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Item rarity compared to other games

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Rather than just say something sucks, fix it.Let's take a different approach and compare to other games. Because things like item rarity feeling/excitement/worthwhile/etc. happen in other games, and theres so many other games out there, and we should be taking the best from each game and come up with the best solution. This happens through discussion.

Talking in terms of quality of drop, and how often it happens.If you was to compare GW1 drops would you say GW2 drops are rarer to get?Compare to Guild Wars 1

  • I remember GW1, item drops the stats would vary, you could have very rare sword drop but if stats werent perfect it aint going to be worth much.
  • GW1 has a lot more skins that drop too, even just core GW1. Flaming dragon, crystalline, etc etc etc. It was random and could've been off anything.
  • GW2 pretty much unidentified gear and always perfect stats if you lvl 80
  • Does this make GW1 drops feel more rare, and how about feel more exciting to get?

Compare to Diablo 2

  • Diablo 2 drop is similar to GW1
  • People loved to do Baal runs and getting ready to click on stuff he drops was a game itself
  • Diablo 2 not only had colored items that were rare, so do i go after the colored word or look for runes like Um and Zod
  • Compared to GW2 drops does GW2 drops feel rare to you and how about feeling of excitement when you get something
  • Compare Diablo 2 runes vs GW2 runes. Is getting say Rune of Scholar as exciting as seeing an Um or Zod rune drop in Diablo2?

Compare to ESO

  • ESO drop is similar to GW1 is similar to Diablo 2
  • The item is not always perfect stat, not always a certain skin (theres huge amount of skins), and has so many dungeon gear that actually are useful (the set can be useful)
  • ESO set gear is similar to how G1 did set gear, was GW1/ESO set gear more exciting to see than say crafting runes to make a set gear?
  • GW2 not many skins, you have masterwork, its like 3 different skins, you have rare its another 3 different skin, and Exotic its around 3 different skin
  • GW2 doesn't have set gear, or does it. Do you consider sigils/runes exciting in GW2 since they are separate from gear?

Compare to Dynasty Warriors (sure its not an MMORPG, but it has drops, this is about drops)

  • The drops are similar to GW1, is similar to Diablo2, is similar to ESO
  • Sets are similar as well, being that you complete a set you cannot change what it gives and usually it gives something very very good if its complete set
  • GW2 sure you can put 6 runes of scholar on anything, but does that lessen the impact of excitement as say having a complete set of Cow King's Leather set in Diablo2?
  • Dynasty Warriors just like GW1, Diablo2, ESO the stats are not always perfect as well

Also do some drops feel too rare? And do think the excitement level would be higher or lower than a super rare drop in another game, but where its rare enough it takes a week or month to get just 1

  • I ask this because I hear people say "I've never seen a precursor, never seen this and I've been playing x amount of years"
  • Another thing to keep in mind, the rare drops in GW2, the stats are pretty much the same as ascended that you may already have or worse. In other games if it took literally a year to get, the item usually was very godly, not just worth a lot of money on the TP.

Anyways,thinking about the unidentified gear now, its useful they stacked them so I can dispose of them easier, but does it really create excitement of drops like GW1, Diablo2, ESO does?Or is unidentified gear really just garbage, yes the 1 or 2 gold is nice, but maybe just give me money instead of garbage gear?Do you think GW2 drops are garbage should and make drops be more exciting?

So many factors to take in, determines how exciting/worthwhile/feeling the drops are in a game.

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Or you could have swtor where everything is either just buy it from a vendor or buy it from the cartel market. I like the diversity in appearance in GW2 and I for sure like the dyes.

Now if we could just get swtor's method of saving appearances. But you can't have everything.

Edit: although swtor is playing with the equivalent of infusions. They aren't super rare drops. Instead they are just super expensive. In GW2, everyone has a /chance/ at getting a lucky drop, in swtor no one does. Everyone has to pay. Bleh.

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I feel like GW2 currently has a lack of medium-rare drops that are somewhat exciting.I remember in GW1 we would all get excited the moment someone dropped a glob of ectoplasm, an obsidian shard or a rare weapon. We would congratulate each other in chat and share drops if someone had abyssmal luck. The closest GW2 ever got to this was Orichalcum and Ancient Wood Nodes where we would inform each other about their location and sometimes make huge detours just to get that node. Since these resources had their rarity significantly nerfed since PoF, that aspect is lost.

