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The Way How ArenaNet is Going Forward With the Game...

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ATM, I feel like GW2 is going down... There are many things I would like to change, and the game might know those things too but doest want to work on them... The game is making new skins in gem store every update instead... work MORE on the game, not the skins... i know that games just want to take more money and have less job, but if u wanna make long-lasting game that many ppl woudl enjoy, u have to update the game, thats what we want! And the game would benefit too by having more players, they would have a reason to buy skin from the gem store! Please make the game better (Dreamwalker Scythe is good af tho) ... Oh, and about the Story, the story is fun and all... but consider spending time more on the game itself, even tho i personally like the story sooo much, id say you have time to make story and make small update but really important too... IDK! Get more workers, the director of the game must know hwo to get money to pay them and make the game good... keeping the game in 1 place for so long and just adding story and gem-store skins isnt the way ... Please give us a reason to play the game, few ideas I got that a lot of people would like (in my opinion):

ArcDPS by GW2Is "arcdps" by GW2! Raiders and FotM runners would really like this change, and new players would actually benefit from this too, why installing the "arcdps" from someone else while the game can make it for us and make constant updates within the game instead of downloading from arcdps site every update and even waiting for update to come out, we are are used to it, and we need it FROM the game!

TemplatesTemplates are idea i didnt bother much but they are indeed good the way you guys made them, I personally like them, but they are a bit pricey? Many of us have chars that they use them for more builds then 2, and different stats... Like.. Guardian (DH, cFB, pFB, qFB, hFB, ye lots of firebrands... and stuff like FB tank, FB HandKiter...) I'd say its okay, you guys need money to keep the game up, but consider making money from something else, cuz we bought the game, and we want access to cool stuff after all...

GuildGuilds... Guilds are something that is pretty much useless except making huge group, once you have full upgraded guild, we would only use it to talk and play with others... Maybe make something fun like Fortress in maps and Castles in cities (I know that the update would be HUUUUGE, and it wants a lot of work, but that would be coolest thing ever) and guilds would fight for them! Also, you will say that you have that in WvW, ye, but not all guildmates are in same server, and having guild activity in PvE would make totally new way of playing the game, instead of having FotM and Raids as best stuff in PvE! (I respect PvP and WvW too, WvW needs more updates tho, but having more different unique stuff is way better... Atm I dunno what to do anymore, I play PvP and Raids sometimes...)

Strike MissionsAre strike missins supposed to be "training" for raids? Havent seen the last strike mission yet, but first two were really easy (especially 1st one)... Dunno, make difficulty system instead of timer for chests, and give us better loot too id say

GrindingThe game wants you to grind A LOT, you should consider updating the loot in raids, a bit in fractals, wvw, a bit pvp, dungeons etc. atm its not that easy to get gold, and you cut Tarir Meta off, you cut instan off, (doric was our fault) you cut off the lvl 40 farm in FotM.. and many others... whats the point of that? Let us have fun, not grind every day :/

Better FotM and Raids systemI still remember when ppl would fake their LI or KP a lot, using different third party software to do it too ... Even tho today id say it isnt that big of a deal, id ask for new Raids and FotM system, more options for LFG! Ask for a requirement, others LFG option having basic requirements, while Raids and FotM having more advanced, asking for amount of LI to join (or you cant join the squad), asking for Level in other places, idk, many stuff, ask for exact number of KP for 100cm or 99cm... etc!

StatsAtm, in my opinion, the only way to show off is your legendary equipment, pvp leaderboard, or some Next-Level guild that are known for their skill (which are all hard to get), id say having stats of your profile that anybody can see if they right click on you and click "stats" can see would be really cool, displaying your pvp wins/loses, raid kills, fully cleared raid times, kills in wvw, lvl in each mode (pvp, wvw, pve), fractal clears.... you get the idea, game is pretty creative with the story, guess you can make something cool that isnt story :)

• And last thing that comes up in my mind atm would be the game itself... I'm not much into games, and what it takes to update the game into new DirectX, like, having better software, but we would really want the game to be better! We all really hate when our internet has its daily restart for a milisecond and the game is like: ah shit, you werent here for a milisecond, instead of having small lag, i decide to kick you out and make ya reconnect. (As i said i cant say much about this stuff, but if you can make this, it would be really cool)

I'm sure i'll get more ideas after i post this, but screw it, i just wanted to let you know that there are way better stuff to make instead of story and skins, that players would like them more...

