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Why Gift of Battle?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"DanielKingston.3947" said:So I'm on a low populated server, no commanders, no teamwork and it's full of toxicity in the team chat, I can't get a SINGLE kill because I'm being 1 hit by a camping thief on the borders of my spawn point.
  1. If the server was low populated, it would have been linked with one of a higher populace by now.
  2. When the map feels empty to you, switch to a different map. It's nearly impossible that none will have squads from your server on them, unless it's at a time where people are usually at work.
  3. Use map chat to find public squads. Ask your squad or in team chat for your server's TS/Discord IP, then join and be pleasantly surprised. Enjoy the experience!
  4. Look up common WvW builds that suit the current meta. It can't hurt to go in better prepared.
  5. And last, but not least: if there is a lot of nonsense going on in team chat, simply deactivate it for the time being. Each server has a few trolls, and that's exactly where you will find them. Alternatively, and for the sake of future communication, block those specific players. Most WvW players aren't like that, these players aren't representative for the game mode. (If you want to experience real toxicity, try a few games of PvP...)

Also he must try different hour, at begin i always think wvw was empty, im on SoS, latter i discovered that SoS is strong at "oceanic" timezone.hes probably dont know about reset too.

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the beginning of the post that read "spawn camped by a thief" made me chuckle =P the reason I guess is to get ppl to at least try different game modes? and if you think WvW is toxic, man, you haven't seen toxic. To begin with, he fact opposing players can't chat already goes a long way... like others have said, focus on the non-pvp dailies, if you get zerg-banged laugh it off, change maps, keep trying different things and you'll get the Gift before you know it.

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@Mauzi.5892 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots.

Exactly 80

Nice! Good to know! I've spent mine as i got them, but lately, since i don't need any reward track "fast" and got all the important ones, i've started hoarding mine. Sothat when i need something like 100 winterberries or 50 blood rubies or a piece of armor, i can just use them to complete the reward track that way. :smile:

I have like 2 gift of battle now, 1 already spent on creating legendary armor, all the non repeatable reward tracks completed, now i'ts just mystic clover farm. :tongue:

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Just solo roam in Desert Boarderlands because it has the most objectives to cap, ask in map chat for help with tower and keeps. This could be easier if you run a good build (WvW meta works best), the faster you kill npcs the faster you can cap. Switch maps when people start killing you to much, rinse and repeat. Do your WvW dailies, the potions will help a lot, best time to do them is after reset. Remember where the vets spawn for quick daily, there is one that's in a "neutral" zone.

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I don't usually weigh in on these topics, but I figured I would.

I mainly play PvE, but when I saw the GOB was needed for a legendary, I knew I have to get into WvW. I started by doing the tasks listed before. My build was not very good even by PvE standards, but I kept at it. Before long, I joined a zerg and then went around taking camps and towers. Before long I had completed the track. Having boosters did help.

The problem... I started to enjoy it! I got killed a lot by the enemy. Curse those on Crystal Desert and Northern Shiverpeaks. Not I am working towards creating a WvW character, a Scourge. And even joined a WvW guild on Darkhaven. I have blast and meet some nice people who are more than willing to help out those newbs who have been playing the game since release.

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OP I feel your pain but I also have to say there's a lot of good advice in this thread. What I can add (and my apologies if this has been mentioned) is that WAY back in the day, PVE players used to have to run WvW in order to achieve full Map Complete (Gift of Exploration). This was removed and the only requirement left was the WvW Gift of Battle reward track. I offer this insight into the history as a way of explaining why you have received the responses you have in this thread. I too mainly run PVE but have actually grown to enjoy WvW. As others have mentioned, the community is not all as toxic as it may appear and even on a "dead server", you really can achieve the GoB quite quickly through the PVE aspects of the game.

If I may. I think, one of the key aspects is that WvW players (and I mean those who pretty much only WvW) get tired of GoB players coming in, not listening and generally leaving as soon as their reward track maxes - regardless of what objective etc is being capped at the time. WvW requires people to cap and defend the big objectives. Yes, there is generally some butthead spamming nonsense in map/team chat that most of us either laugh at (for being the butthead who points out stupid things) or put on ignore. Yes, some commanders bark orders but that's because they are trying to move a team of 50 players moving in one direction (I forget the new squad limit atm). It's not personal, it's just needed for success. However, it goes both ways. Over the years, WvW players have been incredibly generous to PVE players who want to learn and get the GoB, Warclaw etc. Participation in this game, whether PVE or WvW is still participation.

Consider it from this perspective... how many times have you been in a PVE event in open world only to see a pile of AFK players mooching free rewards off those who are putting in the effort? That's incredibly frustrating! WvW players are no different. So it's not that they are toxic, they simply get frustrated when people refuse to defend an objective or leave in the middle of an important cap simply because they maxed their reward track during the last pip and don't care that they are leaving their server-mates hanging one player short.

