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Skills with more than 60s cd turn the game more boring and don't balance it


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for real all skills should have at max 60s cd, hardly any fight will last more than 1 minute, putting 100s-300s cd on skills just make them a waste of slot since you going to use it at max 3 times on the whole match.the top skills should be used at least 1 time per fight and not per matchhigher cds will not reduce the power creep will just make the game more boring since you can't use your full potential in any fightalso cd need to refresh when you die and respawn so you can fight with your full potential when you back.

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It won't be boring if you surpass your opponent decisions. A lot of those passives that have 300s CD also have the potential to let anyone survive what they wouldn't survive which is a team focus and if a team focus occurs that means a lot of cooldowns will be wasted, resulting in a snowball afterwards for your own team to have the CD advantage.

Coordination is what they are aiming for which is in the right direction compared to faceroll wars 2.

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The 300sec CD on automatic stun breaks is to make them not viable in PvP. The devs don't want to disable them permanently in PvP, so the only choice is to make it undeniably worse than its alternative choices.

Elite skills with 2 or 3 min CDs are meant to be able to change the course of some fights, but not all. It's about saving it for the right moment.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:for real all skills should have at max 60s cd, hardly any fight will last more than 1 minute, putting 100s-300s cd on skills just make them a waste of slot since you going to use it at max 3 times on the whole match.the top skills should be used at least 1 time per fight and not per matchhigher cds will not reduce the power creep will just make the game more boring since you can't use your full potential in any fightalso cd need to refresh when you die and respawn so you can fight with your full potential when you back.


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@Shao.7236 said:It won't be boring if you surpass your opponent decisions. A lot of those passives that have 300s CD also have the potential to let anyone survive what they wouldn't survive which is a team focus and if a team focus occurs that means a lot of cooldowns will be wasted, resulting in a snowball afterwards for your own team to have the CD advantage.

Coordination is what they are aiming for which is in the right direction compared to faceroll wars 2.

my point is this, imagine the scenarioyou have a trait/skill with 300s cdyou waste it on the fight, then you die or kill someone because of itbut now you have more opponents to fight since it's a 5v5 gamenow for 300s you are with half powerso even if you are more skilled than the other player, the next fight will be harder/wasted since you are not with your full build potential

300s will not reduce the powercreep, will just make you waste time and just wait for your cd back so you can fight again

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@Exedore.6320 said:The 300sec CD on automatic stun breaks is to make them not viable in PvP. The devs don't want to disable them permanently in PvP, so the only choice is to make it undeniably worse than its alternative choices.

Elite skills with 2 or 3 min CDs are meant to be able to change the course of some fights, but not all. It's about saving it for the right moment.

yeah this will make them inviable, who will prefer a 300s skill that you can use only 2 times in the whole match on 5v5 setup, if you can pick a alternative trait that will work anytime?it will be way more fun if you could use it 1 time per fight at right time and not make 2 fights on the whole match easier

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opposite, when skill cooldowns are too low, fight last longer, specially the sustainning ones, longer the cooldown, faster the fights

btw, cooldown management should be a thing, right now is too noob friendly and forgiving, noob friendly traits with passive sustain effect such as defy pain/auto stab should have long cool down. actually these trait should be deleted if it's up to me

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@Exedore.6320 said:The automatic stun breaks are cancer. They destroy skillful play. The developers intend to remove them, but don't have the time to create a replacement. Setting them to 300sec is effectively removing them.

im talking about elites too, like:thief - thieves guild its a good skill but the cd is so high and you never going to use it so everyone pick dagger storm insteadele conjure fiery sword/tornado, no one pick it because you going to waste your elite because of the high cdnecro lich form, plaguelands..mesmer time warp..


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@Exedore.6320 said:The 300sec CD on automatic stun breaks is to make them not viable in PvP. The devs don't want to disable them permanently in PvP, so the only choice is to make it undeniably worse than its alternative choices.

Elite skills with 2 or 3 min CDs are meant to be able to change the course of some fights, but not all. It's about saving it for the right moment.

I have a very ingenius idea! How about we fucking remove them from the game? This is the second time Anet are fucking with these. Just remove them. Ohh too much work. I forget all devs can do is multiply every thing by 0.67 and call it balance.

