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I was gonna make a meme poll but it wouldnt let me.I have good games on warrior still, but theres fights i just get outweighed so hard(1v1's)My survivability seems the same. Exchanging heal sig for the mending I like actually because I have to press another button. BUT. Against certain class I just get destroyed.If I play basically the old SB spec with changing a few things because of the patch, I'm semi viable, I have an LB spec that's fun and can be used, but not as worth taking/ will get kittened easier vs better players.

I dunno, I'm emo. plx halp.

(also no dmg on cc really just destroyed some weapon sets for warrior, like the cc focused specs that now have 2-3 abilities that do 5-10 dmg)

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Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:

  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

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Don't think of the no damage on CC destroying those weapons.

Those weapons are actually the most damaging weapons warrior has right now if you don't think about it because you can tilt people by stunlocking them in place for upwards of 10 seconds at a time. That's mentally damaging and tilts people, and that's how you win fights.

There is nothing dishonorable about winning a game to timer on purpose, or taking a class that actually does damage out of the match by 1v1ing them on a point for literally the entirety of a match's duration. But this is the bunker/condi meta. Step or get left.

Example: https://twitch.tv/videos/588945212

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@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:Don't think of the no damage on CC destroying those weapons.

Those weapons are actually the most damaging weapons warrior has right now if you don't think about it because you can tilt people by stunlocking them in place for upwards of 10 seconds at a time. That's mentally damaging and tilts people, and that's how you win fights.

There is nothing dishonorable about winning a game to timer on purpose, or taking a class that actually does damage out of the match by 1v1ing them on a point for literally the entirety of a match's duration. But this is the bunker/condi meta. Step or get left.

Example: https://twitch.tv/videos/588945212

lol, i was literly caught with no stunbreak by a warrior who stunlocked me for 10 sec, i lost maybe 20% hp. guess what, i didnt tilt. i actually felt sorry for the guy. especially when i cc him after for 2 seconds and landed about 20k damage in that timeframe and killed him.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:

  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:
  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

Just s5 with legend swap is like 8k, on 1/4Dmg is insane everyone runs 2-3 revs in their team

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@Ashkew.6584 said:lol, i was literly caught with no stunbreak by a warrior who stunlocked me for 10 sec, i lost maybe 20% hp. guess what, i didnt tilt. i actually felt sorry for the guy. especially when i cc him after for 2 seconds and landed about 20k damage in that timeframe and killed him.

I have a lot of questions.

First, how on earth did he take away 20% of your HP?!

Second, was he playing Spellbreaker, defense, knight's ammy, max bunker basically?

Third, would you like to fight in the duel arena in Al Kharid? No stakes, just friendlies.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@Ashkew.6584 said:lol, i was literly caught with no stunbreak by a warrior who stunlocked me for 10 sec, i lost maybe 20% hp. guess what, i didnt tilt. i actually felt sorry for the guy. especially when i cc him after for 2 seconds and landed about 20k damage in that timeframe and killed him.

I have a lot of questions.

First, how on earth did he take away 20% of your HP?!

Second, was he playing Spellbreaker, defense, knight's ammy, max bunker basically?

Third, would you like to fight in the duel arena in Al Kharid? No stakes, just friendlies.

honestly i have no idea, it was a random dude with mace shield hammer, and all cc utilites like kick etc, he just had only cc and no damage to folluw up. i dont mind a duel, but i hardly play the game , so i doubt u catch me in game

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@Shao.7236 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:
  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

I'm not just talking about bursts, Shao. I'm talking about actual DPS over the course of 60s when a Herald is focusing targets.

A Soulbeast as example, can blow all its cool downs with a Sic Em One Wolf pack build and get a 10s opening for a death nuke that's capable of dealing 30k - 40k damage if the target gets caught in all of that and has no protection or other defenses to utilize. But then after the boon nerfing, that damage output quickly drops through the floor, down to like 1.5k - 2k autos at best, 2ks - 3ks with other attacks like Swoop, and maybe on average 6k - 8k Mauls/WIs if you can catch the Marks just right in the absence of the full burst active. This is super risky to do in between full active burst because Soulbeast is frail. If it goes in and misses at all on the initial offense, it pretty much immediately needs to begin preparing for a way to leave. And might I add that this vulnerable phase of lower damage and inability to stay in a brawl with presence, lasts for 28s for Sic Em intervals, and 60s for One Wolf Pack.

