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Make up your mind Arenanet

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When it comes to the story end PvE...SWTOR is the king..no other MMO comes even close!.... Oh yeah.. 1 more thing...in SWTOR when you play warrior everyone knows you play a warrior... in gw2 when you play a warrior everyone laugh at you ! GW2 warrior is the worst warrior of ALL MMOs.... ever!...YEP ........Whet noodle with a Bubble !

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In my opinion this game is mostly set it and forget it content. It feels like a test bed of ideas that were almost complete thoughts. Once something is "complete" it is rare that it gets updated. So people feel like the content that they love is forgotten. We keep pushing so far forward we are forgetting to fix/up keep the parts of the past.

If you are on these forums for any amount of time you will see a whole lot of "its to hard for them" posts. Not to mention "I would rather them work on this" posts. We constantly make excuses and confuse each other about what we want ANET to work on. The fact of the matter is all of it needs to be worked on. Every game mode should matter no matter the amount of players that enjoy it. Most of the time its the problems that drove the people away from these game modes. So if they were corrected would people come back? Who knows. I would wager some would. Not to mention the people who are new to said game modes. Would they play it more if it was better than its current state? Probably.

New story content is great for the month that you actually play it. But if you are a vet like me and been in this relationship since beta you know that all of that is short lived. Most people play through the content one time and then farm for the items they like/want and go find something better to do. So while that is all well and good the forgotten instanced content is where people tend to spend most of their actual play time. Keep in mind I am not talking about the time we spend chatting in town.

The competitive modes have been stagnant for a long time and need to have some serious TLC given to them. The recent job posting is great in all but they really need more than just one. So lets hope that is for multiple positions.

I know we are charging towards and expansion and that will help player retention but so will tightening up what we already have. The promises that they have made and not kept has hurt moral. Most of them feel like a bad Duke Nukem Forever joke. This game is a jack of all trades master of none. That is fine but I think we need to raise the bar on all of that content across the board.

I know its about money and numbers but why can it not be about making the whole game better overall as well? Player retention is paramount in my book. Because without players there is no cash flow. If more people are sticking around and playing there is more profits to be had. My wish after saying all this is for them to expand their teams. Keep growing the game while not neglecting what they have already created. I do really like this game and will continue to play it for as long as the servers are running but it sickens me to see all the untapped potential this game has and I think the cure is more people on each team. That is all...

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@zealex.9410 said:Combat in wow get a bad rep, yes gw2's is supperior but at least wow releases new content for the combat to be used in.WoW is a subscription based MMO and, I would guess, has a lot more financial resources with which to produce content. GW2 is F2P/B2P with no subscription.

I really wish people would stop trying to compare these business models. They are not the same.

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As returning Old-School-Beta-Player I would like to suggest, that what is every MMO/Game problem is connecting generations of players with new and old ones.

There are a lot of great games around, but there is always a problem:a) Get new playersb) Keep active playersc) Create new contentD ! ) Keep going to MAKE ALIVE players between XXX-NUMBER of ZONESc) Add new content, that connects new and veterans

Creating new content > Robe a Xunlai Storage

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@"DoomNexus.5324" said:Guild Wars 2 does not really stand out in any aspect on the MMO market and it's kinda sad. I just want to know what you guys are thinking about what I have to say, there's no hate, I don't even want to make suggestions what Anet should do or not, I just want to tell my opinion about the state of the game and if there are at least some that agree or if I'm delusional here. So.. No need to get aggressive in here.

PvE is vastly outperformed by FF14 and WoW for example and I think that's pretty much all I have to say. If you are serious about PvE and progression then there's simply no way Anet could catch up and offer a great alternative. Maybe some side content between major patches/expacs of said games but other than that I think good PvE is pretty much non-existent in GW2. I'm not saying we don't have a lot of PvE-only players or that there's 0 PvE content but Anet doesn't particularly focus on delivering content to sustain a PvE community. I mean, almost everyone plays PvE, even competitive players sometimes need to relax and do some fractals, open world farms, maybe even raids,.. but you simply can't argue that GW2 is nowhere near the quality and quantity other mmos provide and I'd even go as far and say that GW1 had and to this day still has better PvE content than GW2.

