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Lighting Rod Comparison:


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I'm comparing Lighting Rod to both Pulmonary Impact (Thief, DD trait) and Power block (Mesmer trait).

First, let's make sure we're on the same page. It is 100x more easy to disable someone (ie CC them) verses to interrupt them (CC someone while they're casting a skill thus preventing the skill from being cast).The traits:Lighting rod: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Rod_(trait_skill)#WvW.2CPvPPulmonary Impact: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact_(trait_skill)Power Block: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Block

The requirements to trigger both Pulmonary Impact (PI) and Power Block (PB) are much more difficult to accomplish than that of Lighting Rod (LR). LR can crit where both PI and PB can not. I find this to be ludicrous that a trait that requires less investment/ effort to land is able to crit, whilst the other two do not. Given PB does do around 1k damage on its own and applies weakness + puts a 15s cooldown on the skill you interrupt, 3x longer than usual too, PB not criting is more reasonable.Either LR needs a crazy nerf that will make it unusable (which I honestly do not want, really) or both PB (a light buff) and PI (a major buff) both need buffs to bring them in line based on the greater difficulty required to trigger them.Editt-Grammar.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:Don't forget power block puts a 15s cooldown on the skill you interrupt, 3x longer than usual.

I think PI is just weak.

PI is absolutely just insanely weak. The trait is not being used by any build. Not even builds that interrupt along the way anyway, like S/P are using it. It was hilariously overnerfed, especially given it was already weak pre-patch.

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PB was nerfed that hard because of mirage existence and had 3s icd (sword ambush + IH).I can assume (I dont know real reason) that PI was nerfed because of access to CC's from weaponsets that can be "spammed" like headshot/unblockable poison field/ pistol whip.I want to mention trait that chrono had access to as a reminder - grandmaster trait called "lost time", it did damage on any cc as well, did x2 less damage but applied 3s slow. This trait was basically deleted and left as placeholder (like Chaos Interrupt) xDSo what I'm trying to say - PB/PI shouldnt get buffed. Just kill LR :)

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@"Odik.4587" said:PB was nerfed that hard because of mirage existence and had 3s icd (sword ambush + IH).I can assume (I dont know real reason) that PI was nerfed because of access to CC's from weaponsets that can be "spammed" like headshot/unblockable poison field/ pistol whip.I want to mention trait that chrono had access to as a reminder - grandmaster trait called "lost time", it did damage on any cc as well, did x2 less damage but applied 3s slow. This trait was basically deleted and left as placeholder (like Chaos Interrupt) xDSo what I'm trying to say - PB/PI shouldnt get buffed. Just kill LR :)

Even on those "spammable" CCs, PI was already underperforming. It was like 1k damage for 4+ initiative. Pistol Whip S/P was the only weaponset that even used the trait, and the funny thing is, Im pretty sure it was wrong even there, and Havoc Mastery would still have been better.

PI should be buffed or reworked. As it stands its just an emptry trait slot. No build should ever use it.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Odik.4587" said:PB was nerfed that hard because of mirage existence and had 3s icd (sword ambush + IH).I can assume (I dont know real reason) that PI was nerfed because of access to CC's from weaponsets that can be "spammed" like headshot/unblockable poison field/ pistol whip.I want to mention trait that chrono had access to as a reminder - grandmaster trait called "lost time", it did damage on any cc as well, did x2 less damage but applied 3s slow. This trait was basically deleted and left as placeholder (like Chaos Interrupt) xDSo what I'm trying to say - PB/PI shouldnt get buffed. Just kill LR :)

Even on those "spammable" CCs, PI was already underperforming. It was like 1k damage for 4+ initiative. Pistol Whip S/P was the only weaponset that even used the trait, and the funny thing is, Im pretty sure it was wrong even there, and Havoc Mastery would still have been better.

PI should be buffed or reworked. As it stands its just an emptry trait slot. No build should ever use it.You want too much, master tier trait to be as strong as GM :joy:You want to see a true empty slot occupying
By the way, long ago on its release or somewhere like that it did to my mesmer like ~4k per proc, you know how fun it was to be killed by headshots ?

