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I say keep pushing out harder content.

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I love it, I'm sure we would love some challenges. Not saying open world but you know, more instanced challenges, eventually people will pour into it all and realize it's the norm. Make them one difficulty tho let's coordinate as heroes of Tyria!

I just thought of an awesome idea, make the story instanced, instead we as players now need to unlock the progress of the story to find out what happens! And make it as hard as raids! That would be awesome!! Now we don't breeze through the stories, we work together to progress on it! ^^

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Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

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@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN story raids!!!

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@Aridon.8362 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN raids!!!

If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN raids!!!

If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content.

Forced story raid content ^^ ftw beat the game it rewards you with the next cutscenes of the story!

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I dunno, locking lore behind tough boss fights can break the pace of the narrative - which is why a lot of games offer an easy/story mode to begin with.

Some players already struggle with the games difficulty. These sorts of players are already too shy to join a group for risk of slowing them down and getting flamed. Forcing grouped content in a community that sometimes requires LI for DUNGEONS and speedruns by default just seems like a bad idea.

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@Aridon.8362 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN raids!!!

If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content.

Forced story raid content ^^ ftw beat the game it rewards you with the next cutscenes of the story!

I don't think that the idea of forcing story through raid content fits within the scope of Anet's vision for GW2. It might work in some other game(s), though.

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No. Making regular story raid level difficulty or making it require raid level organisation, preparation & co-ordination would just be a very quick way to lose loads of existing players and deter many new ones. No objection to Anet adding more raid difficulty content for those that want it, but it should remain in seperate things/modes like raids.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN raids!!!

If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content.

... and if there was as business case for it to happen, we would have it for sure.

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GW2 is a casual friendly game and many players would prefer an acessible easy LW episode than a hard content that is gated by an elitist minority.If you want hard content you can play SAB next week. You can also try other MMORPGs (like WoW for example) which have a much better raiding experience than GW2.

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@Aridon.8362 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN story raids!!!

Im not even sure their at least 40 mans doing raid at the moment?

But joke aside, I would prefer for them to focus on the open world rather than instance. Never like the idea of instance in a mmo, its does not sit well with me. I prefer to keep the feeling of a living breathing world rather than an arcade boss rush :/

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN raids!!!

If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content.

Forced story raid content ^^ ftw beat the game it rewards you with the next cutscenes of the story!

I don't think that the idea of forcing story through raid content fits within the scope of Anet's vision for GW2. It might work in some other game(s), though.

Well living world season 3 didn't make much sense unless you did first 4 raid wings.

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@sokeenoppa.5384 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN raids!!!

If there is enough of a demand for Anet to spend their time and resources, then sure. Just don't make it forced content.

Forced story raid content ^^ ftw beat the game it rewards you with the next cutscenes of the story!

I don't think that the idea of forcing story through raid content fits within the scope of Anet's vision for GW2. It might work in some other game(s), though.

Well living world season 3 didn't make much sense unless you did first 4 raid wings.

Perhaps not, but players weren't prevented from going ahead with Season 3 if they didn't do the raids. The OP is advocating for locking story content behind raiding (or other such content).

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Forced content. lol

MMORPGs shifted from being games to being services

This isn't forced content just because you or the so called playerbase thinks it's forced. I agree that ANet most likely has the statistics that show them the playability of said content, but let's not forget that the playerbase changes. And people posting on forums for more challenging content show that there (maybe) starts to be a demand for it.

Nothing forced about that

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@trixantea.1230 said:GW2 is a casual friendly game and many players would prefer an acessible easy LW episode than a hard content that is gated by an elitist minority.If you want hard content you can play SAB next week. You can also try other MMORPGs (like WoW for example) which have a much better raiding experience than GW2.

I actually used to play wow and its raiding experience is really really sad. The different difficulties really belittle the experience, and the content for raiding gets outdated. This is coming from a Mythic raider. It's not fun to raid in wow as it is in guild wars, it's also much more toxic and less forgiving. It's a shame that Blizzard outdates their raids each patch. Also calling players elitist...is elitist. I'm only gold in PvP friend.

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@Aridon.8362 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN story raids!!!

You're stretching here, really stretching, they can hardly get players to do 10 man story raids and you want 40...if you want 40 man story raids go find another game that has them, that's not GW2's focus and if it becomes the focus or is introduced you've just sounded the death knell for this game.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Forcing content for story has not been a popular idea around here. Also, not everyone likes raid-level content, so players would probably leave.

If Anet's research and data show that there is enough of a demand for additional, instanced, hard content, then they might spend the resources to create it. How would this differ from the existing raids?

How about....40 MAN story raids!!!

You're stretching here, really stretching, they can hardly get players to do 10 man story raids and you want 40...if you want 40 man story raids go find another game that has them, that's not GW2's focus and if it becomes the focus or is introduced you've just sounded the death knell for this game.

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure everyone who's still playing this is going to play the game.

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@"Aridon.8362" said:I actually used to play wow and its raiding experience is really really sad. The different difficulties really belittle the experience, and the content for raiding gets outdated. This is coming from a Mythic raider. It's not fun to raid in wow as it is in guild wars, it's also much more toxic and less forgiving. It's a shame that Blizzard outdates their raids each patch. Also calling players elitist...is elitist. I'm only gold in PvP friend.

My personal experiecnce with WoW's raiding was very pleasant (at least before I quit at the begaining of MoP). I remember that the class dps was much more balanced compared to what GW2 has now, I also couldn't complain much about the the boss' mechanics, the reward system and the skill/gear progression required before accessing heroic raids. It's true that the boss encounters were less forgiving (propably due to the lack of GW2's downed state) but less forgiving is the same thing as being difficult. Otherwise, the toxicity in WoW is similar to what every other multiplayer game has.

By "elitists" I was not targeting to you as a person but I was refering to a certain percentage of raiders with a toxic behavior that turns away casual players from this content. Elitism is GW's raids is mainly caused by two things: Class unbalance and the lack of an easier "intro content" before raids. As long as these two issues aren't adressed properly, less people will get the chance to adapt to this content and the "elitists" will make it even worse by requiring casuals to have the perfect combination of class/gear/skill in order to get them accepeted.

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