The only drops that excite people on a semi-regular occasion are ascended armor and weapon drops now. You can sometimes see people ping their ascended drops at Tequatl or Triple Trouble and I feel that this excitement is part of what draws people back to these events.

Infusions and invisible boots are really too rare to excite anyone. I know a lot of people are still trying their luck, but it carries more an atmosphere of resignation and desperation than excitement.

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Lacking that rare drop in each bit of content is what this game sorely needs. Having something be exclusive and themed to a certain map or enemy type significantly increases replay value. Infusions is the right idea but they're so rare that they might as well not exist. Having everything dependent on the mystic forge or a grueling currency to dump into a vendor turns fun into a chore. Putting an unusual skin, novelty or bundle into each area of the game that rewards repeat play is what this game doesn't have.

With all the content in the game, it is a real missed opportunity to not put stuff in loot tables outside of metas and vendors.

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@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Infusions is the right idea but they're so rare that they might as well not exist.Yep. We need a bunch of new "not as rare as an infusion, but still rare" exotic drops. I think the precursors used to fill this role, but they're all so old at this point that even getting one of them is somewhat "meh" now.

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I kind of disagree with this.We do have rarity in this game. It's just tiered, for example:

  • ~30s-40s about as rare as a rare , usually it is because it is an armor which lacks upgrades or the upgrade is not used by any common class builds
  • <1g no name exotics with offmeta or semi-meta upgrades or the named exotic armors (sort of common if you play fractals / raids / instanced content regularly , probably 1 in 1000 or something similar)
  • 2-5g skinned / named exotic weapon odds (semi-lucky , probably in the order of 1 in 10K unless you are actively opening unid gears in bulk off TP)
  • a bunch of exotics that only hold value due to being part of a collection, such as the Arthropoda , Razah's Nightmare , and Crustacea exotics (all about 50g) which are part of the Exotic Hunter collection ; I had Sam drop years ago (couple hundred gold now) and it's only worth it in the Treasure Hunter collection (it's only dropped in one area as far as I know)
  • 100-450g precursor odds (lucky , it's probably in the order of 1 in 1 million ... I've only gotten 2 since beta of this game and they both were worth <100g so it's better to buy them or do collections),
  • 100g+ infusions (gated by raid currency or otherwise) : celestial infusion , ghostly infusion, peerless infusion , also halloween polysaturating / polyluminescent and Winter's heart / snow diamond / toy shell
  • 1K gold + dropped infusion odds that don't have alternate sources (super lucky , it's probably in the order of 1 in 10 million or 1 in 1 million for the ones gates by meta events that run a few times day), Halloween ember infusion goes here too
  • Achievement based , accountbound: bauble infusion from SAB

A large part of why runes were devalued (and thereby most dropped exotic armors) was because Scholar runes obtained an additional +125 ferocity (i.e. 8.3% more crit damage 100% of the time), so it's +5% damage on the 6th bonus > 90% HP instead of +10% > 90% HP. If Pack runes and other such runes available were more often used then the drop table would be more balanced. It's a similar situation with the Elementalist rune, which was more or less one of the cheapest power runes (crafted only), but then it was changed to add +125 condition damage for the 6th bonus.The cheapest Rune of the Pack containing armor is around 90s ; the cheapest Rune of Strength or Rune of Eagle containing armor is around 50s.

Sigil of Force is a large part of why items that don't have any value as a skin are more than a few gold. However, most exotic weapons are holding their value above armors because they can be mystic forged for a chance at a precursor.

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Unid'd gear is for items for salvage, the results of which can either be used to make stuff you want, or sell on the TP. That's a big part of the incremental aspect of GW2 rewards. Drops which have intrinsic value are few and far between. These include Ascended chests, rare Exotic skins and, of course, Precursor Weapons. These are pretty much the entirety of the serendipity aspect of GW2 rewards.

The big problem with serendipity rewards is that value increases with scarcity and decreases the more common these drops become. Have them drop too often, they become humdrum. Make them too scarce, a player will go too long without the realization of anticipation. That can kill anticipation over time.

