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Herald is fine, no need to nerf.

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One of those high skill builds atm.

Sorry that some lost their ability to fight back because they were running a nerf needed build, but can't really see a problem with this one.

to quote an old dog "psa: don't get mad cause a rev outskilled you"....or something like that.

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Herald is pretty fing strong rn. Condition herald can nuke entire team fights as long as they have a necro or something and it takes near 0 skill mechanically. Power rev also pumps out some insane dps- average match of an at you can have a decent player who never plays rev that plays it and out dps’s an expert thief which is absolutely insane and shouldn’t be a thing.Conclusion: nerf plz

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@Dantheman.3589 said:Herald is pretty fing strong rn. Condition herald can nuke entire team fights as long as they have a necro or something and it takes near 0 skill mechanically. Power rev also pumps out some insane dps- average match of an at you can have a decent player who never plays rev that plays it and out dps’s an expert thief which is absolutely insane and shouldn’t be a thing.Conclusion: nerf plz

I must have missed the rev buff patch notes.

Can you refresh my memory?

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Let me see if I got it right... Ppl are playing rev too much so in your opinion they should be nerfed?This is precisely why ppl meme on any forums of mmos, the only thing you find here is mostly clowns, while the serious 1% get lost in the midst of all this.

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It'll be nerfed and gutted, rev as a whole will be. No one is willing to let rev be remotely good without being one of those "Has to work a million times harder than the rest, to do basic functions.." Id honestly rather them rework the entire class and make specific area's stronger and make it so glint is more support orientated and synergies really well with Ventari.

Make Kalla more of a power dps and syngerize really well with shiro/jalis(Already does) but give it better tools in competitive environments as its kinda lame and gimmicky unless going bunker.

And then make the next E-spec a Condi based legend to work well with mallyx this way we can have our set of builds that all have synergism and theme. Both our condi specs should be a darker legend perhaps an evil legend.

This would also be welcomed if they added a few more weapons/off-hands to core and gave them the trident treatment so any weapon will work with whatever legend you're running. So that this way we aren't forced to use weapons we might not like, or that might not be effective at all in our role so we could in theory tailor make our builds. Remove the energy cost on weapons and make them have cool-downs, and do the reverse for Utilities and find a balance between them.

Heck id even be willing to give up weapon swap IF you made weapon skills have more of an impact and made our utilities (Yes all of them) strong. We are hard-locked within our legend utilities. So in essence while we have two skill bars in reality we still only use the same amount of skills, because half of them either suck or have no place in the game as they are just too costly to run. Invocation needs to be better at helping Rev's manage their mist energy, but all the legends in some way should have a way to recharge themselves and offer unique ways for customization.

Right now it does feel like we are in beta, so if you want nerfs then fine. But Id rather them FIX what is broken, finish its core kit and make it strong in its own way as well get it out of the "Gimmick" field that it is claimed to be in. I really want The class to shine, but as it stands now it will never stop being bitched about on either side as we who main it want more for the class. And those who don't want to destroy the class.

So lets compromise and ask A-net to actually sit down and work on its foundations and give it more weapons, which then means they can ramp down and decide where the limiting factor is. People don't realize but Rev gets punished hard by cc, condition pressure even when running mallyx and that they are not as powerful as everyone claims. The reason people think this is because we have a lot of passive amps, which buff our damage (Glint on the final trait line gives a 15% damage increase for having upkeep, ok so you put on impossible odds or embrace the darkness and you get a huge damage amp.) We are a bunch of ramping increases to damage to give us something for the nerfs, changes and straight degradation to our class kit that has happened over the years.

So again, you want nerfs? Fine. Remove all these BS passive amps and fix the class, because you put bandaids on that have made the situation and perception of the class worse because you were unwilling to fix specific mistakes made in its conception. I want it to be fun, playable and competitive but I don't want you to have to gut it further just to slap more boons/damage amps on us... thats not fixing anything.