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Odik.4587 said:PB was nerfed that hard because of mirage existence and had 3s icd (sword ambush + IH).I can assume (I dont know real reason) that PI was nerfed because of access to CC's from weaponsets that can be "spammed" like headshot/unblockable poison field/ pistol whip.I want to mention trait that chrono had access to as a reminder - grandmaster trait called "lost time", it did damage on any cc as well, did x2 less damage but applied 3s slow. This trait was basically deleted and left as placeholder (like Chaos Interrupt) xDSo what I'm trying to say - PB/PI shouldnt get buffed. Just kill LR :)

Even on those "spammable" CCs, PI was already underperforming. It was like 1k damage for 4+ initiative. Pistol Whip S/P was the only weaponset that even used the trait, and the funny thing is, Im pretty sure it was wrong even there, and Havoc Mastery would still have been better.

PI should be buffed or reworked. As it stands its just an emptry trait slot. No build should ever use it.You want too much, master tier trait to be as strong as GM :joy:You want to see a true empty slot occupying

Grandmaster traits arent supposed to be stronger than master traits. Especially not on Daredevil, which is a traitline where its Grandmaster traits are replaced with the unique mechanic of the spec. Besides, I just want the trait to not be literally useless.

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Odik.4587 said:PB was nerfed that hard because of mirage existence and had 3s icd (sword ambush + IH).I can assume (I dont know real reason) that PI was nerfed because of access to CC's from weaponsets that can be "spammed" like headshot/unblockable poison field/ pistol whip.I want to mention trait that chrono had access to as a reminder - grandmaster trait called "lost time", it did damage on any cc as well, did x2 less damage but applied 3s slow. This trait was basically deleted and left as placeholder (like Chaos Interrupt) xDSo what I'm trying to say - PB/PI shouldnt get buffed. Just kill LR :)

Even on those "spammable" CCs, PI was already underperforming. It was like 1k damage for 4+ initiative. Pistol Whip S/P was the only weaponset that even used the trait, and the funny thing is, Im pretty sure it was wrong even there, and Havoc Mastery would still have been better.

PI should be buffed or reworked. As it stands its just an emptry trait slot. No build should ever use it.You want too much, master tier trait to be as strong as GM :joy:You want to see a true empty slot occupying
By the way, long ago on its release or somewhere like that it did to my mesmer like ~4k per proc, you know how fun it was to be killed by headshots ?

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chaotic_Interruption lol

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Odik.4587 said:PB was nerfed that hard because of mirage existence and had 3s icd (sword ambush + IH).I can assume (I dont know real reason) that PI was nerfed because of access to CC's from weaponsets that can be "spammed" like headshot/unblockable poison field/ pistol whip.I want to mention trait that chrono had access to as a reminder - grandmaster trait called "lost time", it did damage on any cc as well, did x2 less damage but applied 3s slow. This trait was basically deleted and left as placeholder (like Chaos Interrupt) xDSo what I'm trying to say - PB/PI shouldnt get buffed. Just kill LR :)

Even on those "spammable" CCs, PI was already underperforming. It was like 1k damage for 4+ initiative. Pistol Whip S/P was the only weaponset that even used the trait, and the funny thing is, Im pretty sure it was wrong even there, and Havoc Mastery would still have been better.

PI should be buffed or reworked. As it stands its just an emptry trait slot. No build should ever use it.You want too much, master tier trait to be as strong as GM :joy:You want to see a true empty slot occupying

Grandmaster traits arent supposed to be stronger than master traits. Especially not on Daredevil, which is a traitline where its Grandmaster traits are replaced with the unique mechanic of the spec. Besides, I just want the trait to not be
useless.You know, I want to have traits that are not
useless as well, but I dont believe they are going to fix them.
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@Quadox.7834 said:

@Odik.4587 said:PB was nerfed that hard because of mirage existence and had 3s icd (sword ambush + IH).I can assume (I dont know real reason) that PI was nerfed because of access to CC's from weaponsets that can be "spammed" like headshot/unblockable poison field/ pistol whip.I want to mention trait that chrono had access to as a reminder - grandmaster trait called "lost time", it did damage on any cc as well, did x2 less damage but applied 3s slow. This trait was basically deleted and left as placeholder (like Chaos Interrupt) xDSo what I'm trying to say - PB/PI shouldnt get buffed. Just kill LR :)

Even on those "spammable" CCs, PI was already underperforming. It was like 1k damage for 4+ initiative. Pistol Whip S/P was the only weaponset that even used the trait, and the funny thing is, Im pretty sure it was wrong even there, and Havoc Mastery would still have been better.

