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New Expansion = New Builds? Let's hear your ideal concepts for professions


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@Terra.9506 said:I want new elite spec for Warrior that focus on sustainability and counter range play and work with power build.

Warrior needs a 1h range option! to me its the only option left for them to make, then all aspects are covered to be a 'weapon master'I'd be happy if it decreased condi and power but increased vitality and toughness when in the elite spec.A bounty hunter style play could be quite fun with pistol's as the focus, could even provide a new effect on every single weapon skill that focuses more around support than offence. Would spice things up a lot.

But that being said, i would also be totally fine with Pistol Pistol DPS as well. I just want to make HOPE

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@Terra.9506 said:I want new elite spec for Warriordon't think that any new build will appear. If you play core warrior - can be chill, nothing will happen for you. Have read chat in guild, and found that some aqua changes can come. So put you favorite char in dolphin and be ready do dayli bu collecting sea fish.

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Martial arts elementalis with longbow!

Tempest had the style of staying longer on attunments to get overloadsWeaver had the style of mixing attunments to have dual attacksThe new one would have attunments as fight-styles and exchange multiple skills per attunement to weapon swap (in combat) with a new single set of skills per weapon (regardless of attunement) with a martial arts style. Instead of giving new skills (with independent CDs) attunements would give bonus and special effects to weapon skills (similar to arcane power or sigil of elemental power).

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I'm more PVE player and main Revenant but the main reason I want Warrior to have those build because I'm a fan of any melee fighter class but some how warrior in GW2 is very frustrate to play, even I with the most sustain build I can pull of still feel so squishy and I have to run like crazy when fighting range enemy mean while Revenant and Guardian didn't seem to have serious flawed like this.

But truly I didn't expect much, It's just fun to post.

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I typed up a long comment about what I want but decided to delete it since it was way too long for an idea that isn't that good or thought out. Yes, this long comment is the shorter version.

I want a new elite spec for Engineer that makes both Kits and Deployables relevant again. Kits still are, but I want them more diverse in their moveset. Just one new kit that interacts with whatever you build. And, I'm not exactly wanting new turrets (though a buff to them from the elite spec would be nice). I want deployables more akin to Age of Reckoning Engineer. Mace as a weapon. Maybe even MH and OF options if we're really dreaming!

Just an example idea! Something like building a giant cannon and then using the kit that lets you refill it's ammo, change ammo type, overcharge it, and repair it. Something a little more than just dropping it down and forgetting about it, but not completely dominating how you play. The kit could be the elite skill so that you don't feel like you have to take it. Only if you want to get the most from what you build! Otherwise, whatever you deploy will still be useful.

Or, building a heal station that heals when built. But! You can interact with it via the kit to change it's mode from Heal to Condi Clear or Barriers, then overcharge it to release it bigger effect. Something more permanent than the Healing Turret and more interaction than "blow this up in your Tool Belt water field".

It would be nice if I could play a "set-up and mess up" type of Engineer with core. But, giving those tools to an Elite Spec would make them more impactful and allow for more interactions such as the elite kit allowing you to manually overcharge your gear. Even though it would be in the same vein as Scrapper in that it's really just another layer to the core engineer cake. Of course, it would probably be the biggest pain to balance for PvP. Think pre-HoT Bunker Engi where it could AFK and defend a point... I'm basically asking for a better version of that. I would not envy the PvP balance team!

Honestly, this idea is something the Engineer community has been pretty against. I really enjoy the fantasy of "leaving your mark" on the battlefield by building various gizmos, turrets, walls, barewire, ect. A construction-based Engi that makes use of kits appeals to me even if it really just highlights the issues people have with core engineer. GW2 tends to be a pretty fast paced and on-the-move type game that doesn't really lend well to the playstyle I want.

Plus! Cantha is probably rebuilding and will need engineers to do it! We could get a hardhat helmet.

Edit: Another theme I'd really like to explore (and would add more thematically to Engineer than my idea) is Alchemy in some form. There's a lot they could do with it! It's already part of the Engineer's kit. But, doesn't really stand out. I'm sure they could come up with some interesting boon interactions and ways to use Elixirs more offensively!

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Elite spec for the engineer: Contagion

It would focus on the alchemy theme of the engineers, since we already have the mechanical (Scrapper) and scifi (Holosmith) thematics covered.It would utilise Corruption skills, based on different chemicals and acids. Harming himself, they are having devastating effects on the enemy or can strengthen their allies immensely. Thematically, he would feel like a fusion of engineer and necromancer (like Anet said that Spellbreaker is basically their fusion of warrior and mesmer).

The weapon would be the mace. Just heavy armor classes are able to use maces right now, so I think it would be great to hand this weapon to some other classes. The ascended weapon is called "Magnum Opus" and the head of the mace is a vial with chemicals.The armor piece are gloves called "Contagion's Grasp".

