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No more dragon logos?

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@"Taril.8619" said:Probably more dragons.

I doubt that "End of Dragons" will be literally the death of all dragons.

At the very least, Aurene will be sticking around for a while (Given that she has Joko's immortality)

As we've seen though, this immortality only applies to death. Being transformed into some other kind of state, like by just being eaten, defeats it. Therefor its possible for Aurene to "die" as well, though not by conventional means.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@"Taril.8619" said:Probably more dragons.

I doubt that "End of Dragons" will be literally the death of all dragons.

At the very least, Aurene will be sticking around for a while (Given that she has Joko's immortality)

As we've seen though, this immortality only applies to death. Being transformed into some other kind of state, like by just being eaten, defeats it. Therefor its possible for Aurene to "die" as well, though not by conventional means.

But, given that;1) Aurene is an Elder Dragon2) The Commander is her Champion3) Dragon's Watch, the Exalted, the Zephyrites and the Crystal Blooms all want to protect her

It's unlikely that she'll be dying anytime soon.

Is it possible? Yes. Heck, we even saw her die after the first fight with Kralkatorrik, piercing her heart with brand crystal will prevent the healing to revive her. Just, she was revived after the aforementioned people removed the brand crystals from her.

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The game world will still have dragons. No matter what, people will still be flying around on their skyscales. I also hope the lore still includes dragons since I doubt it will be something so easily forgotten. My interpretation of "The End of Dragons" is simply that the Elder Dragon threat is eliminated, either through killing all the dragons, balancing the dragon energies, etc. etc. Or, well, "Dragons" could just mean something completely different and referring to something like "The End of the Empire of the Dragon". So it is hard to say. I think the "2" in Guild Wars 2 (logo in the forum banner) will always be the same. The era of dragons may be coming to a close, but it will likely leave a permanent mark on the timeline of our characters. For new expansions/living worlds, there might be something new.

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The whole reason why we are fighting dragons is cause they consume all magic and turn all creatures to dragon minions. I doubt end of dragons will mean that there will be no more dragons. More likely that their time of menace is over and they are no longer a threat to the other races of tyria.

But I do think that future stories are no longer about dragons and the logo should change to something else.

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I'm not sure it would make sense to change the logo just because the narrative is moving on to other things. The point of a logo is real-world brand recognition - people who are aware of the game see that spikey 2 shaped dragon and know it means whatever it's on is related to Guild Wars 2. Changing it to something else means starting the process of getting that logo out there and recognised all over again and that's a very long and/or expensive process.

Changing it would have relatively little benefit, especially since as various people have pointed out there will still be dragons in the narrative, just not as the main threat.

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@Taril.8619 said:At the very least, Aurene will be sticking around for a while (Given that she has Joko's immortality)

I have been curious about this. If aurene is immortal like joko and as we all know, joko was undead, when is aurene going to transform to look more like zaithan? Maybe not exactly, but a sickly green hue would be appropriate.

@Taril.8619 said:

@Taril.8619 said:Probably more dragons.

I doubt that "End of Dragons" will be literally the death of all dragons.

At the very least, Aurene will be sticking around for a while (Given that she has Joko's immortality)

As we've seen though, this immortality only applies to death. Being transformed into some other kind of state, like by just being eaten, defeats it. Therefor its possible for Aurene to "die" as well, though not by conventional means.

But, given that;1) Aurene is an Elder Dragon2) The Commander is her Champion3) Dragon's Watch, the Exalted, the Zephyrites and the Crystal Blooms all want to protect her

It's unlikely that she'll be dying anytime soon.

Is it possible? Yes. Heck, we even saw her die after the first fight with Kralkatorrik, piercing her heart with brand crystal will prevent the healing to revive her. Just, she was revived after the aforementioned people removed the brand crystals from her.