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Arcdps - A controversial addition it would be to the game. It has been argued in the past to be against the spirit of how the game was always played. I totally get the reasons for wanting it and the benefits of it, however there are also too many who would abuse it.

Strikes - You've posted something on a subject prob better to have researched first. They already do go up in difficulty in terms of which strike you do. The last two strikes of Boneskinner and Voice of Jormag (or whetever it is called) are much harder than the others and represent a sliding scale of difficulty since Grothmar

Raid system - anything that encourages more of asking for a particular currency is prob not what Anet wants to go down the road of. Anet wants everyone to cooperate and work together and not have this divide of "casuals" vs "elitists" neither of which are healthy terms to be throwing around. Anet - like every mmo company - have yet to unlock the puzzle, but increasing the problem by encouraging LI proof is a disastrous move.

Guilds - This just needs improving. I think most players recognise this

Grinding - MMO's are based on grind. GW2 probably could do with less of it, but then again none of the grind is really essential either. MAybe I've become immune to it over the last 20 years of MMO gaming.

Stats - sounds like a gear inspect. Another controversial addition within this community. I am...on the fence with it. There is some potential for good and bad in your idea though

As for the outlook in general, it feels more positive and brighter than it has in years. We have on the horizon, new raid, new fractals, the somewhat mythical WvW Alliance System (I typed that with a straight face!), a promising sounding continuation of LS5 with this wvw inspired episode, SAB Worlds being worked on behind the scenes (not for this SAB though) and most importantly an expansion which looks pretty much confirmed to be Cantha.

Sure there are some QoL improvements and there is discussion as to whether there is even a Game Director anymore, but the horizon does look good right now and things def look up and not down

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The problem with your response is two fold

  • Firstly calling them noobs only exasperates the problem. It is no different to the "casuals" calling skilled players toxic elitists. Neither approach helps anything
  • Secondly, one of the big reasons instanced content gets such a small population is because of this divide. And it is this divide and this approach which significantly reduces the incoming crowd of players to the content and eventually turns it into low population content where all the devs can do is make even more grindy content just to keep the existing, slowly stagnating playerbase in there at all. Eventually you end up with no instanced content at all.

I totally get yours and any of other frustration with players who refuse to pull their weight or expect to be pulled through. But, the derogatory terminology on both sides just makes the problem worse. One of the reasons I don't instance as much as I should is because I know I risk bogging my group down because I recognise my limits at times where I simply can't be bothered. But not every player is the fine, selfless and upstanding player that I am obviously..

I don't have the answer to the problem, but it always been clear that encouraging "kill proofs" and categorising players "noobs" "filthy casuals" "toxic elitists" are def not the answer and never have been

edit: the aforementioned post I replied to has gone so post is out of context

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I genuinely don't mean this as an insult. I use ArcDPS myself (still shouldn't be baseline) and do kind of agree with the grinding bit. But! Have you tried playing WoW? From your post, it really seems like a game you'd enjoy more. Many opportunities to exclude people and tailor your PUGs the way you want.

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I assume that you are asking for a "better game" egine and mechanic-wise, if thats so, it takes way greater effort to mess with those things than just designing and creating skins, besides, the gem store seems to be the place where anet is getting their profits, so it must be their priority just for the fact that they need to pay the bills.Anet layed off more than 100 employees last year and since then, people keep coming and going, but their staff has been reduced by A LOT. So yeah, it would be great to just hire a bunch of people to make the game better, but they just cant afford to do it now.The game has some bugs and of course there are some stuff that could be improved since its release, but most of them must be just too hard to fix without messing up other stuff ingame, so they cannot prioritize those, instead they keep trying their best to bring some new things, to fix whats posible and maintain the game at its best within their capabilites.I agree with you about the lack of guild content and the rewards from Raids and FotM, though, they could give some more attention to it, but they must have some other stuff more important to do right now.Strike missions just keep getting harder with each release, please play them before you complain about them. They are not hard at raid level yet, but as an introduction to raids, they are doing a pretty good job.Grinding is a part of our lives, not only ingame, but outside of it, almost everyone needs to repeat a specific routine to accomplish stuff. I think that in the MMOs world, GW2 still does a good job of reducing grind when its posible (some collections and achievements, for example), but sometimes it is what it is and there's no way better.

Overall, I think GW2 is doing really good, they are keeping a good pace of updates with meaningful story and features content, they are doing a better job communicating with the players, working on the future of the game with the WvW, PvP, festivals updates and the next expansion, they just did a huge balance patch (not saying it was perfect, but you cant say they are not trying). I get that the efforts they are putting into those could be reverted to improve the games engine and mechanics, but again, from a company and selling point of view, it might not compensate right now.

