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Time for an in house DPS/Heal meter.

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@Lyttle.9426 said:

@Lyttle.9426 said:This is not a matter of "need" but of want. If you dont want to use it, then dont. Me however, I "need" it because it tells me of my output or lack of, at a glance.

I already have that.You can, too.Why do you need Anet to sell you an inferior option?

i think the reason why the OP and others want a built-in one so whenever there's an update, there's no need to wait for a compatibility update to our addons, it'll just work out of the box... and a built in one has more data it can metre/parse for you since arcdps also has limitations on what it can read off of the game since it's an external library just hooking to the game's process and i guess lastly, just incase deltaconnected/arcdps stops development suddenly (real life/work/family/health/etc.) we'd still have something to use.

but the great fear is if Anet botches the job of making a built in one, like what they did with the build templates.... should they ever make one.

Oh, I know, I commented back and forth earlier with him about the issues you raise.

My big problem is the 'I need', or worse 'the community needs' idea he's purporting. I'm a member of the community, and the last thing I need,, as you say, is Anet stuffing up my enjoyment of the game with another fail as bad as their so called templates garbage.

Dude, you DONT have to use it. For example, I wasn't even aware there was a Template issue because frankly I dont use that feature much. So why rain on my parade? Just dont use it.

Dude, you're not listening.Let's recap....

I use arcDPS.It's really good. Yes, it has its limitations, but it's a really elegant, useful tool.

You want Anet to make an in-house version.Your reasoning being, it seems, that it would a) be more fully-featured than a 3rd party tool, and b) would 'work out of the box', i.e. not require any update after a game patch.

Unfortunately, recent history shows us that neither of those things is likely to be the case.Anet's shoddy attempt at a so-called templates system...

  • is not actually a templates system (it's a loadout system);
  • is inelegant, unintuitive and clunky (because it's not a templates system, and is designed not from the principle of structure related to function and useability, but structure related to monetisation).
  • is, as per their singular design principle, disgustingly monetised (and yes, I would have gladly paid plenty for an in-house equivalent of Arc Templates, but their version is such poor value for money that it beggars belief);
  • is absurdly restricted, compared to the 3rd party tool it replaced (like, orders of magnitude, given that Arc was practically limitless), even if you were foolish enough to spend the absurd amount of money to max it out (£hundreds).
  • still doesn't work properly, almost a year after release, and still gets broken regularly on patch day.

And here's the clincher...You say that, if Anet released a tool, I "DON'T have to use it."But the chances are extremely high that, yes, I would have to use it.Because, again, history reaches us that, if Anet were ever to produce an in-house meter, they would require deltaconnected to stop supporting arcDPS, and players from using it.

And so, you see, I am not 'raining on your parade', you are potentially raining on mine. Because I don't want to have to give up using another tool I value for an inferior, in-house Anet money grab.

And just to be absolutely clear. This is not about arcDPS being free, that's just a bonus. It's about functionality, scope, reliability and value for money. I would have paid a lot for an in-house equivalent of Arc Templates, but what we got was inferior in almost every way that mattered.And I fear, if you get what you wish for, that history will repeat itself, no matter my willingness to spend money on a good product.

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We don't need an in-house dps meter/tool because no such tool will ever have the functionality of an external tool. Keep in mind that there is very little interaction between the game and your file system. This is a decision by the developers to not allow the game to write files, with the exception of screenshots and log files. This would mean an in-house dps-meter would be severely lacking in features, as the logs won't be able to be saved to disk, to be uploaded or analyzed to get the most important results. Just what you see in-game by ArcDPS is only a tiny percentage of what the tool does, and unfortunately that's all an in-house tool could ever do (and if even that)

Instead the developers should contact the developer of ArcDPS and give them some better information on how to further develop the tool. Give some extra help to the developer to make it even better, instead of making an in-house tool.

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@Lyttle.9426 said:

@"keenedge.9675" said:That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.

Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"

Like that doesn't happen now? How many parties have I been kicked from because my DPS wasn't up to their standards? No warning. No explanation. Just BOOM!! You're kicked.

It's unavoidable when you PUG with A-holes.

I used to pug lot and seeing someone getting kicked for low dps happens once in a blue moon. And if it happens it happens because the dps player is dps racing the healers. Maybe change your build if it frequently happens to you?

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@maddoctor.2738 said:We don't need an in-house dps meter/tool because no such tool will ever have the functionality of an external tool. Keep in mind that there is very little interaction between the game and your file system. This is a decision by the developers to not allow the game to write files, with the exception of screenshots and log files. This would mean an in-house dps-meter would be severely lacking in features, as the logs won't be able to be saved to disk, to be uploaded or analyzed to get the most important results. Just what you see in-game by ArcDPS is only a tiny percentage of what the tool does, and unfortunately that's all an in-house tool could ever do (and if even that)

Instead the developers should contact the developer of ArcDPS and give them some better information on how to further develop the tool. Give some extra help to the developer to make it even better, instead of making an in-house tool.

There does exist the possibility though of there existing an inhouse DPS tool, which has the purpose solely of being a DPS tool.

While allowing external tools such as ArcDPS to be used for the additional functionalities it provides (Logs and what not).

The issue of having development stopped on the third party tool so that an inhouse version of the tool should only really matter when they provide competing functions.

Even better, is that in theory, ArcDPS could utilize the inhouse DPS tool as its source of data, allowing it to provide more accurate logs due to being able to access a source of data that includes all the various factors that the current ArcDPS cannot find.

Leaving the only real issue being ANet's tendency to horribly monetize things that are not worth money due to garbage quality (See: Templates...)

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@Nephalem.8921 said:

@"keenedge.9675" said:That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.

Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"

Like that doesn't happen now? How many parties have I been kicked from because my DPS wasn't up to their standards? No warning. No explanation. Just BOOM!! You're kicked.

It's unavoidable when you PUG with A-holes.

I used to pug lot and seeing someone getting kicked for low dps happens once in a blue moon. And if it happens it happens because the dps player is dps racing the healers. Maybe change your build if it frequently happens to you?

It doesn't happen very often. I play core Elementalist because frankly, it's the underdog. Poorly survivable compared to the other core classes, and I enjoy the challenge.

I want to play the way I want to play, not the way someone else wants me to play.

My rotation includes DPS, Healing and CC while sustaining a steady stream of conditions. So basically a "support" rotation. I enjoy it. With this, last night's Fractal runs had me clocked at about 5 to 9k DPS. By elitist standards that is low. And over all last night's pug group was generally low in DPS (we all admitted it), but we were "tanky" and never wiped in all T4 fractal runs. I dont understand the rush to get through a fight....you are only going to be doing it again.

So my goal is to enjoy the trip, not so much get to the destination ASAP.

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@"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

And so, you see, I am not 'raining on your parade', you are potentially raining on mine. Because I don't want to have to give up using another tool I value for an inferior, in-house Anet money grab.

Who said anything about having to "give it up?" At no point did I say, 'Anet replace ArcDPS' and never allow it again.' All I asked for was an in house version with more stability and better data.

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@Taril.8619 said:

Even better, is that in theory, ArcDPS could utilize the inhouse DPS tool as its source of data, allowing it to provide more accurate logs due to being able to access a source of data that includes all the various factors that the current ArcDPS cannot find.

I like how you think. Excellent point. It may even improve ARC.

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@Lyttle.9426 said:

@"keenedge.9675" said:That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.

Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"

Like that doesn't happen now? How many parties have I been kicked from because my DPS wasn't up to their standards? No warning. No explanation. Just BOOM!! You're kicked.

It's unavoidable when you PUG with A-holes.

I used to pug lot and seeing someone getting kicked for low dps happens once in a blue moon. And if it happens it happens because the dps player is dps racing the healers. Maybe change your build if it frequently happens to you?

