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Nerf core mesmer


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@Tayga.3192 said:

@"MrForz.1953" said:They honestly deserve that backfire at some point. They're
so sick and tired of nerf threads yet can't help to meme it out when they're no more. How old can it get.

I mean, what happens if it backfires? Mesmer mains are used to getting casual 50% shaves at this point.Mesmer was dead way before 25 february patch, only mirage was a thing.

Used to it or pretending to be used to it? I'm pretty sure none of them will like another "shave". A thread like this is kind of a sign that they haven't got over it. You can be helpful even though even I am not hopeful for any actual aid in the form of buffs or reworks, or you can make these threads. Sure, the "state of mesmer" discussions have been discussed to death but it's probably better than the alternative.

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@"MrForz.1953" said:Used to it or pretending to be used to it?More like the mesmer community died long ago.

I'm pretty sure none of them will like another "shave". A thread like this is kind of a sign that they haven't got over it.Well it's my thread :p

You can be helpful even though even I am not hopeful for any actual aid in the form of buffs or reworks, or you can make these threads. Sure, the "state of mesmer" discussions have been discussed to death but it's probably better than the alternative.There is nothing to talk about the supposedly "state of mesmer". There is only sarcasm left.

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@Heika.5403 said:I vote YES. And let him Rest In Peace at once. So I don't even have to think about playing. I am in favor of responsible balancing. But the only thing they have done is ruin all the variety that the mesmer had of being able to play it in different ways. Now it's boring.

Incredible the balance of the Mirage, a specialization based on dodging to be offensive/defensive, and they nerf its basic characteristic to a single dodge!!! Brilliant, what a kitten!!! Not only should you have two dodges, but maybe even FOUR to chain and play with ambush combos. Properly balanced obviously but enhancing playing with its native mechanics of the own specialization. BUT NOOOO, they did just the opposite. DESTROY YOUR BASIC MECHANICS. Just like they did with the Chronomancer... a super rework to make it undesirable to play and boring, only playable in raid under the condition that, at least, one other member of the raid can complement the permanent slow...

There is no way back. They would have to change so many things about the mesmer and his specializations that I don't think it's possible anymore. It is a point of no return. NERF core too and the whole profession completely and leave us alone. Oh, and save work and don't create any new specializations for the mesmer in the upcoming expansion. Thus you save us future troubles, disgust, displeasure... RIP mesmer 2020.


Absolutely agree. Now, my mesmer seems like a living world bot with some daily content, by nostalgia, and being the first one I created. For high level (end game) and competitive content I use other more competent professions. Now even thinking and considering if there are other games with the mesmer theme to play and have fun with them...

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@Heika.5403 said:I vote YES. And let him Rest In Peace at once. So I don't even have to think about playing. I am in favor of responsible balancing. But the only thing they have done is ruin all the variety that the mesmer had of being able to play it in different ways. Now it's boring.

Incredible the balance of the Mirage, a specialization based on dodging to be offensive/defensive, and they nerf its basic characteristic to a single dodge!!! Brilliant, what a kitten!!! Not only should you have two dodges, but maybe even FOUR to chain and play with ambush combos. Properly balanced obviously but enhancing playing with its native mechanics of the own specialization. BUT NOOOO, they did just the opposite. DESTROY YOUR BASIC MECHANICS. Just like they did with the Chronomancer... a super rework to make it undesirable to play and boring, only playable in raid under the condition that, at least, one other member of the raid can complement the permanent slow...

There is no way back. They would have to change so many things about the mesmer and his specializations that I don't think it's possible anymore. It is a point of no return. NERF core too and the whole profession completely and leave us alone. Oh, and save work and don't create any new specializations for the mesmer in the upcoming expansion. Thus you save us future troubles, disgust, displeasure... RIP mesmer 2020.


and give us reroll token, ill be sure to make guard and enjoy being utterly broken in every content this game has to offer for the rest of its short life :D

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@Zoser.7245 said:

I vote YES.
And let him Rest In Peace at once. So I don't even have to think about playing. I am in favor of responsible balancing. But the only thing they have done is
ruin all the variety that the mesmer had of being able to play it in different ways.
Now it's boring.

