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****Upcoming BALANCE — FEEDBACK *****


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With respect to PVP...

As a whole I don’t like any of these changes and the direction the game is going. It’s like backwards development to your game.

I think slowing down the game play and catering to the crowd that was never really that good at the game is the wrong way to go - completely.

I think after all this development time you will see the same people achieving and the same people crying ... except it will be crying about something different, and the game will be less fun for a guy like myself who has been keeping up with the pace of the game through constant development over the years.

I feel like this game is/will lose some of its edge in this update. - The dodge button and the explosiveness and responsiveness of the combat system is what high rank PVP players like in your game. Also the amount of CHOICES.

You guys are removing even more amulets I see on top of this?

Like at one point you have to say enough is enough and and stop changing the game to fit the desires of a certain vocal group of the population.

At least if you are going to waste development time, cater it to the people that actually excel at your game. Not the ones that barely understand it.

Cutting down damage, healing, CC, stun breaks - removing even MORE amulets??? INCREASING COOL DOWNS???? ... you are just making the game more slow paced and passive and taking away complexity. It’s straight up removing depth from the game and closing the gap between those that understand and those that don’t.

Yeah you will appeal to the new guys or the guys that never get a clue but you are hard capping the possibilities.

Here’s to hoping for a new XPAC that will RETURN things to their CURRENT power levels. SMDH

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The game did need some de-powercreep but not using the generalized and standardized approach there using. Seems very lazy as if all the differences in mechanics, playstyles and dynamics of each classes were completely disregarded and not put into consideration.I get why the shake up gives some people hope cuz it's something but imo its gonna be the same or worse mess as a whole as it is now unfortunately.

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1) no more powercreep2) PvP will be more skillful (killing just by pushing 3 or 4 buttons will not be enough anymore)3) Cal Cohen has a plan and dev-team is finally doing something/a lot4) I m convinced balancing will come too (balance-patch intended every 6 weeks)5) dev-team makes previews and listens to our feedbackP v P I S A L I V E ! ! !

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Why does this need to be fast paced? GW2 is marketed for casuals. Not everyone finds it easy to be so familiar with a build where you can react to enemies in less than a second and know exactly what to do. People like me can't stick with a single build for a long time and in turn I always am working on improvement and accustoming. But the fast paced nature of Conquest really does limit how much you learn off a build. It's unnecessary and something I've pitched before: slow down the gameplay!

One more thing I'd like to add: if patches keep going down this road, PVP will be slower paced but skill usage will be much more methodical. Usually combat, for me, is a test of reaction and some others, but I would appreciate a more tactical approach.

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@Arkantos.7460 said:It is exactly what ppl need in all pvp modes.Hundrets of threats where ppl get oneshotted... frustrations about cc-chains of braindead classes like sb/holoyolo/mesma ... perma evade classes like rev/ele ...the pvp ppl need a ton down of power creepdeal with it

This is all true but using their method of de-powercreep a lot of skills that were already weak or traits already unused are being uniformly nerfed on equal grounds with the overperforming skills and traits resulting in a more over all less damaging play but the low equality between the unused skills/traits in the same situation as before. To compound this some overperforming traits such as certain passives like that of lesser endure pain as a ex are being basically altered to a state that actually is a obvious attempt to deter players from using further decreasing build deversity which is very bad. I mean who ever thought 300 seconds was a good basis for a cd or any trait for that matter should be escorted out the door. At the point of consideration of 300 seconds as a cd the total replacement of the trait should have been obvious and I'm sry if this team doesn'tdont even realize this haha I donno even what to say beyond that point.

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@"JayAction.9056" said:With respect to PVP...

As a whole I don’t like any of these changes and the direction the game is going. It’s like backwards development to your game.

I think slowing down the game play and catering to the crowd that was never really that good at the game is the wrong way to go - completely.

I think after all this development time you will see the same people achieving and the same people crying ... except it will be crying about something different, and the game will be less fun for a guy like myself who has been keeping up with the pace of the game through constant development over the years.