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The idea of being able to view a person's gear and damage output without their permission let alone at all means you are asking arenanet to change the concept behind their game. It's the same reason there's no loot stealing, why you can revive people not in your party, why there's no factions and why there's no "holy trinity". They wanted a game where people work together rather than compete , outside of pvp. They want you to feel like you're in this together. We may not be friends, but we're going to help each other. That is why many people coming to Guild Wars 2 for the first time, say it has one of the nicest communities they've come across.

There is a solution for you though! Join or a create a guild or multiple guilds with members who enjoy playing the way you prefer; who will be raid ready, high tier fractal ready, wvw ready , with the gear and achievements and standards you like. It will take work, but I can guarantee there are others out there who like your idea.

I also agree that the Guild system needs more to do for large guilds.

But I also wish there were more options for smaller groups who want access to scribing and guild hall decorating without having to ask permission . Maybe something like a club house instead of a full guild hall!

The majority of your post makes it sound like what you really want is a more competitive game or in the very least, you want your accomplishments to mean more, and you want people around you to see them.

While competing with other people isn't fun for me I do wish there was more ways to display my achievements other than obscure titles or an AP number.

Possible solutions: A Hall of Monuments style upgrade for the home instance, or some other player based instance that will display weapon collections, armor collections, titles, etc. Imagine inviting people to see the cool things you've accomplished and collected!

Solution to the LFG issue you have for Raids: create Raid level difficulties, like Fractals. This is more efficient than using Strike Missions as the "ramp". It will also virtually guarantee that the people playing at your level know what they are doing.

I hope you continue to play the game and hopefully find people to play with to make it more fun for you! Best of luck!

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@SkyCakeLight.3750 said:I genuinely don't mean this as an insult. I use ArcDPS myself (still shouldn't be baseline) and do kind of agree with the grinding bit. But! Have you tried playing WoW? From your post, it really seems like a game you'd enjoy more. Many opportunities to exclude people and tailor your PUGs the way you want.

I don't like wow cuz of the monthly subscription, I can afford to buy expansion in gw2, but not monthly stuff..

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@"hlaraujo.3210" said:I assume that you are asking for a "better game" egine and mechanic-wise, if thats so, it takes way greater effort to mess with those things than just designing and creating skins, besides, the gem store seems to be the place where anet is getting their profits, so it must be their priority just for the fact that they need to pay the bills.Anet layed off more than 100 employees last year and since then, people keep coming and going, but their staff has been reduced by A LOT. So yeah, it would be great to just hire a bunch of people to make the game better, but they just cant afford to do it now.The game has some bugs and of course there are some stuff that could be improved since its release, but most of them must be just too hard to fix without messing up other stuff ingame, so they cannot prioritize those, instead they keep trying their best to bring some new things, to fix whats posible and maintain the game at its best within their capabilites.I agree with you about the lack of guild content and the rewards from Raids and FotM, though, they could give some more attention to it, but they must have some other stuff more important to do right now.Strike missions just keep getting harder with each release, please play them before you complain about them. They are not hard at raid level yet, but as an introduction to raids, they are doing a pretty good job.Grinding is a part of our lives, not only ingame, but outside of it, almost everyone needs to repeat a specific routine to accomplish stuff. I think that in the MMOs world, GW2 still does a good job of reducing grind when its posible (some collections and achievements, for example), but sometimes it is what it is and there's no way better.

Overall, I think GW2 is doing really good, they are keeping a good pace of updates with meaningful story and features content, they are doing a better job communicating with the players, working on the future of the game with the WvW, PvP, festivals updates and the next expansion, they just did a huge balance patch (not saying it was perfect, but you cant say they are not trying). I get that the efforts they are putting into those could be reverted to improve the games engine and mechanics, but again, from a company and selling point of view, it might not compensate right now.

I think I like this comment the most... and btw, I didn't complain, I just mentioned em to see other's opinion, I even said I didn't check em yet but I did 2st 2, idm strike missions being hard or easy, both are good for me :P

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Grind in this game is minimal for me. Of course, legendaries will indeed be grindy, taking maybe two to three months make, but even that pales to comparison grinding for LEVELS on some other MMOs. My first time leveling a character to level 80 took merely 3 weeks of daily, somewhat casual gameplay. Not bad at all.

