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Please make Legendary Equipment not „Account Bound“/ add them to the Gem Store

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@"CeNedro.7560" said:This is one of the problems that's stopping me from coming back.

Legendary equipment should be skins in the first place. Add stat-swapping-abilities to ascended and exotic(f.e. a fusing system would be a great long-term-motivation for all players).There's stat swapping for ascended in the mystic forge (use anthology of heroes). Really unless you test builds there is little functional reason to have legendary weapons, armor, or trinkets until legendary armory arrives. Unless you buy equipment templates you can only have 2 stat options active without manually changing each piece that isn't armor (there's a checkbox to swap all 6 pieces armor to a stat selection).

I suspect that is not the real reason you aren't coming back. If it is and you don't have legendary equipment, it is far cheaper to buy character slots and use ascended gear.

In addition, there are no skin differences for base model legendary armor from PvP or WvW. A change such as what the original poster is requesting would enflame the competitive players even more.

Also, the original poster suggests people "in school or in university" would be dropping the price of a smartphone on such a feature per piece. Seems delusional in the current economic climate.

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It's never been so easy and cheaper to make a Gen 1 legendary. Mats in general now are down by like 50% than they used to be. Honestly, outside of a 2-3 day timegate to get the 500 currency it's extremely easy.

I did it for the skins, the novelty/convenience of runes etc is nice but you can get perma kit and do that for any item. Realistically you're not going to use more than 3-4 combinations of runes/sigils anyway.

The other legendaries you can't cheese your way, the game needs a reason and goal for people to work at because there's no hardcore gear progression.

I am still using the same gear from 3-4 years ago, if you remove everything and put it in the gem store then why would I even log on?

It's so trivial now, even ascendancies with all the new metas/farming locations you can craft something every week or so if you play decently.

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This terrible suggestion destroys the Trading post as a whole since most of the value of items there is held by the value of legendaries, gem to gold becomes pointless so Anet loses a revenue stream(probably one of their more consistent ones), also this removes one of the end game goals and the game does not need more end game goals removed.

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@CeNedro.7560 said:This is one of the problems that's stopping me from coming back.

Legendary equipment should be skins in the first place. Add stat-swapping-abilities to ascended and exotic(f.e. a fusing system would be a great long-term-motivation for all players).

a fusing, stat swapping ability like legendary gear?

We got what you want. But you seem not to want to invest the time to get it. Legendary gear is a long term goal. In wvw, you have to level up a lot, you have to collect a big pile of skirmish tickets. Sure, long time players can laugh about it. But for people like me, legendary wvw gear was a year long time investment that kept me motivated for a long time.

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@"CeNedro.7560" said:This is one of the problems that's stopping me from coming back.

Legendary equipment should be skins in the first place. Add stat-swapping-abilities to ascended and exotic(f.e. a fusing system would be a great long-term-motivation for all players).

Why? None of this is required to play the game. Legendary items are optional. Making them just skins takes away their value as "legendary". Ascended and Exotic don't need stat swapping either. Besides, if people cannot deal with the grind of making a legendary, what makes you think that they would enjoy a long-term motivation for a fusing system?

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@"Infusion.7149" said:I suspect that is not the real reason you aren't coming back. If it is and you don't have legendary equipment, it is far cheaper to buy character slots and use ascended gear.

There are a lot of different reasons, this is just one of them. Yeah, I've got the light version of the legendary equipment. My suggestion would simply be a small step from "doing chores" to "playing the game".

@"kharmin.7683" said:

Why? None of this is required to play the game. Legendary items are optional. Making them just skins takes away their value as "legendary". Ascended and Exotic don't need stat swapping either. Besides, if people cannot deal with the grind of making a legendary, what makes you think that they would enjoy a long-term motivation for a fusing system?

It would be more accessable than legendary for the average player. A legendary item unlocks every stat-combination forever for a huge time investment, the fusing system I suggested would be it's forever growing little brother taking little effort to unlock one stat-combination but with every new combination released there's a new little optional goal.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@CeNedro.7560 said:This is one of the problems that's stopping me from coming back.

Legendary equipment should be skins in the first place. Add stat-swapping-abilities to ascended and exotic(f.e. a fusing system would be a great long-term-motivation for all players).

a fusing, stat swapping ability like legendary gear?

We got what you want. But you seem not to want to invest the time to get it. Legendary gear is a long term goal. In wvw, you have to level up a lot, you have to collect a big pile of skirmish tickets. Sure, long time players can laugh about it. But for people like me, legendary wvw gear was a year long time investment that kept me motivated for a long time.

There's no requirement for WvW levels to get legendary base model Triumphant armor (not the Mistforged one which you would need WvW rank 2000), and for PvP you technically need seasons so if you have PvP rank 20+ you can get that as well.

@CeNedro.7560 said:

@"Infusion.7149" said:I suspect that is not the real reason you aren't coming back. If it is and you don't have legendary equipment, it is far cheaper to buy character slots and use ascended gear.