I feel like this game is/will lose some of its edge in this update. - The dodge button and the explosiveness and responsiveness of the combat system is what high rank PVP players like in your game. Also the amount of CHOICES.

You guys are removing even more amulets I see on top of this?

Like at one point you have to say enough is enough and and stop changing the game to fit the desires of a certain vocal group of the population.

At least if you are going to waste development time, cater it to the people that actually excel at your game. Not the ones that barely understand it.

Cutting down damage, healing, CC, stun breaks - removing even MORE amulets??? INCREASING COOL DOWNS???? ... you are just making the game more slow paced and passive and taking away complexity. It’s straight up removing depth from the game and closing the gap between those that understand and those that don’t.

Yeah you will appeal to the new guys or the guys that never get a clue but you are hard capping the possibilities.

Here’s to hoping for a new XPAC that will RETURN things to their CURRENT power levels. SMDH

Power creep needed to be addressed, and this is one of the only ways the devs could actually try and fix it. Redesigning skills and traits along with regular minor damage nerfs would have been ideal, but its just not possible for a low population gamemode in a niche game with a decreasing playerbase. Power creep isnt fun for the majority of players, regardless of skill. A lot of the high skill players in the game hate it, and a lot of average players hate it. Arguing that complaints about power creep are just from low skill players that "dont understand the complexities of the game" is pretty arrogant of you.

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:This is all true but using their method of de-powercreep

They don't "de-powercreep" anything, what they do is lower the overall damage and sustain coefficient. The different professions will still have their increased access to all the tools that make them stronger (or more "whole") than the original profession at release. The "powercreep" that have been added over the year have almost not been touched.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@"JayAction.9056" said:With respect to PVP...

As a whole I don’t like any of these changes and the direction the game is going. It’s like backwards development to your game.

I think slowing down the game play and catering to the crowd that was never really that good at the game is the wrong way to go - completely.

I think after all this development time you will see the same people achieving and the same people crying ... except it will be crying about something different, and the game will be less fun for a guy like myself who has been keeping up with the pace of the game through constant development over the years.

I feel like this game is/will lose some of its edge in this update. - The dodge button and the explosiveness and responsiveness of the combat system is what high rank PVP players like in your game. Also the amount of CHOICES.

You guys are removing even more amulets I see on top of this?

Like at one point you have to say enough is enough and and stop changing the game to fit the desires of a certain vocal group of the population.

At least if you are going to waste development time, cater it to the people that actually excel at your game. Not the ones that barely understand it.

Cutting down damage, healing, CC, stun breaks - removing even MORE amulets??? INCREASING COOL DOWNS???? ... you are just making the game more slow paced and passive and taking away complexity. It’s straight up removing depth from the game and closing the gap between those that understand and those that don’t.

Yeah you will appeal to the new guys or the guys that never get a clue but you are hard capping the possibilities.

Here’s to hoping for a new XPAC that will RETURN things to their CURRENT power levels. SMDH

Power creep needed to be addressed, and this is one of the only ways the devs could actually try and fix it. Redesigning skills and traits along with regular minor damage nerfs would have been ideal, but its just not possible for a low population gamemode in a niche game with a decreasing playerbase. Power creep isnt fun for the majority of players, regardless of skill. A lot of the high skill players in the game hate it, and a lot of average players hate it. Arguing that complaints about power creep are just from low skill players that "dont understand the complexities of the game" is pretty arrogant of you.

Nah, even in the current meta, outside of hard counters or extreme outliers like DeadEye and Zerker soulbeast, two full DPS classes can 1v1 near indefinitely.

The only people hurt by power creep are people that can’t keep up.

I play zerker revenant most of the time. Certain NON BUNKER classes and specs can stall me and I can stall them for 4-5 minutes at a time using LOS and rotating through CDs. No one is even at risk of dying until somebody makes a mistake and then BAM ~75% HP is gone because you got caught. Then the momentum changes.

Slowing down the game play as DRASTIC as is being described in these balance changes is just going to take that way over into the realm of just playing a dulll waiting game.