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@"Thornwolf.9721" said:It'll be nerfed and gutted, rev as a whole will be. No one is willing to let rev be remotely good without being one of those "Has to work a million times harder than the rest, to do basic functions.."

Sorry, that's not really true. Rev has a high skill floor, meaning you can't mash buttons to victory. But one you're disciplined enough to combo skills in the correct order and timing, it's at least as effective as players of similar skill on other professions.

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The only issue i have with rev atm is the fact Infused Light and Crystal Hibernation are pretty close to being active invunrables, the latter even pulses healing remarkably. If anet want to make at least make infused light the same as every other heal for every profession that would be productive. Even though warrior has a similar heal that as well should be globally changed like every other heal in the game.

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@Exedore.6320 said:

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:It'll be nerfed and gutted, rev as a whole will be. No one is willing to let rev be remotely good without being one of those "Has to work a million times harder than the rest, to do basic functions.."

Sorry, that's not really true. Rev has a high skill floor, meaning you can't mash buttons to victory. But one you're disciplined enough to combo skills in the correct order and timing, it's at least as effective as players of similar skill on other professions.

Im well aware, I main one and am competent at it. The point is these people will NEVER stop until its nerfed, it must be gutted and pushed into obscurity and nonviable play in order for them to be happy while simultaneously their class needs a buff in order to be on par where rev is now. So basically they want the roles reversed and this has happened time and again, regardless of its skill required. Skill will not save you when the class is left in a spot where its gutted, and stripped of everything that it currently is in order to appease the crowd who wont learn to play against it..

A-net has caved to them before, they will do so again and its just a matter of time. Rev was once in that spot and im very sure it will be again. The saddest part is im sure next balance patch will be that moment with all the freak'n qq threads on here as of late..

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"DragonFury.6243" said:So this is fine !!!!

LOL this is what people complain about now? You know you can get the same effect out of pack runes?

Pretty sure they removed that rune from PvP.

I don't even keep track of that joke of a game mode anymore (cavalier and knights too op!), but fuck any nerfs to power revenant that's just a shitty suggestion from someone that doesn't know what they're talking about.

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@Poledra Val.1490 said:Crystal Hibernation are pretty close to being active invunrables, the latter even pulses healing remarkably.

Here's a hint use an unblockable or time AOE for when the skill is over. 'Remarkable' healing is 2.4k over 4 pulses LMFAO. It is hardly ever worth it to even use this skill unless help is for sure coming by the end of it.

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@"Poledra Val.1490" said:Crystal Hibernation are pretty close to being active invunrables, the latter even pulses healing remarkably.

Here's a hint use an unblockable or time AOE for when the skill is over. 'Remarkable' healing is 2.4k over 4 pulses LMFAO. It is hardly ever worth it to even use this skill unless help is for sure coming by the end of it.

You missunderstand im not referring to the amount it heals im saying the fact it does heal you at all is just point blank silly whilst being "invunrable".

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@Poledra Val.1490 said:

@Poledra Val.1490 said:Crystal Hibernation are pretty close to being active invunrables, the latter even pulses healing remarkably.

Here's a hint use an unblockable or time AOE for when the skill is over. 'Remarkable' healing is 2.4k over 4 pulses LMFAO. It is hardly ever worth it to even use this skill unless help is for sure coming by the end of it.

You missunderstand im not referring to the amount it heals im saying the fact it does heal you at all is just point blank silly whilst being "invunrable".

By that logic all blocks are "invulnerables." The tradeoff for it being immobile is the pulsing heal.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:Herald is pretty fing strong rn. Condition herald can nuke entire team fights as long as they have a necro or something and it takes near 0 skill mechanically. Power rev also pumps out some insane dps- average match of an at you can have a decent player who never plays rev that plays it and out dps’s an expert thief which is absolutely insane and shouldn’t be a thing.Conclusion: nerf plz

Thief dps is not even that great so no, that's not a reason to nerf power revenant lol.

