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Thoughts on the patch for Dec 1st, 2020.

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@Highlie.7641 said:well it's a good thing thieves haven't been running SB for that extra mobility for 8+ years, I mean there is nooooo way where going to just swap to rifle....

IA for 8 int, and travel 900 range Or you canRifle 4 x2 for 8 init and travel 1200 range,

Arena net, being Arena net....

Deadeye and daredevil have a huge difference like what. Comparing shortbow (a core thief weapon) to rifle (a spec weapon) isnt remotely similar. Daredevil does almost everything deadeye can do... but better and this was a deserved valid nerf but wont change the the best thief build from d/p daredevil.

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thanks for Finally take a look on consume plasma, mesmer is too hard counter by thief with that and it needed to be at least reduce.

!! for more informations from the mesmer forum it check this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/73483/consume-plasma

for the rest i'm very happy that they check what make ingeneer very unpleasant to play against aka the barrage grenade and grenade entrance and i see what they wanted to do with the shortbow but they could not hurt the good spot (if they wanted to reduce the mobility of the daredevil), core thief may have trouble after that.

daredevil maybe should be more looked up and balanced if they wanted to give him mobility but more catchable ? Dunno, in other hand the roamer role will be less easy with that so it may force thief to play in other way i guess

9/10 patch thanks again for listen the community

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If you would like my serious view on the patch:

Core Engi suffers for Holo's sins. Used to it by now. Moving on.

As for Holo. When I play it, I don't use Nades or flashbang and it feels solid. I like the sustain and slight dps increase of big boomer, and the Elixir gun feels like a more well rounded option. Ironically, I think Holo took a softer hit than core did. It can easily adapt.

Renegade: I honestly thought Shiro/Jalis was better than Jalis/Kalla before the nerf. The only nerf that hit that build was the nerf to inspiring reinforcement, but that was a very minor hit.

Thief: I hate this class with a passion. Part of me can't help but grin at the changes, but I do think the change was poor. Was Infiltrator's Arrow a problem? Yes. But there were better ways to nerf it. I personally like the idea of a stacking initiative increase that others suggested, which would, if nothing else, be an interesting mechanic to manage. Starts at 6, gain a stacking debuff that increases cost by 1 until the debuff falls off. If nothing else it would have been a nerf that came with a somewhat interesting mechanic to manage.

If I were to spitball an idea, Decrease the initiative cost of it down to 4. Give it a stacking debuff that increases the initiative of all skills used by 1 until it falls of. If you catch a thief on a poor rotation after having spammed it you know they're going to have throttled resources to fight back, stealth, or run away.

Stolen skill changes were good. Plasma was nuts

Warrior: I don't know enough about this class to speak on the changes. Looks like more of a power shuffle than a straight nerf, which is nice to see. While you could have made an argument that Healbreaker was OP, the rest of the class needed some love.

Herald: Actually a buff in PvE. You can run run the bottom trait (too lazy to look up the name) and dish out more dps while still providing 10 man boons. They needed it.

WvW stuff: Idc. I have a personal vendetta against that gamemode because Anet uses it as an excuse to let scrapper languish in mediocrity everywhere else.

In summary, Holo and Renegade can easily adapt to the nerfs, so don't expect them to go anywhere. Thief changes could have been tackled in a better way. Not certain about warrior. WvW stuff is whatever.

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The most basic changes I looked for in the balance update: Remove trapper runes, Change shocking aura, rework or nerf engi shield, rework elixir S. I knew not to not expect anet to do anything substantial with Elixir S or Shield because their motto seems to be "if only we tweak the numbers JUUUUUUUST right we can avoid having to rework obviously poorly designed skills." So in the end all I was really hoping for was the removal or rework of trapper runes.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:I'd call the patch mostly mediocre with parts that are really bad. Killing Core Engineer for Holos sins is still a really, really stupid thing to do. Likewise nerfing the one viable build Warrior has had after the disaster that was the february patch means were likely going back to 0 viable Warrior builds. Thief changes, depends on what they do after them, so Im gonna hold off on judgment there.

Thats literally what they did to guard, why didnt people see them doing it again is beyond me.

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My only issue with the current balancing is that is done only for the Tournament meta witch is way way different then the general gameplay 'meta' where the majority of people play, so the majority is kinda leaving the game. If I were to change skills in the game i would probably sit down and theorycraft some builds for everything for core and elite specks, so every play style has at least one good build and buff/nerf where it is needed so everything is at A tier(the way people like to grade specks for some reason). This would feel forced but it is kinda preferable then the current stagnation, since players are terrible people and will optimize the fun out of the game given enough time.There is a lack of general entry level functional builds that don't rely on OP gimmick, we need some good enough easy to play builds to learn the class from. This should be priority before the Steam launch.
PS: Fix Berserker plox.

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@DoomNexus.5324 said:

@"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

Shortbow, plasma Thanos snap

Mmm, pain. mmm. Delicious. Hope y'all want some non shortbow thieves to spice up your ratings.

Yea guys, enjoy your non-shortbow thieves in your teams. Your match will be a 4v5 and you'll auto lose with a thief on your side, good job anet.

It's interesting to me how out of all the classes people just want to see thieves hurt. Thief has been nerfed over and over again since beta to be where we are now and people still cry for more nerfs. Some things never change. I think people will hate thief until they give it the mirage treatment. DD now has one dodge. Stealth removed entirely from the class because other classes stole it all (lol). Backstab changed to backrub where you give your opponent a boon. Black Powder changed to White Powder now gives true sight, vigor and swiftness to anyone standing in except the thief so people can see other stealthed enemies.

All daggers changed to different lutes. Skills have been changed to notes to play songs that buff allies.

Steal changed to Inspire and temporarily increases the AoE of their songs so thief can... Steal... The show. The word Thief has now been changed to Bard for all purposes.

(Inb4 "Nerf bard their back rub is creepy and gives Biden vibes)

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