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Dunno man, I've been playing builds that have more or less a lot of interaction and made it pretty far which that aside a few changes are mostly gonna be the same, which means that most people are going to be forced to do the same with less of that evade spam, attacks that conclude fights in about 3 hits and more thinking instead because there's going to be value in their actions.

  • Warriors right now is all about evade spam, disagree? Count how many randoms you see even if you don't attack, people DODGE into you for 5k damage + in fact. PS Perma 25 Might.
  • Thieves depending on the build is all about evade spam also and stealth attacks you can only tank (Or evade spam back.).
  • Rangers GS block is BLOATED and CC's of Gazelle are OVERPERFORMING by a LARGE margin.
  • Honestly Mesmers is pretty good right now aside the Blink disengage every 30 seconds.
  • Necromancers is also pretty good, little to complain
  • Revenants (Or Herald/Shiro kek) more evade spam in the equivalent of Warrior but with less damage that only involves jumping on people by rushing 2 skills.
  • Elementalists (Weavers more keks) extreme evade spam and skill spam with an extra amount of safety applied around it along bloated damage, or ToF saving the day of every glass builds.
  • Guardians bloated by boon duration and the duration of the boons.

How about you as the player, try to play with the future builds or close representation and see for yourself how much effort it takes to play now? Because I have and it's pretty fun. (Renegade Wizard/Grieving or Wizard Core Condition Revenant) Much less damage yet still able to win against most of the meta that can still destroy me in less than 4 hits.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:This is all true but using their method of de-powercreep

They don't "de-powercreep" anything, what they do is lower the overall damage and sustain coefficient. The different professions will still have their increased access to all the tools that make them stronger (or more "whole") than the original profession at release. The "powercreep" that have been added over the year have almost not been touched.

True true

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:This is all true but using their method of de-powercreep

They don't "de-powercreep" anything, what they do is lower the overall damage and sustain coefficient. The different professions will still have their increased access to all the tools that make them stronger (or more "whole") than the original profession at release. The "powercreep" that have been added over the year have almost not been touched.

True true

Yes but they also changes different cd of skills so the balance will change. For example , for engineer, porting healing turret from 20 to 30 secs is a great nerf ...

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I agree with Jay. The direction is wrong. The game will be much slower. It is barely taken in consideration the impact on individual classes. It has massive accessibility issue confusing anyone who is not super invested in sPvP. To me, it is more a vanity project, akin to many of the elite redesigns that were not needed, and left the elite in a much worse position.

I could to say it is a complete waste of dev time. But honestly, after reading the patch notes, it does not seem much dev time was put in it anyway.

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I've said it in other threads and I will say it in this one as well;

This update is meant to shift the direction of balance in a different direction. They took a wide sweeping brush across everything to establish a new baseline, a new foundation, to build from. The generalized 33% reduction in damage, broad CD increases on stunbreaks with stability or other effects, the reduction in healing and boon durations along with condi durations is meant to set a new foundation for them to then tweak things more appropriately going forward.

This update was never, and I mean never, meant to be a fix all. They never said it was. It was meant to break things down so they can build back up again as necessary if it even needs it. A lot will be determined and we will see how the newly established paradigm plays out after the patch hits; what builds will fall off hard, which builds might be born into the meta, what skills are still overtuned and might need adjusting still, which mechanics might need adjusting still (barrier just as an example), what traits might need improving or changing. There is a lot that will still need to go into pursuing healthier PvP balance but it was never going to be an overnight fix and it was never going to be a short term endeavor to undertake.

With a speedier release cadence of every 4 to 6 weeks that they are intending to keep, fixes for problematic skills, traits, etc can potentially come quicker as opposed to the 3 to 4 months we are used to waiting. Whether they stick to this faster pace is yet to be seen, obviously, but we don't know until it happens (or doesn't happen).

