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forum after patchnotes reveal


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ive had to make popcorn all day since this is the best entertainment ive seen in a good while

  1. ppl read their main's patch notes, is horrified it got nerfed big time
  2. proceeds to ignore every other classes nerfs

srsly guys, chiiillll. everyone got nerfed to high heaven, its not only your main that got hit. its everyone

sure some of the changes is too heavyhanded, mirage endurance nerf instead of focusing on IH comes to mind but overall this patch looks great.finally a patch to shake up a stale meta and bring down the powercreep which alot of players have been asking for.

relax with the doomsday predictions, this patch is so huge noone can predict the outcome before it goes live anyway

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ye i know alot of players that welcome this patch with open arms. hell after reading the notes im actually looking forward to play core engi again since it looks like kits will be viable with the dmg tuned down across the board.

in my eyes all this patch does is promote skillfull play and using ur skills when it has the most impact instead of spamming away

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Well, throughout these years I've played 8 out of 9 professions and liked playing most of them, so I, for one, am crying not about this particular nerf or that, but rather about the entire paradigm shift. I don't find running out of skills and having to autoattack while waiting for my skills to recharge terribly exciting, even if we assume it's my fault for spamming them.

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@JTGuevara.9018 said:Honestly, this is what I and many others wanted: a overall decrease in damage and healing output, especially to elite specializations. People who are accustomed to the current status quo are in for a BIG awakening. Bring it on, I say.

I agree. Bring it. I wanted this chaos from the patch from the beginning and thats what they gave us. It needed to happen, regardless of people's distinct emotional reactions to it, it needed to happen.

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@Zenix.6198 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:look at what they did to soulbeast and mirage, then compare what they did to FB.some are more equal then others i guess xd

you mean literally cutting its healing in half and reducing it's damage overall by about 33% (like literally any other class)?Ye, FB didnt see ANY nerfs /s

ill give you example.fb lost 33% of its power damagemesmer lost 33% of its power damage, on top of superspeed, cooldowns, CC duration, condi durations, reflect. and traits were removed too.this is the main difference, EVERYONE lost damage, but some classes like SLB got mechanic ripped off ( pet swap ). while thief and fb didnt, while being much stronger lul

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:look at what they did to soulbeast and mirage, then compare what they did to FB.some are more equal then others i guess xd

you mean literally cutting its healing in half and reducing it's damage overall by about 33% (like literally any other class)?Ye, FB didnt see ANY nerfs /s

ill give you example.fb lost 33% of its power damagemesmer lost 33% of its power damage, on top of superspeed, cooldowns, CC duration, condi durations, reflect. and traits were removed too.this is the main difference, EVERYONE lost damage, but some classes like SLB got mechanic ripped off ( pet swap ). while thief and fb didnt, while being much stronger lul

core thief needs a mechanic ripped off?

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:look at what they did to soulbeast and mirage, then compare what they did to FB.some are more equal then others i guess xd

you mean literally cutting its healing in half and reducing it's damage overall by about 33% (like literally any other class)?Ye, FB didnt see ANY nerfs /s

ill give you example.fb lost 33% of its power damagemesmer lost 33% of its power damage, on top of superspeed, cooldowns, CC duration, condi durations, reflect. and traits were removed too.this is the main difference, EVERYONE lost damage, but some classes like SLB got mechanic ripped off ( pet swap ). while thief and fb didnt, while being much stronger lul

core thief needs a mechanic ripped off?

I gave you an example.IF X is as strong as Y.and X gets nerfed by 30%but Y gets nerfed by 40%.then X>Y

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:look at what they did to soulbeast and mirage, then compare what they did to FB.some are more equal then others i guess xd

you mean literally cutting its healing in half and reducing it's damage overall by about 33% (like literally any other class)?Ye, FB didnt see ANY nerfs /s

ill give you example.fb lost 33% of its power damagemesmer lost 33% of its power damage, on top of superspeed, cooldowns, CC duration, condi durations, reflect. and traits were removed too.this is the main difference, EVERYONE lost damage, but some classes like SLB got mechanic ripped off ( pet swap ). while thief and fb didnt, while being much stronger lul

core thief needs a mechanic ripped off?

I gave you an example.IF X is as strong as Y.and X gets nerfed by 30%but Y gets nerfed by 40%.then X>Y

yeah, but thief got damage nerfs and cooldown increases like everyone else.

daredevil got tradeoffs a while ago and over the years, and reduced in the weakness and healing traits in this upcoming patch.

what core class got tradeoffs?

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Forums pre patch:

Nerf Weaver, it does too much damage and has too much sustain and has perma evades. Nerf firebrand it spams boonz and heals and makes people immortal. Nerf Mirage it's too much visual clutte-- Nerf theif why does pistol whip stun and deal damage--Nerf Warrio--Nerf Herald--Nerf--

Forums post patch:

Wtf Anet why did you nerf insert class ability here You're obviously bad at your job. You could hire a janitor to do the job better.


Eating popcorn on the side lines

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:look at what they did to soulbeast and mirage, then compare what they did to FB.some are more equal then others i guess xd

you mean literally cutting its healing in half and reducing it's damage overall by about 33% (like literally any other class)?Ye, FB didnt see ANY nerfs /s

ill give you example.fb lost 33% of its power damagemesmer lost 33% of its power damage, on top of superspeed, cooldowns, CC duration, condi durations, reflect. and traits were removed too.this is the main difference, EVERYONE lost damage, but some classes like SLB got mechanic ripped off ( pet swap ). while thief and fb didnt, while being much stronger lul

core thief needs a mechanic ripped off?

