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Would you like to see Gen 3 legendaries in EoD?

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Personally I'm indifferent, I crafted two legendary weapons and honestly I think I'll just save up with farming and enjoying other parts of the game and buy a Gen 1 if I ever want another. At the end of the day the new skins have been on par if not better than some legendary weapons so I'd probably transmute it anyway.

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@"mindcircus.1506" said:If they were to add another round of legendaries I would really like to see real content behind them instead of just an elder wood grind.There is such a massive diffrence between Chukka and Chamapawat and the 2.5s.

Put a story behind the weapon and some actual content and I am in... but another "shopping list legendary" like the last bunch they released has little value to me. It's an unfun mat grind for a skin.

Sounds that you want something more in line with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lasting_Bonds:_Where_We_Come_From which ends with a 32 slot bag.

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@ShadowCatz.8437 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:If they were to add another round of legendaries I would really like to see real content behind them instead of just an elder wood grind.There is such a massive diffrence between Chukka and Chamapawat and the 2.5s.

Put a story behind the weapon and some actual content and I am in... but another "shopping list legendary" like the last bunch they released has little value to me. It's an unfun mat grind for a skin.

Sounds that you want something more in line with
which ends with a 32 slot bag.What I want is Quip's collections or Chukka and Champawat.What I don't want is a legendary Orrian hammer where the only stops in Orr for the "journey" are Siren's Landing or Pagga's to farm elder wood.

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Yes, I would like to see more legendary weapons - however, I'm far more interested in legendaries of almost everything besides weapons. A second set of armor, more trinkets, underwater weapons, aquabreathers... all things I'd rather see than more land based weapons. But I want it all :)

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I hope they learned their lesson when building this expac. HoT was built in a way that will keep folks going there forever to build gen 2's. Events and meta's get done in HoT maps. You go to Elona and nothing gets done. I mean the meta's get done, but the regular old events fail all of the time because no one is there. No reason to be there. The events mean very little. Much like core I guess. HoT, Living story and others at least get you keys and proper currencies.

I'm all for new legendaries in EOD, I just hope that the maps get designed in a way that keeps people going there and doing events into perpetuity.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No.... no more grind,

You know you don't have to make new legendaries? They're there for people who want them.

Oh, please. If it's the most prestigious item for X class, anyone without it will be made to feel inferior. Better not introducing it at all.

I've never seen legendaries that way, they're a good long term goal for those who want them but I've never felt inferior for not having one. I'm sorry you feel obligated to get every new one that comes out but I think it's a bit selfish to demand they not be there at all.

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@Shadowmoon.7986 said:It took Anet 2 xpacs and 2 living world season to fulfill the gen 2 legendary weapons promise made in HoT, why would anyone think they will want to spend another 4 years making gen 3 weapons. Just face it team, if it can't be monetize either through direct sell or in BLC gambling chests, it will not added into the game. You can find your Gen 3 weapon skins in the monthly updated loot boxes or in the $20 outfit packs.

they started off wanting to do legendaries that have lores behind it, but it was taking up crap loads of time having to add and tune existing contents, those who did gen 1 precursor APs would know how many broken open world events are out there blocking progress

also the lores were severely under appreciated by majority of the community, thus they gave up and just went with the pure recipes and they were able to pump them out faster

if they continue with the same model of just recipes I don't see any reason they cannot make a new set of 16 legendary weapons in one xpac

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No.... no more grind,

This is like saying, "No.. no more content, please".

You clearly weren't here during launch, then.

Guild wars 2 at launch was one of the worst games I've ever played. I stuck around for about a year, and came back to see the living world releases and then F'd off again for a while until the next one. HoT was when I came back and PoF turned me right back off again, and likely I wont go back there unless Im filling my map in and clearing maps but the PoF maps are almost as bad as core. Everything is pointless, nothing matters and there is LITTERALLY nothing to do. I like gen 2 being crafted and NOT Relying on a RNG drop; Im glad they did it for Gen 1 too.

They can replace mastery's with A new gen of legendary weapons, mastery's are artificial progression for progressions sake and not because its meaningful. I also doubt that their "joy of movement" will fit much in this expansion... given mounts cover what was not already available. And because I think PoF and S4 was intended to be the end of Gw2, Im pretty sure thats why mounts were so encompassing. It was the final, be all and end all. (Mastery's feel better when added through living world anyhow.)

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