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I have an interesting suggestion (Change stealth)


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Overview: After being invisible, there will be footprints on the ground (this footprint will be displayed after a delay of 1 second or 2 seconds)

①edit:In some professions, stealth is their core skill. They may not like this topic :)

②edit:I have a better inspiration !! This version will limit the distance you can move behind stealth, beyond which it will break the stealth. Replaces stealth stack duration (adapts to all) combo skills (smoke + explosion)

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This isn't so useful. I expected something more like "after stealth expires, reveal buff for same time the player was stealthed"... would make more sense, and would be more easy to discuss and fit (even 5 seconds of debuff would be enough for stopping all this nonsense of permastealth).

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I think not enough people who post about their frustration with stealth are detailed enough. Is it stealth entirely, mostly up close circle strafing, or not being able to see the stalking approach? It would help if the devs and everyone else knew what aspects and mechanics that go into stealth needs to be adjusted or changed or if we're going to just scrap it all together. Otherwise, we're just going to keep moving the post with stealth at the expense of skills, traits, and utilities that don't need to be messed around with.

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Don't bother, stealth won't be touched.

Other games have audio and visual tells and stricter rules on use in and out of combat, in this game they hand out perma use and the burden is placed on the defender to have two eyes on every side of their head, to blindly lob aoes, preplan detection, predict using dodge to avoid one shot combos, and that's before combat even actually starts... or walk into a tower and grab a coffee until malice goes away, either way, it's not getting nerfed.

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@Flee.5602 said:In some professions, stealth is their core skill. They may not like this topic :)

Ye but shadowstep.

@kash.9213 said:I think not enough people who post about their frustration with stealth are detailed enough. Is it stealth entirely, mostly up close circle strafing, or not being able to see the stalking approach? It would help if the devs and everyone else knew what aspects and mechanics that go into stealth needs to be adjusted or changed or if we're going to just scrap it all together. Otherwise, we're just going to keep moving the post with stealth at the expense of skills, traits, and utilities that don't need to be messed around with.

I like how you're trying to be helpful and I appreciate that. Sadly, I think the whole notion of Stealth is a mistake. Remember that when JRR Tolkein was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

I order to assist you here here is my biggest beef with stealth:

  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:

  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Here is my third biggest beef with stealth:

  • CC from nowhere.

I probably have myriad other issues with stealth, but I can't get over the first two to see them yet.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Flee.5602 said:In some professions, stealth is their core skill. They may not like this topic :)

Ye but shadowstep.

@kash.9213 said:I think not enough people who post about their frustration with stealth are detailed enough. Is it stealth entirely, mostly up close circle strafing, or not being able to see the stalking approach? It would help if the devs and everyone else knew what aspects and mechanics that go into stealth needs to be adjusted or changed or if we're going to just scrap it all together. Otherwise, we're just going to keep moving the post with stealth at the expense of skills, traits, and utilities that don't need to be messed around with.

I like how you're trying to be helpful and I appreciate that. Sadly, I think the whole notion of Stealth is a mistake. Remember that when JRR Tolkein was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

I order to assist you here here is my biggest beef with stealth:
  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

Thats the thing though. Unlike block, evade or invuln, you can hit them. Cleave, AoE, Channeled skills, even targetted skills for a bit, they all continue to hit. Not only is this the only part that isnt a problem, its actually a large part of the reason stealth is so weak in-combat.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:

  • Massive damage from nowhere.

This is the actual issue, yeah. Out of combat stealth into burst. Needs some kinda fix, though which one exactly is a tough question.

Here is my third biggest beef with stealth:

  • CC from nowhere.

Does any stealth build even do that anymore? Thieves dont, they dropped Basilisk Venom ages ago. Dont think Mesmers are using Signet of Domination either. And Holos dont.

I probably have myriad other issues with stealth, but I can't get over the first two to see them yet.

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This suggestion kinda works, in that it helps you with out of combat stealth, but its also a bit hard to make visible without being visual clutter, and even then it requires you to keep whirling your camera around due to the delay. Not sure if its the right solution.

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Stealth just needs more counter play. More classes need access to reveal.

Getting hit from stealth is how it should be used. Being in a fight with someone that can hop in and out of stealth the whole fight is annoying.

i.e. Don't change stealth. Rework how we counter it and give all classes the ability to do so.

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@Zikory.6871 said:Stealth just needs more counter play. More classes need access to reveal.

Getting hit from stealth is how it should be used. Being in a fight with someone that can hop in and out of stealth the whole fight is annoying.

i.e. Don't change stealth. Rework how we counter it and give all classes the ability to do so.

