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Give love to Central Tyria :D

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The living story is cool and all but I miss the central world, where the adventure started.

Please work on the absolute gold mine of what you already have, Central Tyria!

just some update would be great, maybe new events in the starter zones to liven things up, a new world boss, a limited event like you did with the Mordrem invasions, anything, big or small would be amazing!

I feel like we're not going to see any other updates to the game besides the living world though and maybe an xpac which would just be more of it. Please mix it up.

I understand that this would cost money, and the living world is how you make money but if someone you can monetize other game updates please do. I would jump at the opportunity to purchase, perhaps a subscription that gives you access to all the places like the Royal Terrace, or another beer of the month mail thing.

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that's what LWS1 was, I would say probably 99% of the active player base have missed the boat

they had thrown in side stories (see in achievements tab) that happens in Tyria

LW doesnt make money, they are given out for free, the cosmetics and account upgrades in gem stores are what makes the money

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The central Tyria maps are great, however i doubt we will see much of a revamp. Maybe some bug fixes here or there. But they could add a little bit more incentive to play in those maps, like replacing the transmutation charge for map completion with something cooler. Shouldnt take much time or resources.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Core Tyria maps are locked in time to stay as consistent with the personal story as possible. We shouldn't expect any updates.

Stuff like additional world bosses and events doesn't necessarily have to progress a timeline.

There could simply be additional stuff that happens within the same time bubble that they're stuck in.

@Radiobiology.6185 said:The central Tyria maps are great, however i doubt we will see much of a revamp. Maybe some bug fixes here or there. But they could add a little bit more incentive to play in those maps, like replacing the transmutation charge for map completion with something cooler. Shouldnt take much time or resources.

I think one of the issues isn't that Transmutation Charges aren't cool, but more that many people, mostly veterans, have already got 100% world completion and thus they don't get ANYTHING for going back and doing old zone stuff except the occasional Map Reward.

For example, on my Thief, I had 100% world completion before HoT even released. In the years since then, what reason have I had to go running through Central Tyria on my Thief outside a handful of Mastery Points plopped into various maps?

If I want more map completion rewards such as Transmutation Charges, I have to make new characters to complete maps with rather than playing my Thief...

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@artcreator.4859 said:The living story is cool and all but I miss the central world, where the adventure started.

Please work on the absolute gold mine of what you already have, Central Tyria!

just some update would be great, maybe new events in the starter zones to liven things up, a new world boss, a limited event like you did with the Mordrem invasions, anything, big or small would be amazing!They've added new events to Core Tyria several times over the past few years.Bandit Bounties, Bloodstone Crazed creatures, the Ley Energy events are a few examples.Now ask yourself how often you see people actually participating in the Branded Rift events and tell us what a great idea you have here is.

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@AysonCurrax.3254 said:

@crepuscular.9047 said:LW doesnt make money, they are given out for freeOnly for a certain amount of time though, after which you have to buy the episodes, with them making certain episodes available for free from time to time.

it doesnt take much effort to jump on for 15min everyday to collect daily login reward, do 3 dailies, and home instance gathering, those have more than sufficient income to convert to gems to get the missing LW for free; and because you are login in everyday, you wont miss any current LWs, that's I do on my alt account

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@Taril.8619 said:I think one of the issues isn't that Transmutation Charges aren't cool, but more that many people, mostly veterans, have already got 100% world completion and thus they don't get ANYTHING for going back and doing old zone stuff except the occasional Map Reward.

key farms, map completion reward have a pretty high chance of getting BLC key, I got 14 keys the last time i ran through with an alt toon to get gift of exploration

these days with power creep and mounts it can be done so much faster, and there's no weekly cap as I'm aware of, so you probably can have 2 world completion done in a week

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@Radiobiology.6185 said:The central Tyria maps are great, however i doubt we will see much of a revamp. Maybe some bug fixes here or there. But they could add a little bit more incentive to play in those maps, like replacing the transmutation charge for map completion with something cooler. Shouldnt take much time or resources.I'm just not sure what game you are playing...This game is constantly sending me back to lower level zones as part of collections, maybe it's a world boss or event chain for a legendary, or the way the new Steel Warband collections sent me to Ascalon. Maybe it's the new achievements that were put in the starter zones, or even older content like Dive Master.This game gives me relevant reasons to revisit old zones just about every day.Saying otherwise and looking for some kind of reward creep is a little strange.

