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Game is too easy with ascended/legendary gear

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@Ultramex.1506 said:

@Ultramex.1506 said:And have you tried fighting Elite or even Champion solo instead of trash mob? Fight the champion bandit in queendale, even with full ascended gears, you will loose if you face tank all of it's attacks instead of dodging.

i can face tank any champ/legendary without moving a finger as firebrand, i think the only "hard" mob on core game is the spider queen

And what about other classes?

What about them? Every class can facetank champions if they build for it. It might not be an efficient way of taking enemies down, but the kit is there if you want to use it. A more reasonable approach is to take a build that isn't intentionally played like a potato, though.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Ultramex.1506 said:And have you tried fighting Elite or even Champion solo instead of trash mob? Fight the champion bandit in queendale, even with full ascended gears, you will loose if you face tank all of it's attacks instead of dodging.

i can face tank any champ/legendary without moving a finger as firebrand, i think the only "hard" mob on core game is the spider queen

And what about other classes?

What about them? Every class can facetank champions if they build for it. It might not be an efficient way of taking enemies down, but the kit is there if you want to use it. A more reasonable approach is to take a build that isn't intentionally played like a potato, though.

So you're saying that use class's skills, attribute combinations correctly are important and not relies ascended gears?

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@Ultramex.1506 said:

@Ultramex.1506 said:And have you tried fighting Elite or even Champion solo instead of trash mob? Fight the champion bandit in queendale, even with full ascended gears, you will loose if you face tank all of it's attacks instead of dodging.

i can face tank any champ/legendary without moving a finger as firebrand, i think the only "hard" mob on core game is the spider queen

And what about other classes?

What about them? Every class can facetank champions if they build for it. It might not be an efficient way of taking enemies down, but the kit is there if you want to use it. A more reasonable approach is to take a build that isn't intentionally played like a potato, though.

So you're saying that use class's skills, attribute combinations correctly are important and not relies ascended gears?

Of course I am. Sorry, I may be losing the thread of multiple discussions going on here. I think I got my own thing going here!

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

i renember my first time at hot with my bad gears, the game felt way more alive and fun

If you want it to be alive and fun ... nothing stops you from running around with Rares.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

I think I'll count how many people dancing on fenceposts I see. Or will be an equally valid benchmark for whether or not core Tyria has any challenge.

Nobody ever told you that Queensdale is the human newbie area, I suspect. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't supposed to be littered with dying newbies?

Maybe, just maybe, that's probably a good thing?

Why in all existence are you or anyone looking for challenge in bloody Queensdale anyway?

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

First of all, I've been playing the game for many years and have over 22 Gifts of Exploration. I've been through all the core maps many different types on all kinds of different characters, classes, and builds, including just random items I looted.

I've done everything both easy mode and "hard mode" to keep it fresh while getting GoE, so I have a good understanding of it all.

One of the number one complaints about the game from new players is that its boring because the core maps are very generic in difficulty. This is partially justified by the fact that part of the game is F2P, but people who buy the game they have a slow time getting to HoT/PoF and often just boost and jump straight to the expansions because while Central Tyria is full of wonderful amounts of lore, secrets and other gems, no one wants to spend 80 levels facing basically no challenge. Its also why people are so easily overwhelmed the first time they go to dungeons or Fractals because they mentally go "Wait, the game's actually like this? Then what've I been playing all this time?"

Same for expansion areas, adventures, etc. There's a huge difficulty gap between it all.

I understand the starter zones are supposed to be easy. But the entire game from 1-80 is a tutorial-not-tutorial. It suceeeds at being so easy for players that it doesn't actually teach them anything, either. Just how to autoattack to win.

Add in high-level players with bad downscaling and the "difficulty" becomes even worse, with newbies unable to even touch a mob and get credit before some downscaled player annihilates it in 1-2 hits with their mount and autoattack. This is one of the reasons why people avoid Event Completer dailies at all costs, unless there's no other daily to do to complete the set of three.

And if you think I'm alone on this, use forum search to find very long threads about NPE nerfs and other related issues.

And I spend most of my free time either running T3/T4 Fractals with only two people (often soloing the bosses myself), or commanding squads in WvW, so I'd advice you not to challenge me to anything. Besides, the things I'm saying here aren't just my personal experiences but those of guildmates and friends I invited to the game but left for these same reasons.

Queensdale 2 ez, needs moar tuff. I can eat six burritos at once, so you know I'm a credible source of information on this subject.

You're the one challenging people to things that aren't challenging. Just be glad you didn't embarrass yourself by going through with it. LoL

Queensdale 2 ez, needs more tuff.

Hurr durr HoT hard. I challenge you to walk through it!

Am I speaking your language now, champ?

You died trying to do it, didn't you. Don't be bitter.

I did. Lots. Plenty of players struggle with HoT and instead of doing what you're doing with this pointless whining and trolling, they ask for help and learn how to play the game. Maybe once you get over yourself you can stop making fun of others for doing that and try it yourself, huh?