It doesn't happen very often. I play core Elementalist because frankly, it's the underdog. Poorly survivable compared to the other core classes, and I enjoy the challenge.

I want to play the way I want to play, not the way someone else wants me to play.

My rotation includes DPS, Healing and CC while sustaining a steady stream of conditions. So basically a "support" rotation. I enjoy it. With this, last night's Fractal runs had me clocked at about 5 to 9k DPS. By elitist standards that is low. And over all last night's pug group was generally low in DPS (we all admitted it), but we were "tanky" and never wiped in all T4 fractal runs. I dont understand the rush to get through a fight....you are only going to be doing it again.

So my goal is to enjoy the trip, not so much get to the destination ASAP.

Yes thats just super bad gameplay. Cant expect every t4 group to carry you.

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@Nephalem.8921 said:

@"keenedge.9675" said:That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.

Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"

Like that doesn't happen now? How many parties have I been kicked from because my DPS wasn't up to their standards? No warning. No explanation. Just BOOM!! You're kicked.

It's unavoidable when you PUG with A-holes.

I used to pug lot and seeing someone getting kicked for low dps happens once in a blue moon. And if it happens it happens because the dps player is dps racing the healers. Maybe change your build if it frequently happens to you?

It doesn't happen very often. I play core Elementalist because frankly, it's the underdog. Poorly survivable compared to the other core classes, and I enjoy the challenge.

I want to play the way I want to play, not the way someone else wants me to play.

My rotation includes DPS, Healing and CC while sustaining a steady stream of conditions. So basically a "support" rotation. I enjoy it. With this, last night's Fractal runs had me clocked at about 5 to 9k DPS. By elitist standards that is low. And over all last night's pug group was generally low in DPS (we all admitted it), but we were "tanky" and never wiped in all T4 fractal runs. I dont understand the rush to get through a fight....you are only going to be doing it again.

So my goal is to enjoy the trip, not so much get to the destination ASAP.

Yes thats just super bad gameplay. Cant expect every t4 group to carry you.

Ironically I am often the last man standing in a wipe. So who is carrying who?

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@"Lyttle.9426" said:Who said anything about having to "give it up?" At no point did I say, 'Anet replace ArcDPS' and never allow it again.'

You didn't say it, but ArenaNet would. As with loadouts, the moment they released their own version, they shut down the 3rd party iteration. There is no reason to suspect that pattern won't hold with any other 3rd party feature the company officially adopts. I have no interest in 3rd party apps or in DPS meters, but I can understand why requesting an official version would doom anything unofficial.

That's why people are telling you it's one or the other - because it is.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:

@"Lyttle.9426" said:Who said anything about having to "give it up?" At no point did I say, 'Anet replace ArcDPS' and never allow it again.'

You didn't say it, but ArenaNet would. As with loadouts, the moment they released their own version, they shut down the 3rd party iteration. There is no reason to suspect that pattern won't hold with any other 3rd party feature the company officially adopts. I have no interest in 3rd party apps or in DPS meters, but I can understand why requesting an official version would doom anything unofficial.

That's why people are telling you it's one or the other - because it is.

Granted, I have not been around as long as many of you veterans so what if you say is true, then it really is a sad situation.

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@Lyttle.9426 said:**So now that this thread is going, how do we get the attention of the devs to let them know this is what the community wants?

The community was more than clear that they doesn't want DPS meters. Feel free to communicate this to any Dev you can get hold of.But since we don't have a DPS meter, i assume they are already aware of the situation

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I don't use third party software. Period.I probably wouldn't use any trackers like this anyhow even if it was added by ANET. Sure I would play around with it but then remove it because of screen clutter.

I see more than a few people saying NO. But people being able to use a third party software that does just that, sorta negates the "No". Because people are going to use it anyway. So why not have it within the game where ANET can control the narrative? I personally think you should only be viewing your own stats but I know that's not the poplar opinion.

