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New big PvP Tournament but it will fail because of Anet's own inability to admit they were wrong....

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The downed state is the #1 reason this games PvP has never been able to compete with that of WoW Arena.

We even see a huge influx of player come back whenever they remove the downed state for the weekend...due to so many people staying away because of it.

However, time and time again Anet fails to admit they were wrong and the downed system makes for noncompetitive and unskilled PvP. No one would even blame them for trying something new....new stuff is great. But you have to be able to admit when you were wrong, and fix your mistakes.

Instead we will get yet another "BIG" tournament in GW2 with like 20 teams per region.....some worlds you guys got there.

The game has such fun PvP, combat, classes...etc. (Ya the balance comes and goes). But its just such a great game that never gave PvP a chance due to their own inability to admit they were wrong with the downed state and get rid of it.

The primary defense for the downed state was to help control burst classes...but they just nerfed all forms of damage into the ground. If there was any time to remove downed state...it would be now.

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@"Luclinraider.2317" said:So WoW Arena has been in decline for 10 years...but is still the most competitive PvP MMO out there."Most competitive" is totally ambiguous.

If you mean in terms of players/viewers, that's to be expected since WoW is the biggest MMORPG out there. I'm pretty sure WoW arena took a back seat to competitive PvE this year at BlizzCon. That goes to show you that even in the WoW community, arena isn't very popular.

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@Arcaniaxs.4519 said:

@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Finish them or move away from them. It's not that difficult.

You seem to be a necro. No offence but dont talk about downstate plzDownstate of classes like necro and ranger is just alot stronger than other ones

Downstate makey the game more complex. It iss more skillfull. The rez mechanics right now are somewhat overpowered but to say gw2 esports died because of the downstate is silly. Gw2 esports died rather because pvp wasnt finished when gw2 launched anet didnt fucus on the game and only threw money at players for a couple of months, while balance after hot was shit.

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I actually like the downstate mechanic.

Also, removing it would throw the balance so out of whack it would take an enormous overhaul to fix. As much can be observed from no downstate WvW weekends. A lot of the class balance revolves around what they can do to stop stomps/revives or to secure them.

^ A good example of this is how with downstate, a high powered glass cannon ranged can down someone, but can't so easily get into the fray of a 4v4 to finish the job. However with no downstate, high powered glass cannon ranged with high mobility becomes severely over powered when the burst is instantly lethal with no requirement to get into the fray.

If you thought you hated 1500+ ranged before, boy you've got another thing coming to you asking for no downstate pvp.

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Well now the downstate is kinda bad cause you can't cleave people down anymore, and there isn't much danger in ressing people if you are kinda tanky, stomping is out since all the cc in the world is on the menu and you can't stomp people faster then the res. So a fucking slog.

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@"Luclinraider.2317" said:So WoW Arena has been in decline for 10 years...but is still the most competitive PvP MMO out there.

GW2 never has a competitive scene...ever. Primarily because of the Downed System. How is that OK with Anet? It's just crazy...

I have a slight susprision that if anet was artificially upkeeping their own pvp pro scene with the money wow puts in it, while also selling cosmetics of which the profits of go to the prize pools for said pro scenes, then maybe it would be as "competitive" as wow's, or maybe it would see the same decline as every pro scene under blizzard has for the last 4 years (rip hots).

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