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Nerf core mesmer


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Core mesmer is overpowered with a lot of invulns (which are also reflects when traited), conditions (especially torment and confusion) and sustain. They even do some power damage.

For 2v2, they can go 4 signets + blink and be unkillable while kiting with staff and blocking with scepter. Even moa is good because it refreshes every round. If their teammate gets downed they can rez easily with the feedback trait.

Not to mention every distort shares aegis.

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Really? please enough.

I thought core mes wasn't viable did something change to make them op? also is this a nerf out of spite kinda thing because ranger got hit?

Please can we be reasonable and actually give detailed info? i seriously doubt mesmers became super op instantly.

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@Axl.8924 said:Really? please enough.I thought core mes wasn't viable did something change to make them op? also is this a nerf out of spite kinda thing because ranger got hit?Please can we be reasonable and actually give detailed info? i seriously doubt mesmers became super op instantly.

Lesson one on mesmer, don't trust mesmer forum posts. Chances are they're trolling or informative...or both at the same time.(kitten that includes me)

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Why not? That will make the Chronomancer feels less bad and Mirage more usable. We must be solidary with the crippled specializations. And, at the end, some more nerfs will not change nothing in the mesmer's life. Just one more drop in the ocean of nerfs that makes up the mesmer's life. Don't expect even a useful specialization for the next expansion, it'll be end in the forgotten well like the other two.

Nerf something new so we can add it to our history of ways to play mesmer deleted:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1193734/#Comment_1193734

Now is always the same zZzzzZzzzzZZzz and all less effective. Too much setup and effort for little reward.

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@Zoser.7245 said:Why not? That will make the Chronomancer feels less bad and Mirage more usable.

Heh good one

@Axl.8924 said:also is this a nerf out of spite kinda thing because ranger got hit?

Huh? I am not ranger main or anything.

Please can we be reasonable and actually give detailed info?

Well nothing I said was lie, I just didn't tell the whole truth :)

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Zoser.7245 said:Why not? That will make the Chronomancer feels less bad and Mirage more usable.

Heh good one

@Axl.8924 said:also is this a nerf out of spite kinda thing because ranger got hit?

Huh? I am not ranger main or anything.

Please can we be reasonable and actually give detailed info?

Well nothing I said was lie, I just didn't tell the whole truth :)

Thing is I don't main mes or anything nor am I good, but I am concerned with these nerf threads getting out of hand.

I see a mixed amount of kneejerk nerf threads and you saw me defend ranger for instance against kneejerk nerfs, so I am merely concerned that folks keep spreading misinformation about classes asking for kneejerk nerfs and getting their wish having a class nerfed into the ground.

I see nerf engi nerf mes nerf ranger etc.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Zoser.7245 said:Why not? That will make the Chronomancer feels less bad and Mirage more usable.

Heh good one

@Axl.8924 said:also is this a nerf out of spite kinda thing because ranger got hit?

Huh? I am not ranger main or anything.

Please can we be reasonable and actually give detailed info?

Well nothing I said was lie, I just didn't tell the whole truth :)

Thing is I don't main mes or anything nor am I good, but I am concerned with these nerf threads getting out of hand.

I see a mixed amount of kneejerk nerf threads and you saw me defend ranger for instance against kneejerk nerfs, so I am merely concerned that folks keep spreading misinformation about classes asking for kneejerk nerfs and getting their wish having a class nerfed into the ground.

I see nerf engi nerf mes nerf ranger etc.

since i started playing mesmer was nerfed every patch.I refuse to believe that it will stop, it would destroy my immersion.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Thing is I don't main mes or anythingBut I main mesmer.

I see a mixed amount of kneejerk nerf threadsExactly.

Then aren't you worried about wrong things being nerfed and over nerfed?

Don't want to make it a necro situation where the wrong thing gets nerfed and into the ground.

Imagine if they put a massive CD on shatter like 50-60 sec on shatter 5 plus other.

It's not like the class has the kinda sustain necro has with shroud to withstand a ton of blows.

I mean thats why you guys got ports blinks invulns.

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