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Only lesbians, AGAIN?!?!

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Seems to me that NPCs have hard coded definitions who they are looking for while model generation is random. This happens a lot in this game when same NPC looks different every time you meet him. For example there is an NPC near Destiny's Gorge waypoint voiced as a teen boy but many times I met him his model was a girl.

Long story short, it's not the case of political manifest but glitchy coding.

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@cptaylor.2670 said:

@Coulter.2315 said:This heart just seems weighted randomly generated pairings, though I haven't repeated it enough to know if certain characters have permanent preferences. I have had gay, straight and lesbian couples.

There is a bias towards lesbians in media though, I think because gay men conjure thoughts of penetration and lesbians you can pretend just braid hair.

Lesbians are more widely represented because we still live in a male-oriented heterocentric society in which it's more acceptable to see two women, who men might find attractive or simply excuse simply because they're "just emotional women," than two men who in general just aren't supposed to show emotion.

I'm not sure men not showing emotion is the reason, gay men don't need to show emotion any more than a straight man. Still think the jarring thought of penetration will carry more weight than any emotional thing. Women also are less sex focused so will not have such an instant sex reaction when considering two women.

Sex differences and how visual/sex orientated the sexes are do probably play a part.

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@Sublimatio.6981 said:"we are placing gay reference here, let's add choyas and harpies to make it a joke and avoid possible negative feedback"

Or perhaps it says something about the fundamental role of the betrothed in political marriages when the party to which one seeks to become ingratiated is fundamentally incapable of procreation. :thinking:

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@Sarrs.4831 said:

@Sublimatio.6981 said:"we are placing gay reference here, let's add choyas and harpies to make it a joke and avoid possible negative feedback"

Or perhaps it says something about the fundamental role of the betrothed in political marriages when the party to which one seeks to become ingratiated is fundamentally incapable of procreation. :thinking:

Or perhaps it was meant to be a joke but people prefer to make it into social manifest without reason.

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:Or perhaps it was meant to be a joke but people prefer to make it into social manifest without reason.

Not artsy fartsy enough! Everything in this video game about killing dragons is a deep insight into the flawed nature of our societies, nay, our very souls

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@cptaylor.2670 said:

@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:^ On top of that, I don't see why this adds anything to the game. Please, just tell a good story. I'm trying to escape the hyper-sexualized world, not come here for more of it.

And as my final post in here for the night. Majory and Kasmeer's relationship does nothing for the story. It's especially odd given that it's the only recent romantic relationship I can recall having direct attention drawn to it in the personal story. But a dev or writer somewhere wanted it in, so it's in. I'm not saying that's bad, but I find it humorous that some people seem upset that part of the community wants a male couple relationship with a little spotlight but don't seem to have an issue with the fact that Marjory and Kas's relationship is seemingly only relevant because a writer or dev wanted it to be relevant. (For probably similar reasons certain people want a gay couple represented.)

So how come gay relationships need to be introduced into the story with surgical precision and it's always "filling a quota" while straight relationships are abundant everywhere you go and nobody bats an eye.

Just let it be, relationships don't have to serve the plot, in fact they rarely do, it's mostly used for emotional resonance.

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@cptaylor.2670 said:

@Coulter.2315 said:This heart just seems weighted randomly generated pairings, though I haven't repeated it enough to know if certain characters have permanent preferences. I have had gay, straight and lesbian couples.

There is a bias towards lesbians in media though, I think because gay men conjure thoughts of penetration and lesbians you can pretend just braid hair.

Lesbians are more widely represented because we still live in a male-oriented heterocentric society in which it's more acceptable to see two women, who men might find attractive or simply excuse simply because they're "just emotional women," than two men who in general just aren't supposed to show emotion.

Here it's the opposite. We rarely see lesbian couple in media, but gay men and gay couple are very common.We've had gay in media for a long time but in the 80's and 90's they were always caricature of effeminate men. Then they became a bit more normal, but they were the obvious token gay in every TV series. With time I think they have become better and got much more serious character that aren't only about their sexuality.I think there's a bit more lesbians now too, but I don't watch TV enough anymore to tell.

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@castlemanic.3198 said:

@lorddarkflare.9186 said:

@OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the
:) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to
I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

But media reflects the culture and culture reflectd the media, it is unavoidable. This happeness for two reasons: If media is to be taken seriously and have a lot of depth and realness to it, it must reflect real life events and culture trends. Not only that, but the LGBT community has been ranting for years about being unrepresented in media, and so now game developers, film makers, and even novalist are attempting to ammed that to keep and/or grow their audience.

As a bisexual myself however, I say kitten it. Dont lose sight of whats truly important: telling a good story. If diversly sexual characters have a pivitol role in the plot, and are needed to drive the story; they should be in. But if they add nothing to the natural deveopment of the story and are placed there just for the sake of having them there, then they become no more than paper place holders. Characters should be created for the sake of the story, and not the sake of the audience. If its a good story, people will read it without you attempting to crowd please.

I would generally agree with this except for the fact that if a straight couple is added, but has no value to the story. No one cares or complains.

This is never the case with a gay couple.