Also I would like for people to keep in mind that faster TTK =/= fast paced. You can have a fast paced game and it not be all one shot, one shot, one shot. I played Arenas in WoW TBC way back when and that was fast paced...but TTK was nowhere near or even resembling some sort of one shot meta and almost every meta comp for 3s brought along a healer; notable comps being KFC (War, Hunter, Healer), WLS (War, Lock, Resto Shaman), RMP (Rogue, Mage, Priest), and plenty of others. That was still fast paced gameplay, regardless of your feelings on WoW and tab target combat, that was not slow paced.

What makes gameplay fast paced is the importance of decisions made in real time, not how quickly another player dies. What makes gameplay fast paced is needing to capitalize on CD use and take advantage of when one is misused or forcing someone to use one to create an opening. Or coordination as a team to set up spikes or nukes to either down an opponent or just back them into a corner to make it more difficult for them to get out of. Either the healer would need to focus healing on them and not another target which means pressure applied to the healer would have a greater effect or force them to heal themselves rather than the teammat,e and the teammate would have to decided whether to kite and disengage or use certain defensive cooldowns to lighten any pressure still being applied to them. Or they take a riskier approach and peel for the healer despite the circumstances they are in, or the other present teammate (in a 3v3 setting) does the peeling or pressure the opposing teams healer or just another target to try and shift the balance of the fight.

We will see what happens with changes going forward, but people really need to stop confusing low (or maybe rather fast) TTK with fast paced gameplay. Sometimes they are related, but not in this genre of video games. Maybe in shooters...but those are shooters and they function completely different. Like how when Dice increased the TTK on BF5 and people were not happy because base TTK has already been historically pretty long in standard Battlefield settings, thats why Hardcore servers existed. For a shooter the one shot headshotting and getting dropped fast by good aim are important to keep the flow of combat cohesive and feel good. That philosophy does not apply to MMORPGs, not even MMORPGs with "action" combat especially when GW2 is action combat "lite".

There is still tab targetting, many skills still snap you to your target regardless of direction your character is facing. Yes there are dodges, yes there are defensive cooldowns, but the short cooldown on those skills has been a contributor to sustain being as high as it has been even for bursty builds, and boon duration and accessibility have been big contributors to TTK being so low (or fast depending on how you want to say it).

Stop confusing these things as being related to one another. So long as TTK remains at a reasonable pace, which it probably will be despite this patch and considering any changes they may make going forward once the update hits, then the gameplay is unlikely to be "slow paced".

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@Shao.7236 said:Dunno man, I've been playing builds that have more or less a lot of interaction and made it pretty far which that aside a few changes are mostly gonna be the same, which means that most people are going to be forced to do the same with less of that evade spam, attacks that conclude fights in about 3 hits and more thinking instead because there's going to be value in their actions.

  • Warriors right now is all about evade spam, disagree? Count how many randoms you see even if you don't attack, people DODGE into you for 5k damage + in fact. PS Perma 25 Might.
  • Thieves depending on the build is all about evade spam also and stealth attacks you can only tank (Or evade spam back.).
  • Rangers GS block is BLOATED and CC's of Gazelle are OVERPERFORMING by a LARGE margin.
  • Honestly Mesmers is pretty good right now aside the Blink disengage every 30 seconds.
  • Necromancers is also pretty good, little to complain
  • Revenants (Or Herald/Shiro kek) more evade spam in the equivalent of Warrior but with less damage that only involves jumping on people by rushing 2 skills.
  • Elementalists (Weavers more keks) extreme evade spam and skill spam with an extra amount of safety applied around it along bloated damage, or ToF saving the day of every glass builds.
  • Guardians bloated by boon duration and the duration of the boons.

How about you as the player, try to play with the future builds or close representation and see for yourself how much effort it takes to play now? Because I have and it's pretty fun. (Renegade Wizard/Grieving or Wizard Core Condition Revenant) Much less damage yet still able to win against most of the meta that can still destroy me in less than 4 hits.

