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Please revert the Warclaw back to a faster speed. Balance should not be lowest common denominator.

Tungsten Monarch.6058

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:This was highly requested because you couldn't ever catch someone in their own territories..

So because some people wanted to gank people who weren't interested in fighting them? Specifically roamers wanted to camp around enemy spawns and kill zerglings who aren't as twitchy.

Whats wrong with engaging in combat in open world PvP?

You don't go play on a PvP server in WoW and complain you don't want to fight when someone attacks you, you don't join a battle royale and complain when someone attacks you before you have good loot, why would this games open map PvP mode be any different?

Ganking normally means dunking on someone with a group in most PvP oriented games, or +1ing someone, for some reason poeple here seems to think engaging in normal combat with equal numbers equals ganking.

I get it, you want to be able to beat up on people who aren't as good as you because you lose all the time in PvP. That's fine, but it's not fun. Let's make GW2 fun, and bin this ganking rubbish. Nerf stealth.

We are talking about an open map PvP zone, thats how they work.

So you are saying that something is wrong when the more skilled player wins? If i want sPvP ill boot up Smite lol.

Your idea of fun is making a blob to PvE down doors and do nothing else? That sounds terribly unfun.

But yes thats how good PvP games work, the better player wins, nothing is preventing you from killing someone attacking you, especially when buildswapping takes 1 second now. It isn't ganking when the numbers are equal.

And now we come around to the Warclaw discussion which is the actual topic. See how it allows normal people to avoid spawn-camping gankers and get into the map? Having players all over the map and not just stuck in one corner is a good thing - look, now you can hunt them down and they can't run back to the invulnerable zone. That's good isn't it?

I almost never see spawn-camping unless done by a large group. Normal poeple? Who are those? The ones that join a PvP mode to PvE?

Lol @ this reddit post though, coincidance https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/fduv0z/you_learn_something_new_everyday/

Poeple engaging in combat with you is just PvP, regardless of how bad you are. If a group dunks on you it's a gank, but w/e it's not like you die irl if you die in the game. In another MMO i play they can loot 1 piece of gear from you if you die and poeple are way less scared than here in that game.

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I think it is now ballanced. Mounts are still slightly faster than runing with swiftness. And IMHO this change encourages small guild groups to try stealth-capture something, because main enemy zerg are now slower and needs more time to arrive and obliterate them, so that small group will have enough time to actually succesfully stealth-cap something. And another bonus: it also encourage ppl to watching and guarding each objective, because with slower defender movements scouting and guarding is now more important than before.

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@Faenar.8036 said:I think it is now ballanced. Mounts are still slightly faster than runing with swiftness. And IMHO this change encourages small guild groups to try stealth-capture something, because main enemy zerg are now slower and needs more time to arrive and obliterate them, so that small group will have enough time to actually succesfully stealth-cap something. And another bonus: it also encourage ppl to watching and guarding each objective, because with slower defender movements scouting and guarding is now more important than before.

Yeah I agree, you just get used to it, though it still seems so slow at times. I'd rather ANET forget about the movement speed though, and focus more on removing the stomp/damage from skill 1, and make skill 3 worth using. I can do 500dps to the gate by myself, without it also costing supply. Consider this: on day one of the Warclaw, when it was at it's most broken state, chain pull was still a meme.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Faenar.8036 said:I think it is now ballanced. Mounts are still slightly faster than runing with swiftness.

Think I saw somewhere in these forums someone keeping up with the warclaw (either soulbeast or warrior....all I remember is mention of greatsword)

With a friendly warclaw? Then go re-read the thread and you'll know why.

Havent re-read however by your comment I assume they were close to a friendly warclaw and got the boon?

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:Meh, I think it is fine as it is now. You still have advantages by using it.
  • it moves faster than swiftness (slightly) and is a boon to any build that has no source of swiftness
  • it still provides you 2 dodges , immunity to CC and slight health bumper
  • Sniff has a use
  • Lance exists
  • It still looks awesome to ride

Now all ANET has to do is:
  • remove the damage and stomp from Battle Maul. Mount shouldn't be used as a weapon even if that is how PvE mounts work
  • do something with Chain Pull. Like seriously, what a joke
  • Address the issue with Golems benefiting from the revamped Warclaw mastery. Intended as a means of making Golems more effective, or just another oversight? In the case of the latter, when will it be corrected?

Chain pull, almost wonder if this would be better served as a pull on a player, a way to pull people out of zergs. Shouldn't work vertically though. Can't say the last time I saw it actually used on a gate. Still going round on the golem speed up, if its a bug then remove, if intended lets see how it plays out. Battle maul, even if not advantageous to lower numbers it adds a level of tactics, not sure I would change and that comes from Havoc/Roamer perspective. Sniff, as I said before, buff it, add a mark for stealthed targets, not a reveal, just a mark on mini-map.

Roamers use it sometimes. Really easy way to refresh participation countdown and get credit when the zerg takes it later.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@Faenar.8036 said:I think it is now ballanced. Mounts are still slightly faster than runing with swiftness.

Think I saw somewhere in these forums someone keeping up with the warclaw (either soulbeast or warrior....all I remember is mention of greatsword)

With a friendly warclaw? Then go re-read the thread and you'll know why.

Havent re-read however by your comment I assume they were close to a friendly warclaw and got the boon?