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@Taril.8619 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Core Tyria maps are locked in time to stay as consistent with the personal story as possible. We shouldn't expect any updates.

Stuff like additional world bosses and events doesn't necessarily have to progress a timeline.

There could simply be additional stuff that happens within the same time bubble that they're stuck in.I suppose that could work as long as it doesn't devolve into something similar to the old Queensdale champ trains.@mindcircus.1506 said:They've added new events to Core Tyria several times over the past few years.Bandit Bounties, Bloodstone Crazed creatures, the Ley Energy events are a few examples.Now ask yourself how often you see people actually participating in the Branded Rift events and tell us what a great idea you have here is.That's a good point, too. I often see participation in the Joko events in Queensdale/Wayfarer and the occasional call-out for bandits. The others, not so much.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Taril.8619 said:I think one of the issues isn't that Transmutation Charges aren't cool, but more that many people, mostly veterans, have already got 100% world completion and thus they don't get ANYTHING for going back and doing old zone stuff except the occasional Map Reward.

key farms, map completion reward have a pretty high chance of getting BLC key, I got 14 keys the last time i ran through with an alt toon to get gift of exploration

these days with power creep and mounts it can be done so much faster, and there's no weekly cap as I'm aware of, so you probably can have 2 world completion done in a week

Though, that just reinforces my point. Characters whom already have 100% world completion, don't get so much out of going back.

It's about rolling new alts to 100% world completion to get all the nice shinies such as a decent chance at BLC keys, guaranteed items (Exotics in the higher level zones) and a plethora of Karma.

Existing characters are stuck just spamming events to maybe get some crafting mats from Map Rewards (Not map completion)

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@"Taril.8619" said:It's about rolling new alts to 100% world completion to get all the nice shinies such as a decent chance at BLC keys, guaranteed items (Exotics in the higher level zones) and a plethora of Karma.Why are you overstating the value of these rewards?The exotics you get are relevant while levelling for maybe an hour or two and if you are lucky, salvage down into an ecto.A "plethora" of karma? a character who saves every scrap from events, hearts and map completes still doesn't have enough for a full set of armor from an Orr Temple vendor.And a 25% chance at a BL key.A 25% chance at a BL key for map completing such underwhelming and tepid zones like Wayfarer Foothills, Frostgorge Sound, Timberline Falls and Snowden Drifts?I get that you want more shinies, but acting like the map rewards are a sufficient reason by themselves to complete a map is fake news.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:Why are you overstating the value of these rewards?

Because characters whom already have 100% world completion get even less which makes it even more undesirable to go back to Central Tyria.

@mindcircus.1506 said:The exotics you get are relevant while levelling for maybe an hour or two and if you are lucky, salvage down into an ecto.

I've made plenty of gold from selling the free Exotics from map completions or the Ecto's/Runes they salvaged into. Still better than a chance at getting some random scrap of cloth worth 20c that Map Rewards offers.

@mindcircus.1506 said:A "plethora" of karma? a character who saves every scrap from events, hearts and map completes still doesn't have enough for a full set of armor from an Orr Temple vendor.

I've been able to fuel several full sets of armour from Orr Temples, while having several hundreds of thousands left over just from map completion rewards. Which again, is better than what players with already 100% World Completion can get from Central Tyria (They're better off doing the Repeatable Hearts from LW3/4 or better yet farming Events in a LW3/4 zone that offers the Karma upgrade)

@mindcircus.1506 said:And a 25% chance at a BL key.A 25% chance at a BL key for map completing such underwhelming and tepid zones like Wayfarer Foothills, Frostgorge Sound, Timberline Falls and Snowden Drifts?

Better than 0% chance at a BL key.

People still farm level 10 PS quests just for that 1 key a week. Which is underwhelming and tepid gameplay. Why wouldn't people do those maps for chances for additional keys?

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@"Witch of Doom.5739" said:I'd like to see another meta-event rush week like we had last June. That brought a lot of people into central Tyria maps, made metas more fun and do-able.Yes, this did seem to bring a lot of players to "older" maps. I wouldn't want this idea turned into a permanent thing though.

