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Guild Wars 1 Back to Life?


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To start off I know this is a Guild Wars 2 forum but, there seems to be a ton of people using this forum so I thought it might get a bit more attention on here.

I'm sure many of you have enjoyed Guild Wars 1 in some way shape or form but a huge part of the Guild Wars 2 community grew up with Guild Wars 1 as I did and we truly loved that amazing game. I still constantly find myself thinking about all the great memories I had ranging from things such as doing Droks run's for fellow players, Running Desert tours, Farming Ecto's, playing loads of PvP, and just straight up enjoying the story line missions. I myself have always considered Guild Wars 1 to be a masterpiece of a game and I am upset to see that there just aren't many people left playing this wonderful game. I realize that people have gone to Guild Wars 2 but I just don't seem to be pulled into that game as I was in the first one. I think that the art style in the game is absolutely beautiful but I feel that the focus was to much in the art and not enough in the game play. For Guild Wars 1 the art was pretty good, but the game play was far superior and that is what grabbed a lot of us.

I know this is truly a shot in the dark in asking this question but is there any way ArenaNet that we could perhaps see a remastered version of Guild Wars 1? I know this is a huge question to ask and I honestly don't really expect it to happen, however if it does I know that there is a huge community that you would be bringing back if it were to happen myself included. The world and the music were just the perfect combo and I know that I have found myself getting lost in the cities just day dreaming about lands of Tyria. I really felt for all the characters and was sad to see something bad happen to any of them. It was just spectacular in every way.

I don't wish to be mean at all but I just feel that Guild Wars 2 went downhill from Guild Wars 1. I think that it could have been done a lot better. We have seen the talent that you have from the creation of your first game and we know the talent is there. If there are any others who agree with me or disagree please let me hear about it and perhaps if this makes enough attention they may possibly consider taking on this project.

Anyways thanks for all the amazing work you have done and I hope to see it continue on for many years.

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@Chrios.1408 said:I know this is truly a shot in the dark in asking this question but is there any way ArenaNet that we could perhaps see a remastered version of Guild Wars 1?

Short answer: no.

Medium answer: PoF is probably the closest we will ever see, because so much of the maps overlap between PoF and Nightfall, much of the lore is repeated (and enhanced) in a variety of interesting ways (e.g the kids who play 'Ascension' near Augury Rock), and so many of the loose ends have been tied off (less arbitrarily than we've seen in other GW2 stories). However, it's set entirely in the extended Guild Wars universe, not a remastering of the old.

Longer answer: GW2 was never intended to be anything other than a new game set in the same universe, with enough continuing lore to make it an easy transition for most players. The primary reason is that new players aren't drawn to remastered games, they are interested in 'new' and that's also true for many veterans of GW1. Further, it's incredibly easy to get a remastering 'wrong', because every fan has really specific views about what's proper and what's important. Just count how many movies you like better than the original book (or comic), especially if you loved the source material. It's very, very difficult for recycled content to appeal to the biggest fans.

Remastering also involves an intense amount of painstaking attention to detail and that ends up being dull for developers. Who wants to rewrite the Great American Novel (or Amazing European Screenplay) when they can leave their own mark with something fresh?

Reboots tend to be more successful than remakes or remasters, because they involve a more creative twist: it's more joyful for the devs (or writers) and that ends up being more appealing to players (or viewers) both new and old.

Put more simply: imagine anyone trying to remake Star Wars or Star Trek or even Fresh Prince of Bel Air with new actors and modern effects... and imagine how likely that is to live up to anyone's expectations?

So in short, no, we are never going to see a remastered version of GW1, even though it's certainly possible.

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Danikat,I'm not to sure exactly how it would work, I suppose this is just a lot of nostalgia coming from myself. I just think it would be really neat to see the world of Tyria in Guild Wars 1 to be heavily populated again. It would be nice to see a huge update to the game perhaps artistically and a bit of floor map editing (such as when walking close to a rock you don't just run into a wall when you are not that close to it.)