PI should be buffed or reworked. As it stands its just an emptry trait slot. No build should ever use it.You want too much, master tier trait to be as strong as GM :joy:You want to see a true empty slot occupying
By the way, long ago on its release or somewhere like that it did to my mesmer like ~4k per proc, you know how fun it was to be killed by headshots ?


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mental_Defensehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_InspirationWhat about these? xD (I would arguably add Dune Cloak to useless grandmaster traits too)

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Odik.4587 said:PB was nerfed that hard because of mirage existence and had 3s icd (sword ambush + IH).I can assume (I dont know real reason) that PI was nerfed because of access to CC's from weaponsets that can be "spammed" like headshot/unblockable poison field/ pistol whip.I want to mention trait that chrono had access to as a reminder - grandmaster trait called "lost time", it did damage on any cc as well, did x2 less damage but applied 3s slow. This trait was basically deleted and left as placeholder (like Chaos Interrupt) xDSo what I'm trying to say - PB/PI shouldnt get buffed. Just kill LR :)

Even on those "spammable" CCs, PI was already underperforming. It was like 1k damage for 4+ initiative. Pistol Whip S/P was the only weaponset that even used the trait, and the funny thing is, Im pretty sure it was wrong even there, and Havoc Mastery would still have been better.

PI should be buffed or reworked. As it stands its just an emptry trait slot. No build should ever use it.You want too much, master tier trait to be as strong as GM :joy:You want to see a true empty slot occupying

Grandmaster traits arent supposed to be stronger than master traits. Especially not on Daredevil, which is a traitline where its Grandmaster traits are replaced with the unique mechanic of the spec. Besides, I just want the trait to not be
useless.You know, I want to have traits that are not
useless as well, but I dont believe they are going to fix them.

Itd be a shame if they didnt, especially since D/P has become a boring backstab build as a result, but I wouldnt be surprised. They nerfed it for no reason in the first place.

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PI as I recall had itself nerfed because it was really easy to spam headshot with. I remember destroying anyone who really tried hard to keep pressuring because the Daze is so short and people mashed buttons. Although if they were to restore it and be comparable to LR and PL, it would be fine because I think they overdid it, it couldn't crit already either.

As for LR, removing the ability crit would be enough. Weakness is a useful condition that people tend to underestimate, Revenant has Dwarven Battle Training which is exactly the same, but instead of damage, it's 10% more damage with weakened foes.

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@Shao.7236 said:PI as I recall had itself nerfed because it was really easy to spam headshot with. I remember destroying anyone who really tried hard to keep pressuring because the Daze is so short and people mashed buttons. Although if they were to restore it and be comparable to LR and PL, it would be fine because I think they overdid it, it couldn't crit already either.

While it was easy to proc with headshot, you have to remember that that means you spent initiative on it, that you didnt spend on other skills. It came out slightly ahead in damage compared to shadowshot, in exchange for being less reliable. That was fine, tbh. Then it was overnerfed (literally, they accidentally nerfed it to 1.56 instead of 2.0) and the trait already became weak, and D/P stopped using it. The latest nerf was just hilarious unneccessary and overdone. Hell, you could restore it to 2.0 (actually 2.0, not the 1.56) and it would still be on the weaker side. But at least playable.

As for LR, removing the ability crit would be enough. Weakness is a useful condition that people tend to underestimate, Revenant has Dwarven Battle Training which is exactly the same, but instead of damage, it's 10% more damage with weakened foes.

That would be quite the harsh nerf tbh. At least a 50% damage cut.

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@"Poelala.2830" said:Also that thief and Mesmer have viable options other than those traits, ele doesn’t really have viable options.

Its not that thief has viable options other than PI, its that PI isnt a viable option at all. Sides, its not really "options". If youre Staff thief, you pick Staff Master. If youre not, you pick Havoc Mastery. End of story. For that matter, Ele also has Fresh Air as a very good option. Bolt to the Heart, less so I suppose.

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Itd be a shame if they didnt, especially since D/P has become a boring backstab build as a result, but I wouldnt be surprised. They nerfed it for no reason in the first place.

Yup, you used to get value out of the entire weapon set. Now its 3k backstabs and heartseeker heroes. Then they'll kill that and we wont equip weapons, and only have shadow portal as our utility skill. So we can focus on our true purpose, decap monkey.