For some players, Ascended items are no big thing as drops. Their value is lessened because players can get them from playing fractals and raids. Also, a lot of people craft the things. Add to that that the rare exotic skins are not that rare. Finally, precursors have dropped in value (both as salable items and for one's own use). However, they are probably still the most valuable drop in the game -- if you get something that makes a desirable Legendary. Precursor Harpoon Guns, maybe not so much.

The net result is that GW2 is primarily a game with an incremental reward system. Serendipity, while there, plays a much lesser role. That's kind of the nature of the beast.

So, could ANet introduce more ultra rare drops for players to pursue? Sure. However, they are not going to abandon the incremental reward system because that keeps people coming back, too, and fuels the in-game economy which makes the incremental drops more than junk. Finally, where do they put any new rare drops? They have to be careful about this. There's a risk in adding such to game modes which are less accessible to a lot of players. ANet would have to balance the good will gained with that lost.

I wouldn't hold my breath.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:Or is unidentified gear really just garbage, yes the 1 or 2 gold is nice, but maybe just give me money instead of garbage gear?

Give this some consideration. Ideally think about what changing this would actually mean:A. direct gold reward is increased without having to go through the trading post (a major source of gold drain from the economy)B. unidentified gear is a major source of resources which would now disappearC. getting even less drops would make content seem even less rewarding (there is some nice research as to why Diablo 3 for example kept a lot of white items in end game loot drops. It made it seem as though a lot more loot dropped)

@uberkingkong.8041 said:Do you think GW2 drops are garbage should and make drops be more exciting?

I think GW2 gear and reward system is setup the way it is because:

  • it is designed that most content played will reward players with wealth
  • the non existent gear devaluation makes "resets", which are common in most other MMOs, not possible. Other MMOs essentially keep resetting player gear, while GW2 does not
  • the entire economy in-game is designed with materials in mind
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@"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:I feel like GW2 currently has a lack of medium-rare drops that are somewhat exciting.I remember in GW1 we would all get excited the moment someone dropped a glob of ectoplasm, an obsidian shard or a rare weapon. We would congratulate each other in chat and share drops if someone had abyssmal luck. The closest GW2 ever got to this was Orichalcum and Ancient Wood Nodes where we would inform each other about their location and sometimes make huge detours just to get that node. Since these resources had their rarity significantly nerfed since PoF, that aspect is lost.

The only drops that excite people on a semi-regular occasion are ascended armor and weapon drops now. You can sometimes see people ping their ascended drops at Tequatl or Triple Trouble and I feel that this excitement is part of what draws people back to these events.

Infusions and invisible boots are really too rare to excite anyone. I know a lot of people are still trying their luck, but it carries more an atmosphere of resignation and desperation than excitement.

Yeah I agree,in GW1 people showoff flaming dragon sword drop, it was like WOW! I'll trade you this for it!GW2 seems like ascended ring drops, nice (dont really care but nice).

I think you know it is a good system when people want to trade you for it.In GW2 I don't really know anything that drops that people probably going to want to trade something for it.

In ESO, you got this weapon with this set and this stat? Can I trade with you?

GW2 "can i trade with you?" does not even exist.-Diablo 2 "can i see it" "do you want to trade?"-ESO "can i see it" "do you want to trade?"-GW1 "can i see it" "do you want to trade?" (this one guy, x, he has all this cool gear, he made good deal with me)-GW2 links ascended gear, thanks for run (never sees any of them again, no social bond again)

Item rariety is missing, due to small things.Which affects social part of game due to item rarity being a small thing that affects social bonding

Trickle down effect

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_**> Talking in terms of quality of drop, and how often it happens.

If you was to compare GW1 drops would you say GW2 drops are rarer to get?Compare to Guild Wars 1

  • I remember GW1, item drops the stats would vary, you could have very rare sword drop but if stats werent perfect it aint going to be worth much.
  • GW1 has a lot more skins that drop too, even just core GW1. Flaming dragon, crystalline, etc etc etc. It was random and could've been off anything.
  • GW2 pretty much unidentified gear and always perfect stats if you lvl 80
  • Does this make GW1 drops feel more rare, and how about feel more exciting to get?

