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Tutorial Achievements Feedback

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A Tutorial achievement section has been added to the General category. A great deal of them make sense. However the ones that are just map completion doesn't make sense since it is something that players are doing anyways.

Shouldn't these achievements be more specific? Help deplete a champion breakbar a certain number of times. Immobilize enemies. Knock or pull enemies to you. Tasks that encourage players to look into how to use their skills and specializations to the best of their ability.

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Was about to make a similar topic. I am disappointed by the implementation but then again you cannot teach players by achievements... There needs to be a real tutorial instance explaining CC, combo skills... Become a cook, get lvl 10 character (this is a bit ugh if you already have a cook or have all char slots filled), and do x events/hearts/watch vistas is well... I would not call that tutorial items. I would not add things like knock or pull or immobilize enemies in these however since I don't think all build setups/weapon setups have all of these available. But everyone does have a CC and a combo skill on their main skills as they are basic combat things, except most don't know how it works or what it is. Movement tutorial is also something I would like to see (again instanced style) as many stand still when fighting.

The idea of this concept was nice but it totally missed its purpose and ain't implemented as it should.

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I was also hoping for some more combat orientated tutorial achievements here, but Anet have said they plan to expand on this approach, so maybe in the next phase if such a thing is on the cards. Perhaps they could add a new set for the next level of maps (Kessex, Snowden, etc.), slightly tougher or more challenging achievements with a focus on skill usage and combat mechanics - CC, combos, breakbars, and so on.

I do applaud the effort though, some proper tutorialization for new players is long overdue. Anet have made a start, now they need to follow through.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:One thing don't do. The enhanced mighty boxes seem to only drop once. It said they only drop for lvl 10 or lower but my level 80 got 2 and I just selected/salvaged or deleted. Then I did a key run and got the other four and you need to equip as part of the achievement but the 2 I deleted on my 80 won't drop again so don't delete them equip them.

The same thing happened to me, in the achievements window it shows that i have already dropped all the boxes, but i have not equiped the gloves, boots and pants. The funny thing is that I don't really remember what I did with these equipments...

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I think for a new player who just started the game those achievements are pretty nice, they show the basics of crafting, combat and what to do. I kind of felt it was like the old tip system way back at launch.Personally I think a level 10 shouldn't have to know what is hard/soft CC and how to deal with brakebars, would just better recommend Anet having an advanced tutorial for when you hit level 80, that would ask you do to CC damage to brakebar, do a fractal/dungeon/strike mission, because if they got that far they are interested in the game and should be educated in all its systems, hell, perhaps, even drive them to the raid training arena and ask them to defeat the kitty there, so they can learn what is DPS.But like said its only useful for people when they get to level 80 not at level 10 when they just started the game.

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@Blocki.4931 said:Well, a new player wouldn't necessarily have the drive or even idea to finish map completion. Especially now that every story step is locked behind the next 10 levels.

I actually specifically remember this was something very important to me when I first started playing. Still something fun for me to do (working on 'the new 9' mix of Asura, Sylvari and Norn). My friends are most definitely regretting getting me interested in games like Destiny 2 and Division 2 as well.

Friend: What does everyone want to do today?Me: I see we have 5 side missions we haven't done yet?Friend: They don't have any mods I want.Me: But there are 5 blue icons, right there, on the map.Friend: ?

On another note, and speaking of friends, I'm trying to put myself in their shoes (if I could ever get them to try this again), and there is no introduction to 'what' an achievement is. Yes, messages pop on the screen, and I know I can click on them and it opens the achievement, and there are ways to navigate from there into the list of achievements the one achievement came from, but I don't know how intuitive it all is. One friend in particular is really bad at noticing and reacting to pop-up messages.

What about highlighting it with the exclamation points the same way you do when you get your first trait points to spend? Highlight the 'Hero Panel', and then the 'Achievements' tab? Along with some of the old style pop-up helps that explain why you're showing us those things? Like those first pop-ups you get when you first make a character. I think one is about WASD and I forget what the second one is.

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@Doutrinador.6285 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:One thing don't do. The enhanced mighty boxes seem to only drop once. It said they only drop for lvl 10 or lower but my level 80 got 2 and I just selected/salvaged or deleted. Then I did a key run and got the other four and you need to equip as part of the achievement but the 2 I deleted on my 80 won't drop again so don't delete them equip them.

The same thing happened to me, in the achievements window it shows that i have already dropped all the boxes, but i have not equiped the gloves, boots and pants. The funny thing is that I don't really remember what I did with these equipments...