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@"Jojo.6590" said:I'm comparing Lighting Rod to both Pulmonary Impact (Thief, DD trait) and Power block (Mesmer trait).

First, let's make sure we're on the same page. It is 100x more easy to disable someone (ie CC them) verses to interrupt them (CC someone while they're casting a skill thus preventing the skill from being cast).The traits:Lighting rod: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Rod_(trait_skill)#WvW.2CPvPPulmonary Impact: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact_(trait_skill)Power Block: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Block

The requirements to trigger both Pulmonary Impact (PI) and Power Block (PB) are much more difficult to accomplish than that of Lighting Rod (LR). LR can crit where both PI and PB can not. I find this to be ludicrous that a trait that requires less investment/ effort to land is able to crit, whilst the other two do not. Given PB does do around 1k damage on its own and applies weakness + puts a 15s cooldown on the skill you interrupt, 3x longer than usual too, PB not criting is more reasonable.Either LR needs a crazy nerf that will make it unusable (which I honestly do not want, really) or both PB (a light buff) and PI (a major buff) both need buffs to bring them in line based on the greater difficulty required to trigger them.Editt-Grammar.

1) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Headshot : D/P 444-111111-4444...if low swap to shortbow and 5555 or 5-2 ez2) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mantra_of_Pain : /pistol...stealth - charge mantra..pewpew..defense rotation galore..stealth..charge mantra...ez

The reqs to play thief or mesmer will remain lower regardless of the discussion, the rage and the mockering. Again for the last time nerfing LR won't change anything because ele is already mediocre to start with...outside the meme niche role in pvp nobody uses LR, we don't need hundred threads asking to nerf a subpar trait used by a meme glass cannon build in a dead gamemode

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Jojo.6590" said:I'm comparing Lighting Rod to both Pulmonary Impact (Thief, DD trait) and Power block (Mesmer trait).

First, let's make sure we're on the same page. It is 100x more easy to disable someone (ie CC them) verses to interrupt them (CC someone while they're casting a skill thus preventing the skill from being cast).The traits:Lighting rod:
Pulmonary Impact:
)Power Block:

The requirements to trigger both Pulmonary Impact (PI) and Power Block (PB) are much more difficult to accomplish than that of Lighting Rod (LR). LR can crit where both PI and PB can not. I find this to be ludicrous that a trait that requires less investment/ effort to land is able to crit, whilst the other two do not. Given PB does do around 1k damage on its own and applies weakness + puts a 15s cooldown on the skill you interrupt, 3x longer than usual too, PB not criting is more reasonable.Either LR needs a crazy nerf that will make it unusable (which I honestly do not want, really) or both PB (a light buff) and PI (a major buff) both need buffs to bring them in line based on the greater difficulty required to trigger them.Editt-Grammar.

: D/P 444-111111-4444...if low swap to shortbow and 5555 or 5-2 ez2)
: /pistol...stealth - charge mantra..pewpew..defense rotation galore..stealth..charge mantra...ez

Spoken like someone who has never played D/P thief and hasnt got the faintest clue about it. Oh sure, you could try playing D/P thief like that. You would just be utterly useless as more than half of your headshots are 4 initiative: do 200 damage. Also, shortbow 5 is the teleport, you dont spam that. And if youre low on initiative, shortbow wont be doing anything (swapping weapons doesnt restore initiative). D/P headshot thief was anything but easy. Likewise Power Block Mesmer.

The reqs to play thief or mesmer will remain lower regardless of the discussion, the rage and the mockering. Again for the last time nerfing LR won't change anything because ele is already mediocre to start with...outside the meme niche role in pvp nobody uses LR, we don't need hundred threads asking to nerf a subpar trait used by a meme glass cannon build in a dead gamemode

Despite your rage and mocking, the reqs to play Headshot thief or Powerblock mesmer are much higher than LR Ele. You need to actually time things, not to mention the inherent difficulty associated with roaming classes.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Poelala.2830" said:Also that thief and Mesmer have viable options other than those traits, ele doesn’t really have viable options.

Its not that thief has viable options
than PI, its that PI isnt a viable option at all. Sides, its not really "options". If youre Staff thief, you pick Staff Master. If youre not, you pick Havoc Mastery. End of story. For that matter, Ele also has Fresh Air as a very good option. Bolt to the Heart, less so I suppose.