What in all existence are you even talking about?

I'm making fun of only those that are sniveling about how Queensdale is too easy. Whatever hat it is you pulled that nonsense you're on about from, put it back; that rabbit's dead.

I know perfectly well that lots of players struggle with HoT and PoF mobs. They're typically HP-bloated cheese factories full of phoned-in mechanics that invalidate just about every build people actually use, often have no counters except 'dodge until you're out of Energy, use whatever blocks/evades/distorts you've got and then die anyway because that harpy can just keep shooting you how many times exactly?'.

Then, when you try to be super clever and change your build around completely to stack it with whatever dazes, stuns, kd's and missile reflects you can, you learn that half of those things don't even work on various veteran/elites, and you'll have plenty of time to contemplate these matters while you wait for griffons with their 872 year long evade phases to stop swooping on you so you can finally resume hitting them. But don't worry if you kill that griffon too fast, because there'll be 1d4+1 branded devourers just waiting to tunnel around for six months when you start beating on them. And don't worry about getting anywhere too fast, because when you kill most every mob in PoF ever, you will be summarily punished by being left with the Crippled status for 10-30 seconds, forcing you to either limp very slowly along and not be able to mount, or waste a condi cleanse on it.

A whole lot of people 'round here have mistaken tedium for difficulty though, and this entire thread is posturing the notion of making newbie areas more...ahem...'difficult' because, according to these Incredibly Credible Sourcesâ„¢, every new player wants to be dead in Queensdale far more often.

And how can I possibly argue with these savants that have mysterious access to the minds and desires of all the new players that ever quit? I can't compete with that degree of pseudo-omniscience, so I must resort to feeble mockery.

It truly is the least I can do.

Now, I'm off to Queensdale, where I expect to find extreme challenges worthy of my Ascended gear and legendary weapons.

Because that's totally where you go for that.

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@Algreg.3629 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

I think I'll count how many people dancing on fenceposts I see. Or will be an equally valid benchmark for whether or not core Tyria has any challenge.

Nobody ever told you that Queensdale is the human newbie area, I suspect. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't supposed to be littered with dying newbies?

Maybe, just maybe, that's probably a good thing?

Why in all existence are you or anyone looking for challenge in bloody Queensdale anyway?

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

First of all, I've been playing the game for many years and have over 22 Gifts of Exploration. I've been through all the core maps many different types on all kinds of different characters, classes, and builds, including just random items I looted.

I've done everything both easy mode and "hard mode" to keep it fresh while getting GoE, so I have a good understanding of it all.

One of the number one complaints about the game from new players is that its boring because the core maps are very generic in difficulty. This is partially justified by the fact that part of the game is F2P, but people who buy the game they have a slow time getting to HoT/PoF and often just boost and jump straight to the expansions because while Central Tyria is full of wonderful amounts of lore, secrets and other gems, no one wants to spend 80 levels facing basically no challenge. Its also why people are so easily overwhelmed the first time they go to dungeons or Fractals because they mentally go "Wait, the game's actually like this? Then what've I been playing all this time?"

Same for expansion areas, adventures, etc. There's a huge difficulty gap between it all.

I understand the starter zones are supposed to be easy. But the entire game from 1-80 is a tutorial-not-tutorial. It suceeeds at being so easy for players that it doesn't actually teach them anything, either. Just how to autoattack to win.

Add in high-level players with bad downscaling and the "difficulty" becomes even worse, with newbies unable to even touch a mob and get credit before some downscaled player annihilates it in 1-2 hits with their mount and autoattack. This is one of the reasons why people avoid Event Completer dailies at all costs, unless there's no other daily to do to complete the set of three.

And if you think I'm alone on this, use forum search to find very long threads about NPE nerfs and other related issues.

And I spend most of my free time either running T3/T4 Fractals with only two people (often soloing the bosses myself), or commanding squads in WvW, so I'd advice you not to challenge me to anything. Besides, the things I'm saying here aren't just my personal experiences but those of guildmates and friends I invited to the game but left for these same reasons.

Queensdale 2 ez, needs moar tuff. I can eat six burritos at once, so you know I'm a credible source of information on this subject.

You're the one challenging people to things that aren't challenging. Just be glad you didn't embarrass yourself by going through with it. LoL

Queensdale 2 ez, needs more tuff.

Hurr durr HoT hard. I challenge you to walk through it!

Am I speaking your language now, champ?

You died trying to do it, didn't you. Don't be bitter.

Strange, did I miss the part where this thread turned towards general animosity? Wow, you are even less likeable than my own forum persona - and that says a lot. Grats on that I guess.

You missed the part where it is loudly and proudly stated that Ascended/Legendary gear is too OP and that a fully decked out character just can't find any challenges in Queensdale these days.

So obviously we need to make Queensdale harder in order to save the game, because no new players will stick around because the newbie areas are too easy.