Same thing here. Didn't equip and deleted 2 of those lvl10 armor pieces.. Linsey said on reddit the box can drop again, but I really DON'T WANT to grind low lvl mobs for hours. Can we get this fixed somehow (rebuy like boreal exotics) plox

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Question: Should these achievements be doable by non-beginners, particularly with high level or even max level characters? Or do non-beginners have to make a totally new character to do them?

If "No" to the former and/or "Yes" to the latter, no need to count this feedback.

Otherwise, please note the following as per the current build:

  • Beginnings of a Hero, beginner area Novice Explorer(*), Vista Viewer, and Points of Interest achievements: Hearts, POIs, and Vistas that were unlocked prior to the addition of these achievements do not retroactively count towards them. It seems these map items have to be unlocked all over again to count but if you have already done so, you're out of luck.
  • Learn Dodging achievement: Similar to hearts and POIs, the dodge tutorial chests can only be opened once per character, and once one is opened, all others are opened. So if you've already done the dodge tutorial, you can't get the achievement.
  • Just Getting Started achievement: Having a character(s) already over level 10 doesn't count.
  • East a Tasty Cake, Join 5 Events achievement, Use a Tiny Sharpening Stone: Doable by high level characters. Even got progress on events achievement through WvW.

(*) Interestingly, viewing a Vista again will count for the beginner area Novice Explorer achievements but doesn't do anything for the Vista Viewer achievement.

Some clarification on their design and intentions would be nice.

I admit that making a brand new toon just to get these achievements aren't a big deal unless you're out of characters slots. In my case, I'm focused on just playing my 4 toons and no more, and focusing mainly on end level and current Living World story content. Having to make a new toon is something I'd prefer not to do.

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@"Messenger.7450" said:Question: Should these achievements be doable by non-beginners, particularly with high level or even max level characters? Or do non-beginners have to make a totally new character to do them?

If "No" to the former and/or "Yes" to the latter, no need to count this feedback.

Otherwise, please note the following as per the current build:

  • Beginnings of a Hero, beginner area Novice Explorer(*), Vista Viewer, and Points of Interest achievements: Hearts, POIs, and Vistas that were unlocked prior to the addition of these achievements do not retroactively count towards them. It seems these map items have to be unlocked all over again to count but if you have already done so, you're out of luck.
  • Learn Dodging achievement: Similar to hearts and POIs, the dodge tutorial chests can only be opened once per character, and once one is opened, all others are opened. So if you've already done the dodge tutorial, you can't get the achievement.
  • Just Getting Started achievement: Having a character(s) already over level 10 doesn't count.
  • East a Tasty Cake, Join 5 Events achievement, Use a Tiny Sharpening Stone: Doable by high level characters. Even got progress on events achievement through WvW.

(*) Interestingly, viewing a Vista again will count for the beginner area Novice Explorer achievements but doesn't do anything for the Vista Viewer achievement.

Some clarification on their design and intentions would be nice.

I admit that making a brand new toon just to get these achievements aren't a big deal unless you're out of characters slots. In my case, I'm focused on just playing my 4 toons and no more, and focusing mainly on end level and current Living World story content. Having to make a new toon is something I'd prefer not to do.

I saw the amount of AP they gave and was pretty excited. I even logged on when I wouldn't normally have only to find that I can't complete some of them because I have all seventeen of my character slots filled with level 80 characters (every new character I have made for the last ~2 years has been instantly boosted to 80 with tomes and scrolls). So now those AP are locked from me unless I spend gems to buy another character slot or delete a current character and sacrifice the birthday gifts it would have received.

There should be a vendor that let's you buy the equipment boxes on any character over level 10 and the getting to level 10 should be automatically given to anyone logging into a character over level 10.

Edit to add: I can't even get the dodge learning because I have done it on all characters already because I like to do some casual map completion.Edit again: just got the chest drop needed for one achievement despite the flavor text saying it drops for characters at or below level 10

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:These should be retroactively completed for people who already did the requirements in the past.I don't have a free character slot to do some of them.Sure but only if you don’t get the AP and rewards.

Why shouldn't I get rewards for map completion when I did it on 9 characters in the past?Why shouldn't I get rewards for reaching level 10, when I did so over 10 times in the past?

The only reason they don't retroactively gave out the rewards is to get some people more character slots.In other words: It's merely a cheap strategy to get more money.

@Mewcifer.5198 said:There should be a vendor that let's you buy the equipment boxes on any character over level 10I got five boxes (three different ones and two dupes) on my level 80. You can get them when your max level characters are down-leveled.