Ele must scurcifice (dont get) a defensive trait , in order to get Air traitline and unlock Fresh Air and Bolt to the Hearthe is weakened , with less survibility .Havoc Mastery, Staff Master., PI are options is an overload traitline , that allows you to unlock new Weapons+new utilies in the same time .(this has to change for all elite specializations)Move them to to Criticals Strike or the Power traitline and rename + buff them (like restore the 2800 crit of old PI). That way Core Thiefs + Deadeye will have options to get higher damage , by choosing them too

@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Jojo.6590" said:I'm comparing Lighting Rod to both Pulmonary Impact (Thief, DD trait) and Power block (Mesmer trait).

First, let's make sure we're on the same page. It is 100x more easy to disable someone (ie CC them) verses to interrupt them (CC someone while they're casting a skill thus preventing the skill from being cast).The traits:Lighting rod:
Pulmonary Impact:
)Power Block:

The requirements to trigger both Pulmonary Impact (PI) and Power Block (PB) are much more difficult to accomplish than that of Lighting Rod (LR). LR can crit where both PI and PB can not. I find this to be ludicrous that a trait that requires less investment/ effort to land is able to crit, whilst the other two do not. Given PB does do around 1k damage on its own and applies weakness + puts a 15s cooldown on the skill you interrupt, 3x longer than usual too, PB not criting is more reasonable.Either LR needs a crazy nerf that will make it unusable (which I honestly do not want, really) or both PB (a light buff) and PI (a major buff) both need buffs to bring them in line based on the greater difficulty required to trigger them.Editt-Grammar.

: D/P 444-111111-4444...if low swap to shortbow and 5555 or 5-2 ez2)
: /pistol...stealth - charge mantra..pewpew..defense rotation galore..stealth..charge mantra...ez

Spoken like someone who has never played D/P thief and hasnt got the faintest clue about it. Oh sure, you could try playing D/P thief like that. You would just be utterly
as more than half of your headshots are 4 initiative: do 200 damage. Also, shortbow 5 is the teleport, you dont spam that. And if youre low on initiative, shortbow wont be doing anything (swapping weapons doesnt restore initiative). D/P headshot thief was anything but easy. Likewise Power Block Mesmer.

The reqs to play thief or mesmer will remain lower regardless of the discussion, the rage and the mockering. Again for the last time nerfing LR won't change anything because ele is already mediocre to start with...
outside the meme niche
role in pvp nobody uses LR, we don't need hundred threads asking to nerf a subpar trait used by a meme glass cannon build in a dead gamemode

Despite your rage and mocking, the reqs to play Headshot thief or Powerblock mesmer are
higher than LR Ele. You need to actually time things, not to mention the inherent difficulty associated with roaming classes.

Despite your mocking , Ele must go in meele range ...in the heat of the battle to cc , where even aoe Slow or Blind field can mess them from proccing the cc .While Thief used PI from afar , without worring about about cc-aoes or staying on the base . Even if they where reflected , their shot wouldn't proc on them the PI , because Headshot spamm dont have a cast time > cannot be interupted > cannot proc PI . They only will get dazedMesmer Powerblock is balanced in my eyes , because you can use 3 times and one of your Utilities is occupied by it ...and if we say that they have the teleport utility ...then there is 1 Utilities spot remaining + 1 elite to worry

Edit: PI , interupting auto attacks and spells and proccing from afar ?Yeah ...... no...compared to that , Ele's ccing requiring more skils , switch/dancing Attunements in the correct senquence ...rather than pushing spamm 1-2 bottuns .Heck even Mesmers is better ...or Guardians are more skilled than that ... where you must push 6-7 buttons correctly ...like a piano . That why in the lower tiers , its harder to execute for these classes and we have less whined , compared to other classes (thief cought*, or assasins in all games )

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@"Jojo.6590" said:I'm comparing Lighting Rod to both Pulmonary Impact (Thief, DD trait) and Power block (Mesmer trait).

First, let's make sure we're on the same page. It is 100x more easy to disable someone (ie CC them) verses to interrupt them (CC someone while they're casting a skill thus preventing the skill from being cast).

EXTREMELY debatable to the point of almost being empirically incorrect. GW2 is a spam game in which every action (including auto-attacks) are considered "skills." It's almost impossible to flub an interrupt on a target that isn't actively (passively) mitigating incoming damage or effects (via performing actions while blocking/evading/invulning/memeing).