Did you miss all that? Because I didn't, and I can't figure out if I want to die laughing or beat my head against the desk until both it and the desk are broken.

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@"naiasonod.9265" said:A whole lot of people 'round here have mistaken tedium for difficulty though

This seems to be true for most games and especially MMOs.On any games forum when anyone says that something is tedious/boring/dull/stupid, all these people come to say "don't like difficulty? Filthy casual" or something to that effect. Makes me wonder if they are all the same people.

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Play a core specialization. The power creep that came with elites has flowed back into core profession builds but most are still less dps than their elites.

Keep in mind that some of original open world maps and dungeons may have had their difficulty scaled down, too, since they became more casual farming areas. For fun, try a core profession in HoT maps without a mount.

Orr and its dungeon seemed much harder in 2012 wearing rare equipment with core stat's, a set of under-powered runes with higher mob populations and the weakest of all core professions using the traits available at the game's release.

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@naiasonod.9265 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

I think I'll count how many people dancing on fenceposts I see. Or will be an equally valid benchmark for whether or not core Tyria has any challenge.

Nobody ever told you that Queensdale is the human newbie area, I suspect. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't supposed to be littered with dying newbies?

Maybe, just maybe, that's probably a good thing?

Why in all existence are you or anyone looking for challenge in bloody Queensdale anyway?

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

First of all, I've been playing the game for many years and have over 22 Gifts of Exploration. I've been through all the core maps many different types on all kinds of different characters, classes, and builds, including just random items I looted.

I've done everything both easy mode and "hard mode" to keep it fresh while getting GoE, so I have a good understanding of it all.

One of the number one complaints about the game from new players is that its boring because the core maps are very generic in difficulty. This is partially justified by the fact that part of the game is F2P, but people who buy the game they have a slow time getting to HoT/PoF and often just boost and jump straight to the expansions because while Central Tyria is full of wonderful amounts of lore, secrets and other gems, no one wants to spend 80 levels facing basically no challenge. Its also why people are so easily overwhelmed the first time they go to dungeons or Fractals because they mentally go "Wait, the game's actually like this? Then what've I been playing all this time?"

Same for expansion areas, adventures, etc. There's a huge difficulty gap between it all.

I understand the starter zones are supposed to be easy. But the entire game from 1-80 is a tutorial-not-tutorial. It suceeeds at being so easy for players that it doesn't actually teach them anything, either. Just how to autoattack to win.

Add in high-level players with bad downscaling and the "difficulty" becomes even worse, with newbies unable to even touch a mob and get credit before some downscaled player annihilates it in 1-2 hits with their mount and autoattack. This is one of the reasons why people avoid Event Completer dailies at all costs, unless there's no other daily to do to complete the set of three.

And if you think I'm alone on this, use forum search to find very long threads about NPE nerfs and other related issues.

And I spend most of my free time either running T3/T4 Fractals with only two people (often soloing the bosses myself), or commanding squads in WvW, so I'd advice you not to challenge me to anything. Besides, the things I'm saying here aren't just my personal experiences but those of guildmates and friends I invited to the game but left for these same reasons.

Queensdale 2 ez, needs moar tuff. I can eat six burritos at once, so you know I'm a credible source of information on this subject.

You're the one challenging people to things that aren't challenging. Just be glad you didn't embarrass yourself by going through with it. LoL

Queensdale 2 ez, needs more tuff.

Hurr durr HoT hard. I challenge you to walk through it!

Am I speaking your language now, champ?

You died trying to do it, didn't you. Don't be bitter.

Strange, did I miss the part where this thread turned towards general animosity? Wow, you are even less likeable than my own forum persona - and that says a lot. Grats on that I guess.

You missed the part where it is loudly and proudly stated that Ascended/Legendary gear is too OP and that a fully decked out character just can't find any challenges in Queensdale these days.

maybe that's the point ... it doesn't make sense FOR a fully decked out character to find any challenge in sub-80 maps to begin with. Over half the maps at this point are dedicated to level 80 play ... it's absurd to think Anet should fix sub-80 maps to make it challenging for 80 characters.

So obviously we need to make Queensdale harder in order to save the game, because no new players will stick around because the newbie areas are too easy.

Did you miss all that? Because I didn't, and I can't figure out if I want to die laughing or beat my head against the desk until both it and the desk are broken.

No one missed that ... it just doesn't make sense. Clearly, you haven't considered the character progression factor here.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

I think I'll count how many people dancing on fenceposts I see. Or will be an equally valid benchmark for whether or not core Tyria has any challenge.

Nobody ever told you that Queensdale is the human newbie area, I suspect. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't supposed to be littered with dying newbies?

Maybe, just maybe, that's probably a good thing?

Why in all existence are you or anyone looking for challenge in bloody Queensdale anyway?

