple terms...stealth in Gw2 is just broken, the implemented design is not healthy and lacks all competitive elements found in all other well known MMOs out there sporting the same stealth concept. To cite few examples :

1) World of Warcrafthttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Stealth

2) Final fantasy : A realm rebornhttps://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Hide

3) Elder scroll Onlinehttps://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Stealth

The main points here are :

  • You cannot restealth while in combat
  • AoE dmg reveals you
  • Penalties while stealthed
  • Easy for the enemy to detect you

All the elements above are missing from Gw2 in their entirety, it is for this reason that I consider stealth in GW2, one of the worst implementations I have ever seen in a MMO, there is no other way to say it but I still have hope in one small corner of my heart that anet devs will address all these issues with the next balance pass..a faint hope.

I have no doubt that the thief/mesmer police will come here mocking, "insulting" and with the usual L2P gibberish but..I am not worried about that, those among you who played other MMOs..know that I am right, the devs here know that I am right...whether any of this will ever be addressed.......

Things like deadeye, PU one shot....should not exist in a MMO

You know that a new post on the same subject every 2 weeks will not give it more weight.Now tell me what game to play if I want a stealth as in GW2 if you make all game look the same ?

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:Imagine crying about stealth while the actual problem is powercreep

Imagine two problems existing at the same time

Imagine one of them not beeing a problem until the other emerged

Immagine if stealth was not a problem , why the company tried unsuccefully to create 3 sec cast time Stealth Disruptor traps > Stealth Detection Balloons > HoT Warriors aoe utilities stealth detection > throw paint ball stealth detection(2014)

The mistake wasn't that stealth existed, the mistake was sending 20 guys to do what 2 or even 1 would do. Though now they gave thief portal so they messed up balance there.

Though it does go back to what I was saying, "the only problem with stealth in this game is that stacking of it needs to be brought under control."

Honestly portal is a mesmers thing and shoulda stayed unique to mesmers. Doesnt even fit thief's theme

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@Fueki.4753 said:Remove the option to enter stealth while in combat.And remove Stealth from all Non-thief skills, except the few elites dedicated to only apply stealth (Scrapper's drone and Mesmer's mass invisibility).Rework rune of the trapper to not give stealth.Make blasting Smoke fields give AoE blind instead of Stealth.Have Stealth give some detrimental effects (like reducing movement speed or reduce stats while stealth).

There are many ways to reduce Stealth output and to make Stealth balanced, but apparently Arenanet doesn't want to.

No stealth in combat and some of ur other suggestions would mean thiefs sustain would need a significant buff or any stealth build would be useless and dead.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Remove the option to enter stealth while in combat.And remove Stealth from all Non-thief skills, except the few elites dedicated to only apply stealth (Scrapper's drone and Mesmer's mass invisibility).Rework rune of the trapper to not give stealth.Make blasting Smoke fields give AoE blind instead of Stealth.Have Stealth give some detrimental effects (like reducing movement speed or reduce stats while stealth).

There are many ways to reduce Stealth output and to make Stealth balanced, but apparently Arenanet doesn't want to.

No stealth in combat and some of ur other suggestions would mean thiefs sustain would need a significant buff or any stealth build would be useless and dead.

If only thief could switch weapons and use an Evade or Kite spec for survibility , if their opener hit didnt hit ...

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Remove the option to enter stealth while in combat.And remove Stealth from all Non-thief skills, except the few elites dedicated to only apply stealth (Scrapper's drone and Mesmer's mass invisibility).Rework rune of the trapper to not give stealth.Make blasting Smoke fields give AoE blind instead of Stealth.Have Stealth give some detrimental effects (like reducing movement speed or reduce stats while stealth).

There are many ways to reduce Stealth output and to make Stealth balanced, but apparently Arenanet doesn't want to.

No stealth in combat and some of ur other suggestions would mean thiefs sustain would need a significant buff or any stealth build would be useless and dead.

If only thief could switch weapons and use an Evade or Kite spec for survibility , if their opener hit didnt hit ...