Except thats leaving the problem alone while hitting what already isnt good. Getting hit from stealth is the problem. The fact that, even if only if youre squishy, you can be onehit and die to an enemy you never saw is the problem. On the other hand, in-combat stealth is already underperforming heavily, hitting it harder would not do anything since its already bad. If anything, in-combat stealth needs buffs.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Zikory.6871" said:Stealth just needs more counter play. More classes need access to reveal.

Getting hit from stealth is how it should be used. Being in a fight with someone that can hop in and out of stealth the whole fight is annoying.

i.e. Don't change stealth. Rework how we counter it and give all classes the ability to do so.

Except thats leaving the problem alone while hitting what already isnt good. Getting hit from stealth is the problem. The fact that, even if only if youre squishy, you can be onehit and die to an enemy you never saw is the problem. On the other hand, in-combat stealth is already underperforming heavily, hitting it harder would not do anything since its already bad. If anything, in-combat stealth needs buffs.

I think if you are able to get "onehit", that is a sacrifice you chose to make to have the damage you do. Otherwise tank up, stun break, dodge.

I'm just saying, most dodge thieves, rangers, mesmers not because they hit hard. Fighting a class that goes in and out of stealth that can just disengage at anytime and is near impossible to target is not fun. Why would I want to chase a thief around for 5+ minutes when I can fight literally anything else.

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@Zikory.6871 said:

@Zikory.6871 said:Stealth just needs more counter play. More classes need access to reveal.

Getting hit from stealth is how it should be used. Being in a fight with someone that can hop in and out of stealth the whole fight is annoying.

i.e. Don't change stealth. Rework how we counter it and give all classes the ability to do so.

Except thats leaving the problem alone while hitting what already isnt good. Getting hit from stealth is the problem. The fact that, even if only if youre squishy, you can be onehit and die to an enemy you never saw is the problem. On the other hand, in-combat stealth is already underperforming heavily, hitting it harder would not do anything since its already bad. If anything, in-combat stealth needs buffs.

I think if you are able to get "onehit", that is a sacrifice you chose to make to have the damage you do. Otherwise tank up, stun break, dodge.

Which doesnt really change the fact that dying out of nowhere without being able to react is bad.

I'm just saying, most dodge thieves, rangers, mesmers not because they hit hard. Fighting a class that goes in and out of stealth that can just disengage at anytime and is near impossible to target is not fun. Why would I want to chase a thief around for 5+ minutes when I can fight literally anything else.

Thatsb ecause they are good at running away. Stealth has nothing to do with that though, if anything a thief does better at running away without stealth. Its the same reason there isnt much point in fighting a Warrior, you will never catch a Warrior who wants to run.

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@"Svarty.8019" said:was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

100% true, that's why the most powerful fictional entities, superheroes 'and others' totally abuse stealth all the time as their OP ability. (??)You seem to be a little biased with your example here, buddy -even if we conveniently "forget" that the ring did much more than that btw. :D

  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

If stealth didn't detarget, what exactly would be the point of it? Also channeled/aoe skills still finish casting/deal dmg.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:

  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Backstab? Maybe. But the last time I got hit with a backstab, it was slightly over 5k dmg crit when I was in full berk. lmao.And still the biggest (I dare say "only") problem here is the duration of stealth, not the stealth mechanic itself.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Svarty.8019" said:was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

100% true, that's why the most powerful fictional entities, superheroes 'and others' totally abuse stealth all the time as their OP ability. (??)You seem to be a little biased with your example here, buddy -even if we conveniently "forget" that the ring did much more than that btw. :D
  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

If stealth didn't detarget, what exactly would be the point of it? Also channeled/aoe skills still finish casting/deal dmg.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:
  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Backstab? Maybe. But the last time I got hit with a backstab, it was slightly over 5k dmg crit when I was in full berk. lmao.And still the biggest (I dare say "only") problem here is the duration of stealth, not the stealth mechanic itself.

You can avoid any channeling effects , with a simple dodge .And when he cannot target you , he cannot recast a channeling effect .

Whit berseker gear + a signet that offer 560 attack power (almost 40% of your gear) , you can deal 7/8kStealth as problematic mechanic , where like Smite + WoW + Elder Scrolls , should reveal the player on getting damage

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"Svarty.8019" said:was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

100% true, that's why the most powerful fictional entities, superheroes 'and others' totally abuse stealth all the time as their OP ability. (??)You seem to be a little biased with your example here, buddy -even if we conveniently "forget" that the ring did much more than that btw. :D
  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

If stealth didn't detarget, what exactly would be the point of it? Also channeled/aoe skills still finish casting/deal dmg.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:
  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Backstab? Maybe. But the last time I got hit with a backstab, it was slightly over 5k dmg crit when I was in full berk. lmao.And still the biggest (I dare say "only") problem here is the duration of stealth, not the stealth mechanic itself.