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

First of all, I've been playing the game for many years and have over 22 Gifts of Exploration. I've been through all the core maps many different types on all kinds of different characters, classes, and builds, including just random items I looted.

I've done everything both easy mode and "hard mode" to keep it fresh while getting GoE, so I have a good understanding of it all.

One of the number one complaints about the game from new players is that its boring because the core maps are very generic in difficulty. This is partially justified by the fact that part of the game is F2P, but people who buy the game they have a slow time getting to HoT/PoF and often just boost and jump straight to the expansions because while Central Tyria is full of wonderful amounts of lore, secrets and other gems, no one wants to spend 80 levels facing basically no challenge. Its also why people are so easily overwhelmed the first time they go to dungeons or Fractals because they mentally go "Wait, the game's actually like this? Then what've I been playing all this time?"

Same for expansion areas, adventures, etc. There's a huge difficulty gap between it all.

I understand the starter zones are supposed to be easy. But the entire game from 1-80 is a tutorial-not-tutorial. It suceeeds at being so easy for players that it doesn't actually teach them anything, either. Just how to autoattack to win.

Add in high-level players with bad downscaling and the "difficulty" becomes even worse, with newbies unable to even touch a mob and get credit before some downscaled player annihilates it in 1-2 hits with their mount and autoattack. This is one of the reasons why people avoid Event Completer dailies at all costs, unless there's no other daily to do to complete the set of three.

And if you think I'm alone on this, use forum search to find very long threads about NPE nerfs and other related issues.

And I spend most of my free time either running T3/T4 Fractals with only two people (often soloing the bosses myself), or commanding squads in WvW, so I'd advice you not to challenge me to anything. Besides, the things I'm saying here aren't just my personal experiences but those of guildmates and friends I invited to the game but left for these same reasons.

Queensdale 2 ez, needs moar tuff. I can eat six burritos at once, so you know I'm a credible source of information on this subject.

You're the one challenging people to things that aren't challenging. Just be glad you didn't embarrass yourself by going through with it. LoL

Queensdale 2 ez, needs more tuff.

Hurr durr HoT hard. I challenge you to walk through it!

Am I speaking your language now, champ?

You died trying to do it, didn't you. Don't be bitter.

Strange, did I miss the part where this thread turned towards general animosity? Wow, you are even less likeable than my own forum persona - and that says a lot. Grats on that I guess.

You missed the part where it is loudly and proudly stated that Ascended/Legendary gear is too OP and that a fully decked out character just can't find any challenges in Queensdale these days.

maybe that's the point ...

So obviously we need to make Queensdale harder in order to save the game, because no new players will stick around because the newbie areas are too easy.

Did you miss all that? Because I didn't, and I can't figure out if I want to die laughing or beat my head against the desk until both it and the desk are broken.

No one missed that ... it just doesn't make sense. Clearly, you haven't considered the character progression factor here.

The point is that Queensdale, a newbie zone, should be challenging for people in full ascended/leggies?

I am so done with this thread and some of the more...distinguished personalities here.

I'm off to Queensdale in search of my endgame challenges. Woe if I do not find them there of all places! Queensdale must challenge me, or this game is broken and I, as the representative of all new players everywhere, shall declare this game dead and broken!

That'll show you.

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@naiasonod.9265 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

I think I'll count how many people dancing on fenceposts I see. Or will be an equally valid benchmark for whether or not core Tyria has any challenge.

Nobody ever told you that Queensdale is the human newbie area, I suspect. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't supposed to be littered with dying newbies?

Maybe, just maybe, that's probably a good thing?

Why in all existence are you or anyone looking for challenge in bloody Queensdale anyway?

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

First of all, I've been playing the game for many years and have over 22 Gifts of Exploration. I've been through all the core maps many different types on all kinds of different characters, classes, and builds, including just random items I looted.

I've done everything both easy mode and "hard mode" to keep it fresh while getting GoE, so I have a good understanding of it all.

One of the number one complaints about the game from new players is that its boring because the core maps are very generic in difficulty. This is partially justified by the fact that part of the game is F2P, but people who buy the game they have a slow time getting to HoT/PoF and often just boost and jump straight to the expansions because while Central Tyria is full of wonderful amounts of lore, secrets and other gems, no one wants to spend 80 levels facing basically no challenge. Its also why people are so easily overwhelmed the first time they go to dungeons or Fractals because they mentally go "Wait, the game's actually like this? Then what've I been playing all this time?"

Same for expansion areas, adventures, etc. There's a huge difficulty gap between it all.

I understand the starter zones are supposed to be easy. But the entire game from 1-80 is a tutorial-not-tutorial. It suceeeds at being so easy for players that it doesn't actually teach them anything, either. Just how to autoattack to win.

Add in high-level players with bad downscaling and the "difficulty" becomes even worse, with newbies unable to even touch a mob and get credit before some downscaled player annihilates it in 1-2 hits with their mount and autoattack. This is one of the reasons why people avoid Event Completer dailies at all costs, unless there's no other daily to do to complete the set of three.