U mean like all other classes can do as well all while not being balanced around stealth being a big part of their sustain ie more hp, armor, blocks on skills not just one utility, invulnerability skills, healing skills that absorb damage acting like invulnerability etc etc yeah imagine thief builds like dp where stealth wasnt available during combat lol it be completely outclassed by almost every class and their builds, it be completely useless and dead unless as I said thief's sustain got reworked than again that starts taking the rogue like playstyle away and its identity. Good stuff.I get tons of overall evades on my warrior,ranger and rev just as examples, a lot of evades as a whole so the thief has a lot of evades isn't really a great point these days as so do a lot of the more sustain based classes as well.Been 8 yrs, stealth isn't changing I'd bet.

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Not the worst, i remember in Aika online, the Rifleman class could stealth for 1 minute with a 2 minute CD, and he could attack while invisible, only way to reveal him was doing damage, but even them, if the skill was already off CD he could re-stealth again. PvP was interesting, you just dying from an enemy you could not even see hehe.

But for GW2, they could make one of two things:

If you are fighting another player and he stealths in front of you, his stealth duration is reduced by half (you could say this is a effect of your character being more aware).

Or, he will have "half stealth", and he will be partially invisible, like those Mordrem/Frogs in HoT after you train the mastery, this way people would have to think before just stealthing in combat, having to disengage and break LoS before even trying to go invisible (except on WvW of course, maps are too big for this mechanic to be fair for invisible players).

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Remove the option to enter stealth while in combat.And remove Stealth from all Non-thief skills, except the few elites dedicated to only apply stealth (Scrapper's drone and Mesmer's mass invisibility).Rework rune of the trapper to not give stealth.Make blasting Smoke fields give AoE blind instead of Stealth.Have Stealth give some detrimental effects (like reducing movement speed or reduce stats while stealth).

There are many ways to reduce Stealth output and to make Stealth balanced, but apparently Arenanet doesn't want to.

No stealth in combat and some of ur other suggestions would mean thiefs sustain would need a significant buff or any stealth build would be useless and dead.

If only thief could switch weapons and use an Evade or Kite spec for survibility , if their opener hit didnt hit ...

U mean like all other classes can do as well all while not being balanced around stealth being a big part of their sustain ie more hp, armor, blocks on skills not just one utility, invulnerability skills, healing skills that absorb damage acting like invulnerability etc etc yeah imagine thief builds like dp where stealth wasnt available during combat lol it be completely outclassed by almost every class and their builds, it be completely useless and dead unless as I said thief's sustain got reworked than again that starts taking the rogue like playstyle away and its identity. Good stuff.I get tons of overall evades on my warrior,ranger and rev just as examples, a lot of evades as a whole so the thief has a lot of evades isn't really a great point these days as so do a lot of the more sustain based classes as well.Been 8 yrs, stealth isn't changing I'd bet.

I mean like other games .Where you do you oppener attacks > deal 50% of the target hp > you use your defensive cds while you deal the rest of 50% of his hp .You can Switch weapons > you dont have to stay on dpStealth isnt changing , but the damage will get lowered or other classes will get more survibility , or they will do the same damage :POh wait you will whine about powercreep + tankwars and leave once again :P

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The people here using ESO as a reference are completely clueless to what they're saying and should not use it as an example.I've played over 3,000 pvp matches of Thief on Gw2 and I played ESO as both of Magicka Nightblade AND Stamina Nightblade for about a year, allow me to educate you:

First of all it takes 0 effort at all to stealth in ESO compared to having at least a minimal setup to do on Gw2 for the most part, stealth also works as an "iframe" on ESO where if theres a hit being thrown at you while you stealth, it counts as "Immune".To the part of "Aoe damage will unstealth nightblade", you are absolutely correct, but at the same time nightblade has about 20 times more ways to avoid taking damage compared to a thief with two or three dodge rolls. You can spamm dodge rolls with are a prolonged iframe into stealth, you can reposition yourself with your shade, you can sprint into dodge roll/s into stealth, there are several different ways to avoid that situation where a shadow arts core thief would have only two dodge rolls.

