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Surge of the mists warm up disappointing.


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@Kanok.3027 said:I just don't know why they added this change in PvE. There is literally no reason for it and just slows down CC and makes it more difficult to time it. They seriously need to split it between game modes.

They didnt add it to PvE. They added it to WvW and PvP, but animations can't be split between modes, so PvE is stuck with it.

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This change is trash, honestly. As if it wasn't enough to crit for 2 damage every hit, you can't even correct your character's positioning during the windup of the animation. That adds insult to injury.

Surge of the Mists has always been intended to interrupt key enemy skills, and has now been turned into a purely defensive skill and is pretty much only good as a longer duration evade or to stop a stomp/rez. Seriously, I don't think any other action is slow enough to actually be interrupted by Surge anymore.

I'm fine with a majority of changes made to revenant in this patch. The loss of Empty Vessel for a garbage trait and the gutting of Surge are the exceptions. In fact, they go hand in hand. How are you going to actually disable any foe if your skill takes half a second to start casting, and you can't even aim it while the windup occurs?

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This skill will never land on anything that is moving. Complete animation lock and you cant even aim it. You pretty much have to guess where the enemy is gonna be after 0.5 seconds. If they aren't going to make the skill aimable then make it target tracking like any other skill.

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@Yasai.3549 said:I thought we would be allowed free movement while it warms up.

It's a straight up animation lock.

Big bad.

Yeah, having tried it, that lock is just bad. As well as slowing down the potential for an interrupt, it also pretty much kills it as a mobility skill - the fast movement once the skill animates doesn't compensate for the lock. If you could still move while it winds up (and the windup has a visible tell) that would be a whole different story.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:It's just a silly change that should be reverted. There's no "fixing" it or fine tuning it. It's pointless in PvE and just slows down dps on a skill that already slows down dps, and now that it does no damage in PvP it's comically underpowered. Just revert, problem solved.

Have you ever seen Anet revert anything? I can´t remember. What disappoints me is that we cannot move the character during the warmup, making its former use as a kite-away skill obsolete. It´s now just a skill that gives you an evade frame, with a low chance of interrupting someone for a really short time.

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They should have at least returned SotM's release level damage... Cuz like, if you are able to hit somebody with this skill now, it means that they are so far below you in skill level that it might as well be a one-shot so that everyone can just move on with their lives faster.

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Staff 5 + Jump felt like helicopter before, now it feels like a falling rock ay lmaoI like how each major update is killing all fun in rev's skills. First they killed Sword 5 > sword 2 > swap > staff 5 combo now this little aesthetically pleasing trick. I just don't know guys, another voluntary self-root in the kit. Class is heading towards self-flagellation I guesshttps://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/d33c5df8daffb3c586e99e4771ff1675.jpg

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I’m fine with the delay.

I am not fine with being rooted and unable to turn or track a target. This skill should not be impossible to hit in competitive settings, as it already has a very short CC compared to most other skills (no follow up window usually). If it is going to be nigh impossible to land, then it needs a significantly longer knockdown on the CC.

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