I don't know about other games, but I did love GW1 when it comes to rare drops. For the most part, it was all about the stats, not the skin. The stats were random even with very desirable skins.

One thing I remember the most was people that had perma pres. That is toons that never left Pre Searing. There were two things that were must-have. A charr sword and a charr shield. Either by themselves were rare, but if they had great stats, the price/worth would go up exponentially.

I'm going from memory, but there was a char shield that had the max stats ( for pre ). Supposedly, there were only three of them known in the whole game. I offered several stacks of black dye ( worth a huge amount of gold especially in pre ) to anyone that might have one but never found any that even had one let alone willing to sell. ( there's no trading post in GW1 )

Anyhow, I guess the point is. There were some truly rare drops, yet even the worst player might get one. You either get one by just being lucky, or pay an insane amount of gold to buy it from someone.

Maybe not everyone will like it that way, but it gave even the lowliest player hope.

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@Tom.6478 said:_**> Talking in terms of quality of drop, and how often it happens.

If you was to compare GW1 drops would you say GW2 drops are rarer to get?Compare to Guild Wars 1
  • I remember GW1, item drops the stats would vary, you could have very rare sword drop but if stats werent perfect it aint going to be worth much.
  • GW1 has a lot more skins that drop too, even just core GW1. Flaming dragon, crystalline, etc etc etc. It was random and could've been off anything.
  • GW2 pretty much unidentified gear and always perfect stats if you lvl 80
  • Does this make GW1 drops feel more rare, and how about feel more exciting to get?

I don't know about other games, but I did love GW1 when it comes to rare drops. For the most part, it was all about the stats, not the skin. The stats were random even with very desirable skins.

One thing I remember the most was people that had perma pres. That is toons that never left Pre Searing. There were two things that were must-have. A charr sword and a charr shield. Either by themselves were rare, but if they had great stats, the price/worth would go up exponentially.

I'm going from memory, but there was a char shield that had the max stats (
for pre
). Supposedly, there were only three of them known in the whole game. I offered several stacks of black dye (
worth a huge amount of gold especially in pre
) to anyone that might have one but never found any that even had one let alone willing to sell. (
there's no trading post in GW1

Anyhow, I guess the point is. There were some truly rare drops, yet even the worst player might get one. You either get one by just being lucky, or pay an insane amount of gold to buy it from someone.

Maybe not everyone will like it that way, but it gave even the lowliest player hope.

It was surprisingly easy to get a max stat weapon in GW1, i spent longer trying to get the drop for the weapon i wanted than i did for the stats as i had four max stat spears(as an example) in my inventory at all times. But the skin i wanted was a pain to obtain(Voltaic) and the only one i got wasnt max stat, but it was amazing( had a minus one for max damage, but also only needed 7 points to use it.). While stats where random they did have a min and a max level they could be, and the rarer the skin was the at least it seemed to be, better off the rolls where.

Also in GW1 solo farming was a thing and it was absurdly easy to obtain rares that way. You cannot do that in GW2, so even the rarest of the rares dont drop. My problem with GW2s loot is that the rare items are so rare they may as well not exist and the regular weapons drop so often they dont matter. It needs to be re-balanced. Rare loot is good. Loot thats unobtainable is not.

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GW1 gear was devalued when inscriptions came about but for the betterment of everyone. That was good for the bulk majority of players, some of whom did not customize their rarer 15>50 weapons for the 20% damage boost.You had green unique named items (drop from bosses) and collector items too (in exchange for trophies).

We sort of have that unique named item in GW2 with the ascended drops from Tequatl and Drakkar as well as from Dragonfall (weapon of the Scion is guaranteed after 1000 mistborn coffers) if you don't count raids or fractal boxes. If you ignore raids and fractals, strike mission currency gets you ascended boxes too. Short of having ascended drops in openworld outside of world bosses, I am not sure what actually can be reasonably done since people that don't play instanced content generally don't need ascended persay.

Illuminated Boreal could have been ascended similar to Heroic Dragonsblood weapons, but I guess that option was scrapped because it has Diviner stats once more.