The class mechanic would be "fumes". Your F5 skill is replaced with a new customizale skill caled fumes. It is creating an AoE effect around the engineer and the size of it increases over time (like some Mordrem have AoE skills which "grow"). You can use these fumes for boonshare, healing, or harming your enemies by transferring conditions to them. It is basically a toggle, the skill has virtually no cooldown, but you are paying a toll to keep the skill activated (might be damage, inflicting conditions on yourself). Fumes are customised through traits.

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Golemancer engineer. Each utility will be a golem minion. While it is active you can hit a flip skill to pilot the golem. While piloting the golem the utility skill slots allow you to reconfigure the golem for different things. For example the offense golem can be configured for different types of damage. The elite slot will summon 5 golems which will allow other party members to use a similar golem and when everyone hits the elite skill slot in the golem they join together into a giant robot. :p

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@Khisanth.2948 said:Golemancer engineer. Each utility will be a golem minion. While it is active you can hit a flip skill to pilot the golem. While piloting the golem the utility skill slots allow you to reconfigure the golem for different things. For example the offense golem can be configured for different types of damage. The elite slot will summon 5 golems which will allow other party members to use a similar golem and when everyone hits the elite skill slot in the golem they join together into a giant robot. :p

I will be Red ranger!

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Elite Spec: Champion, an up close and personal combatant that truely takes one for the team.Prof. Mech.: “Protect” – Pressing F2 allows you to tether to allies behind you, absorbing some of their damage. At you’re max stack, you grant yourself a barrier.Weapon: ShieldSkill 1: Hook, Spinning Backfist, BashSkill 2: Perry, Shield SweepSkill 3: BulldozerSkills: PunishmentHealing SkillHunker Down: Gain stability while healing and weakening nearby foes.Utility SkillsPath of Protection: Create a trail, allies that cross it gain protection and enemies gain weakness.Evasive Combatant: Evade attacks and gain quickness, while granting surrounding enemies weakness.Bait: Taunt foes and weaken them while granting you retaliation.Intimidating Ward: Drawing a line, granting weakness and slowness to foes that cross it, while granting you might.EliteGrand Defender: Grant you and allies might and protection, while giving foes weakness and vulnerability.

Elite Spec: Warlord, a field commander that summons soldiers to aid in combat.Prof. Mech.: “Field Command” - press F2 create a ground target, and all allies in radius would get quickness, toughness, and fury.Weapon: Staff- melee weapon used like a Halberd or Pike.Skill 1: Staff Swipe, Thrust, Back SpinSkill 2: Double UpswingSkill 3: Leap and SmashSkill 4: Parry and SweepSkill 5: Javelin ThrowSkills: RecruitsHealing SkillField Medics: Summon field medics that run out to the battle field, healing allies in the targeted area and self.Utility SkillsFiring Squad: Summon riflemen that shoot at enemies.Shield Wall: Summon several guardsmen to block, pushback, and hold the linePikemen: Summon several staff welding soldiers to cripple and bleed foes.Swordsmen: Summon several men to attack enemies in a targeted area.EliteSummon Brute: Summon a Brute to rush into battle and attack nearby foes.


Elite Spec: Shaman, the Ranger's version of a Necromancer. This is an elite specialization for the Ranger that's professional mechanic allow them to transform into their pet, replacing their weapon skills with their pets abilities and (maybe their pet archetype ability) new skill. It also has a Sustain bar that's like the celestial meter or Necro's Life Force, which determines how long you can stay in Animal form. They also use the focus in the off hand and conjure Totems to buff their allies and rejuvenate their sustain ability while their in the Totems' radius.

Prof. Mech.: Shape-shift: Transform into your pet gaining the abilities of the pet, replacing your weapon skills. Taking damage while in this form will drain from your “Sustain” energy pool.Weapon: FocusSkill 4: Slumbering Breeze: Daze foes and curing conditions on allies.Skill 5: Forest Guardians: Summon Wisps to a targeted area, damaging foes, while confusing them.Skills: Totem- Objects summoned that pulses out buff to you and allies. When tapped on again, it unleashes an animal spirit that grants some additional buffs on allies and/or conditions on foes, destroying the totem. All totems pulse Sustain to the Shaman while within range.Healing SkillTotem of Life: Summon a totem, regenerating health.--Releases the “Eagle”, granting swiftness to you and allies in the area, destroying the totem.Utility SkillsTotem of Destruction: Summon a totem increasing Critical Damage and Condition Damage to you and allies in the area.-- Releases the “Serpent”, poisoning foes in the area, destroying the totem.Totem of Protection: Summon a totem, granting Protection and Retaliation to you and allies in the area.-- Releases the “Wolf”, stunning foes, destroying the totem.Totem of Wisdom: Summon a totem, pulses the area, increasing Boon Duration and Condition Duration to you and allies in the area.-- Releases the Owl spirit, giving aegis to allies.Totem of Power: Summon a totem, increasing grants Resistance to you and allies in the area.-- Releases the Jaguar spirit, that improves Direct Damage and regains endurance to you and allies in the area.EliteTotem of Honor: Summon a totem, pulses the area, granting Fury and Stability to you and allies in the area. Recharges “Sustain” while in range. Tapping on the skill again releases an animal spirit, Bear, granting Might to you and allies while knocking down foes, destroying the totem.