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I like the core maps as is with one exception. The difficulty is too low. I want to see it scaled up a little and only on the higher level maps. Not a major spike mind you, I'm just tired of how most enemies melt in two or three clicks. Alternatively, I'd like a challenge mission added somewhere in Orr where you defend a point against an endless onslaught of undead that is timer based. The leaderboard would show the longest survival times. That could be done without hurting the frozen in time concept. I don't see resources being devoted this direction realistically.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Witch of Doom.5739" said:I'd like to see another meta-event rush week like we had last June. That brought a lot of people into central Tyria maps, made metas more fun and do-able.Yes, this did seem to bring a lot of players to "older" maps. I wouldn't want this idea turned into a permanent thing though.

No, not permanent but a week here and there would be fun.

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I would love this because I feel like we can use more population on central tyria but at the same time it wouldn’t make sense for when new players come in because it should be as consistent with the personal story as possible .

If they were to do this I would suggest for it to be aligned with the personal story as much as possible so it wouldn’t throw new players off. I would love for them to even add scarlet as a boss somehow if they are unable to bring back season 1

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i would like a lot more personal and cultural stories, don't clutter the old maps but give them more life by weaving some stories around it. this game has only one continuous story but rpgs live off of a vast selection of side-stories that don't affect the main story. i really hated it that we had to save the world again in LS2/HoT after we saved it in the personal story. then we had to save the world again in LS3, then we had to save the world again in PoF, then we had to save the world again in LS4. sigh.

give me something less epic please. something that doesn't make the commancer the most powerful living being ever existed that needs a new even more powerful constructed enemy. give me a story that starts, works, ends and leaves everything around intact. and base this story in central tyria.

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@WorldofBay.8160 said:i would like a lot more personal and cultural stories, don't clutter the old maps but give them more life by weaving some stories around it. this game has only one continuous story but rpgs live off of a vast selection of side-stories that don't affect the main story. i really hated it that we had to save the world again in LS2/HoT after we saved it in the personal story. then we had to save the world again in LS3, then we had to save the world again in PoF, then we had to save the world again in LS4. sigh.

give me something less epic please. something that doesn't make the commancer the most powerful living being ever existed that needs a new even more powerful constructed enemy. give me a story that starts, works, ends and leaves everything around intact. and base this story in central tyria.

Yes! I want to see my player actually get hurt and not always be invincible . I would hope that when I the game ends that they give us something more epic. Like maybe even die for real this time lol (for the last story of the game) . Every season is the same thing , saving the world.

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@"Taril.8619" said:I've made plenty of gold from selling the free Exotics from map completions or the Ecto's/Runes they salvaged into. Still better than a chance at getting some random scrap of cloth worth 20c that Map Rewards offers.If you consider the gold you get from a level appropriate map complete TPing an exotic level 75 Carrion axe as somehow better than what your capped toon can earn on level 80 maps you are playing the game incorrectly.The amount you are getting here is inconsequential considering the time taken and referencing it does not help your point.I've been able to fuel several full sets of armour from Orr Temples, while having several hundreds of thousands left over just from map completion rewards. Which again, is better than what players with already 100% World Completion can get from Central Tyria (They're better off doing the Repeatable Hearts from LW3/4 or better yet farming Events in a LW3/4 zone that offers the Karma upgrade)If you are going to sit here and tell us that the moment your toons hit 80 they have accrued by themselves enough karma to afford a full armor set from Orr Temple vendors I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that.An entire set of temple armor costs over 250k karma. A character hits 80 well before they have accrued that much karma.Of course you can kit out your alts in Karma that your existing capped toons earned. But again that runs contrary to the point you were making about the "plethora" or karma earned by low level characters.People still farm level 10 PS quests just for that 1 key a week. Which is underwhelming and tepid gameplay. Why wouldn't people do those maps for chances for additional keys?If the only reason they are doing it is for a chance at a key, then what's the problem with using an alt?