Maplestory was my first MMO, and its grind is literal insanity. A character can get to a max level of 275. Doesn’t sound bad at first, and early on, it may seem like a joke. Level 1-20 can be done in a day. But the exp scaling is ridiculous, to the point that to get to level 200, you need to spend 4 months of ENDLESS button mashing, 2x exp boosters included. Nothing else. Just doing “quests” which was pretty much additional grind, and killing the same monsters over and over again with the same button setup/rotation for 5-10 hours a day. Worst part is that the main STORY is also locked behind these levels. I stopped after grinding 3 months to get from level 200-212 with a Phantom.

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I rarely (if ever) have read a suggestion thread where I had a single response to all of the multiple suggestions made, but in this case to each and every one of your points:


The beauty of this game is that it offers so much to do outside of grinding instanced group content for bigger numbers and bragging rights. If competition with your fellow players is what drives you, then go play spvp or smallscale wvw to prove to yourself and your oponent(s) how good you are.

If judging people by arbitrary numbers like stats, dps, or kp is your thing, there are tons of games out there to scratch that itch. Personally I'm sick and tired of people mis-interpretating numbers in other games and bothering people without a clue what they're talking about. I've had my share of random people (in other games) lecturing me on why my build, stats, whatever are wrong while just blindly following some meta without even understanding why that meta works the way it is or how to adapt it for the current instance, or kicking people for not providing certain kill-proof totally irellevant to the content at hand.

For many players this game works fine not just without providing a ton of arbitrary numbers (dps, stats, kp, whatever) but precisely because it dosen't provide them (easily) and thus keeps a lot of the competitive-minded players inside their own circles, not bothering the rest of us. I'd rather play content I enjoy with the relaxed company of others, not minding if they are "pro" at the content or new or simply not good at it, as long as they're nice company.

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@FrozenNike.5701 said:

@"SkyCakeLight.3750" said:I genuinely don't mean this as an insult. I use ArcDPS myself (still shouldn't be baseline) and do kind of agree with the grinding bit. But! Have you tried playing WoW? From your post, it really seems like a game you'd enjoy more. Many opportunities to exclude people and tailor your PUGs the way you want.

I don't like wow cuz of the monthly subscription, I can afford to buy expansion in gw2, but not monthly stuff..


You can purchase a WoW Token from the Shop for real money and sell it on the Auction House for gold, or you can purchase a Token from the Auction House and redeem it for 30-days of Game Time or €13/£10 of Blizzard Balance.

No, I am not advertising for WoW, but players who want the full hardcore raid experience but can't afford WoWs subscription can easily farm the required gold in game there.

That is a far better approach than expecting that the average player skill level in GW2 increases.

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@"Rasimir.6239" said:I rarely (if ever) have read a suggestion thread where I had a single response to all of the multiple suggestions made, but in this case to each and every one of your points:


The beauty of this game is that it offers so much to do outside of grinding instanced group content for bigger numbers and bragging rights. If competition with your fellow players is what drives you, then go play spvp or smallscale wvw to prove to yourself and your oponent(s) how good you are.

If judging people by arbitrary numbers like stats, dps, or kp is your thing, there are tons of games out there to scratch that itch. Personally I'm sick and tired of people mis-interpretating numbers in other games and bothering people without a clue what they're talking about. I've had my share of random people (in other games) lecturing me on why my build, stats, whatever are wrong while just blindly following some meta without even understanding why that meta works the way it is or how to adapt it for the current instance, or kicking people for not providing certain kill-proof totally irellevant to the content at hand.

For many players this game works fine not just without providing a ton of arbitrary numbers (dps, stats, kp, whatever) but precisely because it dosen't provide them (easily) and thus keeps a lot of the competitive-minded players inside their own circles, not bothering the rest of us. I'd rather play content I enjoy with the relaxed company of others, not minding if they are "pro" at the content or new or simply not good at it, as long as they're nice company.

The other day I joined a strike run. After the second boss I got kicked without even a comment. I whispered the kicker, calling him out for doing it without just asking me to leave or telling me why I was kicked. By the way I would leave a group if asked.

He talked about my damage being so low, and likened it to a support character. Was surprised he noted me doing any damage at all.

Thing is we were successful in the run because I spent most of it rezing people. Few others were bothering to do it. Whatever healing we had wasn't sufficient and one point me and another guy were the only ones left standing to pick up the others. I would have loved spending my time doing damage and not rezing others. But going by what must have been arcsdps, I had to go.

He then told me to talk to him when I could put out such and such damage. I joined the group because the ad didn't have specs listed, so I assumed it was for people who didn't want that stress. Second, I have 14 toons, some built for meta so if I wanted to join a super elitist group I would have.