A Herald on the other hand, just nails you with 4k to 8k strikes with everything it does, sometimes higher with good combos. This consistent high pressure that doesn't lay off has barely any CD factor at all, as the Herald sticks to you like glue with its chase potential.

So what I mean by "Herald is dealing twice the DPS of other classes" is that it's a combo of not only raw damage output potential, but also its ability to stay on someone to pretty much guarantee that the majority of that damage is landing. Where a person could completely avoid a Soulbeast burst and then double back to pressure the Soulbeast when he's in his 30s vulnerable phase, this can't be done to a Power Shiro Herald. With the Herald, if you want to deal damage you had better be ready to take damage, always. There is no vulnerable CD phase for the Power Shiro unless a player is juts hot garbage at energy management.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:
  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

I'm not just talking about bursts, Shao. I'm talking about actual DPS over the course of 60s when a Herald is focusing targets.

A Soulbeast as example, can blow all its cool downs with a Sic Em One Wolf pack build and get a 10s opening for a death nuke that's capable of dealing 30k - 40k damage if the target gets caught in all of that and has no protection or other defenses to utilize. But then after the boon nerfing, that damage output quickly drops through the floor, down to like 1.5k - 2k autos at best, 2ks - 3ks with other attacks like Swoop, and maybe on average 6k - 8k Mauls/WIs if you can catch the Marks just right in the absence of the full burst active. This is super risky to do in between full active burst because Soulbeast is frail. If it goes in and misses at all on the initial offense, it pretty much immediately needs to begin preparing for a way to leave. And might I add that this vulnerable phase of lower damage and inability to stay in a brawl with presence, lasts for 28s for Sic Em intervals, and 60s for One Wolf Pack.

A Herald on the other hand, just nails you with 4k to 8k strikes with everything it does, sometimes higher with good combos. This consistent high pressure that doesn't lay off has barely any CD factor at all, as the Herald sticks to you like glue with its chase potential.

So what I mean by "Herald is dealing twice the DPS of other classes" is that it's a combo of not only raw damage output potential, but also its ability to stay on someone to pretty much guarantee that the majority of that damage is landing. Where a person could completely avoid a Soulbeast burst and then double back to pressure the Soulbeast when he's in his 30s vulnerable phase, this can't be done to a Power Shiro Herald. With the Herald, if you want to deal damage you had better be ready to take damage, always. There is no vulnerable CD phase for the Power Shiro unless a player is juts hot garbage at energy management.

Go play herald and record it so we can see the constant stream of 4-8k strikes you are able to manage. This is whole post is such a load of nonsense it is hard to understand how even you can take yourself seriously.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:
  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

I'm not just talking about bursts, Shao. I'm talking about actual DPS over the course of 60s when a Herald is focusing targets.

A Soulbeast as example, can blow all its cool downs with a Sic Em One Wolf pack build and get a 10s opening for a death nuke that's capable of dealing 30k - 40k damage if the target gets caught in all of that and has no protection or other defenses to utilize. But then after the boon nerfing, that damage output quickly drops through the floor, down to like 1.5k - 2k autos at best, 2ks - 3ks with other attacks like Swoop, and maybe on average 6k - 8k Mauls/WIs if you can catch the Marks just right in the absence of the full burst active. This is super risky to do in between full active burst because Soulbeast is frail. If it goes in and misses at all on the initial offense, it pretty much immediately needs to begin preparing for a way to leave. And might I add that this vulnerable phase of lower damage and inability to stay in a brawl with presence, lasts for 28s for Sic Em intervals, and 60s for One Wolf Pack.

