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Why premades are allowed in 3v3???

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I was playing against a group of 3 which clearly belong to the same guild (I saw under their names) and probably they organize/teamup by discord.This is a unfair advantage over all those who hot-join and doesnt know anything about their mates, how they play and the strategy.please remove that!

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My issue with team queue is most of the people that want to do aren't truly interested in playing other teams as evidenced by the lack of interest in ATs. They just want to farm solo pugs as a team. Solo queue and full team should not be combined outside of unranked.

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Oh look, people rushing to attack the OP coz they feel it’s their God given right to queue with 2 friends they constantly play with, coordinate their play style on a voice chat system, and refine their tactics infinitely day after day... against some random 3 people pug, who have no coordination or prior knowledge of each other. And the sad part is their excuse for doing that is asking “what’s stopping you from doing the same?”.

Premade against soloQ is always a problem and an unfair advantage. It is exacerbated tremendously in smaller parties like 2v2 and 3v3.

And before you cry about this being team play, and that people don’t want you to play with your friends know this: make a team and play with your friends all you like, just do it against a party who are doing the same.

SoloQ vs SoloQPremade vs premade

Anything other than that is just a kitten system.

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@Faux Play.6104 said:My issue with team queue is most of the people that want to do aren't truly interested in playing other teams as evidenced by the lack of interest in ATs. They just want to farm solo pugs as a team. Solo queue and full team should not be combined outside of unranked.

I don't have a lack of interest in ATs I have a lack of interest in 5v5 conquest. Any new game mode to PvP is a welcomed one.

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Arenanet needs to change the MMR so that premades of three people will only get matched against other premades of three people.The same goes for duo queues, except that they get a soloqueuer to disrupt their combo.

Three premades fighting three randoms shouldn't be allowed to exist.

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The problem isn't that people can 3-man Q, the problem is that matchmaking for 3-man is absolute trash. There is no MMR downside to doing 3-man. It matches you based on your rating same as if you solo Q, which is of course wrong since a team with a 3-man build at "Y" rating will most certainly always be better than solo Q randomway.

What it should do:

-Matchmaking should very strictly prioritize putting Premade against other Premade. This is just common fucking sense. Premade vs soloQ should basically only happen late at night when the queue is nearly empty and the matchmaker is having trouble finding a match.-Matchmaking should assume that Premades have a slightly higher rating than what they actually have at higher ranks ( to prevent abuse by having the person with the highest rating switch to an alt )

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:You want to remove communication from a team based combat game? You got to be joking.

Communication is not the main advantage they have. Most of the times premades have a meta composition like: 1tanky guardian +1tankyrevenant+ 1 tempest healing and doing lots of cc.In my team If I play ranger I'm usually with a random engi, thief or necro. There's no human way to win these matches.

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This problem can be solved with a in game voice chat. That way all people can have access to communication for strategy and be on equal terms. nearly all competitive games have a in-game voice chat it's about time gw2 gets one for it's competitive game mode. If it ranked it honestly a competitive aspect and shouldn't be viewed any differently.

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@"Crab Fear.1624" said:No, you can go play ranked conquest in 2 weeks.

No big groups only solo is unfair.

Thats the monster anet have created by removing conquest style. Now 3v3 is a deathmatch in a cage where tanky revenants, scrappers and guardians smash the rest of classes. High mobility classes that were useful in conquest now are dead in the "cages".

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It's easy, if u don't have friends to play with or their never on when u are to team with either find more friends to play with or play a different pvp game all together which would be more fun than constantly being farmed by premade. Leave the premade to fight other premade, I'm sure the game can handle losing all its solo queue players to other games anyway :)

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's easy, if u don't have friends to play with or their never on when u are to team with either find more friends to play with or play a different pvp game all together which would be more fun than constantly being farmed by premade. Leave the premade to fight other premade, I'm sure the game can handle losing all its solo queue players to other games anyway :)

I'm sure PvP can handle losing the premade-only players better than the solo-queuers.

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@frareanselm.1925 said:

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:No, you can go play ranked conquest in 2 weeks.

No big groups only solo is unfair.

Thats the monster anet have created by removing conquest style. Now 3v3 is a deathmatch in a cage where tanky revenants, scrappers and guardians smash the rest of classes. High mobility classes that were useful in conquest now are dead in the "cages".

Did you find friends to play with yet?

All my friends left the game in 2012 when they realized this is not a grind to win game. Either way Gw2 is announced as casual friendly that means you dont have to play with a guild. in fact I hate the compromise and implicit obligations of guilds. I love playing solo and have don that for 7 years.

Ok cool. It's totally your decision to play solo all the time, but then don't blame others for teaming up because it's their right... So now don't complain to the devs that other people choose to play as a team just because you don't want to play with friends, or even bother to make friends in a guild or not in a guild. Right?

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's easy, if u don't have friends to play with or their never on when u are to team with either find more friends to play with or play a different pvp game all together which would be more fun than constantly being farmed by premade. Leave the premade to fight other premade, I'm sure the game can handle losing all its solo queue players to other games anyway :)

I'm sure PvP can handle losing the premade-only players better than the solo-queuers.

I was being sarcastic on last part lolMy point is all these premade groups defend the situation cuz they like farming solo q'rs so I say all solo q'rs leave and see how much these premade groups like fighting among their handful of premade groups over and over with barely any new players joining up cuz the aforementioned issue and see how long pvp even goes before being shut down or unsupported. Ur right there 10x more solo q's than there is premades and always will be but if anet wants to cater to premades giving them the obvious advantage and the group players are to selfish and self centered to see the other side of the arguement then just don't play it and give them the satisfaction of farming u. See how they like the mode after most the solo q'rs leave.

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@Tayga.3192 said:They should remove soloq and duoq instead lol

So the 30 people who have friends to queue with can play and the rest(the majority) can eat dirt?It's better to remove premades entirely.Solo queueing and getting 2 thieves and a mesmer vs healer/tank/rev is NOT funny nor fun.

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@Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:Premade vs PUG is obviously a horrid design, but the best alternative would be to match premade vs premade and pug vs pug, and I don't think the pvp population is big enough for that sadly.Anet kinda cornered themselves with this one, and I think this is all we're going to get.

True, if split the queue times would be long but if match quality is better the mode might actually see a incline in population vs a decline over time. I'd deal with longer ques times if that was the possible outcome as I'm sure a lot of players would, now I say that as someone who doesnt play often anymore so maybe players who play often would feel differently. But if it makes game better in long run 6 months or so of longer queue times be worth it in my book.

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Since I do not have friends who play this game anymore(who can blame them?) 3v3 is a dead game mode and there's a 1 month delay until next ranked season for me.

I queued solo, was put with a thief/mesmer or thief/soulbeast multiple times against premades of healer/tank/tanky dps like rev until I lost interest in the mode entirely.

Comp matters far, far, far too much to allow premade vs pug. This isn't even mentioning the obvious voice comms and such.

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