I don't need people judging me and my actions based on raw numbers and I feel like we should be able to block such intrusion, not give everyone more acid to pour in the wounds of players who a just want to have fun, not take on a second job. If I want a challenge I would climb a 14,000er. When I am at home I want to relax and play

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@XatraZaytrax.2601 said:

@"Rasimir.6239" said:I rarely (if ever) have read a suggestion thread where I had a single response to all of the multiple suggestions made, but in this case to each and every one of your points:


The beauty of this game is that it offers so much to do outside of grinding instanced group content for bigger numbers and bragging rights. If competition with your fellow players is what drives you, then go play spvp or smallscale wvw to prove to yourself and your oponent(s) how good you are.

If judging people by arbitrary numbers like stats, dps, or kp is your thing, there are tons of games out there to scratch that itch. Personally I'm sick and tired of people mis-interpretating numbers in other games and bothering people without a clue what they're talking about. I've had my share of random people (in other games) lecturing me on why my build, stats, whatever are wrong while just blindly following some meta without even understanding why that meta works the way it is or how to adapt it for the current instance, or kicking people for not providing certain kill-proof totally irellevant to the content at hand.

For many players this game works fine not just without providing a ton of arbitrary numbers (dps, stats, kp, whatever) but precisely because it dosen't provide them (easily) and thus keeps a lot of the competitive-minded players inside their own circles, not bothering the rest of us. I'd rather play content I enjoy with the relaxed company of others, not minding if they are "pro" at the content or new or simply not good at it, as long as they're nice company.

The other day I joined a strike run. After the second boss I got kicked without even a comment. I whispered the kicker, calling him out for doing it without just asking me to leave or telling me why I was kicked. By the way I would leave a group if asked.

He talked about my damage being so low, and likened it to a support character. Was surprised he noted me doing any damage at all.

Thing is we were successful in the run because I spent most of it rezing people. Few others were bothering to do it. Whatever healing we had wasn't sufficient and one point me and another guy were the only ones left standing to pick up the others. I would have loved spending my time doing damage and not rezing others. But going by what must have been arcsdps, I had to go.

He then told me to talk to him when I could put out such and such damage. I joined the group because the ad didn't have specs listed, so I assumed it was for people who didn't want that stress. Second, I have 14 toons, some built for meta so if I wanted to join a super elitist group I would have.

I don't need people judging me and my actions based on raw numbers and I feel like we should be able to block such intrusion, not give everyone more acid to pour in the wounds of players who a just want to have fun, not take on a second job. If I want a challenge I would climb a 14,000er. When I am at home I want to relax and play

Interestingly enough, you could point that out to him and he can verify it through arcdps. The logs it has show far more than just dps. They show mechanics and who missed them and how many times and yes, rezzes and who was rezzing and who got rezzes.

I like looking at my own numbers, it can be truly humbling. For instance on a Quadim 2 fight earlier today I was pushed back /17/ times. I suspect if I fix that, my dps will rise.

It is also nice to have it so that if something like the aforementioned happens, I can say not just "I was rezzing" but "I rezzed 13 times, of which you were two, and I noticed you missed these mechanics. Have fun."

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@"Obfuscate.6430" said:The idea of being able to view a person's gear and damage output without their permission let alone at all means you are asking arenanet to change the concept behind their game. It's the same reason there's no loot stealing, why you can revive people not in your party, why there's no factions and why there's no "holy trinity". They wanted a game where people work together rather than compete , outside of pvp. They want you to feel like you're in this together. We may not be friends, but we're going to help each other. That is why many people coming to Guild Wars 2 for the first time, say it has one of the nicest communities they've come across.

This is one of the issues I have with DPS tools, People could see my gear and DPS output and then use that information to criticize me if I do not "play to their expectations"It contributes to this wrong attitude that there is a "right" and "wrong" way to play the game or certain content which has always been a thing in Gw2 but it's just made easier via tools like that.

These tools are fine for people who want to play as optimally as they can but players cross a line when they use them to criticize others with information they have no right to have in the first place.As you said it flies in the face of what this game was always designed to be.

@"Rasimir.6239" said:I'd rather play content I enjoy with the relaxed company of others, not minding if they are "pro" at the content or new or simply not good at it, as long as they're nice company.

Same, I'd rather plod through content and have fun with others who are enjoying themselves than have a stressful experience trying to get through the content as fast as humanly possible and listening to people get annoyed because we're not going fast enough or because someone died or screwed up etc.That's not fun to me.. the former is.

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