You can avoid any channeling effects , with a simple dodge .

Not sure how that's relevant her. That's true for anyone regardless of having stealth or not. Nerf dodge, I guess? So wrong thread.

And when he cannot target you , he cannot recast a channeling effect .

...which at this point is usually on cd anyways, but ok I guess?

Again, if it wasn't detargetting, then what would even be the point of having/using it?

Whit berseker gear + a signet that offer 560 attack power (almost 40% of your gear) , you can deal 7/8k

When you say "gear", I assume you don't actually mean "gear's attack power", but just weapon strength? Seems like 2 different things. But yeah, backstab deals dmg and it should deal dmg, I'd still say that the biggest/only problem with that is stealth duration, not stealth mechanic itself.

Stealth as problematic mechanic , where like Smite + WoW + Elder Scrolls , should reveal the player on getting damage

Different games, I don't see the relevance tbh, especailly with the amount of aoe spam that's available in gw2 :D

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Svarty.8019" said:was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

100% true, that's why the most powerful fictional entities, superheroes 'and others' totally abuse stealth all the time as their OP ability. (??)You seem to be a little biased with your example here, buddy -even if we conveniently "forget" that the ring did much more than that btw. :D
  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

If stealth didn't detarget, what exactly would be the point of it? Also channeled/aoe skills still finish casting/deal dmg.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:
  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Backstab? Maybe. But the last time I got hit with a backstab, it was slightly over 5k dmg crit when I was in full berk. lmao.And still the biggest (I dare say "only") problem here is the duration of stealth, not the stealth mechanic itself.

You can avoid any channeling effects , with a simple dodge .

Not sure how that's relevant her. That's true for anyone regardless of having stealth or not. Nerf dodge, I guess? So wrong thread.

And when he cannot target you , he cannot recast a channeling effect .

...which at this point is usually on cd anyways, but ok I guess?

Again, if it wasn't detargetting, then what would even be the point of having/using it?

Whit berseker gear + a signet that offer 560 attack power (almost 40% of your gear) , you can deal 7/8k

When you say "gear", I assume you don't actually mean "gear's attack power", but just weapon strength? Seems like 2 different things. But yeah, backstab deals dmg and it should deal dmg, I'd still say that the biggest/only problem with that is stealth duration, not stealth mechanic itself.

Stealth as problematic mechanic , where like Smite + WoW + Elder Scrolls , should reveal the player on getting damage

Different games, I don't see the relevance tbh, especailly with the amount of aoe spam that's available in gw2 :D

You said that channel skills can hit throught stealthA stealth player , while stealth he can avoid any channeling skill with a simple dodge .Then its again is a guessing game from which direction the Thief will jump onto you and whre is he

When other more famous games/esports , have a diferent design (which is more fair) , we should copy it :PTheir ''in-combat''' stealth is neutered , by not letting the stealth guy to restealth

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"Svarty.8019" said:was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

100% true, that's why the most powerful fictional entities, superheroes 'and others' totally abuse stealth all the time as their OP ability. (??)You seem to be a little biased with your example here, buddy -even if we conveniently "forget" that the ring did much more than that btw. :D
  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

If stealth didn't detarget, what exactly would be the point of it? Also channeled/aoe skills still finish casting/deal dmg.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:
  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Backstab? Maybe. But the last time I got hit with a backstab, it was slightly over 5k dmg crit when I was in full berk. lmao.And still the biggest (I dare say "only") problem here is the duration of stealth, not the stealth mechanic itself.

You can avoid any channeling effects , with a simple dodge .

Not sure how that's relevant her. That's true for anyone regardless of having stealth or not. Nerf dodge, I guess? So wrong thread.

And when he cannot target you , he cannot recast a channeling effect .

...which at this point is usually on cd anyways, but ok I guess?

Again, if it wasn't detargetting, then what would even be the point of having/using it?

Whit berseker gear + a signet that offer 560 attack power (almost 40% of your gear) , you can deal 7/8k

When you say "gear", I assume you don't actually mean "gear's attack power", but just weapon strength? Seems like 2 different things. But yeah, backstab deals dmg and it should deal dmg, I'd still say that the biggest/only problem with that is stealth duration, not stealth mechanic itself.