Until this is no longer the case, the ''just tell a good story" argument falls on its face as cowardly.

Also, I am also Bi-.
Bi-High Five.

This is a huge factor, but there's also another one, in that non-heteronormative people have traditionally been the butt of jokes, used as a punchline or a gag in media, having lgbt characters as a weapon to ridicule them and delegitimize them. By having lgbt characters that aren't such, there's an air of legitimacy to them, that they can simply exist within the world and not directly impact it, or be at the forefront without their status as LGBT impacting or hindering their ability to perform heroic feats. In the end, representation matters, everyone deserves to see themselves exist within a fictional universe in a well written way. Everyone deserves to know they aren't invisible.

Nearly everyone is fine with gays simply existing. The issue is people who have to make some kind of crusade out of making sure they are represented and supported and protected and praised EVERYWHERE to the point where you set men up with women for a light hearted side quest in a damn video game and somebody has to make a thread complaining about it. That's the opposite of simply existing. I for one am sick to death of virtue signaling cowards acting like they're freedom fighters because they're loudly promoting ideas that everyone else quietly accepted decades ago. You don't get to be a rebel without paying the social cost of challenging the status quo.

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Every time I despair at the state that our world is in and which wars might spike up, all it takes is a short look at the GW2 forums and realise there are far more pressing matters.

Honestly when I did that heart/event it never entered my mind who I'm pairing. I was happy helping out and even had a giggle when I gave the same person romances from 2 individuals (for which there is a unique dialoge between which I found a great attention to detail).

Maybe enjoy the game for what it is and stop trying to put a political agenda to every single pixel you seen onscreen. I'm sure some where in this game there is a NPC with a 5 pixel to short skirt, let's go find that one and make an issue of it...

EDIT: and before the "downvote you are sexist brigade comes in", I have quite a few gay friends (some of which I have known since highschool which is 15 years back). I've never had an issue with either sex being mono-, poli-, gay or bi-, but it's getting ridiculous to what amount people are trying to make a fuss over things in games and media.

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Emissary Vex.5690 said:You can't. I spent a good amount of time making sure I checked every NPC. ALL of the men asked to be matched with women; and one woman asked for another woman.

so if they have female faces they are females? Are you sure about that? i've seen a few transgender male to female conversions that was pretty convincing.

What the kitten?

Male to female transsexuals ARE women.

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@Chicken Fro.6953 said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the game. :) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to anyone. I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

Well, when you say keep it all out - what do you mean exactly? Love/relationships period? Sorry, but that's unrealistic and unnecessary. Do you mean only lgbt love/relationships? Then that's basically just homophobia, which is something that needs to go the way of the dodo. In a massive world like GW2, you should expect to encounter a bit of everything for verisimilitude.

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@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the game. :) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to anyone. I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

It's like saying "I'd prefer to not see black people in the game."Arbitrarily removing a demographic and saying "no offense" is just nonsense. If someone gets upset by demographics, that's their own issue they need to work through.

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@Fluffball.8307 said:

@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the
:) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to
I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

It's like saying "I'd prefer to not see black people in the game."Arbitrarily removing a demographic and saying "no offense" is just nonsense. If someone gets upset by demographics, that's their own issue they need to work through.

While I disagree with Chicken, he/she clearly does not mean it in that way.

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@Fluffball.8307 said:

@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the
:) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to
I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

It's like saying "I'd prefer to not see black people in the game."Arbitrarily removing a demographic and saying "no offense" is just nonsense. If someone gets upset by demographics, that's their own issue they need to work through.

Exactly. If humans and anyone who was het was suddenly not in the game there would be no end of complaints.

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@Coulter.2315 said:There is a bias towards lesbians in media though, I think because gay men conjure thoughts of penetration and lesbians you can pretend just braid hair.

LOL! How true. ;) I appreciate all couplings and am glad GW2 has them. :)

@Samnang.1879 said:Maybe teh writers are not gay? i dont expect str8 guys to write about gay stories lol... it makes sense that they would write about lesbians tho.

Yes, because being straight men makes them experts on lesbians? I doubt the GW2 writers, male and female, are such superficial, stereotypical human beings. Seriously, such comments are making me sad. :/

@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:^ On top of that, I don't see why this adds anything to the game. Please, just tell a good story. I'm trying to escape the hyper-sexualized world, not come here for more of it.

Well, according to you, there should not be any romance whatsoever in GW2 then. No mention of Lord Faren's innuendos, no Queen Jennah and Logan Thackeray content, no anything of the kind.

Why are you against romance as a plot device in a game? There is nothing "sexual" about the mention of love.

@OrbitalButt.5708 said:I don't see the big deal, honestly

Thank you. :+1:

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Fluffball.8307 said:

@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the
:) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to
I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

It's like saying "I'd prefer to not see black people in the game."Arbitrarily removing a demographic and saying "no offense" is just nonsense. If someone gets upset by demographics, that's their own issue they need to work through.

While I disagree with Chicken, he/she clearly does not mean it in that way.

It doesn't matter how they meant it, it is still as nonsensical as removing all black people from the game. They don't want a demographic to be represented because some people find that demographic "offensive". That's just illogical and silly.

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