In other words: No, it won't ever die, not really. sighI wonder why all the other elder dragons just die when they get stabbed/shot by puny mortals, and aurene just slides over everything like nothing happened? Aurene must be some mutant to not get all that magic dispersed, for reasons. You may not agree with me, but the reason is terrible writing, of course. At first, i thought to just go through the story once to see what it was about, but now i would rather just skip it all. Too bad that isn't allowed.

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None of the other dragons were "just" shot or stabbed. In fact all the story lines involving them include sections which emphasise that normal attacks, even on a massive scale, won't work and you need to figure out something special to kill them.

Zhaitan (personal story ending spoilers)

Zhaitan was repeatedly bombarded with magical cannons designed specifically to kill him, by absorbing his magic. In-universe literally years of research by different people and groups (mainly asura) went into designing that weapon because normal weapons wouldn't be able to kill an undead elder dragon. The Mega laser used to fight Tequatl is a prototype of the final thing.


Mordremoth (Heart of Thorns ending spoilers)

Mordremoth was killed by magically entering his mind and attacking it directly. It's represented in the game as a fairly conventional fight where you use your normal skills because players complained endlessly about not getting to do that with Zhaitain, but in the story it's a dedicated magical attack on his weak point - again identified through extensive research and some trial and error. Being able to do that required a coordinated attack by the whole Pact to keep his body in one area and distract him enough that he'd be vulnerable.


Kralkatorrik (Season 4 ending spoilers)

With Kralkatorrik it was a bit of both - you and Aurene physically enter his body and attack both his heart and magical projections of his mind, and even then it only kills him because Aurene absorbs his magic. Arguably the bigger challenge this time though was finding a way to even harm the dragon so he could be weakened and pinned down enough for the kind of targeted attack we now knew is necessary to happen. That involved hitting him with another specialised laser (different from the one used against Zhaitan) and blasts of the same type of magic (from Aurene), dropping a series of islands on top of him and then stabbing him in places he was already injured using magical spears made from his own blood. After all of that he simply started healing, so all it did was create a small opening for that final attack to happen.


It's reasonable to assume that something similar could kill Aurene, but it would be a similarly complicated process and, just like the other Elder Dragons, would involve defeating or getting around her minions and allies (in this case including the commander and the Crystal Bloom). Even then I think the biggest problem is that currently the vast majority of people and forces capable of even trying are allied with Aurene and have no intention of killing her. Also, then we'd be back to needing another solution to the problem of unstable magic leaking out into the world.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@Taril.8619 said:At the very least, Aurene will be sticking around for a while (Given that she has Joko's immortality)

I have been curious about this. If aurene is immortal like joko and as we all know, joko was undead, when is aurene going to transform to look more like zaithan? Maybe not exactly, but a sickly green hue would be appropriate.

Joko was also human. And had died numerous times.

Aurene is a dragon. One who also has a lot of magical energy within her.

Other Elder Dragons were not physically altered by absorbing literally Zhaitan/Mordremoth energy, so it shouldn't be expected that she'd start having her appearance altered due to any magics she's absorbed.

@Yggranya.5201 said:

@Taril.8619 said:Probably more dragons.

I doubt that "End of Dragons" will be literally the death of all dragons.

At the very least, Aurene will be sticking around for a while (Given that she has Joko's immortality)

As we've seen though, this immortality only applies to death. Being transformed into some other kind of state, like by just being eaten, defeats it. Therefor its possible for Aurene to "die" as well, though not by conventional means.

But, given that;1) Aurene is an Elder Dragon2) The Commander is her Champion3) Dragon's Watch, the Exalted, the Zephyrites and the Crystal Blooms all want to protect her

It's unlikely that she'll be dying anytime soon.

Is it possible? Yes. Heck, we even saw her die after the first fight with Kralkatorrik, piercing her heart with brand crystal will prevent the healing to revive her. Just, she was revived after the aforementioned people removed the brand crystals from her.