Illconceived Was Na,You have a lot of very interesting points. Your absolutely right that if it were to get remastered it could in fact make me think worse of it. We all have different views of the game and your correct in saying that what one approves of may not approve with others. I also wouldn't want the developers to be incredibly unhappy with what they are doing and I would never want to ask them to do something that is incredibly time consuming and tedious. It's true that rather then revising what has been done it is a much greater feeling to have created your own work of art from scratch rather than edit what has already been made. I suppose I didn't put as much thought into this as I should have. It looks like all the nostalgia just took me over haha.

I love what you both had to say!

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@Chrios.1408 said:I know this is truly a shot in the dark in asking this question but is there any way ArenaNet that we could perhaps see a remastered version of Guild Wars 1?

This has been asked many times, and the answer has always been "No."

P.S. I miss many aspects from GW1 in GW2 as well, so I share your sentiment.

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  • 11 months later...

If the effort was made to visually remaster just to bring it slightly into the future awesome, but yes unlikely. Spyro finally got his, so i,ll retain some hope it could happen. I cannot say I would want them to touch much else than that anyway. its a golden classic for all time and its skill system is what kept me at it for many many years, whilst i didn't quite attach myself to gw2 it's still well built just like its soul that begun it all.

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I'd love to see a remastered/reworked GW1. I don't think it will happen. As mentioned earlier at what point do you limit "improvements"? Do you update movement to include jumping? I know Anet would love to disable point and click movement (it makes bot movement easier). Do you include any features from GW2; TP, dye system. gliding, mounts, rez system, multiple currencies, Magic Find....? One misstep that Anet made was not finding a way to create an environment similar to Pre in GW2. Pre was and appears still to be a very popular feature in GW1.

But we'll probably never see a remade GW1, one of the traps with reminiscing is we forget the warts, standing around a city trying to sell something and having little idea of the value, shouting for hours the items you hoped to sell, the MM that warped out leaving his minions to turn on the party, the over eager Wammo who needed constant rezzing....

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I'd love to see a remastered/reworked GW1. I don't think it will happen. As mentioned earlier at what point do you limit "improvements"? Do you update movement to include jumping? I know Anet would love to disable point and click movement (it makes bot movement easier). Do you include any features from GW2; TP, dye system. gliding, mounts, rez system, multiple currencies, Magic Find....? One misstep that Anet made was not finding a way to create an environment similar to Pre in GW2. Pre was and appears still to be a very popular feature in GW1.

But we'll probably never see a remade GW1, one of the traps with reminiscing is we forget the warts, standing around a city trying to sell something and having little idea of the value, shouting for hours the items you hoped to sell, the MM that warped out leaving his minions to turn on the party, the over eager Wammo who needed constant rezzing....

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@PopeUrban.2578 said:It'll never happen, but I'd happily pay full price for a visual remaster of GW1, for each expansion, even without new audio.

The question is: how many more players would be willing to pay full price for a visual remaster, and if they would be enough to justify the gigantic cost of such an update, plus keep the game well populated for a long time afterwards.

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  • 1 month later...

@maddoctor.2738 said:

@PopeUrban.2578 said:It'll never happen, but I'd happily pay full price for a visual remaster of GW1, for each expansion, even without new audio.

The question is: how many more players would be willing to pay full price for a visual remaster, and if they would be enough to justify the gigantic cost of such an update, plus keep the game well populated for a long time afterwards.Personally, i think the visuals are one of the last things in need of remastering for GW1 (apart from the giraffe necks perhaps). Which is, by the way, one more point to the argument that remastering is not likely to make everyone happy. All the people that would like it would really want something different out of it.

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GW1 does not need enhanced graphics, just a team of developers. GW2 team don't care about the original GW and probably have no clue how its mechanics works. All the original devs left for some stupid zombie game I remember seeing them leave ANet like every other week on gwguru..