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I've had enough thieves getting saved by Instant Reflexes over and over from their mistakes, should no other traits be spared if people dare picking into something because they are confident enough to compensate for the loss of others.

Anyway pay close attention to the traits and the ones you have to pick from, even if it's 300 seconds I don't think you'd be picking Armored Attack if you don't have any toughness or Sundering Mace if you have no mace. There's still reasoning behind the fact it could turn or save you at a crucial moment with the way the game is headed.

Also this:

  • Feline Grace: Reduced vigor duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
  • Endless Stamina: Reduced concentration from 240 to 60
  • Pain Response: Increased cooldown from 40 seconds to 60 seconds
  • Hard to Catch: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 300 seconds
  • Instant Reflexes: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 300 seconds

Most traits fall in the same idea of Warrior Defense, the choices can still make sense if you prefer having a second wind over some passive that need investment.

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They likely made the ICD of the passive traits 5 minutes so that they didn't have to outright disable them until they can fully rework those traits into something different. Bumping them to 5 minutes keeps them in play (if you actually still want to use them) but essentially knocks them right out of wide use by players as they have been deemed to be problematic by the community, which they are.

It is entirely possible that their intention is exactly that, to remove them from the game but only when they have proper reworked traits ready that will hopefully fit better with the environment that comes from this update.

So basically...be patient. Things are going to change with the update and they likely did not want to do a full rework on all of those traits until they are able to see the kind of dynamic in builds and meta that this new paradigm establishes.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@xDudisx.5914 said:300s cd is way too long, Anet might as well just delete the trait.

Thats the goal.

But they can only change numbers.Its another team that will rework them later.

300 is perfect, Any passive invulnerability or stunbreak should be removed from a PvP game. This is the next best thing.

I support removing it from the game. Nerfing to the point that it is completely useless is bad. It is wasting one trait option that could be used for something else. Instead of 3 trait choices, now there are only 2.

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@xDudisx.5914 said:

@xDudisx.5914 said:300s cd is way too long, Anet might as well just delete the trait.

Thats the goal.

But they can only change numbers.Its another team that will rework them later.

300 is perfect, Any passive invulnerability or stunbreak should be removed from a PvP game. This is the next best thing.

I support removing it from the game. Nerfing to the point that it is completely useless is bad. It is wasting one trait option that could be used for something else. Instead of 3 trait choices, now there are only 2.

Same for everyone. And as many ppl have already said, this is just a temporary measure.

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The bigger problem is it doesn't actually reduce spam. It's a change that does not in any way accomplish its stated goals.

I will be making an actual thread on its own to explain this topic later. The TL;DR of it is that increasing CDs to reduce spam is a demonstrably inefficient method and actually ends up reducing the overall skill ceiling.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

@xDudisx.5914 said:300s cd is way too long, Anet might as well just delete the trait.

Thats the goal.

But they can only change numbers.Its another team that will rework them later.

300 is perfect, Any passive invulnerability or stunbreak should be removed from a PvP game. This is the next best thing.

I support removing it from the game. Nerfing to the point that it is completely useless is bad. It is wasting one trait option that could be used for something else. Instead of 3 trait choices, now there are only 2.

Same for everyone. And as many ppl have already said, this is just a temporary measure.

Did they mention it is temporary in any official communication? I think they will wait 4-5 weeks, reduce the cooldown to a value in between 60 and 300 and call it done.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:for real all skills should have at max 60s cd, hardly any fight will last more than 1 minute, putting 100s-300s cd on skills just make them a waste of slot since you going to use it at max 3 times on the whole match.the top skills should be used at least 1 time per fight and not per matchhigher cds will not reduce the power creep will just make the game more boring since you can't use your full potential in any fightalso cd need to refresh when you die and respawn so you can fight with your full potential when you back.

I heavily disagree that each skill should be used EACH fight.

A lot of creativity, wow and clutch moments come from using a long CD , big risk skill , for a small advantage that LATER leads to big advantage and lastly win.

Having all skills always available removes risk and promotes spam&pray style.

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