Stealth as problematic mechanic , where like Smite + WoW + Elder Scrolls , should reveal the player on getting damage

Different games, I don't see the relevance tbh, especailly with the amount of aoe spam that's available in gw2 :D

You said that channel skills can hit throught stealthA stealth player , while stealth he can avoid any channeling skill with a simple dodge .Then its again is a guessing game from which direction the Thief will jump onto you and whre is he

Yes, I said that channeled skills can hit through stealth because it's true. You saying "he can dodge it" changes nothing and has nothing to do with stealth, it's true for any other class as well. And even when you dodge a channeled skill, the particles still follow you and reduce your "guessing game" for 'that much'.

When other more famous games/esports , have a diferent design (which is more fair) , we should copy it :PAnd they have spamm too :P

Nah, we shouldn't, because we're a different game with different rules and mechanics. :D

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"Svarty.8019" said:was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

100% true, that's why the most powerful fictional entities, superheroes 'and others' totally abuse stealth all the time as their OP ability. (??)You seem to be a little biased with your example here, buddy -even if we conveniently "forget" that the ring did much more than that btw. :D
  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

If stealth didn't detarget, what exactly would be the point of it? Also channeled/aoe skills still finish casting/deal dmg.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:
  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Backstab? Maybe. But the last time I got hit with a backstab, it was slightly over 5k dmg crit when I was in full berk. lmao.And still the biggest (I dare say "only") problem here is the duration of stealth, not the stealth mechanic itself.

You can avoid any channeling effects , with a simple dodge .And when he cannot target you , he cannot recast a channeling effect .

Most channeled effects actually last so long that a single dodge wont save you. Rapid Fire is a loooong channel. Itll continue through a dodge.

Whit berseker gear + a signet that offer 560 attack power (almost 40% of your gear) , you can deal 7/8k

On a squishy target, but yes. 7/8k is not that much. I can hit that in an AoE with Grenade Barrage on my Core Engineer. Dont even need setup for it. Also, on any target that isnt glass, itll be closer to 5k.

Stealth as problematic mechanic , where like Smite + WoW + Elder Scrolls , should reveal the player on getting damage

That is a terrible idea. Stealths problem is that its to good when used out of combat, i.e. when the enemy is ganking you and oneshotting you. In-combat, stealth is already really weak. Your suggestion would turn in-combat stealth from weak to absolutely unusable, while out of combat stealth remains practically untouched.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Svarty.8019" said:was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

100% true, that's why the most powerful fictional entities, superheroes 'and others' totally abuse stealth all the time as their OP ability. (??)You seem to be a little biased with your example here, buddy -even if we conveniently "forget" that the ring did much more than that btw. :D
  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

If stealth didn't detarget, what exactly would be the point of it? Also channeled/aoe skills still finish casting/deal dmg.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:
  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Backstab? Maybe. But the last time I got hit with a backstab, it was slightly over 5k dmg crit when I was in full berk. lmao.And still the biggest (I dare say "only") problem here is the duration of stealth, not the stealth mechanic itself.

You can avoid any channeling effects , with a simple dodge .And when he cannot target you , he cannot recast a channeling effect .

Most channeled effects actually last so long that a single dodge wont save you. Rapid Fire is a
channel. Itll continue through a dodge.

Whit berseker gear + a signet that offer 560 attack power (almost 40% of your gear) , you can deal 7/8k

On a squishy target, but yes. 7/8k is not that much. I can hit that in an AoE with Grenade Barrage on my Core Engineer. Dont even need setup for it. Also, on any target that isnt glass, itll be closer to 5k.

Stealth as problematic mechanic , where like Smite + WoW + Elder Scrolls , should reveal the player on getting damage

That is a
idea. Stealths problem is that its to good when used out of combat, i.e. when the enemy is ganking you and oneshotting you. In-combat, stealth is already really weak. Your suggestion would turn in-combat stealth from weak to absolutely unusable, while out of combat stealth remains practically untouched.

The majority of the Rangers have quickness casted before they started rapid-fire.One dodge will clear most of the damage .If they dont .... you will take 2 remaining shots for 2,5-3k total damage . Or punish his for believing that aslong he casted the channeling spell , he is safe

How again is weak ?You can use the stealth a a single dodge to reposition yourself in 480 yards around your target , in various angles (he is northwest of you 300 yards ...or he is south 480 comeing to Backstab you)The victim will simply panic and waste attacks left and right , to ''hit you''

Whatever way we try to nerf Stealth , there will be the problem where ''Steal'' teleport you to your target or the Mesmers Elite 3 mini-blinks + stealth has not movement penalty for the victim to run away from perma stealth .Both are integrade part of their kit , so it will be never removed . The only option is : If the target survive > kite and dont allow any stealth character to restealth and do the ''where the stealth guy again!+ prepere for burst round 2 !''' game

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"Svarty.8019" said:was thinking of a super-power to apply to the most powerful object in the world, he came up with Stealth.