When it comes to Magicka Nightblade the class can perma stealth by simply pressing 1 single button every 3 seconds. "But bla bla bla aoe damage unstealth", k press shade port away and back to perma stealth...


Those ESO references are really ridiculous, try to suggest constructive ideas towards reworking stealth in Guild Wars 2 that will not completely gut the classes that need it instead of pulling some pathetic comparasion to other games where you are clearly clueless and have no idea wtf youre talking about.


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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Remove the option to enter stealth while in combat.And remove Stealth from all Non-thief skills, except the few elites dedicated to only apply stealth (Scrapper's drone and Mesmer's mass invisibility).Rework rune of the trapper to not give stealth.Make blasting Smoke fields give AoE blind instead of Stealth.Have Stealth give some detrimental effects (like reducing movement speed or reduce stats while stealth).

There are many ways to reduce Stealth output and to make Stealth balanced, but apparently Arenanet doesn't want to.

No stealth in combat and some of ur other suggestions would mean thiefs sustain would need a significant buff or any stealth build would be useless and dead.

If only thief could switch weapons and use an Evade or Kite spec for survibility , if their opener hit didnt hit ...

U mean like all other classes can do as well all while not being balanced around stealth being a big part of their sustain ie more hp, armor, blocks on skills not just one utility, invulnerability skills, healing skills that absorb damage acting like invulnerability etc etc yeah imagine thief builds like dp where stealth wasnt available during combat lol it be completely outclassed by almost every class and their builds, it be completely useless and dead unless as I said thief's sustain got reworked than again that starts taking the rogue like playstyle away and its identity. Good stuff.I get tons of overall evades on my warrior,ranger and rev just as examples, a lot of evades as a whole so the thief has a lot of evades isn't really a great point these days as so do a lot of the more sustain based classes as well.Been 8 yrs, stealth isn't changing I'd bet.

I mean like other games .Where you do you oppener attacks > deal 50% of the target hp > you use your defensive cds while you deal the rest of 50% of his hp .You can Switch weapons > you dont have to stay on dpStealth isnt changing , but the damage will get lowered or other classes will get more survibility , or they will do the same damage :POh wait you will whine about powercreep + tankwars and leave once again :P

Nope their will always be high stealth burst dps in this game from thief or their would be zero incentive for a class like thief to stealth burst in the first place while putting it in the danger of melee range. All that will happen is whining like these post will just keep happening until the game is no more, the same as all the mmo's with rogue type classes :)It's what makes it so fun to stealth gank in the first place is knowing all the players on the other end cursing over taking the game so seriously lol

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@"Blacksheep.8932" said:The people here using ESO as a reference are completely clueless to what they're saying and should not use it as an example.I've played over 3,000 pvp matches of Thief on Gw2 and I played ESO as both of Magicka Nightblade AND Stamina Nightblade for about a year, allow me to educate you:

First of all it takes 0 effort at all to stealth in ESO compared to having at least a minimal setup to do on Gw2 for the most part, stealth also works as an "iframe" on ESO where if theres a hit being thrown at you while you stealth, it counts as "Immune".To the part of "Aoe damage will unstealth nightblade", you are absolutely correct, but at the same time nightblade has about 20 times more ways to avoid taking damage compared to a thief with two or three dodge rolls. You can spamm dodge rolls with are a prolonged iframe into stealth, you can reposition yourself with your shade, you can sprint into dodge roll/s into stealth, there are several different ways to avoid that situation where a shadow arts core thief would have only two dodge rolls.

When it comes to Magicka Nightblade the class can perma stealth by simply pressing 1 single button every 3 seconds. "But bla bla bla aoe damage unstealth", k press shade port away and back to perma stealth...