Incredible the balance of the Mirage, a specialization based on dodging to be offensive/defensive, and they nerf its basic characteristic to a single dodge!!! Brilliant, what a kitten!!! Not only should you have two dodges, but maybe even FOUR to chain and play with ambush combos.
Properly balanced
obviously but enhancing playing with its native mechanics of the own specialization. BUT NOOOO, they did just the opposite. DESTROY YOUR BASIC MECHANICS. Just like they did with the Chronomancer... a super rework to make it undesirable to play and boring, only playable in raid under the condition that, at least, one other member of the raid can complement the permanent slow...

There is no way back. They would have to change so many things about the mesmer and his specializations that I don't think it's possible anymore.
It is a point of no return.
NERF core too and the whole profession completely and leave us alone. Oh, and save work and don't create any new specializations for the mesmer in the upcoming expansion. Thus you save us future troubles, disgust, displeasure...
RIP mesmer 2020.


Absolutely agree. Now, my mesmer seems like a living world bot with some daily content, by nostalgia, and being the first one I created. For high level (end game) and competitive content I use other more competent professions. Now even thinking and considering if there are other games with the mesmer theme to play and have fun with them...

Is there another game with a Mesmer style character choice?

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@"alain.1659" said:Remove mesmer shatters and add a "belt made from watches" instead of them. Mesmers can see the time, they wont be so op and it will always remind us that mes balance is "a waist of time".

Well at least mesmer gains a purpose with this design

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Nerf it to the ground,hell...even patch it out of the game. Mesmer was my main, but since i left the game...to hell with it. Won't come back for the new expansion anyway. Didn't even play the "new" LS, because i couldn't bother. There are a lot of games out there that handle balancing better then those devs...

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@"Lyndina.7984" said:Nerf it to the ground,hell...even patch it out of the game. Mesmer was my main, but since i left the game...to hell with it. Won't come back for the new expansion anyway. Didn't even play the "new" LS, because i couldn't bother. There are a lot of games out there that handle balancing better then those devs...

you dont miss much my man.Last 2 patches in a row I couldnt progress becouse bugs made missions impossible to finish.masmer is gutten in pvp.There is legit nothing to do, pve doesnt work becouse its bugged.Pvp has garbo balance so its unplayable too, shrug.At least forum is entertaining :D

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@Terrorhuz.4695 said:How tf can you be killed by mirage? After the patch the only way to die to a mirage is to actively try to do so. kitten?

(also, if you die to a character running the Inspiration traitline, you probably deserve it)

Since you didn't quote anyone, I think at least the second part is directed towards me?

Well, this is a joke thread.

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It was obvious that the "NO" would end winning from "non-mesmer" players voting "NO" to keep the mesmer useless and mainly as a portal bot. More nerfs could imply a future rework or a justification for buffs if the nerf is too hard. And, of course, they want stop it with a big "NO" and they are majority. So they can simply continue ignoring mesmers since they are no longer a threat. The perfect world for them as only really bad players could lose against a mesmer now.

Mind games, you know.

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@"Heika.5403" said:It was obvious that the "NO" would end winning from "non-mesmer" players voting "NO" to keep the mesmer useless and mainly as a portal bot. More nerfs could imply a future rework or a justification for buffs if the nerf is too hard. And, of course, they want stop it with a big "NO" and they are majority. So they can simply continue ignoring mesmers since they are no longer a threat. The perfect world for them as only really bad players could lose against a mesmer now.

Mind games, you know.

What's a mesmer? New espec for thief?

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I hope designers' salaries to be related to the number of players in each profession.The smaller the number of players, the lower the salary.There's not much I can do as a consumer, but at least I can stop consuming any of their products, I won't pay for the bad balance, and I won't encourage my friends to try this bad game

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