Unless an exotic with an amazing skin everyone wants starts to drop in openworld there isn't going to be much change and if it has anything less than 1 in 100K chance the price will decline as people get it. If anything, 1-5g exotics makes the game more accessible. Arguably the biggest barrier for a brand new player, ascended weapons, is gone with strike mission currencies , Caladbolg , and guaranteed weapon box drop after 1000 mistborn coffers. A player in exotic armor isn't at as severe a disadvantage as one lacking weapon+trinkets.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Unids stealth nerfed the chance of regular exotics, which in turn lowered the chance of getting a precursor overall. They're convenient but they were used to make Magic Find moot and the chance for even precursors even less likely.I think you have this backwards. Unidentified equipment has no impact on your base chance of dropping exotics. Exotics still drop with the same chance as before, with said chance affected by your account + temp magic find buff.

In addition to that each player that identifies unidentified gear has an extra chance (this one not affected by mf) to up the rarity of the equipment, effectively adding to your chance to get exotic loot. The change from individual to unidentified loot effectively increased (slightly) everybody's chance to drop exotic pieces, not decreased it.

The only thing they did nerf (and not stealth-nerf but nerf on purpose) was exploiting the original implementation of unidentified gear by temporarily stacking unreasonable amounts of magic find before identifying, which did shift the value of loot towards the few willing and able to micromanage identifying (and even able to reach the top magic find numbers) to the detriment of those just trying to sell their regular drops.

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GW2 has the least fun drop system in any game you mentioned above. I mean you had to be lucky in GW1 too, but even there you get a much wanted item with crappy roles so you had to go farm it again. The same stats on all drops is insanely boring for GW2 and probably the reason that things never drop either.

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The drop rate of RNG items is poor because unlike other MMOS, in GW2 RNG isn't the principle method for obtaining gear.

In a game like WoW, at least back when I played, if the boss didn't drop the loot you needed, you didn't get an upgrade. Period.

In GW2 endgame gear is craftable - the only RNG drops are cosmetic. Having played in both systems, I'm happier with GW2

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@aspirine.6852 said:GW2 has the least fun drop system in any game you mentioned above. I mean you had to be lucky in GW1 too, but even there you get a much wanted item with crappy roles so you had to go farm it again. The same stats on all drops is insanely boring for GW2 and probably the reason that things never drop either.Funnily, for me it's the exact oposite. If there's one thing I really love about GW2, it's that no matter how lucky or unlucky I am, I can gather the resources for any equipment I might want in a reasonable timeframe.

Having to farm specific bosses, dungeons, whatever for the chance to get the equipment I'm looking for is actually one of the main factors that turns me off playing ESO every time I try that game again (which usually is several times a year ... I've been playing on and off since beta). I'd rather play a bit of everything I enjoy and craft/trade for the exact equipment I want with the loot I've collected, than run around the same set of delves/dolmens/world bosses in circles because that's the only way I even have a chance at the piece I'm looking for.

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I agree with OP. The lack of having cool rare drops is annoying. Like once in a blue moon you'll get a "rare" drop after hours upon hours of gaming only to find it's worth like 1-5g. I think the main problem is that everything that drops is basically useless items that might as well be replaced with just finding currency and salvaged materials. It's an illusions to make gaining money seem more meaningful or as if aquiring loot has some purpose, but it doesn't most of the time and there's .00001 chance of it actually being useful. It's become more of a work thing than anything, like put a couple hours into silverwaste/HoT/fractals and gain xgold/hour, instead of feeling like your'e trying to find rare and valuable loot out in the wilderness of the game. So now I have to play x hours to buy y item. It's purely work. There is no joy of searching and finding cool rare loot in specific parts of the game because most of the cool, polished skins are locked behind achievements, gemstore, or extremely high drop rates (1k+ infusions) that its almost pointless to try and work for those. It's like if they took pokemon and removed all the pokemon from the wild and you no longer had to go through the motions of finding and catching rare pokemon. Instead you just faced trainers and played mini games and bought whatever pokemon you wanted with your earnings. It takes away a lot of the magic of the game.