100% true, that's why the most powerful fictional entities, superheroes 'and others' totally abuse stealth all the time as their OP ability. (??)You seem to be a little biased with your example here, buddy -even if we conveniently "forget" that the ring did much more than that btw. :D
  • Detargetting. I can't target him/her, I can't hit him/her.

If stealth didn't detarget, what exactly would be the point of it? Also channeled/aoe skills still finish casting/deal dmg.

Here is my second biggest beef with stealth:
  • Massive damage from nowhere.

Backstab? Maybe. But the last time I got hit with a backstab, it was slightly over 5k dmg crit when I was in full berk. lmao.And still the biggest (I dare say "only") problem here is the duration of stealth, not the stealth mechanic itself.

You can avoid any channeling effects , with a simple dodge .And when he cannot target you , he cannot recast a channeling effect .

Most channeled effects actually last so long that a single dodge wont save you. Rapid Fire is a
channel. Itll continue through a dodge.

Whit berseker gear + a signet that offer 560 attack power (almost 40% of your gear) , you can deal 7/8k

On a squishy target, but yes. 7/8k is not that much. I can hit that in an AoE with Grenade Barrage on my Core Engineer. Dont even need setup for it. Also, on any target that isnt glass, itll be closer to 5k.

Stealth as problematic mechanic , where like Smite + WoW + Elder Scrolls , should reveal the player on getting damage

That is a
idea. Stealths problem is that its to good when used out of combat, i.e. when the enemy is ganking you and oneshotting you. In-combat, stealth is already really weak. Your suggestion would turn in-combat stealth from weak to absolutely unusable, while out of combat stealth remains practically untouched.

The majority of the Rangers have quickness casted before they started rapid-fire.One dodge will clear most of the damage .If they dont .... you will take 2 remaining shots for 2,5-3k total damage . Or punish his for believing that aslong he casted the channeling spell , he is safe

Even then it will cover a dodge. Also you would be eating so much damage its not funny. And no, you wont be able to "punish" the soulbeast. Youre at best half health and in Maul kill range.

How again is weak ?You can use the stealth a a single dodge to reposition yourself in 480 yards around your target , in various angles (he is northwest of you 300 yards ...or he is south 480 comeing to Backstab you)

First of all, dodge moves you 300 units, not 480. Dash moves you 450, but that requires Daredevil. Second, you had to waste a dash to prevent the opponent from fully tracking you, and you left yourself wide open. And even then, what next? Your opponent is gonna start cleaving or throwing out AoEs under his feet. Youre not gonna be able to approach them to hit them without taking a lot of damage. And no matter how you stealth up, there is no way for you to stealth up without, even with a dodge, putting yourself in a cone area. The enemy can just prevent you from backstabing him.

The victim will simply panic and waste attacks left and right , to ''hit you''

Nah Id just start cleaving with my autos, and once a hit connects, then Id follow up with actual skills. Simple, reliably, and hugely punishes stealth.

Whatever way we try to nerf Stealth , there will be the problem where ''Steal'' teleport you to your target + stealth has not movement penalty for the victim to run away from perma stealth .

If you want to run away from a thief (which Im not sure why you would want to, just fight them and theyll run away from you), then either youre not Warrior, in which case you cant (but also wouldnt be able to run away from Warrior), or youre Warrior, in which case you peace out.

Steal is a integrade part of thief kit , so it will be never removed . The only option is : If the target survive > kite and dont allow any stealth character to restealth and do the ''where the stealth guy again!+ prepere for burst round 2 !''' game

Its really not though. For most of the past few years, Thieves barely used stealth. Specifically, blinding powder. Thats it. No other form of stealth. Stealth only started being used by out of stealth burst builds, and they still avoid stealthing up in-combat because of how bad it is. Your "option" isnt an option, it specifically does absolutely nothing to how stealth is currently used, and kills the already underperforming in-combat stealth usage. The only actual option is to nerf out of combat stealth (max duration, promitiy indicator, reduced damage after X seconds in stealth, whatever), and buff in-combat stealth until its actually usable.

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