There are a lot of different reasons, this is just one of them. Yeah, I've got the light version of the legendary equipment. My suggestion would simply be a small step from "doing chores" to "playing the game".

@"kharmin.7683" said:

Why? None of this is required to play the game. Legendary items are optional. Making them just skins takes away their value as "legendary". Ascended and Exotic don't need stat swapping either. Besides, if people cannot deal with the grind of making a legendary, what makes you think that they would enjoy a long-term motivation for a fusing system?

It would be more accessable than legendary for the average player. A legendary item unlocks every stat-combination forever for a huge time investment, the fusing system I suggested would be it's forever growing little brother taking little effort to unlock one stat-combination but with every new combination released there's a new little optional goal.

I really don't understand the rationale, if you're not playing WvW you really don't NEED more than Berserker's + Viper's unless you're a support player.

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I only play this game for the legendaries. I was a beta player, my account will turn into 8 years right on anniversary next month. The first time I saw someone running around carrying twillight, I was so smitten by it. However, once I learned the cost and method to get it, it destroys me as a player because it seems too overwhelming. I quit after 1 year, then resume after 1 year break, quit again after months, resume again after 6 months, and so on.

I just got back to this game since late March after 1 year of absent. Fast forward to now, I am currently a proud owner of 5 legendaries (if you include eternity as 3 legends), with Shining Blade as my first gen 2 will be done tonight, already 80% on crafting Aurora, 25% on The Ascension, and 90% in Envoy I (waiting for the darn Ectoplasmic residue). By mid next month, I would achieve something that I deemed impossible just 1 year ago before I took my break. I am a proud person and being 100% honest, crafting legendary give prestige that I enjoy, even if no one cares. I like to show it off, even when no one cares. The reason why I even dare to show it off, its because I KNOW it took a lot of my time and dedication, and not everyone can persevere like I did. Now, yes, gen 1 turns out kind of hurting the prestige with it being readily bought (reason why I crafted aurora, envoy, and shining blade - as petty as I am, don't want to be presumed buying legendary).. BUT

Gemstore? no... just no.. If they do this, Anet is as clueless toward the playerbase as my mother is toward navigating netflix in her TV.

  1. Cheapen the meaning of Legendary.As I said above, the effort isn't that simple, unless you buy gen 1 straight from TP. Dedication and perseverance is what people want to show, other than the shiny skins. Having a difficult goal that requires a lot of dedication and effort to reach and once you accomplish it, you can be proud, is what keep MMO games going. And yes, Legendary having a benefit like being able to switch stats on the fly, is another bonus that frankly, fair for me. There must be a balance between cosmetic and usability. With legendary, we have both. I previously looked down the gen 2 legendary as it being similar in difficulty as gen 1. Now that I am finishing it tonight, looking back to my journey crafting it, I can say for sure that I appreciate the process and different type of dedication it requires. It satisfy me much more than gem store bought items.

  2. Just craft ascended stuffs and put your preferred outfit/skin on top of it.You got to ask yourself, why do you want the legendary. For the skin, or the stat change, or the prestige?

    • If it's for the skin, no luck.
    • If its for the stat change, no luck too, but just make multiple ascended armor/weapon set. Will take much much less effort compared to making a single legendary.
    • If its for the prestige, well the effort, time, and money required is what makes it prestigious in the first place, and to take that away is just the same like deleting a legendary status.
  3. Rule in life: The more effort you put into something, the more valuable it will be for youYes, yes, you work hard to earn $500, but at the same time, RL =/= in game. Income levels aren't the same, and once you obtained it, I guarantee, the game is finished for you in 1 week tops. You will be proud and parading it around town, until you realize nobody cares, even showing that you're just a Mr/Mrs. Credit card. Then the next day you will just not care abt the game anymore.

  4. Without prestige, no game will last long.As much as anyone try to deny this, prestige is what kept a game going. A game where everyone have the same armor, weapon, skins, will die. Legendary, MP, AP, are the only 3 things that keep the game interesting and motivating. Those 3 compliment each other perfectly. Take 1 away, and its a goodbye GW2.

anyway I typed too much and digress a lot. So if my post dont even make sense, just give it a pass. Way too much time on my hands.

TL;DR : I disagree because prestige in game must be maintained and legendary is 1 big part of it.


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I think legendaries should stay as they are. There are people that put a lot of work into the stuff that isn't tradeable. (Armor, Trinkets, etc. - where some of the compoments have achievements that you need to do. Not every componant buyable at TP.)

Cosmetics and if it was only abou tthe style: Wouldn't be a big deal if those were on the gem store.

But the ability to stat-swap ... which comes with the legendary ... should people need to play the game.

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@Cuks.8241 said:I think its good to have both variants. Some on the TP, to boost the production, gold and material sink. Also interesting items to trade for people that are into economy. And account bound for the real prestige items.Sure, if they change them to be realistically obtainable through farming the content in question. As of right now it's more realistic to finish unlocking every skin in the wardrobe including the gemstore / BL ones (through in game gold to gem conversion) before you drop even one of these items.

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