A Herald on the other hand, just nails you with 4k to 8k strikes with everything it does, sometimes higher with good combos. This consistent high pressure that doesn't lay off has barely any CD factor at all, as the Herald sticks to you like glue with its chase potential.

So what I mean by "Herald is dealing twice the DPS of other classes" is that it's a combo of not only raw damage output potential, but also its ability to stay on someone to pretty much guarantee that the majority of that damage is landing. Where a person could completely avoid a Soulbeast burst and then double back to pressure the Soulbeast when he's in his 30s vulnerable phase, this can't be done to a Power Shiro Herald. With the Herald, if you want to deal damage you had better be ready to take damage, always. There is no vulnerable CD phase for the Power Shiro unless a player is juts hot garbage at energy management.

Go play herald and record it so we can see the constant stream of 4-8k strikes you are able to manage. This is whole post is such a load of nonsense it is hard to understand how even you can take yourself seriously.

Plenty of footage in here:

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:
  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

I'm not just talking about bursts, Shao. I'm talking about actual DPS over the course of 60s when a Herald is focusing targets.

A Soulbeast as example, can blow all its cool downs with a Sic Em One Wolf pack build and get a 10s opening for a death nuke that's capable of dealing 30k - 40k damage if the target gets caught in all of that and has no protection or other defenses to utilize. But then after the boon nerfing, that damage output quickly drops through the floor, down to like 1.5k - 2k autos at best, 2ks - 3ks with other attacks like Swoop, and maybe on average 6k - 8k Mauls/WIs if you can catch the Marks just right in the absence of the full burst active. This is super risky to do in between full active burst because Soulbeast is frail. If it goes in and misses at all on the initial offense, it pretty much immediately needs to begin preparing for a way to leave. And might I add that this vulnerable phase of lower damage and inability to stay in a brawl with presence, lasts for 28s for Sic Em intervals, and 60s for One Wolf Pack.

A Herald on the other hand, just nails you with 4k to 8k strikes with everything it does, sometimes higher with good combos. This consistent high pressure that doesn't lay off has barely any CD factor at all, as the Herald sticks to you like glue with its chase potential.

So what I mean by "Herald is dealing twice the DPS of other classes" is that it's a combo of not only raw damage output potential, but also its ability to stay on someone to pretty much guarantee that the majority of that damage is landing. Where a person could completely avoid a Soulbeast burst and then double back to pressure the Soulbeast when he's in his 30s vulnerable phase, this can't be done to a Power Shiro Herald. With the Herald, if you want to deal damage you had better be ready to take damage, always. There is no vulnerable CD phase for the Power Shiro unless a player is juts hot garbage at energy management.

Go play herald and record it so we can see the constant stream of 4-8k strikes you are able to manage. This is whole post is such a load of nonsense it is hard to understand how even you can take yourself seriously.

Already been recently done bud.

Plenty of footage in here:

With Herald that's Chilling Isolation that actually hurts him for about 4k which is not out of the ordinary for Berserker on a single target. Unrelenting Assault did about 4.5k as you can even see it which is also not of the ordinary. That 8 Vulnerability coming in from Call of the Assassin adding with everyone else, Barrage from SB which hurts just as hard while FB used Zealot's Defense which is also a hard hitter, Phantaram pretty much ate all most of the heavy hitters to die like this with barrier pulsing and protection.

If we were to take in those hits without any mitigate from the Revenant, that would have ended for 12k which is far from unavoidable because Unrelenting Assault is a long cast and rather simple to avoid most of, same for Chilling Isolation, Shackling Waves nowadays does 3k at best while Deathstrike is 5k on average.

To put it more simply, Unrelenting Assault is 5 autoattacks that give Might on hit. My tooltip says 326 per hit and I have more damage than the typical Herald on Core, never would I be able to do this.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:
  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

I'm not just talking about bursts, Shao. I'm talking about actual DPS over the course of 60s when a Herald is focusing targets.