But lets say some kind of repeatable chance at BL Keys (which seems to be your real issue here) is offered....It takes me about 18 minutes to complete Malchor's Leap if the shrines are co-operating. Silverwastes takes less than 10 if I can get into the Vinewraith area..... and I have 20 toons.Does me speedrunning these maps repeatedly for a chance at a key do anything other than put a single warm body on the map for a given amount of time? Does it make the map feel more alive if all I am doing is rushing from one POI to the next on my roller beetle? Does it provide any tangible benefit to Arenanet if I am averaging a key per hour just map completing Silverwastes over and over?The game already give me many reaons to bring my capped toons onto older maps via collections and achievements. Adding a layer of reward creep is just going make me farm it.I suspect I would not be alone.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:If you consider the gold you get from a level appropriate map complete TPing an exotic level 75 Carrion axe as somehow better than what your capped toon can earn on level 80 maps you are playing the game incorrectly.The amount you are getting here is inconsequential considering the time taken and referencing it does not help your point.

It being better or not that what can be achieved on level 80 maps is irrelevant to my point.

If you follow my posts in this thread, I initially made a comment in response to someone stating that Map Completion rewards being "Uncool" was a major factor in why Central Tyrian zones are less popular, by mentioning that at least they're better than what is achieved via playing a character whom already has 100% World Completion for which there is EVEN LESS reason to replay maps (Whilst more than likely, being a character you play more often than a bunch of freshly rolled toons being leveled up to 80 for 100% World Completion spam)

To which someone pointed out the rewards they get from running a new toon through 100% World Completion (Which included a bunch of BL Keys), which was reinforcing my point about 100% World Completion characters have little reason to play old maps.

@mindcircus.1506 said:If you are going to sit here and tell us that the moment your toons hit 80 they have accrued by themselves enough karma to afford a full armor set from Orr Temple vendors I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that.An entire set of temple armor costs over 250k karma. A character hits 80 well before they have accrued that much karma.Of course you can kit out your alts in Karma that your existing capped toons earned. But again that runs contrary to the point you were making about the "plethora" or karma earned by low level characters.

If you stop adding in random stipulations like "By the time a character hits level 80" when I was commenting about doing World Completions and getting a plethora of Karma. Last I checked, you'll hit 80 way before you finish getting WORLD COMPLETION, by the nature of having to complete every single Central Tyrian map...

Also, yes, my characters have independently funded their own Orr Temple vendor sets, without my capped toons earnings being factored in (Since they spend the Karma they earn regularly on LW items)

@mindcircus.1506 said:If the only reason they are doing it is for a chance at a key, then what's the problem with using an alt?

Not everyone plays alts. Not everyone has room or desire to constantly create alts just to run old maps for keys. These factors limit player numbers.

@mindcircus.1506 said:But lets say some kind of repeatable chance at BL Keys (which seems to be your real issue here) is offered....Does me speedrunning these maps repeatedly for a chance at a key do anything other than put a single warm body on the map for a given amount of time?

You multiply that "Single warm body" by the number of people who would end up doing this, say for example, a similar number of people as show up for Daily Achievement bonuses (Even accounting for the fact that most of the time people are split between multiple zones, i.e. Do events in zone X, do JP in zone Y and do a bounty in zone Z) and you have yourself a zone that is now alive and full of players.

Does it make the map feel more alive if all I am doing is rushing from one POI to the next on my roller beetle?

If you stop and talk with people, do events to progress Hearts when possible and otherwise actually interact with the game? Yeah.

Just as alive as Daily Events does where people "Just rush from one event to the next on their roller beetle"

Does it provide any tangible benefit to Arenanet if I am averaging a key per hour just map completing Silverwastes over and over?

If all you do is spam Silverwastes then no. But that's not taking into consideration things like not having the Map Completion bonuses being farmable.

If ANet wanted to, they could put a daily or weekly event that opened up Map Completion bonuses (With extra loot) for players to earn on a specific map(s) and thus bring some population to said maps as people came to do their completion bonuses.

@mindcircus.1506 said:The game already give me many reaons to bring my capped toons onto older maps via collections and achievements. Adding a layer of reward creep is just going make me farm it.I suspect I would not be alone.

Then they could add more Collections and Achievements. Problem solved (Except not really, given that some maps can be quite sparse when there isn't something like an event pushing people there. Especially when Collections and Achievements are once and done for the entire account and often can be completed via rushing from point to point on a Roller Beetle...)

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