That game was totally abandoned by all its devs for whatever reason. It's really a waste of top tier mechanics, if GW existed in current esports with how big streaming is now it would be #1 pvp game guarantee'd. Too bad all GW pvpers had to move on to LoL or w/e moba for decent pvp.

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@"Mathias.9657" said:GW1 does not need enhanced graphics, just a team of developers. GW2 team don't care about the original GW and probably have no clue how its mechanics works. All the original devs left for some stupid zombie game I remember seeing them leave ANet like every other week on gwguru..

That game was totally abandoned by all its devs for whatever reason. It's really a waste of top tier mechanics, if GW existed in current esports with how big streaming is now it would be #1 pvp game guarantee'd. Too bad all GW pvpers had to move on to LoL or w/e moba for decent pvp.

Funny, I wonder who took their own time to update Guild Wars (One) in recent months, then. [Pro-tip: It was GW2 Dev(s).]

Thus, it wasn't "totally abandoned".

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@Warobaz.9543 said:

@minion.1987 said:don't think there has ever been a remaster mmo.

Except FFXIV i think ? But that was a very special case.I'd love to see a small team at Arenanet (and not just one guy ^^) devoted to make a visual overhaul, like reworking animations, textures, add graphical effects, etc.But how likely is that kind of thing to happen ?

FF XIV wasn't remastered. It was redone completely because of a very bad launch with some questionable design decisions. They went completely back to the drawing board to make the game viable. They didn't remaster the game. They rebuild the game from the ground up.

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I feel your sentiment. was sort of a gw1 addict, and loved it to death 8-)When i first played gw2 i actualy quit for more then half a year before picking it up again.

Dont think it needs any grafical updates, gw1 is a good game in its own rights.Must say last time i tried to do uw again (after years not playing it) with a group i failed hard because of pressing wrong buttons and stuff 8-)

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Remasters are typically just bug fixes, rebalances, and graphic improvements to the original games. Rarely, it'd include new content. This makes it rather pointless to do for an online game that is still playing, by name at least, since by any other name it'd just be a balance patch or DLC.

GW1 incidentally did get a graphic improvement, in a way, a few months back in June. Probably not quite what OP wants, but likely the best that we'd get without money being required to access it.

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@minion.1987 said:don't think there has ever been a remaster mmo.

Agreed. Even during the wave of remastered games and all of the milking of classics companies are doing these days that seems very unlikely. Coming out at a profit with a remastered MMORPG seems even more so unlikely. There is a reason why they usually pick RTS classics where this is far easier to do at a much lower cost and a far larger potential playbase.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been playing again myself with a few friends on stream and we enjoy the nostalgia a lot.Not so much to be asking for a remaster but still it's fun to play with friends, by yourself it could get a bit boring since there are almost no other people anymore in the cities or maybe 1 person if you are lucky.

Still we had a great time and if you would love to join us or get that nostalgia feeling back come join us on our stream.https://www.twitch.tv/mrxsidx

some gw1 mission walkthroughs:https://www.twitch.tv/videos/382191757https://www.twitch.tv/videos/382185651

or youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3nV4fIKH2Ip1eYaKqg6L9Q

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Ah, yes. GW1. Love it. One of my favorite games of all time. A graphical update would be awesome even if it's just for players' characters.

Personally, the one thing I truly want for GW1 is better profession balance for heroes. I think the easiest way to do this is to let heroes use PVE skills (and nerf Save Yourselves to like 50 armor). I'd definitely use all heroes then. Right now, I just don't use W, A, and P heroes. R heroes, I only use when my party has a lot of martial buffs. When used by players, all professions are good, thanks in part to PVE skills. I've seen some players claim that some professions aren't viable for playing with heroes, but I went through WoC HM on all professions with only heroes and no cons and no profession stood out as unviable for playing with heroes. Players just need to play to their profession's strength. But I digress.

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