A Soulbeast as example, can blow all its cool downs with a Sic Em One Wolf pack build and get a 10s opening for a death nuke that's capable of dealing 30k - 40k damage if the target gets caught in all of that and has no protection or other defenses to utilize. But then after the boon nerfing, that damage output quickly drops through the floor, down to like 1.5k - 2k autos at best, 2ks - 3ks with other attacks like Swoop, and maybe on average 6k - 8k Mauls/WIs if you can catch the Marks just right in the absence of the full burst active. This is super risky to do in between full active burst because Soulbeast is frail. If it goes in and misses at all on the initial offense, it pretty much immediately needs to begin preparing for a way to leave. And might I add that this vulnerable phase of lower damage and inability to stay in a brawl with presence, lasts for 28s for Sic Em intervals, and 60s for One Wolf Pack.

A Herald on the other hand, just nails you with 4k to 8k strikes with everything it does, sometimes higher with good combos. This consistent high pressure that doesn't lay off has barely any CD factor at all, as the Herald sticks to you like glue with its chase potential.

So what I mean by "Herald is dealing twice the DPS of other classes" is that it's a combo of not only raw damage output potential, but also its ability to stay on someone to pretty much guarantee that the majority of that damage is landing. Where a person could completely avoid a Soulbeast burst and then double back to pressure the Soulbeast when he's in his 30s vulnerable phase, this can't be done to a Power Shiro Herald. With the Herald, if you want to deal damage you had better be ready to take damage, always. There is no vulnerable CD phase for the Power Shiro unless a player is juts hot garbage at energy management.

Go play herald and record it so we can see the constant stream of 4-8k strikes you are able to manage. This is whole post is such a load of nonsense it is hard to understand how even you can take yourself seriously.

Plenty of footage in here:

Plenty of footage, none of it supports what you wrote. I am seeing sword 2's for 2-3k, sword 3's for less than 1k per hit (max 5 hits over roughly 2 sec total cast), 3k sword 4's typical, and the only big sword 5 I've found was a bit under 5k against a reaper with 25 vuln stacks and sub 50% health for swift termination. Just look at who got top stats each game, power rev was only top damage for one of the those games which while not being necessarily the best metric for balance seems to be what you are arguing power rev is twice as good as anything else at being able to constantly land tons of damage all game long. Regardless this has gotten off topic, this topic is labeled Warrior not Revenant.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:
  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

I'm not just talking about bursts, Shao. I'm talking about actual DPS over the course of 60s when a Herald is focusing targets.

A Soulbeast as example, can blow all its cool downs with a Sic Em One Wolf pack build and get a 10s opening for a death nuke that's capable of dealing 30k - 40k damage if the target gets caught in all of that and has no protection or other defenses to utilize. But then after the boon nerfing, that damage output quickly drops through the floor, down to like 1.5k - 2k autos at best, 2ks - 3ks with other attacks like Swoop, and maybe on average 6k - 8k Mauls/WIs if you can catch the Marks just right in the absence of the full burst active. This is super risky to do in between full active burst because Soulbeast is frail. If it goes in and misses at all on the initial offense, it pretty much immediately needs to begin preparing for a way to leave. And might I add that this vulnerable phase of lower damage and inability to stay in a brawl with presence, lasts for 28s for Sic Em intervals, and 60s for One Wolf Pack.

A Herald on the other hand, just nails you with 4k to 8k strikes with everything it does, sometimes higher with good combos. This consistent high pressure that doesn't lay off has barely any CD factor at all, as the Herald sticks to you like glue with its chase potential.

So what I mean by "Herald is dealing twice the DPS of other classes" is that it's a combo of not only raw damage output potential, but also its ability to stay on someone to pretty much guarantee that the majority of that damage is landing. Where a person could completely avoid a Soulbeast burst and then double back to pressure the Soulbeast when he's in his 30s vulnerable phase, this can't be done to a Power Shiro Herald. With the Herald, if you want to deal damage you had better be ready to take damage, always. There is no vulnerable CD phase for the Power Shiro unless a player is juts hot garbage at energy management.

Go play herald and record it so we can see the constant stream of 4-8k strikes you are able to manage. This is whole post is such a load of nonsense it is hard to understand how even you can take yourself seriously.

