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Sniper, no sniping!


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I was just wondering what the actual point of sniping an enemy commander constantly is? Is it to kill the content and go back to fighting doors/walls? Or is it just for lol's?I am struggling to think of an actual reason why so many people do this. Please enlighten me!

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Oh I wonder why a squad would ever defend their commander. What could they possibly gain from him being alive?

If you ever want to see a squad scatter and fail, you kill their commander if you can tell who it is. Why wouldn't you? No more coordinated heals on him, no more pushes on him. Of course you would.

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I do it because I like to be a pest. That's pretty much it. If I'm in a squad I'll ask if they care if I snipe, if I'm asked to stop I will.

I get good lol's yanking a comm to their deaths but I don't do it to ruin fun for others. I know it can be dealt with so if they care enough to do so, they should. If not, be aware of my presence.

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:I do it because I like to be a pest.That's not a pest. That's a viable tactic.

Asking for fairness in that case is stupid.

I could ask that commander to give me half of his competent players for more fairness, too. I doubt he would do this. He would tell me someting like "Our server is better than yours" and I would tell him "Why are we forced to play in the same matchup then?". And he would tell me "Because there has to be some competition". And I would tell him "Feel free to compete with us in commander sniping!"

Side Note:I am pretty sure the germans were pissed when the russians burned their own villages in ww2 to slow them down. Absolutely no fairplay...

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People don't pin snipe, when both servers are trying to look for fights organized or not.Both servers wouldn't have anything to fight, due to the lack of commanders to replace them, with the same agenda in the end anyway.

So why even do it other than to be a troll, or to get rid of that commander attacking your objectives, if your server has no commander? It's usually individuals who do it not the server itself most of the time, or groups like AMX at least.

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I hate to be the "adapt" guy in this case. But if you are getting focused, try one of the countermeasures mentioned here or temporarily give the lead to another player or put a symbol on a backup commander, if you have someone like that available. They will be mighty surprised when they snipe you again, thinking they have effectively disabled the squad, only to get rolfrolled by the still functional squad.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@CrimsonNeonite.1048 said:People don't pin snipe, when both servers are trying to look for fights organized or not.Exactly. This tactic is only used if you want to get rid of the enemy blob. And it seems to work some time or this thread would not exist.

That's the point people often miss. In your typical pugmander group, they just want wins, whether it's flipped objectives or routing enemies. But a fight commander doesn't care about objectives, and only flips or defends if they know it will draw out groups to fight. I've seen commanders stand still, under siege, waiting for enemy re spawns to return to their tag, rather then chasing after what remained and watch them roach.

Maximum kills + bags per fight = that is what a fight commander will care about, and they will even welcome fighting outnumbered because that means more kills and bags.

So it isn't about honor or fairness. Some fight commanders will target the enemy driver to make it easier to roflstomp their group while others avoid annoying the enemy zerg to the point where they just map dodge you.....unless their is a history between commanders, in which case all bets are off, and their driver is perma-targeted for sniping

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It is a legitimate tactic to stall or halt a pushing blob.

If the goal is to fend off the blob and to take them down, of course the logical action is to take out the head of the snake so that it can't drive the blob anymore.Usually it results in the entire blob getting steamrolled or the blob flees because the driver isn't available to steer the blob.

That's why alot of drivers play durable classes like Firebrand or Spellbreaker or Tempest or any build that can withstand hard pressure, because if the enemy recognises yur toon and know that "hey, this is their driver!" they are sure as heck gonna try and take the driver out.

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I try to save my interceptions for whoever they send to blink in and drop portals or to take out anyone who is keeping them too strong with healing, boons, signet buffs, whatever. That pin is likely gobbling up enough of your side trying to crash right into them so size it up first and good luck. At least pack something to break stuns and pulls if you're going to go for it.

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Because it will generate discussion such as this.

I am probably pulling numbers out of my kitten (who doesn't on the internet), but I estimate there to be a 12% rise in pin sniping incidents because of this thread.

On a more serious note, I also think about half the pin sniping or just sniping incidents are actually fake news. What is really happening is the tag isn't aware of where their teammates are. Thus they run like 1000 range ahead out of everyone else and stick out like a sore thumb. Is that really sniping when that is literally the only target you can hit? Perhaps minstrel daredevil would be better suited for them.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:Because it will generate discussion such as this.

I am probably pulling numbers out of my kitten (who doesn't on the internet), but I estimate there to be a 12% rise in pin sniping incidents because of this thread.

On a more serious note, I also think about half the pin sniping or just sniping incidents are actually fake news. What is really happening is the tag isn't aware of where their teammates are. Thus they run like 1000 range ahead out of everyone else and stick out like a sore thumb. Is that really sniping when that is literally the only target you can hit? Perhaps minstrel daredevil would be better suited for them.

82% of statistics are just made up on the spot

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@"Randalph.9172" said:I was just wondering what the actual point of sniping an enemy commander constantly is? Is it to kill the content and go back to fighting doors/walls? Or is it just for lol's?I am struggling to think of an actual reason why so many people do this. Please enlighten me!

Because players don't want "fights". They want their bandwagon blob to roll over randoms and structures with no resistance. Don't get me wrong, they want enemies to kill, but they want to only fight unorganized numbers half the blobs size. This is why wvw is as bad as it is. Players do whatever it takes for quick, easy loot and ranks. They aren't looking for a challenge, they want to run around the map winning everything by pressing 1.

It's why they all stack on servers where they never have to face another blob in their playtime. If another blob plays when they do, they transfer to find a server where they won't face another blob or change maps to avoid them. It's why they troll tactics right before they attack anything, because waiting the extra 45 seconds is too hard (requires too much strategy). It's why if they lose a fight they immediately map hop to find doors somewhere else to fight. It's why servers with blobs hide in fortified smc while letting their borderland get completely flipped. It allows them to run around EB fighting outnumbered servers AND lose the match despite being the biggest server. Avoiding ppt to stay in a lower tier to keep fighting outnumbered servers and doors.

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