In most games I find PVP quite toxic but WvW is really a hybrid of PVE and PVP content. With a GH boost, the free banners that generally appear at WP or Keep, plus an XP booster (use Laurels and buy the 30 mins ones if you do not want to buy the ones in the gem store or have none in the bank) you really can get it in no-time. My server suffers from chronic afternoon emptiness and we tend to get bowled over around noon-hour eastern time no matter who we are linked with. Yet, because that time works for me, I run about solo and generally find pugs who are in the same boat just wanting that GoB or, like me wanting to max their pips for the week, so we run about together ungrouped taking camps, shrines and if we have enough of us we take towers. Do we get annihilated a lot by enemy zergs? Yup, but taking a look at the basic builds on meta-battle or gw2mists is really helpful for survival. From experience, I can tell you skill comes later and there are times when the other players are simply just faster than me. :-)

Finally, find a WvW oriented guild. Although most of the people in my guild play all game modes, those who main WvW have died A LOT showing me the ropes and have helped me to understand the nuances of the game mode. In fact, the only change to the GoB I would like to see is a way to earn the Gift of Battle (or equivalent) in PVP as well as WvW. There's a whole other community of people who have the same concerns as you but after all this time, I can't see it ever being changed by the devs when it's really not a huge time sink -- especially when they have the WvW XP bonus events on.

In the end, I have to agree with those who have commented about being a main WvW players -- the amount of work required for WvW mains to get a legendary is insane compared to PVErs who really just have to complete a reward track.

Cheers and good luck.

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@"Nilkemia.8507" said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Nilkemia.8507" said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

I agree, it makes more sense to have it in WvW.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Nilkemia.8507" said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

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@yoni.7015 said:

@Tumult.2578 said:The OP clearly has no interest in WvW. Still, I agree that the game should motivate players to try each game mode. What makes no sense to me is the continued requirement. Once you have tried a game mode, to the point where you have received a reward like the GOB or other track rewards and been fair and honest about giving the mode a fair try, and then decide you do not want to enter that mode again, How can there be any valid reason to continue to force players into that mode? So, it's do the REQUIRED content, even though you have already given it a fair try and know you will not enjoy it, over and over for each legendary you want to make. How can players reenter the mode without feeling a distinct predjudice towards it. It's clear from the posts here that players feel that way about different game modes. Rather than pit players againsty each other in the forums, it makes a world of sense to me to establish a set amount of completed content in a game mode and then reward the player with other ways to acheive the reward they seek, in the other game modes. Constant disagreement and accusations in the forums does little to motive new players to join us and these required modes for rewards, may be doing more damage to the game than good. I am glad each game mode exists for those of us who enjoy them, but find it unrealistic to believe we all will love each and every mode.

No one forces you to do it. No one is forced to get a legendary. You want a legendary? Then do the stuff that is required.

This should be the slogan on this forum. Written in big bold letters right on top. And this applies to everything in this game, which alot of people seem to forget.


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@Nilkemia.8507 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

It doesn't make sense (...to me), because the complaint isn't about the name of the item you need to craft the legendary, but about the mode that involves pvp. WvW gives more flexibility and less time pressure while playing it to get the gob. So yes, I'd say it still doesn't make sense, because it was never about the name of the item fitting or not fitting the mode. :p

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@Nilkemia.8507 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

As long as the source for the badges is only through WvW and not Achievement chest like in the past.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

There was that option, for a long time; it's really not that difficult to garner Badges of Honor.

The option was removed a couple of years ago, or so, much to the consternation of many players.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

There was that option, for a long time; it's really not that difficult to garner Badges of Honor.

The option was removed a couple of years ago, or so, much to the consternation of many players.

Ah i see. I didn't know about that. It's been a long time since i played, and back when i did, i didn't need GoB so i never checked lol.Still, it's better this way, pretty easy to obtain anyway.

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@Zushada.6108 said:If I may. I think, one of the key aspects is that WvW players (and I mean those who pretty much only WvW) get tired of GoB players coming in, not listening and generally leaving as soon as their reward track maxes - regardless of what objective etc is being capped at the time.All the more reason to not have them there at all, right?

@Veprovina.4876 said:Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.Well, let's say i am glad that i bought as much of them as i could when it was still possible.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

There was that option, for a long time; it's really not that difficult to garner Badges of Honor.

The option was removed a couple of years ago, or so, much to the consternation of many players.

Ah i see. I didn't know about that. It's been a long time since i played, and back when i did, i didn't need GoB so i never checked lol.Still, it's better this way, pretty easy to obtain anyway.

Yeah back then badges were harder to get and most pvers resorted to doing the 3 wvw borderland jps to get badges.

Nowadays wvw map exploration is no longer needed and badges come thick and fast, so reverting back to badges would be too trivial

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