Now competitive modes are a bit tricky since no MMO has been really "good" at it in the past decade or so. Guild Wars 1 had amazing PvP and while some players are still organizing large player groups to play together at specific times pvp in this game is unfortunately pretty much dead.There are some contenders for competitive modes however. For both sPvP and WvW there's probably first and foremost ESO and BDO.BDO lacks a good game mode for small scale fights however so I kinda don't really consider it a contender in small scale content but I know that a lot of people are dueling in arenas, running around PK'ing (as "pvp content"..) or fighting in RBF and stuff soo.. Also it's a huge grindfest (has been improved tho) and large scale content is not really viable for (semi-)casuals so it's probably not really a good example in the eyes of the gw2 community but well.. it's there and it's popular for those who enjoy and are able to invest a lot of time.ESO on the other hand is hands down better in every way when it comes to competitive content by design. The sPvP is way more balanced, Battlegrounds are imo (or at least used to be until they made it solo only - haven't played much since then but removing full team COMPLETELY is always a bad move) vastly more enjoyable due to the design with relatively speaking a lot of pvp modes to choose from (5 to be exact, if you own the dlcs), Imperial City as a PvEvP mode is also decent..I can't say too much about Cyrodiil since I haven't played it much, but from what I can tell it's a lot better structured than WvW.. Don't quote me on that tho.. A lot of people are enjoying the game mode but have their issues too. But that's also not the point, the point is that WvW in gw2 is not unique in a modern mmo and if you want an alternative then you can get it.Not to mention that these are just some examples, there are also other games offering similar features.Not everybody likes any of the games mentioned above and that's ok, I don't like most of them or at least aspects of them either. But this should not be a "Look at dis game, it's so much better- Anet please make GW2 like [insert other mmo]" to begin with. It's a fact that a lot of people quit gw2 to play some games mentioned previously for said reasons.I enjoy the combat system and class designs in Gw2 A LOT more tho, hence why I'm not playing ESO and talking about the state of the game on their forums (I simply don't really care, unlike for gw2) but.. It just shows that GW2 doesn't have any uniqueness or edge over any other game. Nor have others over gw2 btw, they are just as lazy as Anet in some areas (at least competitive modes), however it's kinda obvious that Anet doesn't really deliver in any game mode sooo...

The only thing GW2 can bring to the table is Living Story and the story itself, however I think it's super boring and I would bet quite a bit of money that if Anet made LS episodes b2p from the moment they released only a few percent of the playerbase would consider buying them for the story. If it offers a good farm map, maybe, but for the story? probably only a handful of people. But monetization is a whole other topic I don't want to get into with this thread.Now don't get me wrong, there are plenty reasons to stick with gw2 like the casual friendly non-existence of gear progression or that everything is "kinda enjoyable" to a reasonable extent or for a limited amount of time. But is this really what GW2 should be? A kinda enjoyable gap filler for releases in other mmos/games? Idk.

Soo... I'd love to see Anet make up their mind and settle on something they want their game to identify. Something they can really invest their resources in and capture a larger audience. I'm not even saying "focus on that one thing and nothing else".. Maybe ditch Living Story entirely and focus on Something.. Idc, I'm a PvP player so I'd obviously prefer PvP but even if Anet decided to go with Raid and Fractals then I'd be ok with it. As long as they don't add some new "mode" like Strikes, DRM, ... only to let them die in the next patch by introducing some new flashy mode nobody cares for since there won't be any variety.

So I'd like to read your thoughts about whether or not you think Anet should settle on some existing features, if yes which one, or if they should just continue experimenting with new forms of content, continue the Living Story cycle, etc..Just please don't make comments like "that's not going to happen because X" - Yes.. I know.. I know nothing will improve, it's Anet and GW2 we are talking about. If they wanted to please their game community then they could've done so somewhere along those last 8 years. But they continue to fail, it's nothing new. And yes, Anet apparently makes enough money to justify their path they're going with the game but that's also not the topic. I'd just like to hear in which direction the game should head during the next couple years, not what direction is likely to be.I for example would wish for Anet to bring back Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry in EoD. It would be a perfect fit since those were introduced in the Cantha expansion back in GW1 as well. Maybe give us an additional Eternal Battleground-style map and the Alliance update eventually.

I would argue there's currently more relevant content to do at any point in time in GW2 than WoW, it's just that much of it is old. Which is a product of their business model that feeds directly into their dev model. Like even though Dungeons aren't quite as rewarding as strikes for example, there's not the same magnitude of difference and you can do them on ANY day to get that reward. Whereas in WoW you have to wait for months for any relevant timewalking events to get gear of a decent ilvl from old content (you are primarily silo'd into current content). This is barring any gold profits from mob kills (IIRC timewalking doesn't scale up gold drops from Mobs. Generally raids/dungeons aren't the primary gold source in WoW, but it's still worth noting it's not as efficient as "normal" expansion content).