And if you think I'm alone on this, use forum search to find very long threads about NPE nerfs and other related issues.

And I spend most of my free time either running T3/T4 Fractals with only two people (often soloing the bosses myself), or commanding squads in WvW, so I'd advice you not to challenge me to anything. Besides, the things I'm saying here aren't just my personal experiences but those of guildmates and friends I invited to the game but left for these same reasons.

Queensdale 2 ez, needs moar tuff. I can eat six burritos at once, so you know I'm a credible source of information on this subject.

You're the one challenging people to things that aren't challenging. Just be glad you didn't embarrass yourself by going through with it. LoL

Queensdale 2 ez, needs more tuff.

Hurr durr HoT hard. I challenge you to walk through it!

Am I speaking your language now, champ?

You died trying to do it, didn't you. Don't be bitter.

Strange, did I miss the part where this thread turned towards general animosity? Wow, you are even less likeable than my own forum persona - and that says a lot. Grats on that I guess.

You missed the part where it is loudly and proudly stated that Ascended/Legendary gear is too OP and that a fully decked out character just can't find any challenges in Queensdale these days.

maybe that's the point ...

So obviously we need to make Queensdale harder in order to save the game, because no new players will stick around because the newbie areas are too easy.

Did you miss all that? Because I didn't, and I can't figure out if I want to die laughing or beat my head against the desk until both it and the desk are broken.

No one missed that ... it just doesn't make sense. Clearly, you haven't considered the character progression factor here.

The point is that Queensdale,
a newbie zone
, should be challenging for people in full ascended/leggies?

Not sure if you are asking or making a statement here (if you are making a point, don't end it in a question mark) ... I don't think sub-80 zones should be a challenge for endgame characters.

I am so done with this thread and some of the more...distinguished personalities here.

I'm off to Queensdale in search of my endgame challenges. Woe if I do not find them there of all places! Queensdale must challenge me, or this game is broken and I, as the representative of all new players everywhere, shall declare this game dead and broken!

That'll show you.

Sorry, I don't know what side of the fence you are on here. There is a reason Queendale (and other sub-80 zones) are 'easy' (at all levels) and it's important to understand how they are related to the business part of the game. Sure, the leveling experience should be interesting ... but challenging? That's the part that most MMO's get wrong. Let's not fool ourselves in thinking the leveling part of the MMO is more important than the content that should be sitting at the end of it that you will spend most of your time in the MMO doing. No one wants to die to rats at level 1 with their wooden sword ... and no one wants to sit there for hours at level 1 kililng them to get to level 2.

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@naiasonod.9265 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

I think I'll count how many people dancing on fenceposts I see. Or will be an equally valid benchmark for whether or not core Tyria has any challenge.

Nobody ever told you that Queensdale is the human newbie area, I suspect. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't supposed to be littered with dying newbies?

Maybe, just maybe, that's probably a good thing?

Why in all existence are you or anyone looking for challenge in bloody Queensdale anyway?

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

First of all, I've been playing the game for many years and have over 22 Gifts of Exploration. I've been through all the core maps many different types on all kinds of different characters, classes, and builds, including just random items I looted.

I've done everything both easy mode and "hard mode" to keep it fresh while getting GoE, so I have a good understanding of it all.

One of the number one complaints about the game from new players is that its boring because the core maps are very generic in difficulty. This is partially justified by the fact that part of the game is F2P, but people who buy the game they have a slow time getting to HoT/PoF and often just boost and jump straight to the expansions because while Central Tyria is full of wonderful amounts of lore, secrets and other gems, no one wants to spend 80 levels facing basically no challenge. Its also why people are so easily overwhelmed the first time they go to dungeons or Fractals because they mentally go "Wait, the game's actually like this? Then what've I been playing all this time?"

Same for expansion areas, adventures, etc. There's a huge difficulty gap between it all.

I understand the starter zones are supposed to be easy. But the entire game from 1-80 is a tutorial-not-tutorial. It suceeeds at being so easy for players that it doesn't actually teach them anything, either. Just how to autoattack to win.

Add in high-level players with bad downscaling and the "difficulty" becomes even worse, with newbies unable to even touch a mob and get credit before some downscaled player annihilates it in 1-2 hits with their mount and autoattack. This is one of the reasons why people avoid Event Completer dailies at all costs, unless there's no other daily to do to complete the set of three.

And if you think I'm alone on this, use forum search to find very long threads about NPE nerfs and other related issues.

And I spend most of my free time either running T3/T4 Fractals with only two people (often soloing the bosses myself), or commanding squads in WvW, so I'd advice you not to challenge me to anything. Besides, the things I'm saying here aren't just my personal experiences but those of guildmates and friends I invited to the game but left for these same reasons.

Queensdale 2 ez, needs moar tuff. I can eat six burritos at once, so you know I'm a credible source of information on this subject.