When it comes to gear I could go either way. If they do add it I don't think it should be an inspection piece where people can snoop in on you at any time. I believe it should be part of linking your build/traits in chat. That way people could voluntarily link their full Traits/Equipment at one time if they felt the need to do so.

Some people are a little to uptight when it comes to DPS. I am in the mindset that if you know the mechanics and are able to kill what ever it is your trying to kill your good in my book. I don't care if we could of killed said raid boss 1 min faster. I have more of a problem with people not knowing what to do more than anything else because there is enough resources out there now to find a video on just about anything.

TLDR:Anet should add it to view for only your stats because people are going to use third party software anyhow.Viewing equipment should be added in the same link in chat as linking your build. Not on inspection.

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@Lyttle.9426 said:Ironically I am often the last man standing in a wipe. So who is carrying who?

The reason this is bad gameplay is because most damage modifiers in GW2 interact multiplicatively. When you also factor in stat distribution on gear, you end up with a game that heavily favours specialisation. This is why dps and support builds exist and are distinct from one another.

The reason you only do 5k-9k dps is because you are trying to do too many things at once and you are limited by stats, traits and utility skill slots. If you try to heal, you are going to be a mediocre healer unless you pump +healing power and traits that give healing% bonuses. But if you go with gear and traits that boost healing, it will come at the cost of damage% and +power, +precision and +ferocity, so your damage will also be mediocre.

If you specialized as a damage dealer, you would be able to do 15k/s average with boon support just by standing still and auto attacking in air attunement. If you practice an optimized rotation, depending on how good your execution is, you would be doing 20k to 35k average dps. This is one person doing as much damage as a entire party of 4 to 5 Lyttles. And these are just the averages. The burst capability of ele is absolutely mental. A Power Weaver with boon support can burst over 100k/s during exposed debuff (after breaking a defiance bar).

If you have a dedicated support in the party like a heal firebrand, that player can maximise boon uptime and healing and therefore protect you in a way that you simply can't do yourself as a jack of all trades. They can use tome 3, give you resistance, reflect bubble, stability and aegis and you will be literally immune to everything.

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@Kurrilino.2706 said:

@"Lyttle.9426" said:**So now that this thread is going, how do we get the attention of the devs to let them know this is what the community wants?

The community was more than clear that they doesn't want DPS meters. Feel free to communicate this to any Dev you can get hold of.But since we don't have a DPS meter, i assume they are already aware of the situation

What Ive gotten from the "community" is NO, not because it's a bad idea but because of the strings Anet will attach to it, which really confounds me since we dont know what Anet will do.

But if the long term relationship between players and Anet is one akin to that of an abused wife, then I can understand that apprehension over the unknown.

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@"Besetment.9187" said:The burst capability of ele is absolutely mental. A Power Weaver with boon support can burst over 100k/s during exposed debuff (after breaking a defiance bar).

I dont "weaver" because I dont like melee. I find melee very limiting. At ranged, I can do damage both at a distance and up close, whereas I have to be "in their face" for melee to take affect. I dodge a lot for my own survival.

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@Lyttle.9426 said:

@"Besetment.9187" said:The burst capability of ele is absolutely mental. A Power Weaver with boon support can burst over 100k/s during exposed debuff (after breaking a defiance bar).

I dont "weaver" because I dont like melee. I find melee very limiting. At ranged, I can do damage both at a distance and up close, whereas I have to be "in their face" for melee to take affect. I dodge a lot for my own survival.

Then you are ignoring literal core game design. Boons are melee range. If you dont stand in melee with your team you get no boons. You can play however you want but to then come on forums and complain people kick you and insult them when you play in the literal least useful way for your team, in a way that goes against all the fundamentals of combat in this game, is daft.

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@zombyturtle.5980 said:

You can play however you want but to then come on forums and complain people kick you and insult them when you play in the literal least useful way for your team, in away that goes against all the fundamentals of combat in this game, is daft.