I gave you an example.IF X is as strong as Y.and X gets nerfed by 30%but Y gets nerfed by 40%.then X>Y

yeah, but thief got damage nerfs and cooldown increases like everyone else.

daredevil got tradeoffs a while ago and over the years, and reduced in the weakness and healing traits in this upcoming patch.

what core class got tradeoffs?

we established that thief/dd got nerfed by 30%, while others got nerfed by 40%.its that 10% thats going to make difference.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:look at what they did to soulbeast and mirage, then compare what they did to FB.some are more equal then others i guess xd

you mean literally cutting its healing in half and reducing it's damage overall by about 33% (like literally any other class)?Ye, FB didnt see ANY nerfs /s

ill give you example.fb lost 33% of its power damagemesmer lost 33% of its power damage, on top of superspeed, cooldowns, CC duration, condi durations, reflect. and traits were removed too.this is the main difference, EVERYONE lost damage, but some classes like SLB got mechanic ripped off ( pet swap ). while thief and fb didnt, while being much stronger lul

core thief needs a mechanic ripped off?

I gave you an example.IF X is as strong as Y.and X gets nerfed by 30%but Y gets nerfed by 40%.then X>Y

yeah, but thief got damage nerfs and cooldown increases like everyone else.

daredevil got tradeoffs a while ago and over the years, and reduced in the weakness and healing traits in this upcoming patch.

what core class got tradeoffs?

we established that thief/dd got nerfed by 30%, while others got nerfed by 40%.its that 10% thats going to make difference.

where is this established?

i thought you were talking about x and y

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@Kuma.1503 said:Forums pre patch:

Nerf Weaver, it does too much damage and has too much sustain and has perma evades. Nerf firebrand it spams boonz and heals and makes people immortal. Nerf Mirage it's too much visual clutte-- Nerf theif why does pistol whip stun and deal damage--Nerf Warrio--Nerf Herald--Nerf--

Forums post patch:

kitten Anet why did you nerf insert class ability here You're obviously bad at your job. You could hire a janitor to do the job better.


Eating popcorn on the side lines


Regarding the thief thing specifically: both pistol whip AND escapists fortitude on thief got nerfed, both the hot button issues in addition to the damage scaling, but instead of considering that people are just rolling on to another thing like thief barely got touched at all. If those two items weren't such a big deal, why were there a billion forum posts asking for them to be adjusted?

The most you're going to get now out of thief nerfwise is a shave to their minor traits in SA. That's it. No initiative decreases, no shortbow needing to spend more init, nothing. If thieves want to be ghosts on the battlefield and give up map control they can def do that.

Regarding the main point: I play everything, its real satisfying/entertaining to watch everyone who has had a complained-about mechanic or synergy, but didn't like fighting someone else's version of it also get shaved and not be okay with that turnout.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:look at what they did to soulbeast and mirage, then compare what they did to FB.some are more equal then others i guess xd

you mean literally cutting its healing in half and reducing it's damage overall by about 33% (like literally any other class)?Ye, FB didnt see ANY nerfs /s

ill give you example.fb lost 33% of its power damagemesmer lost 33% of its power damage, on top of superspeed, cooldowns, CC duration, condi durations, reflect. and traits were removed too.this is the main difference, EVERYONE lost damage, but some classes like SLB got mechanic ripped off ( pet swap ). while thief and fb didnt, while being much stronger lul

core thief needs a mechanic ripped off?

I gave you an example.IF X is as strong as Y.and X gets nerfed by 30%but Y gets nerfed by 40%.then X>Y

yeah, but thief got damage nerfs and cooldown increases like everyone else.

daredevil got tradeoffs a while ago and over the years, and reduced in the weakness and healing traits in this upcoming patch.

what core class got tradeoffs?

we established that thief/dd got nerfed by 30%, while others got nerfed by 40%.its that 10% thats going to make difference.

where is this established?

i thought you were talking about x and y


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I don't think the problem has to do with anything being nerf really; the real problems is that those elements are still there and not either removed or redesigned.

Example: You can tell someone that they no longer can not use a machine gun and instead give them a rifle.

Let me ask you; what do you see wrong with this picture?

Anet is not going to hard-cap anything......different numbers, different wordings, different scenarios, different strategies,

It Is All An Illusion Folks

-After few days after release of the patch; you'll all figure it out all over again

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@JTGuevara.9018 said:Honestly, this is what I and many others wanted: a overall decrease in damage and healing output, especially to elite specializations. People who are accustomed to the current status quo are in for a BIG awakening. Bring it on, I say.

Uh, I don't think you guys are realizing that the damage nerf is not proportionate to the heal nerf.

Right now everyone is only looking at the coefficient damage changes in relation to the heal coefficient changes. What they are not yet noticing is how having much less quickness access and no boon duration to bolster it will GREATLY decrease damage as well. Not to mention that all hard CC skills are essentially going to 0 damage output. My good dudes, the new meta will have like 1/3rd the damage output that we have now. Things will play awfully slow after this. Like Bunker meta slow, without it even being a Bunker meta.

Be careful what you wish for.

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@Kuma.1503 said:Forums pre patch:

Nerf Weaver, it does too much damage and has too much sustain and has perma evades. Nerf firebrand it spams boonz and heals and makes people immortal. Nerf Mirage it's too much visual clutte-- Nerf theif why does pistol whip stun and deal damage--Nerf Warrio--Nerf Herald--Nerf--

Forums post patch:

kitten Anet why did you nerf insert class ability here You're obviously bad at your job. You could hire a janitor to do the job better.


Eating popcorn on the side lines

gotta get me some of this popcorn

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@Zenix.6198 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:look at what they did to soulbeast and mirage, then compare what they did to FB.some are more equal then others i guess xd

you mean literally cutting its healing in half and reducing it's damage overall by about 33% (like literally any other class)?Ye, FB didnt see ANY nerfs /s

No where close to some other builds.

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