In other words: No, it won't ever die, not really.
I wonder why all the other elder dragons just die when they get stabbed/shot by puny mortals, and aurene just slides over everything like nothing happened? Aurene must be some mutant to not get all that magic dispersed, for reasons. You may not agree with me, but the reason is terrible writing, of course. At first, i thought to just go through the story once to see what it was about, but now i would rather just skip it all. Too bad that isn't allowed.

1) Zhaitan was shot to heck with magical cannons after being crippled and starved throughout the entire Orrian section of the Personal Story.

2) Mordremoth required the Commander to go into the Dream and kill his mind ALONGSIDE a massive assault by the Pact forces and in the end, what killed him was him impaling himself on a spike.

3) Kralkatorrik was shot to heck with blasts of Aurene's magical energy from the Commander, amplified by Zephyrite crystals using Dredge amplification technology, blasted directly by Aurene in the face, blasted to heck by Aurene while flying through the various worlds, had his wing torn off, was assaulted by a giant Pact force armed with magical spears made out of his own blood AND then had his heart then destroyed by Aurene to kill him.

So far, the closest Aurene has got to death, was when she was pelted with brand crystals after the first confrontation with Kralkatorrik, wherein she was killed until the shard piercing her heart was removed.

The reason she survived that and didn't have her magic dispersed, was literally because she had absorbed Joko's magic which meant that her body was trying to heal itself despite these wounds.

So no, it's not like other ED's "Just die when they get stabbed/shot by puny mortals", in all cases it required use of the one weakness each ED had (Zhaitan's weakness was the need to constantly consume magical artifacts to maintain strength. Mordremoth's weakness was a direct line to his mind within the Dream he created for his minions. Kralkatorrik's weakness was the resonant frequency found within his body and thus weapons made out of his actual blood)

If mortals were to go after Aurene with her weakness, whatever that may be, she too would be killable. Though it would be harder than for other ED's due to Joko's magic.

Though, to be fair, having Aurene get Joko's magical immortality is pretty terrible writing. Not only due to how it was a let down of a climax when facing Joko, but it also gives Aurene literal "Plot Armor" (And cheapened her "Death" at the end of that episode)

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We, The Commanders, will all become Dragons, thus ensuring the required logo remains.

On a more serious note, even if "End of Dragons" is literal, the game still tells the dragon-centric story up to that point and anyone who is new or has not played through all of it will be within that 8-year story arc. Anet can keep the logo and have a "current logo" like we've seen with each expansion (dragon in thorns/dragon in tornado/dragon in wave).

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@"Taril.8619" said:The reason she survived that and didn't have her magic dispersed, was literally because she had absorbed Joko's magic which meant that her body was trying to heal itself despite these wounds.The question of course remains, why Joko was killed by Aurene absorbing his magic, but Kralkatolrik was somehow unable to do the same to Aurene, even though he was apparently capable of effortlessly absorbing whole realities (domains of gods, several of which got completely absorbed)

Though, to be fair, having Aurene get Joko's magical immortality is pretty terrible writing. Not only due to how it was a let down of a climax when facing Joko, but it also gives Aurene literal "Plot Armor" (And cheapened her "Death" at the end of that episode)It 's a very weak plot armor though. I mean, Joko had it and it didn't prevent him from dying. Which in reality makes it even worse writing.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Taril.8619 said:The reason she survived that and didn't have her magic dispersed, was literally because she had absorbed Joko's magic which meant that her body was trying to heal itself despite these wounds.The question of course remains, why Joko was killed by Aurene absorbing his magic, but Kralkatolrik was somehow unable to do the same to Aurene, even though he was apparently capable of effortlessly absorbing whole realities (domains of gods, several of which got completely absorbed)

Possibly dragons have some resistance to being absorbed by other dragons (Otherwise, why didn't Glint simply absorb Kralkatorrik when fighting alongside Destiny's Edge?)

Outside of that, well... Kralk didn't want to kill Aurene. He wanted Aurene to kill him. To end his suffering that was the byproduct of absorbing the magics released by the death of the other Elder Dragons and Balthazar. While showing mercy to his grand-daughter because he wasn't totally heartless.