The traits:Lighting rod: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Rod_(trait_skill)#WvW.2CPvPPulmonary Impact: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact_(trait_skill)Power Block: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Block

The requirements to trigger both Pulmonary Impact (PI) and Power Block (PB) are much more difficult to accomplish than that of Lighting Rod (LR). LR can crit where both PI and PB can not. I find this to be ludicrous that a trait that requires less investment/ effort to land is able to crit, whilst the other two do not. Given PB does do around 1k damage on its own and applies weakness + puts a 15s cooldown on the skill you interrupt, 3x longer than usual too, PB not criting is more reasonable.Either LR needs a crazy nerf that will make it unusable (which I honestly do not want, really) or both PB (a light buff) and PI (a major buff) both need buffs to bring them in line based on the greater difficulty required to trigger them.Editt-Grammar.

It's more like passives should never have had this much of a grip on combat in the first place if you didn't want a massive meme fest of a PvP mode.

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@"Jojo.6590" said:I'm comparing Lighting Rod to both Pulmonary Impact (Thief, DD trait) and Power block (Mesmer trait).

First, let's make sure we're on the same page. It is 100x more easy to disable someone (ie CC them) verses to interrupt them (CC someone while they're casting a skill thus preventing the skill from being cast).The traits:Lighting rod: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Rod_(trait_skill)#WvW.2CPvPPulmonary Impact: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pulmonary_Impact_(trait_skill)Power Block: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Block

The requirements to trigger both Pulmonary Impact (PI) and Power Block (PB) are much more difficult to accomplish than that of Lighting Rod (LR). LR can crit where both PI and PB can not. I find this to be ludicrous that a trait that requires less investment/ effort to land is able to crit, whilst the other two do not. Given PB does do around 1k damage on its own and applies weakness + puts a 15s cooldown on the skill you interrupt, 3x longer than usual too, PB not criting is more reasonable.Either LR needs a crazy nerf that will make it unusable (which I honestly do not want, really) or both PB (a light buff) and PI (a major buff) both need buffs to bring them in line based on the greater difficulty required to trigger them.Editt-Grammar.

Yeah it's kind of weird. Ele(escpecially weaver, but tempest is also up there) has access to way more CC, some of that CC deals damage on its own. Also LR doesn't require to land an actual interrupt, just disable the enemy. Given this context, you'd think the damage from the LR trait would be weaker then for example... Pulmunary Impact. But for some reason, it does several times more, sometimes critting for 3-4K(and thats just in an 1v1, imagine if you had a full mightstack and the enemy full vuln in the chaos of a teamfight).This and ranger pet coefficients need some adjusting. Maybe PI and PB need some buffs.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Poelala.2830" said:Also that thief and Mesmer have viable options other than those traits, ele doesn’t really have viable options.

Its not that thief has viable options
than PI, its that PI isnt a viable option at all. Sides, its not really "options". If youre Staff thief, you pick Staff Master. If youre not, you pick Havoc Mastery. End of story. For that matter, Ele also has Fresh Air as a very good option. Bolt to the Heart, less so I suppose.

Fresh air is very dead, and Bolt to the Heart? You know the only way for ele to do power damage is by running LR? Ele does NOT have the base damage stats to run power in any other way now that FA is annihilated. Not only are there no viable options for damage... on the ENTIRE CLASS ELEMENTALIST... LR Weaver itself is not viable as long as there is a competent player on the other team. Wherever the ele goes, if there is a ranger or a revenant there the class is wholly irrelevant. If there is a firebrand in the team fight, LR is irrelevant... so on and so forth. It’s a nuisance, but not even nearly meta.

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I cant believe people have issues with LR, but not complaining about unkillable non-stop condi spam core necros or pets that do 9k damage or ranger longbow that gets you to %50 with 2 skills in 5 seconds oh, and if you even double dodge that longbow 4-2 combo, guess what? 8k maul incoming. Ele has lowest hp pool and lowest armor, yet LR requires you to fight melee, while necro has the highest hp pool and fights range, lets not forget that LR weaver has 0 reliable cleanse, the only one is magnetic wave which has 25s cd and dodging in water, thats it. Any condi bomb will melt LR weaver in seconds. Also lets not forget weaver lost all of its reliable stability and stunbreak CD from 45 to 75s. So please, before complaining about it just look at the class overall, if weaver loses LR its completely dead.

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