You're the one challenging people to things that aren't challenging. Just be glad you didn't embarrass yourself by going through with it. LoL

Queensdale 2 ez, needs more tuff.

Hurr durr HoT hard. I challenge you to walk through it!

Am I speaking your language now, champ?

You died trying to do it, didn't you. Don't be bitter.

I did. Lots. Plenty of players struggle with HoT and instead of doing what you're doing with this pointless whining and trolling, they ask for help and learn how to play the game. Maybe once you get over yourself you can stop making fun of others for doing that and try it yourself, huh?

What in all existence are you even talking about?

I'm making fun of only those that are sniveling about how Queensdale is too easy. Whatever hat it is you pulled that nonsense you're on about from, put it back; that rabbit's dead.

I know perfectly well that lots of players struggle with HoT and PoF mobs. They're typically HP-bloated cheese factories full of phoned-in mechanics that invalidate just about every build people actually use, often have no counters except 'dodge until you're out of Energy, use whatever blocks/evades/distorts you've got and then die anyway because that harpy can just keep shooting you how many times exactly?'.

Then, when you try to be super clever and change your build around completely to stack it with whatever dazes, stuns, kd's and missile reflects you can, you learn that half of those things don't even work on various veteran/elites, and you'll have plenty of time to contemplate these matters while you wait for griffons with their 872 year long evade phases to stop swooping on you so you can finally resume hitting them. But don't worry if you kill that griffon too fast, because there'll be 1d4+1 branded devourers just waiting to tunnel around for six months when you start beating on them. And don't worry about getting anywhere too fast, because when you kill most every mob in PoF ever, you will be summarily punished by being left with the Crippled status for 10-30 seconds, forcing you to either limp very slowly along and not be able to mount, or waste a condi cleanse on it.

A whole lot of people 'round here have mistaken tedium for difficulty though, and this entire thread is posturing the notion of making newbie areas more...ahem...'difficult' because, according to these Incredibly Credible Sourcesâ„¢, every new player wants to be dead in Queensdale far more often.

And how can I possibly argue with these savants that have mysterious access to the minds and desires of all the new players that ever quit? I can't compete with that degree of pseudo-omniscience, so I must resort to feeble mockery.

It truly is the least I can do.

Now, I'm off to Queensdale, where I expect to find extreme challenges worthy of my Ascended gear and legendary weapons.

Because that's totally where you go for that.

You don't deal enough damage (as evidenced by your reference to HoT/PoF mobs as "health sponges"). That's the problem. If you could kill a griffon in a few seconds, it wouldn't matter that they evade repeatedly because they'll just die before they get the chance (not that I support this design - I agree that it's pretty lame!). Hydras? Same thing. Instead of letting them charge all over the place and spam knockdowns, you can just deal enough damage to knock 33% health off their bar before they move and then finish them while they're stunned.

I'm not saying go glass or go home. The videos I've been sharing use tanky stats (dire). But you can't ignore damage output. The enemies in HoT/PoF are not designed so that you can just potato them forever. You can, but it's probably going to feel tedious, as you say. That's by design. You're supposed to use the kit for your class to come up with builds that overcome these challenges by dealing enough damage and having enough of whatever else you need to get the job done. The exact formula that works for you is, of course, up to you. But that PoF/HoT mobs are "health sponges" with "cheese mechanics" just makes it sound like you don't really know how to make your class work in open world play.

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@naiasonod.9265 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

I think I'll count how many people dancing on fenceposts I see. Or will be an equally valid benchmark for whether or not core Tyria has any challenge.

Nobody ever told you that Queensdale is the human newbie area, I suspect. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't supposed to be littered with dying newbies?

Maybe, just maybe, that's probably a good thing?

Why in all existence are you or anyone looking for challenge in bloody Queensdale anyway?

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

First of all, I've been playing the game for many years and have over 22 Gifts of Exploration. I've been through all the core maps many different types on all kinds of different characters, classes, and builds, including just random items I looted.

I've done everything both easy mode and "hard mode" to keep it fresh while getting GoE, so I have a good understanding of it all.

One of the number one complaints about the game from new players is that its boring because the core maps are very generic in difficulty. This is partially justified by the fact that part of the game is F2P, but people who buy the game they have a slow time getting to HoT/PoF and often just boost and jump straight to the expansions because while Central Tyria is full of wonderful amounts of lore, secrets and other gems, no one wants to spend 80 levels facing basically no challenge. Its also why people are so easily overwhelmed the first time they go to dungeons or Fractals because they mentally go "Wait, the game's actually like this? Then what've I been playing all this time?"

Same for expansion areas, adventures, etc. There's a huge difficulty gap between it all.

I understand the starter zones are supposed to be easy. But the entire game from 1-80 is a tutorial-not-tutorial. It suceeeds at being so easy for players that it doesn't actually teach them anything, either. Just how to autoattack to win.