Idk I played thief builds that don’t require stealth or evade spam and rarely use gs or gazelle on ranger and I’ve been top 10 most season solo q. I think ppl are so quick to call my classes brain dead because of builds like pistol whip, thing is pistol whip is the softest carry build possible on thief. In other words pistol whip is only useful when ur team is already doing well and is 100% Garbo in every other situation. The hype around meta is total bs I wouldn’t even play builds like gs ranger or pistol whip because they are hot Garbo most of the time in ranked and yet 90% of the forum population wants those builds nerfed, which is senseless

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@Dantheman.3589 Pistol Whip problem is the lack of risk, you get to evade no matter what and the only thing most classes can do is just wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait, unless you have instant CC's or are good at predicting, even if you land anything they're just going to swing it again next to you and be rewarded with cleanses whether you have stability or not doesn't matter either. Also also, there's no tell with the evade either.

I tire of telling people not to spam a Pistol Whip DD because my conditions get cleansed over and over after landing a good amount with my pre casted CC.

Ranger GS block is a busted skill carrying Rangers, Gazelle deals too much damage. I am giving people weakness and with over 75% damage reduction and still losing over half of my health in one hit is complete bollocks. People can tell me to spam evades but that's how you cheese badly at this game I don't need to, if I'm playing my class right and there's only one specific build that eats through what I should be the strongest against, something is wrong with the attacker.

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@Shao.7236 said:@Dantheman.3589 Pistol Whip problem is the lack of risk, you get to evade no matter what and the only thing most classes can do is just wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait, unless you have instant CC's or are good at predicting, even if you land anything they're just going to swing it again next to you and be rewarded with cleanses whether you have stability or not doesn't matter either. Also also, there's no tell with the evade either.

I tire of telling people not to spam a Pistol Whip DD because my conditions get cleansed over and over after landing a good amount with my pre casted CC.

Ranger GS block is a busted skill carrying Rangers, Gazelle deals too much damage. I am giving people weakness and with over 75% damage reduction and still losing over half of my health in one hit is complete kitten. People can tell me to spam evades but that's how you cheese badly at this game I don't need to, if I'm playing my class right and there's only one specific build that eats through what I should be the strongest against, something is wrong with the attacker.

Lol well yeah there are some good things about those, but even if u are top tier playing those into many comps is an instant loss, if u try it yourself you will find out that u do absolutely nothing in damage kills etc. much of the time. So how is it a problem in general, u don’t even need to try to counter them they just suck at lots of stuff which is why they aren’t overpowered

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@"Dantheman.3589" I don't get your reasoning with "comps". Let alone thinking that comps matter nowadays, Scourge Firebrand doesn't exist anymore. It's more like on a scale from 1 to 10, who has the easiest scrub build going and what can you do to counter it.

If my edgy berserker thief who's good enough to do anything right yet gets deleted by """""1""""" pet skill of a ranger coming out of stealth with absolutely NO telling unlike Mesmer one shot despite the name is a series of multi hits that leaves a small window of survivability, that's overpowered. Doesn't matter if he could randomly evade or do a thousand things among the rest, the fact that this pet was able to delete it in one single hit is a problem, whether the skill is meta or not.

That's like the people saying before "Anet you incompetents! Why nerf Sic 'em it was never this strong, they never changed it, why do it now? L2P issues, noobs ruining this game!!!1", viability is so subjective that if you try to even isolate any reasoning why it should not be changed, you will always find more cracks as you try to cover them.

It's not overthinking, it's the reality of why things are so chaotic and unbalanced in the first place with oversights like this. Because it's not META doesn't mean the latter is balanced.

I would have been impressed by the creativity of the combo if it was to be something part of a bigger scheme, not something that EVEN if I compensate for it I get destroyed anyway.

As for P/W viable or not, it wastes everyone time by the carry of side effects that takes NO efforts and rewards the user anyway, not meta, we don't care. It still wastes people time and take no effort. That's the problem, again meta or not.

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@Shao.7236 said:@"Dantheman.3589" I don't get your reasoning with "comps". Let alone thinking that comps matter nowadays, Scourge Firebrand doesn't exist anymore. It's more like on a scale from 1 to 10, who has the easiest scrub build going and what can you do to counter it.