Plenty of footage in here:

Plenty of footage, none of it supports what you wrote. I am seeing sword 2's for 2-3k, sword 3's for less than 1k per hit (max 5 hits over roughly 2 sec total cast), 3k sword 4's typical, and the only big sword 5 I've found was a bit under 5k against a reaper with 25 vuln stacks and sub 50% health for swift termination. Just look at who got top stats each game, power rev was only top damage for one of the those games which while not being necessarily the best metric for balance seems to be what you are arguing power rev is twice as good as anything else at being able to constantly land tons of damage all game long. Regardless this has gotten off topic, this topic is labeled Warrior not Revenant.

sw/sw mase/axe rev can do sustain pressure, in this regard Trevor is correct. If you think about it. Sw/Sw 2, 5 deals very good dmg. 3, 4 deals ok dmg. Mase 4 big hit, 2 3 ok hit. And think about the utilities: dragon stance: one fact does quite a bit of dmg. Shiro: port skill does unblockable dmg; the nature facet does ok dmg. So, in this general low power dmg patch, its sustain dmg is really high. Maybe not as high as Reaper not sure

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This meta and balance has been terrible for warrior. My expected fights on the side node are core necro, prot holo, bird core ranger, LR spam ele.

3/4 of those spam weakness2/4 spam poison3/4 are bunkersI can regularly beat necro even if they lich but it takes too long to be worth it.

Prot holo will decap via knockbacks and it won't die unless it really messes up. Mortar is too forgiving of mistakes.

Ranger is all sorts of busted in this match up because I'm out DPSed by pets, can't heal worth a scrap due to perma poison. Can't kill the pets before they're swapped because my damage is too low added to the occasional weakness proc. The ranger out heals me with ridiculous protection uptime.

LR spam ele is just perma weakness. Arenanet says damage on cc skills is too strong better nerf the coefficients. Not LR because big thonk.

Bunker meta is the worst meta change my mind.

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@Tycura.1982 said:This meta and balance has been terrible for warrior. My expected fights on the side node are core necro, prot holo, bird core ranger, LR spam ele.

3/4 of those spam weakness2/4 spam poison3/4 are bunkersI can regularly beat necro even if they lich but it takes too long to be worth it.

Prot holo will decap via knockbacks and it won't die unless it really messes up. Mortar is too forgiving of mistakes.

Ranger is all sorts of busted in this match up because I'm out DPSed by pets, can't heal worth a scrap due to perma poison. Can't kill the pets before they're swapped because my damage is too low added to the occasional weakness proc. The ranger out heals me with ridiculous protection uptime.

LR spam ele is just perma weakness. Arenanet says damage on cc skills is too strong better nerf the coefficients. Not LR because big thonk.

Bunker meta is the worst meta change my mind.

They will address all those builds, there is zero need to buff warrior anyhow

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:
  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Can you make a video of the damage on Revenant, I'm curious to see it. Because the biggest burst I can do in 2 seconds is 16k and that's on core which people don't play. Not possible with Herald.

I'm not just talking about bursts, Shao. I'm talking about actual DPS over the course of 60s when a Herald is focusing targets.

A Soulbeast as example, can blow all its cool downs with a Sic Em One Wolf pack build and get a 10s opening for a death nuke that's capable of dealing 30k - 40k damage if the target gets caught in all of that and has no protection or other defenses to utilize. But then after the boon nerfing, that damage output quickly drops through the floor, down to like 1.5k - 2k autos at best, 2ks - 3ks with other attacks like Swoop, and maybe on average 6k - 8k Mauls/WIs if you can catch the Marks just right in the absence of the full burst active. This is super risky to do in between full active burst because Soulbeast is frail. If it goes in and misses at all on the initial offense, it pretty much immediately needs to begin preparing for a way to leave. And might I add that this vulnerable phase of lower damage and inability to stay in a brawl with presence, lasts for 28s for Sic Em intervals, and 60s for One Wolf Pack.