@Astralporing.1957 said:

Though, to be fair, having Aurene get Joko's magical immortality is pretty terrible writing. Not only due to how it was a let down of a climax when facing Joko, but it also gives Aurene literal "Plot Armor" (And cheapened her "Death" at the end of that episode)It 's a very weak plot armor though. I mean, Joko had it and it didn't prevent him from dying. Which in reality makes it even

It's plot armour all the same. They can have Aurene take a literal nuke to the face and have her live "Because Joko powers!", though, doing so makes the death of Joko cheaper and more idiotic each time it is used to escape death...

Between this, "Glints Prophecy" and the relationship to the Commander (Including the masteries that give us the additional skills to use while mounted) she's got enough plot armour to where she could do whatever the heck she wants with 0 consequences.

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Expansion logos have had a tradition in this game of featuring the main antagonist Dragon that appear in the expansion story.HoT's logo was Mordrmeoth.PoF's Logo was Kralkatorrik even though Balthazar was the main focus for that expansion.And EoD's Logo features 2 Dragons which likely represent DSD and Jormag, though the White Dragon could also be Aurine too and the Yin Yang symbolism of the logo does make that quite fitting.At the very least Deep Sea Dragon is blatantly represented so i'm betting there is a very big chance this Dragon will be involved in End of Dragons.

With IBS setting up Jormag though I expect Jormag will play some role in EoD.. it's been building up a narrative about a threat on the horizon and how we will need it's help.. yada yada, plus it makes sense for DSD and Jormag to have some kind of thing going on between them, likely a rivalry considering how they are similar.. one is a Dragon of Water another a Dragon of Ice.. pretty much the same element just in different forms, it would make sense for these Dragons to have some kind of rivalry and since Jormag was almost killed back in LW3 by Primordus Magic it would explain Jormag's behaviour and "change of heart" recently.

Jormag is now living in a world where there are only 3 other Elder Dragons.. and all seem to threaten it in some form.Primordus is it's direct weakness and after LW3 likely wants Jormag gone for it's own self preservation.. or at least Jormag may think that it does.Another a Dragon of Water.. very close in a lot of ways to Jormag and potentially a big rival as a result.And then there's Aurine who wants to break this Elder Dragon cycle and put an end to this reckless destruction.Plus the Commander is on it's tail right now with 3 Elder Dragons and a God on their kill count.. and we have to remember Jormag is still in a somewhat weakened state after LW3.

It kinda makes sense that Jormag would be pretty paranoid at this point and feeling like it is beset on all sides by enemies.. so reaching out to Aurine and trying to broker a peace with the Commander does make a lot of sense for Jormag's survival, and that could be why Jormag is doing what it's been doing through the IBS.

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@"Taril.8619" said:

It's plot armour all the same. They can have Aurene take a literal nuke to the face and have her live "Because Joko powers!", though, doing so makes the death of Joko cheaper and more idiotic each time it is used to escape death...

I also didn't like the immortality card they pulled on Aurene, but all the same I don't feel quite as harshly as you (and many others) do when it comes to Joko's elimination by eating.

It reminds me a lot of the end of Terminator 2: how do you permanently neutralize an enemy that can pull itself back together even if you shatter it into a million fragments? You'd have to place all those fragments in a situation where they stay 'dissolved' and unable to perform the task of returning to their functional, unified state. I think having something eat and permanently digest (and thereby chemically fragment) Joko's entire body and basically change its very physical state forever is a workable narrative solution.

This is not to say that it's perfect. Notably, there was no discussion at all of how the reanimation magic worked, or precisely what it worked on. Does Joko's essence or 'life', as it were, go to the Mists when we 'kill' him, and the magic just pulls it back to Tyria and re-infuses it into his body? Could that magic allow Joko's 'life' to be inserted into another living vessel so Joko could pretty much be a bodysnatcher? As far as I know, none of this was discussed, and the official answer is that Aurene eating Joko ended him for good. So we don't know exactly why, but he's done, and at the end of the day I'm okay with that because I can come up with reasons in my head how that could work out.