Yes ^^

  • Confused 1
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@Tungsten Monarch.6058 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:Meh, I think it is fine as it is now. You still have advantages by using it.
  • it moves faster than swiftness (slightly) and is a boon to any build that has no source of swiftness
  • it still provides you 2 dodges , immunity to CC and slight health bumper
  • Sniff has a use
  • Lance exists
  • It still looks awesome to ride

Now all ANET has to do is:
  • remove the damage and stomp from Battle Maul. Mount shouldn't be used as a weapon even if that is how PvE mounts work
  • do something with Chain Pull. Like seriously, what a joke
  • Address the issue with Golems benefiting from the revamped Warclaw mastery. Intended as a means of making Golems more effective, or just another oversight? In the case of the latter, when will it be corrected?

This is not PvP, this is a Battlefield. Tactics used on Battlefields has nothing to do with PvP, making the game mode tactical thus yes, Mounts should be used as a weapon, just like in warefare. ANet has removed the concept of an effective Calvary, that is not fun, that significantly reduces the tactical warfare side of WvW to snobbish PvP meta's.

Self reflection isn't your strong suit. This is a game, not real life warfare so stop trying to use that as an argument. It wasn't tactical, it was cheap and lazy. Nerfing the warclaw was actually a good improvement for many people, I'd argue much more than the ones who dislike it, so you trying to enforce your form of fun on people who don't like it is far more snobbish than anything the PvP meta does.

Also, this is PvP. WvW is literally just large scale PvP.

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If anything, WvW should first provide mounts for all players.

As somebody who only recently came back to GW2, and had no mount until recent xpac sale, I can guarantee you that having a mount is already a huge advantage over people who do not have. Not just enemies, but teammates as well - I could generally barely keep up with the zerg without a mount, and I ran sword/warhorn warrior with savage leap AND pretty decent swiftness uptime. Running to an objective after a zerg only to see it flip right before you get there (much less get any "lord" xp/loot) is no fun, I can tell you that.

I like the changes. It's easier to dismount a rider now (though, imo, it still takes too much damn damage to do so), killed players don't just magically reappear in a distant fight a few seconds later, but I feel that there's a huge oversight in mount implementation.

Why the dickens do mounts ignore immobilize/cripple/stun/confusion/anything else? Having a few "pull" abilities do something is hardly enough when you can mount-trolo right into somebody, tank their opening damage with the mount with impunity, and decide whether to engage then (when they already may have used their initial damage burst), or trololo away.

The lance throw being one of the most expensive (if not the most expensive) WvW skill is also idiotic extension of this whole "pay to win" mount implementation.

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@tippolit.3591 said:

@Tungsten Monarch.6058 said:The WarClaw speed nerf makes no sense, please revert the speed, for faster paced action. This slow nonsense is not fun or enjoyable.

Couldn't agree more. If they are going to move approximately the same speed as unmounted players what the hell is the point?

I think unmounted players get some sort of run speed around mounted allies nowadays.

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Nope. Trying to cap something in enemy territory only to have the same guy I just killed keep showing up was annoying as kitten. Getting run over repeatedly by inescapable mounted zergs while stuck in combat was also annoying as kitten. Good riddance. Maybe I'll actually try coming back to WvW now that mounts aren't as obnoxious.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Opal.9324 said:Nope. Trying to cap something in enemy territory only to have the same guy I just killed keep showing up was annoying as kitten.

Some people actually enjoy this

Who? Why?

The thrill ofc. Few guildies and myself love when that happens. Free bag(s) if we are able to beat them and with the right strat, you can speed bump them and get that cap. Good feeling when you cap something you really fought for...which is why we love to camp camps.

There are others in my linking that love it as well.

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Yeah i really liked the mobility that offered , that allow me to get back into action . Epic battles was the only thing that attracted me in WvWvW .Although i can understand that ganking was effected , but they should change it to something like :If you get attacked , by a player auto attack you will be dismounted in 3 sec . But you can sacrifice 50% of your Hp to stay on it .The same can apply for the offender , where he can mount up in combat and Lance you .

Both having 50% hp , forcing the ''mating season' to end faster , or more chances for both parties to score a kill

Edit: They should also give the treatment to players that have Core accounts and are near the aura of the mounts . They cannot be slowed nor cc-ed .If those players own HoT or PoF , they don't benefit from that .

Or give players an incentive (more rewards) for not using mounts , for a period of time .Or people choosing on their own to get marked and be visible in the map (cannot mount up but he seeks 1v1) , offer other people a ''protection buff'' (or only Core accounts) , for 1 quarter of the map , or to a limited amount of newbies that will join in WvWvW . And they get increased rewards , until they are tracked and killed .The protection Buff will show the name of the person , willing to sucrifice himself and a portion of our money (1%) goes to him .You loose the protection buff and the ''sacrifice willingly'' mechanic if you hit the Boss Npc either on a Keep/Tower/Castle , or go back to back capturing 2 Keep/Tower/Castle , without waiting 15 min interval

If the majority of the population will use the ''sacrifice mechanic'' for the extra rewards , then they will stop using mounts + have less ingame mobility+ offer other assasins the ability to gank them .Whoever has the ''sacrifice mechanic'' cannot protect another person that is also using it

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Any mount nerf is a good nerf.

Mounts having increased movement in friendly territory was ridiculous and may it never ever ever return. It allowed people to return to a fight in which they died far to quickly thus removing the consequence for dying in the first place. It also allowed ganking to be far easier.

No. Please. Anet never ever go back on this nerf.

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