Add in high-level players with bad downscaling and the "difficulty" becomes even worse, with newbies unable to even touch a mob and get credit before some downscaled player annihilates it in 1-2 hits with their mount and autoattack. This is one of the reasons why people avoid Event Completer dailies at all costs, unless there's no other daily to do to complete the set of three.

And if you think I'm alone on this, use forum search to find very long threads about NPE nerfs and other related issues.

And I spend most of my free time either running T3/T4 Fractals with only two people (often soloing the bosses myself), or commanding squads in WvW, so I'd advice you not to challenge me to anything. Besides, the things I'm saying here aren't just my personal experiences but those of guildmates and friends I invited to the game but left for these same reasons.

Queensdale 2 ez, needs moar tuff. I can eat six burritos at once, so you know I'm a credible source of information on this subject.

You're the one challenging people to things that aren't challenging. Just be glad you didn't embarrass yourself by going through with it. LoL

Queensdale 2 ez, needs more tuff.

Hurr durr HoT hard. I challenge you to walk through it!

Am I speaking your language now, champ?

You died trying to do it, didn't you. Don't be bitter.

Strange, did I miss the part where this thread turned towards general animosity? Wow, you are even less likeable than my own forum persona - and that says a lot. Grats on that I guess.

You missed the part where it is loudly and proudly stated that Ascended/Legendary gear is too OP and that a fully decked out character just can't find any challenges in Queensdale these days.

maybe that's the point ...

So obviously we need to make Queensdale harder in order to save the game, because no new players will stick around because the newbie areas are too easy.

Did you miss all that? Because I didn't, and I can't figure out if I want to die laughing or beat my head against the desk until both it and the desk are broken.

No one missed that ... it just doesn't make sense. Clearly, you haven't considered the character progression factor here.

The point is that Queensdale,
a newbie zone
, should be challenging for people in full ascended/leggies?

I am so done with this thread and some of the more...distinguished personalities here.

I'm off to Queensdale in search of my endgame challenges. Woe if I do not find them there of all places! Queensdale must challenge me, or this game is broken and I, as the representative of all new players everywhere, shall declare this game dead and broken!

That'll show you.

the purpose of downscaling is to make the game harder for high lvl characters, so you can replay the content with a good challenge, so yeah queendale is too easy for lvl 80 full ascended characters and downscaling is not working as intended.

now ascended gears make even HoT easy.

if the game is too easy even for newbies is another question and thread.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@Ameepa.6793 said:You can use weaker armor if it makes the game more fun for you.

Great idea! I think I'm going to do this with some friends later. This should be a riot, thank you for the suggestion!

Try skipping armor entirely, too, but it is fun to play a new character with almost all skills and traits locked out at L1 and random drops of white, blue and green armor. Unexplored maps, sad empty hearts, beginning a personal story from the character introduction screen, and so on are not completely new things but is better than farming a starter map.

Also, LW Season 1 had some big events in the original maps. Maybe Arenanet will do that again sometime.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

I think I'll count how many people dancing on fenceposts I see. Or will be an equally valid benchmark for whether or not core Tyria has any challenge.

Nobody ever told you that Queensdale is the human newbie area, I suspect. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't supposed to be littered with dying newbies?

Maybe, just maybe, that's probably a good thing?

Why in all existence are you or anyone looking for challenge in bloody Queensdale anyway?

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

First of all, I've been playing the game for many years and have over 22 Gifts of Exploration. I've been through all the core maps many different types on all kinds of different characters, classes, and builds, including just random items I looted.

I've done everything both easy mode and "hard mode" to keep it fresh while getting GoE, so I have a good understanding of it all.

One of the number one complaints about the game from new players is that its boring because the core maps are very generic in difficulty. This is partially justified by the fact that part of the game is F2P, but people who buy the game they have a slow time getting to HoT/PoF and often just boost and jump straight to the expansions because while Central Tyria is full of wonderful amounts of lore, secrets and other gems, no one wants to spend 80 levels facing basically no challenge. Its also why people are so easily overwhelmed the first time they go to dungeons or Fractals because they mentally go "Wait, the game's actually like this? Then what've I been playing all this time?"

Same for expansion areas, adventures, etc. There's a huge difficulty gap between it all.

I understand the starter zones are supposed to be easy. But the entire game from 1-80 is a tutorial-not-tutorial. It suceeeds at being so easy for players that it doesn't actually teach them anything, either. Just how to autoattack to win.

Add in high-level players with bad downscaling and the "difficulty" becomes even worse, with newbies unable to even touch a mob and get credit before some downscaled player annihilates it in 1-2 hits with their mount and autoattack. This is one of the reasons why people avoid Event Completer dailies at all costs, unless there's no other daily to do to complete the set of three.

And if you think I'm alone on this, use forum search to find very long threads about NPE nerfs and other related issues.