As for dragon logos, I'm pretty sure the red dragon '2' will stick around as the overall logo for the game. Not necessarily for narrative reasons, but for marketing and brand identification reasons.

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@Taril.8619 said:

@Taril.8619 said:At the very least, Aurene will be sticking around for a while (Given that she has Joko's immortality)

I have been curious about this. If aurene is immortal like joko and as we all know, joko was undead, when is aurene going to transform to look more like zaithan? Maybe not exactly, but a sickly green hue would be appropriate.

Joko was also human. And had died numerous times.

Aurene is a dragon. One who also has a lot of magical energy within her.

Other Elder Dragons were not physically altered by absorbing literally Zhaitan/Mordremoth energy, so it shouldn't be expected that she'd start having her appearance altered due to any magics she's absorbed.

Yes, Joko was indeed undead and if aurene came back thanks to Joko, doesn't that mean it is now undead, like zaithan was? I don't see it as much of a stretch to see some changes happening. Not like something like that has ever happened before, so anything could happen if anet were willing to make it less sparkly, which is unlikely.

The lore only matters as far as anet is willing to explain anything, and since they avoid that for the obvious benefit of people resorting to speculation, they won't explain much. Then they can just pull whatever out their backside when it's convinient.

@Taril.8619 said:Probably more dragons.

I doubt that "End of Dragons" will be literally the death of all dragons.

At the very least, Aurene will be sticking around for a while (Given that she has Joko's immortality)

As we've seen though, this immortality only applies to death. Being transformed into some other kind of state, like by just being eaten, defeats it. Therefor its possible for Aurene to "die" as well, though not by conventional means.

But, given that;1) Aurene is an Elder Dragon2) The Commander is her Champion3) Dragon's Watch, the Exalted, the Zephyrites and the Crystal Blooms all want to protect her

It's unlikely that she'll be dying anytime soon.

Is it possible? Yes. Heck, we even saw her die after the first fight with Kralkatorrik, piercing her heart with brand crystal will prevent the healing to revive her. Just, she was revived after the aforementioned people removed the brand crystals from her.

In other words: No, it won't ever die, not really.
I wonder why all the other elder dragons just die when they get stabbed/shot by puny mortals, and aurene just slides over everything like nothing happened? Aurene must be some mutant to not get all that magic dispersed, for reasons. You may not agree with me, but the reason is terrible writing, of course. At first, i thought to just go through the story once to see what it was about, but now i would rather just skip it all. Too bad that isn't allowed.

1) Zhaitan was shot to heck with magical cannons after being crippled and starved throughout the entire Orrian section of the Personal Story.

2) Mordremoth required the Commander to go into the Dream and kill his mind ALONGSIDE a massive assault by the Pact forces and in the end, what killed him was him impaling himself on a spike.

3) Kralkatorrik was shot to heck with blasts of Aurene's magical energy from the Commander, amplified by Zephyrite crystals using Dredge amplification technology, blasted directly by Aurene in the face, blasted to heck by Aurene while flying through the various worlds, had his wing torn off, was assaulted by a giant Pact force armed with magical spears made out of his own blood AND then had his heart then destroyed by Aurene to kill him.

So far, the closest Aurene has got to death, was when she was pelted with brand crystals after the first confrontation with Kralkatorrik, wherein she was killed until the shard piercing her heart was removed.

The reason she survived that and didn't have her magic dispersed, was literally because she had absorbed Joko's magic which meant that her body was trying to heal itself despite these wounds.

So no, it's not like other ED's "Just die when they get stabbed/shot by puny mortals", in all cases it required use of the one weakness each ED had (Zhaitan's weakness was the need to constantly consume magical artifacts to maintain strength. Mordremoth's weakness was a direct line to his mind within the Dream he created for his minions. Kralkatorrik's weakness was the resonant frequency found within his body and thus weapons made out of his actual blood)

If mortals were to go after Aurene with her weakness, whatever that may be, she too would be killable. Though it would be harder than for other ED's due to Joko's magic.