EDIT: also, I'm not necessarily advocating for rarity in the form of stats that will cause imbalance. I'm actually mostly a fan of the noramlized states and ease of having a meta build, but I'm more concerned about how all the resources go into gem store items and cookie cutter outfits. Put a lot of that work as in game drops for fucks sake. All the in game skins lose almost all their value when they are completely overshadowed by the gem store skins. Which in turn makes the game feel more like work and grindy because most of the cool and polished skins are locked behind having to grind gold to get and are not tradeable.

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@"uberkingkong.8041" said:Rather than just say something sucks, fix it.Let's take a different approach and compare to other games. Because things like item rarity feeling/excitement/worthwhile/etc. happen in other games, and theres so many other games out there, and we should be taking the best from each game and come up with the best solution. This happens through discussion.

Talking in terms of quality of drop, and how often it happens.If you was to compare GW1 drops would you say GW2 drops are rarer to get?Compare to Guild Wars 1

  • I remember GW1, item drops the stats would vary, you could have very rare sword drop but if stats werent perfect it aint going to be worth much.
  • GW1 has a lot more skins that drop too, even just core GW1. Flaming dragon, crystalline, etc etc etc. It was random and could've been off anything.
  • GW2 pretty much unidentified gear and always perfect stats if you lvl 80
  • Does this make GW1 drops feel more rare, and how about feel more exciting to get?

Compare to Diablo 2

  • Diablo 2 drop is similar to GW1
  • People loved to do Baal runs and getting ready to click on stuff he drops was a game itself
  • Diablo 2 not only had colored items that were rare, so do i go after the colored word or look for runes like Um and Zod
  • Compared to GW2 drops does GW2 drops feel rare to you and how about feeling of excitement when you get something
  • Compare Diablo 2 runes vs GW2 runes. Is getting say Rune of Scholar as exciting as seeing an Um or Zod rune drop in Diablo2?

Compare to ESO

  • ESO drop is similar to GW1 is similar to Diablo 2
  • The item is not always perfect stat, not always a certain skin (theres huge amount of skins), and has so many dungeon gear that actually are useful (the set can be useful)
  • ESO set gear is similar to how G1 did set gear, was GW1/ESO set gear more exciting to see than say crafting runes to make a set gear?
  • GW2 not many skins, you have masterwork, its like 3 different skins, you have rare its another 3 different skin, and Exotic its around 3 different skin
  • GW2 doesn't have set gear, or does it. Do you consider sigils/runes exciting in GW2 since they are separate from gear?

Compare to Dynasty Warriors (sure its not an MMORPG, but it has drops, this is about drops)

  • The drops are similar to GW1, is similar to Diablo2, is similar to ESO
  • Sets are similar as well, being that you complete a set you cannot change what it gives and usually it gives something very very good if its complete set
  • GW2 sure you can put 6 runes of scholar on anything, but does that lessen the impact of excitement as say having a complete set of Cow King's Leather set in Diablo2?
  • Dynasty Warriors just like GW1, Diablo2, ESO the stats are not always perfect as well

Also do some drops feel too rare? And do think the excitement level would be higher or lower than a super rare drop in another game, but where its rare enough it takes a week or month to get just 1

  • I ask this because I hear people say "I've never seen a precursor, never seen this and I've been playing x amount of years"
  • Another thing to keep in mind, the rare drops in GW2, the stats are pretty much the same as ascended that you may already have or worse. In other games if it took literally a year to get, the item usually was very godly, not just worth a lot of money on the TP.

Anyways,thinking about the unidentified gear now, its useful they stacked them so I can dispose of them easier, but does it really create excitement of drops like GW1, Diablo2, ESO does?Or is unidentified gear really just garbage, yes the 1 or 2 gold is nice, but maybe just give me money instead of garbage gear?Do you think GW2 drops are garbage should and make drops be more exciting?

So many factors to take in, determines how exciting/worthwhile/feeling the drops are in a game.

I'm like you op.This game's loot drop is pretty bad unless it's a precursor and those don't come very often. There are a few named pieces sprinkled through out the game otherwise but they are exotic which means to a veteran player they are just skins. Imo they should make more of those unique pieces ascended drops. The problem with that is the game would rain ascended gear even more than it does already. Yeah this game's loot system is trash...

Gw1, Diablo 2, esoYou got taste ;-)

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