Elite Spec: Warden

(I've been trying to wait to release this idea until I have finish the entire concept, but... I'm bad with coming up with a trait system.)I give you the Warden.

It's a Ranger Elite Specialization that focus on Defense (say if the Guardian and a Ranger had a baby, sort of).The Professional Mechanic allows for 2 pets at the same time. They use a Shield in the off hand, and their skills set is called "Wards" summoning animal or control plants in their favor.

WardenProf. Mech.: 2nd Pet: Have both pets available while mainly controlling your primary pet. Use F5 to use your Secondary pet’s attack. Secondary pet only attacks enemies near player except when using the F5.Weapon: ShieldSkill 4: Shield Drum- Used to taunt enemies and grant might to allies in the areaSkill 5: Shield Block- Block incoming attack and counter attack if when blocked.Skills: WardsHealing SkillHealing Brush: Hide in the underbrush, granting stealth to you and allies in the area, while healing yourself.Utility SkillsMurmuring Flock: Summon a Swarm of Birds to Absorb Projectiles, cause damage and confusion to enemies in the area.Thorny Thicket: Create a thorny grove that cause cripple and bleeding to enemies who enter the areaWasp Hive: Toss a Wasp hive in an area, pulsing out damage, blind, and poison to enemies in the area.Webbed Path: Create spider web along a path, so when enemies cross it they’re stunned and slowed.EliteStampede: Summon a Stampede of Moa in targeted direction. Enemies caught in the stampede will be lunched and pushed away. Allies will be granted swiftness and protection by the stampede.

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:ahem


I read this suggestion fairly often, but this would be the worst thing possible for me...

  1. They already tried an AI elite spec with scrapper, didn't go well and engineer already has AI with turrets, we don't need more...
  2. We already have an elite spec that focuses on Asuran technology: Holosmith

I really really really hope we will get an elite spec that focuses on alchemy/chemicals this time.

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The Accursed elite spec for necromancer.

His profession mechanic (next to his own shroud) would be curses.

Curse is a unique (not on boon or condi table) debuff or self buff that is a double edged sword. Initial cast sets up the "condition" a necro must fullfill before time given for it passes. If he succeed, curse is successful and will provide it's powerful effect to the necro. But if he fails, he will face it's backlash! Each curse is a modifier for one of utility slots and is activated with F2 button and some life force. Once activated, the next cast of the skill on that utility button will activate the curse.

Example:Curse of Famine - healing utility curse.

When using a healing skill inflict self-slow (before channeling starts). If you successfuly use a healing skill, increase it's healing value by 33% and increase incoming healing to you by 50% for 5s. regardless of source.Upon failure (interrupted by enemy for example) all incoming healing is reduced by 50% for next 5s.

Other focus of the specialization would be counter-attacking enemy pressure though shield and retalliation- mechanic type defenses (good acess to dark aura for one).

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This was my Assassin spec idea for thief: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/79791/elite-spec-suggestion-legacy-of-the-assassin-powers-of-shadow-and-steel

I do not think thief needs another spec with a focus on high burst/ganking though, so it's more "inspired by" assassin, particularly the shadowform build. Something like "shadowblade" might be a more fitting name since it does a few things differently like more magic/AOE skills and trait options for support/tanking.

But the most important element the thief could gain from the assassin: Skill chaining! A spec that restricts initiative's ability to spam a single skill but rewards chaining different skills together.

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@Kodama.6453 said:



I read this suggestion fairly often, but this would be the worst thing possible for me...
  1. They already tried an AI elite spec with scrapper, didn't go well and engineer already has AI with turrets, we don't need more...
  2. We already have an elite spec that focuses on Asuran technology: Holosmith

As far as usefulness goes, turrets are only good for distracting the dumbest mobs so you can run away. Minions/ pets are far more useful. The biggest challenge would be in making it unique enough to not look like a Minionmancer with a new paint job.

Thus riding around in a golem would be an F1 worth hitting.

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I'd throw out a suggestion for mesmer and kind of like the idea of a bard theme with shortbow but there's so many directions they could go with mesmer that could be interesting. The could make somekind of mind control mechanic or spell-steal mechanic. They could make a dual dagger power spec that somehow plays long ranged.

I feel like it's a pretty similar dilemma for Necro and Rev too. Revs can invoke whatever they want and fill whatever role they want with whatever playstyle they want. I think they'll likely wind up getting Togo and a ritualist themed spec, but it's possible they could give that to Guards or Necros as well.

I have a mild proposal for Necro that could be a bit more interesting since Scourge was pretty thematically boring. Shiro'ken. But instead of controlling a bunch of Shiro'ken minions your shroud form actually becomes one with the trait line determining which form the shroud takes and how it plays - melee/caster/support. Unlikely as this would involve three different models and rigs needing to be made. But I was looking at the concept art from gw1 and got excited.

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