Though, to be fair, having Aurene get Joko's magical immortality is pretty terrible writing. Not only due to how it was a let down of a climax when facing Joko, but it also gives Aurene literal "Plot Armor" (And cheapened her "Death" at the end of that episode)

When the other elder dragons die, they simply explode, magic scattering everywhere. Why was aurene exempt from this? Since its own blood made into a weapon is the weakness of kralkatorrik, seems resonable to expect that to be the weakness of its offsprings. Getting impaled by crystal would do it, right? Unless it needs to, conviniently, be made specifically out of its blood?

If that is the case, well, i guess all of tyria can just wait till aurene gets tired of being their lord and saviour and blows them up for its own amusement. Not like they could do anything anymore, since kralkatorrik is dead and gone. Following a prophecy blindly will be tyrias undoing. Actually, it is already too late, as aurene is truly immortal and more powerful than anything else. Just bow your heads lesser beings or get crystallized.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:When the other elder dragons die, they simply explode, magic scattering everywhere. Why was aurene exempt from this?

1) She was not an Elder Dragon at the time she died (She only became one after killing Kralkatorrik and absorbing his magic). We can see from Glint's remains that a dragon dying doesn't necessarily explode (Vlast did, but he was hit by a literal god)

2) She had Joko's immortality, which could have negated some of the after effects of dying.

@Yggranya.5201 said:Since its own blood made into a weapon is the weakness of kralkatorrik, seems resonable to expect that to be the weakness of its offsprings. Getting impaled by crystal would do it, right? Unless it needs to, conviniently, be made specifically out of its blood?

It would seem to need to be specifically its blood. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so much of a hassle trying to get Kralk's blood to make the Dragonsblood Spears as Glint's and Aurene's blood would have been viable as Kralk's kin.

So even if the expectation of having the same weakness applies, it would still be a case of requiring a weapon made of Aurene's blood in order to work.

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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:In Cantha if it sticks to the Asian theme dragons are considered friendly towards humans and not a threat. There are no elder dragons to fight in Cantha, unless someone can show different. Kuunavang is a part of Cantha and has been corrupted by Shiro. Elder Dragons cannot be corrupted

Had been, she was corrupted by the Jade wind which as far as we know was corrupted divine magic from Dwayna but she was purified back in Gw1.Albax was the only Saltspray Dragon we know of that wasn't corrupted by the wind.

The interesting thing of note is that the Jade Wind petrified everything it touched.. land, forest, sea, anything living.. except the Saltspray Dragons, for some reason they were corrupted instead which is curious.It could just be because they are dragons but it could also mean something else that Anet will go into when we go to Cantha.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:When the other elder dragons die, they simply explode, magic scattering everywhere. Why was aurene exempt from this? Since its own blood made into a weapon is the weakness of kralkatorrik, seems resonable to expect that to be the weakness of its offsprings. Getting impaled by crystal would do it, right? Unless it needs to, conviniently, be made specifically out of its blood?

If that is the case, well, i guess all of tyria can just wait till aurene gets tired of being their lord and saviour and blows them up for its own amusement. Not like they could do anything anymore, since kralkatorrik is dead and gone. Following a prophecy blindly will be tyrias undoing. Actually, it is already too late, as aurene is truly immortal and more powerful than anything else. Just bow your heads lesser beings or get crystallized.

The dragons themselves don't explode. Zhaitan dropped into the ruins of Arah and the Pact later salvaged parts of his corpse. (Tiny bits of it are the dungeon tokens for The Ruined City of Arah, and the Priory have his tail in their archives.) Mordremoths body runs under and through a huge chunk of Tyria - all those vines are the dragon, and they're still there after he died, just dead. Likewise Kralkatorrik's body stayed where it was when he died.