I didn't come here to complain so I dont know how you came to that conclusion. I was just relaying my own experiences. The topic is about DPS meters. And yes, I play like I enjoy playing. If core elementalist is so useless then why bother having it as it is? I also dont have any issues receiving boons.

The fundamentals of this game is to enjoy it, not conform to what everyone else says how it should be done. Like I've said, I am sometimes the last man standing and on rare occasion have finished the boss off so I'm not so useless after all. Self sustaining heals/cc do play a part even at the expense of super DPS.

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@Lyttle.9426 said:

@"keenedge.9675" said:That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.

Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"

Like that doesn't happen now? How many parties have I been kicked from because my DPS wasn't up to their standards? No warning. No explanation. Just BOOM!! You're kicked.

It's unavoidable when you PUG with A-holes.

I used to pug lot and seeing someone getting kicked for low dps happens once in a blue moon. And if it happens it happens because the dps player is dps racing the healers. Maybe change your build if it frequently happens to you?

It doesn't happen very often. I play core Elementalist because frankly, it's the underdog. Poorly survivable compared to the other core classes, and I enjoy the challenge.

I want to play the way I want to play, not the way someone else wants me to play.

My rotation includes DPS, Healing and CC while sustaining a steady stream of conditions. So basically a "support" rotation. I enjoy it. With this, last night's Fractal runs had me clocked at about 5 to 9k DPS. By elitist standards that is low. And over all last night's pug group was generally low in DPS (we all admitted it), but we were "tanky" and never wiped in all T4 fractal runs. I dont understand the rush to get through a fight....you are only going to be doing it again.

So my goal is to enjoy the trip, not so much get to the destination ASAP.

Yes thats just super bad gameplay. Cant expect every t4 group to carry you.

Ironically I am often the last man standing in a wipe. So who is carrying who?

Hi mate i think there is a little misunderstanding on your part. I hope that you dont feel like im calling you out just because im critizising you, because thats not my intention, im trying to help. Your wrote earlier that your main goal is to do CMs without getting carried as seen here:

@Lyttle.9426 said:

@"Taril.8619" said:Would be nice.

Won't happen though, 'cuz
"Muh casuals getting turned away from parties!"

Even though this already happens with stuff like LI/Killproof. I wouldn't be surprised if people did what happens in other MMO's and ask for parse logs from the third party software too...


Everyday I do fractals at reset, and every day I start my own group because the listings always ask for specific ALAC or HB or Super DPS.

I dont do any of those. My rotation is basically "support." I DPS a little, heal a little, CC a little with DPS reaching maybe 5-8k on good days depending on who is feeding me boons.

As soon as someone gets on my case about my DPS, I leave the group and block them. Dont even bother arguing. But I am constantly testing new builds and rotations and that is where a good DPS/Heal meter would come in fine for me.

My "holy grail" is to be able to do the T4 CMs without being carried. Still in work.

BTW: I have formed fantastic groups without asking for specifics. Everyone knows what is needed without having to micromanage them.