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@StarDroid.1038 said:

Personally I think a level 10 shouldn't have to know what is hard/soft CC and how to deal with brakebars, would just better recommend Anet having an advanced tutorial for when you hit level 80, that would ask you do to CC damage to brakebar, do a fractal/dungeon/strike mission, because if they got that far they are interested in the game and should be educated in all its systems, hell, perhaps, even drive them to the raid training arena and ask them to defeat the kitty there, so they can learn what is DPS.I said as much earlier with regards to cc/breakbar tutorials. I think that tossing all of this information at new players would overwhelm them, especially when almost none of the enemies in the starter zones have breakbars (excluding Zith in Queensdale, for example). I think that those tutorials would be better placed in higher maps, not necessarily level 80 ones.

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@Mittgart.4681 said:Interest in Food from Tutorial achievement does not working for me. I already reached lvl. 225 jorneyman chef (and you need only start the chef discipline) but got no AP reward for that. It is very bad, bad, bad, bad.

That was a bug that already got fixed. I was told to deactivate cooking, and learn it again, or learn cooking on any toon that doesn't have it yet.

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@Ash.5274 said:I was also hoping for some more combat orientated tutorial achievements here, but Anet have said they plan to expand on this approach, so maybe in the next phase if such a thing is on the cards. Perhaps they could add a new set for the next level of maps (Kessex, Snowden, etc.), slightly tougher or more challenging achievements with a focus on skill usage and combat mechanics - CC, combos, breakbars, and so on.

I do applaud the effort though, some proper tutorialization for new players is long overdue. Anet have made a start, now they need to follow through.

Focus on skill usage? Kitten..I would never get out of Kessex :)

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I am having fun with this. It has been a long time since I have played as a true lowbie. I usually use birthday scrolls and crafting to hit level 80, only then do I sally forth out into the world.

Grin. For these new achievements, I am wearing level appropriate armor and weaponry. I am not flipping through my wardrobe, and I am using my Skyscale as little as possible...however, because I forgot how it feels to run slow, and, I was never good at getting to some vistas...my Raptor and Springer are getting a workout :)

I am also taking my time and enjoying it.

Thank you, ArenaNet.

Edit-I also deleted a character and made another for this merry achievement chase. A true lowbie.

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@kurfu.5623 said:

@Mittgart.4681 said:Interest in Food from Tutorial achievement does not working for me. I already reached lvl. 225 jorneyman chef (and you need only start the chef discipline) but got no AP reward for that. It is very bad, bad, bad, bad.

That was a bug that already got fixed. I was told to deactivate cooking, and learn it again, or learn cooking on any toon that doesn't have it yet.

I learned it again with another charakter, wich had no chef profession, so it is not fixed, cause i got 0 achievement for that.

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@Julischka Bean.7491 said:I am having fun with this...I am also taking my time and enjoying it.

Thank you, ArenaNet.

Edit-I also deleted a character and made another for this merry achievement chase. A true lowbie.

That's basically my feedback too. I had a lot of fun with this and am glad Anet did it. At the moment I've got 21 alts, and all but three of them are level 80s. So I just deleted one of the lower level alts, one I wasn't doing much with, and started afresh. The tutorial seemed to be a nice beginner's intro to core Tyria. It gave a taste of each racial area without getting tedious, offering a nice rotation between the beginner maps. The portal seemed like it would be handy for new folks who hadn't made it to Lion's Arch yet. The rewards seemed about right, not too much, not too little. And the achievement points were very nice. They got me to my next achievement chest with a bit of a boost toward the next one. All in all I enjoyed the tutorial so much that I was sorry when I finished it. Hopefully Anet will make more.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:These should be retroactively completed for people who already did the requirements in the past.I don't have a free character slot to do some of them.Sure but only if you don’t get the AP and rewards.

Why shouldn't I get rewards for map completion when I did it on 9 characters in the past?Why shouldn't I get rewards for reaching level 10, when I did so over 10 times in the past?

The only reason they don't retroactively gave out the rewards is to get some people more character slots.In other words: It's merely a cheap strategy to get more money.

@Mewcifer.5198 said:There should be a vendor that let's you buy the equipment boxes on any character over level 10I got five boxes (three different ones and two dupes) on my level 80. You can get them when your max level characters are down-leveled.

...snip...You can get them when your character is downleveled...snip

Thank you for stating this. I somehow missed equipping the gloves, but did open the box. I went back and made a new, new character, but, by the time I got her to level 11, nothing had dropped for me. ..so I came to the forums looking for help.

I will keep at it then because I like this character and do not want to delete.

Thank you.

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the first event, first hero challenge point, , the other crafting skills should have tutorials and achievements. the enhanced mighty drop rate is ridiculously low and leveling is fast. tutorial achievements should be automatically watched to be visible at level 1 with a button or click instructional pop-up.

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