And I spend most of my free time either running T3/T4 Fractals with only two people (often soloing the bosses myself), or commanding squads in WvW, so I'd advice you not to challenge me to anything. Besides, the things I'm saying here aren't just my personal experiences but those of guildmates and friends I invited to the game but left for these same reasons.

Queensdale 2 ez, needs moar tuff. I can eat six burritos at once, so you know I'm a credible source of information on this subject.

You're the one challenging people to things that aren't challenging. Just be glad you didn't embarrass yourself by going through with it. LoL

Queensdale 2 ez, needs more tuff.

Hurr durr HoT hard. I challenge you to walk through it!

Am I speaking your language now, champ?

You died trying to do it, didn't you. Don't be bitter.

Strange, did I miss the part where this thread turned towards general animosity? Wow, you are even less likeable than my own forum persona - and that says a lot. Grats on that I guess.

You missed the part where it is loudly and proudly stated that Ascended/Legendary gear is too OP and that a fully decked out character just can't find any challenges in Queensdale these days.

maybe that's the point ...

So obviously we need to make Queensdale harder in order to save the game, because no new players will stick around because the newbie areas are too easy.

Did you miss all that? Because I didn't, and I can't figure out if I want to die laughing or beat my head against the desk until both it and the desk are broken.

No one missed that ... it just doesn't make sense. Clearly, you haven't considered the character progression factor here.

The point is that Queensdale,
a newbie zone
, should be challenging for people in full ascended/leggies?

I am so done with this thread and some of the more...distinguished personalities here.

I'm off to Queensdale in search of my endgame challenges. Woe if I do not find them there of all places! Queensdale must challenge me, or this game is broken and I, as the representative of all new players everywhere, shall declare this game dead and broken!

That'll show you.

the purpose of downscaling is to make the game harder for high lvl characters, so you can replay the content with a good challenge, so yeah queendale is too easy for lvl 80 full ascended characters and downscaling is not working as intended.

now ascended gears make even HoT easy.

if the game is too easy even for newbies is another question and thread.

Since they didn't disable traits while you were there, even with blue armor, traits make lower Level zones easy

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@wmtyrance.3571 said:WOW, you guys wanted the game to be all about gear like WowActually, almost noone asked Anet to introduce a new gear tier. They made Ascended because it was easier than making new actual content, not because people wanted it. In fact, out of all the game changes, this was the one that was met with the most opposition (which is why they stopped at ascended, and decided to neither make new higher gear tiers, nor increase level cap, even though initially they did intend to do both).

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@naiasonod.9265 said:And don't worry about getting anywhere too fast, because when you kill most every mob in PoF ever, you will be summarily punished by being left with the Crippled status for 10-30 seconds, forcing you to either limp very slowly along and not be able to mount, or waste a condi cleanse on it.

You forgot to mention that due to mount, enemies range in PoF and it's episodes are bigger now, so you get gang up easily, and when you just about to finish off that one enemy? It go invulnerable and run back to it spawn point because it strayed too far away!!!

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:You can equip all NPC Berserker whites from the merchant and it still won't be a challenge. Its not even a challenge to newbies, people are getting confused because they leveled their chars before all the nerfs to Central Tyria during the NPEs.

Run around Queensdale for a few hours and count how many downs you see.

You want challenge? I will walk with you on foot across all the HoT maps, and you're going to kill everything we come across while I watch.

You get downed, we start over at the beginning of the map.

How long do you suppose it'll take us to get to DS?

Did you just challenge Hannelore to the newly founded naiasonod-challenge? xD

Please stream if so.

I don't get it. Is the assumption that he's going to die repeatedly to trash? Or are we going to like stop by the octovine event and ask him to solo it?

Yes, please...

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@wmtyrance.3571 said:WOW, you guys wanted the game to be all about gear like WowActually, almost noone asked Anet to introduce a new gear tier. They made Ascended because it was easier than making new actual content, not because people wanted it. In fact, out of all the game changes, this was the one that was met with the most opposition (which is why they stopped at ascended, and decided to neither make new higher gear tiers, nor increase level cap, even though initially they did intend to do both).

Ascended and new elite equipment, along with salvageable upgrades, was for the game economy as material and gold sinks and it has worked pretty well. People can be rewarded for grinding all kinds of maps where before old map loot was worthless.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:Actually, almost noone asked Anet to introduce a new gear tier. They made Ascended because it was easier than making new actual content, not because people wanted it. In fact, out of all the game changes, this was the one that was met with the most opposition (which is why they stopped at ascended, and decided to neither make new higher gear tiers, nor increase level cap, even though initially they did intend to do both).

There were probably more people for it than against it, it's just that by the time it happened, they had already left. Before people were complaining about ascended, they were complaining about exotics being too easy to acquire, as people were fully geared during head start and quitting within the first week. That's why they rushed out fractals/ascended, but it was too little too late. ArenaNet gave up soon after that, and the plans to make ascended more powerful through infusions was only finished in China.

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