A Herald on the other hand, just nails you with 4k to 8k strikes with everything it does, sometimes higher with good combos. This consistent high pressure that doesn't lay off has barely any CD factor at all, as the Herald sticks to you like glue with its chase potential.

So what I mean by "Herald is dealing twice the DPS of other classes" is that it's a combo of not only raw damage output potential, but also its ability to stay on someone to pretty much guarantee that the majority of that damage is landing. Where a person could completely avoid a Soulbeast burst and then double back to pressure the Soulbeast when he's in his 30s vulnerable phase, this can't be done to a Power Shiro Herald. With the Herald, if you want to deal damage you had better be ready to take damage, always. There is no vulnerable CD phase for the Power Shiro unless a player is juts hot garbage at energy management.

Go play herald and record it so we can see the constant stream of 4-8k strikes you are able to manage. This is whole post is such a load of nonsense it is hard to understand how even you can take yourself seriously.

Plenty of footage in here:

Plenty of footage, none of it supports what you wrote. I am seeing sword 2's for 2-3k, sword 3's for less than 1k per hit (max 5 hits over roughly 2 sec total cast), 3k sword 4's typical, and the only big sword 5 I've found was a bit under 5k against a reaper with 25 vuln stacks and sub 50% health for swift termination. Just look at who got top stats each game, power rev was only top damage for one of the those games which while not being necessarily the best metric for balance seems to be what you are arguing power rev is twice as good as anything else at being able to constantly land tons of damage all game long. Regardless this has gotten off topic, this topic is labeled Warrior not Revenant.

Yeah, we're looking at more than single strike number benchmarks.

If a class can land 4x strikes in 1s and all of those strikes deal 2k damage each, that's 8k damage in 1s, and the Power Herald can keep up this kind pressure whereas other burst classes bottom out on resources or have to disengage for resets/repositions.

I'm talking about DPS here guys, not single strike damage.

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@Tycura.1982 said:Mortar is too forgiving of mistakes.

Hey, finally someone else noticed that Mortar is basically what carries any engineer builds today. Let alone Flash Shell, I dare ask anyone here to fight anything that relies on AoE blind spam like Thief, see how that goes because it's extremely toxic to deal with. Change my mind.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Honestly Warrior/Spellbreaker is the one shining example of a class that is actually balanced, that feels good to play and feels good to play against.

The problem right now is that some other things are weirdly out of balance, such as:

  1. Core Necro sustain being too high.
  2. Tempests dishing out way too much CC, passive AoE CCs nonetheless.
  3. Core Ranger pets launching 2HKO combos against anything that isn't a bunker, which are unblockable.
  4. Holosmiths having too much attribute tied strengths all across the board again.
  5. Power Shiro still dealing twice the damage output as anything else but somehow not being discussed or reviewed in the forum.

^ If all of this was addressed in even a light manner, Warrior/Spellbreaker would be sitting in a sweet spot.

Revenant "flies" constantly under the radar because it's considered arguably harder to play than all other classes in the list above, still......I am sure those 5k death strikes didn't go unnoticed, if anything top revs are virtually unscathed from the patch, they deal just as much dmg as before plus they have condi herald too to play with.

Condi rev no doubts deserve nerfs on the other side power rev requires more skill to play and should be left alone, for the info I still get downed by top rev playing power. It's a tad easier to deal with them but the result it's still the same...can elude those death strikes just for so long and I don't mind really, you meet a top rev once every 20 or so

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@"Redseven.3985" said:Warrior is garbage right now unless you play the 1 viable build. Very disappointing. There should be at least 6 viable builds 2 for each specialization (at least!) Why are we forced into this extremely small play-style.

Warrior is exactly where is supposed to be, I shake my head reading the comments of people complaining about "overnerfed" HS...for a passive heal requiring no action or healing power investment it was way too strong ; the might generation was way too high...overall warrior was overperforming .

Warrior is a sort of general class, if people want to just win duel with a heavy armor class...then try to learn rev, it's made for that. Warrior is class that brings support, AoE CC and role adaptability while being relatively hard to kill

Duelling on warrior now is harder as it is on other professions too

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