Their magic leaks out when they die, but that's not visible so we don't know if it happened to Aurene. Maybe needing to reabsorb magic was part of the reason it took a long time for her to come back.

And yes it does need to be a weapon made of the dragon's own blood that kills it. That was a big part of the story to Season 4 - we made weapons out of branding crystals and they worked on the branded minions (which can be killed by normal weapons anyway) but not on the Elder Dragon, so we had to keep looking for ways to get Kralkatorrik's blood. Aurene was impaled by a branding crystal, not by a dragon's blood weapon.

I appreciate you don't like Aurene, but you can't simply ignore the story we're given and re-write it to suit your own narrative, then complain that it doesn't make sense.

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@Trise.2865 said:Already worrying about the fifth expansion when the fourth isn't even out yet?

Tbh I don't think there will be a 5th one.

If End of Dragon Gives us the Death of Jormag and DSD then we'll probably end up dealing with Primordus in a future living world season or a Elder Dragon finale saga which will end the Dragon/Gw2's main storyline completely.At that point I expect the game will continue on with new side stories purely in a living world format.

I don't expect there will be any need for expansions once the Dragon story is done, not unless Anet plan on taking us to a whole new continent or something.

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I don't think Anet make expansions because for some reason stories about dragons have to be sold as a seperate release, otherwise Season 4 would have to have been an expansion since that dealt with Kralkatorrik. (And Path of Fire could have been a living world season, since Kralk was a minor player in that story and the main villain was Balthazar, with Joko as a secondary threat.) I don't think the lead villain or the theme of the story has anything to do with what gets packaged up as an expansion vs. released as individual episodes.

Therefore I'm expecting them to continue to release expansions after EoD for the same reasons they've released the previous ones: their market research tells them not only are players willing to pay extra for expansion packs, they actually complain that nothing is being released if the don't think one is being worked on.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:In Cantha if it sticks to the Asian theme dragons are considered friendly towards humans and not a threat. There are no elder dragons to fight in Cantha, unless someone can show different. Kuunavang is a part of Cantha and has been corrupted by Shiro. Elder Dragons cannot be corrupted

Had been, she was corrupted by the Jade wind which as far as we know was corrupted divine magic from Dwayna but she was purified back in Gw1.Albax was the only Saltspray Dragon we know of that wasn't corrupted by the wind.

The interesting thing of note is that the Jade Wind petrified everything it touched.. land, forest, sea, anything living.. except the Saltspray Dragons, for some reason they were corrupted instead which is curious.It could just be because they are dragons but it could also mean something else that Anet will go into when we go to Cantha.

If I am not mistaken in GW Factions she was corrupted by Shiro until the mission that removes the corruption then the mission before the last she gives players extra special skills based on their profession

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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:

@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:In Cantha if it sticks to the Asian theme dragons are considered friendly towards humans and not a threat. There are no elder dragons to fight in Cantha, unless someone can show different. Kuunavang is a part of Cantha and has been corrupted by Shiro. Elder Dragons cannot be corrupted

Had been, she was corrupted by the Jade wind which as far as we know was corrupted divine magic from Dwayna but she was purified back in Gw1.Albax was the only Saltspray Dragon we know of that wasn't corrupted by the wind.

The interesting thing of note is that the Jade Wind petrified everything it touched.. land, forest, sea, anything living.. except the Saltspray Dragons, for some reason they were corrupted instead which is curious.It could just be because they are dragons but it could also mean something else that Anet will go into when we go to Cantha.

If I am not mistaken in GW Factions she was corrupted by Shiro until the mission that removes the corruption then the mission before the last she gives players extra special skills based on their profession

Shiro unleashed the Jade Wind upon his death so in a way she was corrupted by him as were all the Saltspray dragons effected by the Wind.It was the wind that corrupted them but it was Shiros influence that made them his slaves.Even though Kuunavang resisted she was still under his control until we give her a good smack on the head lol

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