If my edgy berserker thief who's good enough to do anything right yet gets deleted by """""1""""" pet skill of a ranger coming out of stealth with absolutely NO telling unlike Mesmer one shot despite the name is a series of multi hits that leaves a small window of survivability, that's overpowered. Doesn't matter if he could randomly evade or do a thousand things among the rest, the fact that this pet was able to delete it in one single hit is a problem, whether the skill is meta or not.

That's like the people saying before "Anet you incompetents! Why nerf Sic 'em it was never this strong, they never changed it, why do it now? L2P issues, noobs ruining this game!!!1", viability is so subjective that if you try to even isolate any reasoning why it should not be changed, you will always find more cracks as you try to cover them.

It's not overthinking, it's the reality of why things are so chaotic and unbalanced in the first place with oversights like this. Because it's not META doesn't mean the latter is balanced.

I would have been impressed by the creativity of the combo if it was to be something part of a bigger scheme, not something that EVEN if I compensate for it I get destroyed anyway.

As for P/W viable or not, it wastes everyone time by the carry of side effects that takes NO efforts and rewards the user anyway, not meta, we don't care. It still wastes people time and take no effort. That's the problem, again meta or not.

Lol I don’t get the point like even when ppl played pw as meta I understood immediately that it wasn’t good and now ppl play what I always said was better which is deadly arts usually 2 of them. It doesn’t matter what build it is even a meta one- if I can point it’s weaknesses and if they are crippling which they are in this case then the build isn’t op in many cases, so how is there a pistolwhip problem? The problem is that it’s great some of the time and terribad the other times even if it doesn’t get farmed I would rather play 1 shot builds into most comps I see in ranked

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I’m actually supportive of the patch in many cases as what I want is anet to have a vision of balance, but some ppl need to stop complaining about build just cuz they meta. A person can say this build is meta so I know it’s op, but do they actually know anything about it’s role and the meta as a whole? On the forums a lot of times no

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@Dantheman.3589 The last Pistol/Whip I fought wasted me over 40 seconds on a node by just pressing the skill, not even hitting me. Just pressing the skill and constantly connecting evades even while in between I CC'd it, still pressing 3, still waiting for me to use any attacks to cleanse which mind you all of them are heavily telegraph and are multi-hit reliant. All there is to do is wait and wait, whether they counter my condis or not, the fact that he didn't even have to REACH for me and hit me at all while staying safe, what can be done? Nothing, all there is to be done is wait and wait and wait... It's not fun, it's not challenging, it's not remotely skillful in the slightest. It's almost intentionally built to make people lose patience, yet here we are having people talking about slow fights coming the next patch yet I'm fairly certain this is worst.

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@"JayAction.9056" said:With respect to PVP...

As a whole I don’t like any of these changes and the direction the game is going. It’s like backwards development to your game.

I think slowing down the game play and catering to the crowd that was never really that good at the game is the wrong way to go - completely.

I think after all this development time you will see the same people achieving and the same people crying ... except it will be crying about something different, and the game will be less fun for a guy like myself who has been keeping up with the pace of the game through constant development over the years.

I feel like this game is/will lose some of its edge in this update. - The dodge button and the explosiveness and responsiveness of the combat system is what high rank PVP players like in your game. Also the amount of CHOICES.

You guys are removing even more amulets I see on top of this?

Like at one point you have to say enough is enough and and stop changing the game to fit the desires of a certain vocal group of the population.

At least if you are going to waste development time, cater it to the people that actually excel at your game. Not the ones that barely understand it.

Cutting down damage, healing, CC, stun breaks - removing even MORE amulets??? INCREASING COOL DOWNS???? ... you are just making the game more slow paced and passive and taking away complexity. It’s straight up removing depth from the game and closing the gap between those that understand and those that don’t.

Yeah you will appeal to the new guys or the guys that never get a clue but you are hard capping the possibilities.

Here’s to hoping for a new XPAC that will RETURN things to their CURRENT power levels. SMDH


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