Those ESO references are really ridiculous, try to suggest constructive ideas towards reworking stealth in Guild Wars 2 that will not completely gut the classes that need it instead of pulling some pathetic comparasion to other games where you are clearly clueless and have no idea kitten youre talking about.


Thank you jesus a person who has actually played the game their referencing lol.Stamblade4life.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Remove the option to enter stealth while in combat.And remove Stealth from all Non-thief skills, except the few elites dedicated to only apply stealth (Scrapper's drone and Mesmer's mass invisibility).Rework rune of the trapper to not give stealth.Make blasting Smoke fields give AoE blind instead of Stealth.Have Stealth give some detrimental effects (like reducing movement speed or reduce stats while stealth).

There are many ways to reduce Stealth output and to make Stealth balanced, but apparently Arenanet doesn't want to.

No stealth in combat and some of ur other suggestions would mean thiefs sustain would need a significant buff or any stealth build would be useless and dead.

Are you implying all those shadow steps, teleports and other skills that change their placement on the fly aren't enough to escape and run away?Their extreme survivability already got needlessly buffed with evade on Daggerstorm.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:Yeah, stealth probably isn't going to change significantly in this game.

Let go, you'll feel better.


after 8 years, the writing is all over the wall

Toxicity is not going anywhere

Actually agree kinda. It's like saying mesmers should have to suffer penalties for every clone deployed because clones is a toxic design in a pvp mode. That would destroy mesmer as a class.People need to realize rogue like classes and classes like mesmer are meant to feel toxic or cheap as that is their design and theme. Imagine a thief class or class based around confusion distraction etc feeling fair to fight or how much the playstyle would feel off to the players who chose those classes if fighting fair was its playstyle, it wouldn't fit the theme at all.It's like these players think that the devs are magically going to rework a rogue class or rogue like classes into something that feel fair to fight lmao, not only would they not be a rogue like class at that point but players that would usually use and play the rogue like class wouldn't play it anymore and just leave to another mmo with the rogue like playstyle lol. And that's what gw2 needs even less players.Ultimately every class even ones like warrior that cant port, go invisibile etc can have aspects that feel OP or unfair to other classes. I get if numbers are to high or if something is over performing at what it does being toned down, that's fine but don't they and make a huge aspect of a actual playstyle unusable because u yourself don't like it cuz it's a waste because u won't succeed as the rogue archetype isn't ever going to change in a way that fights fair nor feels fair to fight, cuz wouldn't be a rogue if it did.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Remove the option to enter stealth while in combat.And remove Stealth from all Non-thief skills, except the few elites dedicated to only apply stealth (Scrapper's drone and Mesmer's mass invisibility).Rework rune of the trapper to not give stealth.Make blasting Smoke fields give AoE blind instead of Stealth.Have Stealth give some detrimental effects (like reducing movement speed or reduce stats while stealth).

There are many ways to reduce Stealth output and to make Stealth balanced, but apparently Arenanet doesn't want to.

No stealth in combat and some of ur other suggestions would mean thiefs sustain would need a significant buff or any stealth build would be useless and dead.

Are you implying all those shadow steps, teleports and other skills that change their placement on the fly aren't enough to escape and run away?Their extreme survivability already got needlessly buffed with evade on Daggerstorm.

If u run shodowstep or sb, if not u have no better and even in some cases worse disengage than other more sustainy classes so let's not box them into needing a weaponset and a utility as that's the opposite direction to go. Also as I kinda stated alot of classes have leaps and reat mobility skills these days. A thief shouldn't be boxed into bursting with low damage(as its aperant u all want) to just have to run away cuz it can, with kinda playstyle would that be? It needs something to allow it to stay around the fight for a chance to down its opponent, besides us see a lot less people complaining about the thief disengaging before they could squish em if the thief had tools to stay in the fight and didn't have to run so often. Issue is people want to limit thief's sustain tools without compensation because in the end a dead thief is a good thief am I right? LolTo put it simple again think where do thief is right now, it's ok but not super strong, now remove stealth in combat with no compensation and where would dp thief be? Yeah in the dumpster

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