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Herald is pretty fing strong rn. Condition herald can nuke entire team fights as long as they have a necro or something and it takes near 0 skill mechanically. Power rev also pumps out some insane dps- average match of an at you can have a decent player who never plays rev that plays it and out dps’s an expert thief which is absolutely insane and shouldn’t be a thing.Conclusion: nerf plz

Thief dps is not even that great so no, that's not a reason to nerf power revenant lol.

Thief dps is fine lol. Only reason to say it’s ok for a revenant to do more damage is because thief has more of a focus on mobility, but that’s not your argument.

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@Poledra Val.1490 said:

@Poledra Val.1490 said:Crystal Hibernation are pretty close to being active invunrables, the latter even pulses healing remarkably.

Here's a hint use an unblockable or time AOE for when the skill is over. 'Remarkable' healing is 2.4k over 4 pulses LMFAO. It is hardly ever worth it to even use this skill unless help is for sure coming by the end of it.

You missunderstand im not referring to the amount it heals im saying the fact it does heal you at all is just point blank silly whilst being "invunrable".

Its a block not an invuln, block is the weakest of the types of i-frames, its also rooted and has a significant energy cost tied to it unlike other channeled blocks which are not rooted, have no extra resource cost required to use and still often have extra perks tied to them (cc + evade counter attack, damage + barrier + vuln, phantasm generation). If it doesn't have an extra perk in the form of that little bit of healing it would simply be a completely worse version of other channeled blocks in every way (it already is kinda worse, the root is brutal being unable to kite when trying to play defensively).

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@Poledra Val.1490 said:The only issue i have with rev atm is the fact Infused Light and Crystal Hibernation are pretty close to being active invunrables, the latter even pulses healing remarkably. If anet want to make at least make infused light the same as every other heal for every profession that would be productive. Even though warrior has a similar heal that as well should be globally changed like every other heal in the game.

You can't be serious. Crystal Hibernation has been a joke for years after it was nerfed. It literally roots you in place and is a giant 'Use unblockables here' sign for enemies. It's best use is as a condi cleanse with the trait but necro staff will just straight up ignore Shield 5.

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@"DragonFury.6243" said:So this is fine !!!!

LOL this is what people complain about now? You know you can get the same effect out of pack runes?

Pretty sure they removed that rune from PvP.

I don't even keep track of that joke of a game mode anymore (cavalier and knights too op!), but kitten any nerfs to power revenant that's just a kitten suggestion from someone that doesn't know what they're talking about.

Yet why should someone listen to another person who doesn't know what they're talking about when they 1) Missed the point of the screenshot and 2) Say you can use a rune that was removed a long time ago?

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"DragonFury.6243" said:So this is fine !!!!

LOL this is what people complain about now? You know you can get the same effect out of pack runes?

Pretty sure they removed that rune from PvP.

I don't even keep track of that joke of a game mode anymore (cavalier and knights too op!), but kitten any nerfs to power revenant that's just a kitten suggestion from someone that doesn't know what they're talking about.

Yet why should someone listen to another person who doesn't know what they're talking about when they 1) Missed the point of the screenshot and 2) Say you can use a rune that was removed a long time ago?

Because WvW exists? Blah blah pvp forum whatever, this is where most of the balance talk happens for all game modes.

  1. I didn't know the point of the screenshot was 3 revs in one match, if they weren't premade who cares?
  2. Who cares? It's not the point right?

BTW I'm not someone who has never pvp'ed, I grabbed my Ruthless Legend like 10 seasons ago and called it a day because 21 seasons of the same garbage that was stale even in season 1 does not sound fun.

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They need to increase the energy cost from most skills from 40 to 60, and the sword skills should have the cast times of the hammer; staff should have 3 auto-root skills instead of 1, and Jade Winds and Chaotic Release should have the size of the Legacy of the Foefire central node, because aparently they aren't telling enough to make the average player to notice the incoming of those cc skills (which anyway now barely do damage themselves). Fair enough?

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