So ill write my post while keeping this in mind.In a T4 and especially in a CM fractal group you want to have in your party: 25 stacks might, perma fury, banners, perma alacrity, perma quickness 25 stacks vulnurability on the mob, enough cc (and some form of healing, frost spirit, fgs and stanceshare if you can get it as a bonus). Currently all of the support exept for spirit stanceshare and fgs gets covered by the firebrigade comp. Pretty much every successfull CM group plays with a variation of firebrigade so the only things left are dps, class specific buffs ( like banners) and cc (while most of that comes from firebrigade and bs) the dps can cc too, especially with items like ironrods. Now all the Party needs is dps, especially bursty one for CMs, because you want to phase the boss while the breakbar is broken because of the 50% dps buff. Having decent dps makes T4 and CMs A LOT easier, because you can skip mechanics and your party has less time to die and the boss deals less to no damage. The more dps you do the more you support your group because you prevent the boss to deal the group damage in the first place. Now if you play your ele the way you play it, it is completely ineffective because people expect you to fit into a role that you arnt fullfilling. You say you are the last one alive when your gruop wipes and therefore you are carrying. That is wrong, of cause you are surviving longer than others if you play a selfish build that rather focusses on personal survival rather then the survival of your group (the heal you can output on a core ele is insignificant compared to the support firebrigade already brings). With that logic i could join on a trailblazer scourge in cms and tell my teammates im carrying, because im the last one that survives, thats not how it works they would die because i dont do my job, focus on self surviveability and let the group die because of it. Do yourself a huge favor and play a minmaxed dps build for the ele. If you do not want to do that, you could search for people wo also play offmeta builds focussing on selfsurviveablity and try to clear cms like that, it certainly would be possible, but it would be slower and harder and you would have real trouble finding a grp like that. Btw the logs of arcdps are really detailed exept for healing and cc, they even have a combat replay. where you could actually see who healed and cced when. Of cause i would be happy if a net would provide a free more detailed dps meter with the same and better logging like arcdps. I just dont see it coming having the build templates in mind though. If you want you can contact me on the forum in a pm or ingame, id be happy to help you with your build and be able to succeed in CMs.

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Ironically I am often the last man standing in a wipe. So who is carrying who?

I am not going to judge how you play, that is your choice and it doesn't affect me, but I would like to reply to this statement because I see people say stuff like this a lot.

Being the last alive doesn't mean you are carrying, it doesn't mean that you are good, it just means that you are the last alive. A completely useless person can very easily be the last alive in a group.

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@Lyttle.9426 said:

@"Besetment.9187" said:The burst capability of ele is absolutely mental. A Power Weaver with boon support can burst over 100k/s during exposed debuff (after breaking a defiance bar).

I dont "weaver" because I dont like melee. I find melee very limiting. At ranged, I can do damage both at a distance and up close, whereas I have to be "in their face" for melee to take affect. I dodge a lot for my own survival.

Alright that is a huge problem, if you dont stand melee, you arnt getting buffs wich means you are diminishing the contribution of actual support in your grp, and sometimes its even harmfull for your group because youll create boss specific problems for your grp that would not be there if you would be standing melee and you potentially wipe them because of it (enso balls, atsarriv isnt putting reflectable balls on grp, chaos bosss aggros you and runs away from your grp, mai trin ports to you or electric field isnt put on her, cliffside boss ports away from your grp, bosses/ mobs aggro you in general when they should not). Obviously its a huge dps decrease for yourself. It explains btw perfectly why you are sometimes the last one to suvive. You play a build that sacrifices dps for selfsurviveability while playing ranged, therefore diminishes the value of the support in your grp, and making the life of your teammates harder by forcing them to endure the boss for a longer time with more mechanincs, and sometimes even with mechanics that would not occour if you would not be there in the first place. So if you are the last one standing you are most likely not carrying but are one of the causes for the wipe of the grp. Seriously change your build if you want to do endgame content in pug grps, you arnt playing for yourself, 4 other players are in a grp with you and dependend on you. The premise "play how you want" does only apply as long as you play on your own or with people who are accepting of what you are doing. In Pugs that usually isnt the case. As i said please do not take what i wrote as an attack against you, I just try to open your eyes and I am still offering my help regarding build and fractals in general.

Have a nice Day :)

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They already said years ago that they would like to create an api for dps meters but that it would be just way too much work to be feasible.Creating an anet dps meter would be too much work. The first thing they could do is expanding the api to allow content creators to come up with meters or stuff like the mount menu and other addons that are currently requiring game hacks to work.Creating such an api is a lot of work though and quite dangerous for data security aswell since wow went that way and they had a lot of problems with exploits in the beginning. Having api endpoints for such stuff would be nice but with arcdps working it is probably just not worth the effort. Stuff like this could also solve arcdps shortcomings but with expansion and everything in the works they just dont have the resources for this.

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