The last big experiment WOW had as far as PVE goes is M+ and that started in Legion and has just been iterated on, whereas this Season we've received 3 DIFFERENT TYPES of PVE content: visions, strikes and dragon missions. Anet is trying their darndest to do something new and engage the community, we're just not latching on. (I would say the 3 probably == 1 WoW's expansion's worth of dungeon content) I'm interested in Dragon Missions but haven't had time given the current ascension grind I'm stuck in. I think maybe they should add special seasonal rewards to PVE content or something to try to engage people more that way, but doing so would invalidate the fundamental selling point of GW2: that you can do things at your own pace and the gear ceiling doesn't truly rise. Even Vipers'/Zerker's gear from forever ago is STILL useful. It might be useful to have things that stay forever but also special things that are temporary. This would hopefully appease both casuals and hardcore players. HCs would always have something to chase other than leggies, but casuals would still get something if they don't have time for it NOW

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Though this has got me thinking: one of the unfortunate side effects of trying so many different things in quick succession is that it divides the available player base for PVE even further (because now players have to choose between 3 different types of content on a limited schedule).

Maybe a compromise on my previous comment about seasonal content is they'd occaisionally bring back older seasonal rewards to do instead of new ones, so casuals are never truly gated out of anything, but have to make a choice.

Meta events as boring as some people find them, are still the main draw of this game I think (along with permanent progressions/leggies). I want that to change, just like you OP. It would be healthier for the game to have a strong PVE community.

Strikes, for the most part, I would say are a success. People will organize pugs and do them fairly regulary. That's probably something they should double down on, but they need something else to keep them interesting, because they're literally jsut a boss and the same boss all the time.

I don't know what to say about raids. They're not really RAIDS imo. They're very challenging small group content, the margins of error on them are just far too low to use that descriptor compared to other MMOs. The only level of raiding in WoW that falls apart that easy is Mythic which most of the player base doesn't touch with a 10-ft pole. All that being said, I think it's interesting content, I don't do it often, but with the right groups it's great imo. I'd personally like to see more with some systems to encourage integrating and helping new players instead of building a super experienced static as the only meta, that's where most of the decay on the mode has come from IMO.

I like the ideas behind Visions and DRM, they're just missing something and I can't put my finger on it. I actually love that my MF means something in Visions, I actually loved the final boss too because I was teaching players the mechanics. Sometimes it felt like herding cats, but the great thing about it was it didn't require particular gear, so it's very GW2 friendly in that way, it's mostly teaching and playing mechanics and I think there's room for a PVE mode like that.

I've done DRM, haven't been grinding them even though I want volcanic stormcaller weapons, but I will say they're a pinch short. People aren't latching onto them like strikes though and I don't know why. Perhaps it's because they don't have a clear purpose? I like the active feel of them as opposed to traversing a dungeon normally, like it's a fluid event happening.

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@CashCow.9548 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:How are people complaining about content in GW2, i mean seriously?

This game has
of content.

I don't think OP was complaining about the lack of content but rather the lack of game's identity overall. GW2 has alot of stuff to do but it doesen't excel in any of those. PvE truly is a joke in this game. Open world PvE is just press "W" to move forward and "1" for auto attacks. This game has no challenge.

PvP is long forgotten by the devs. We're lucky to get balance patches here and there. Personally I think WvW is still very fun despite being completly unchanged since the game's introduction.

Exactly this. Unfortunately everyone here seems to have missed my point entirely. Like I have said a couple times I don't want to compare GW2 with those other games nor do I personally think those other games mentioned are superior, I'm on the GW2 forums after all and not on FF14's, WoW's or ESO's forums. Anyway, I think I've said everything to clarify where I'm coming from, where I wanted this thread to go so.. nevermind then.

But I disagree with OP when they say GW2 has no identity. GW2 has identity and they sure know it, they just don't like it.And that is that GW2 is a casual game that will never be your main game, but rather just something you play on the background whilst playing other games or something you touch a couple of times in a year (usually with new living world patches) just to disappear again for the next 3 months.

And I think it's good that MMO genre has one of those casual games in the roster.

Yes so we still do agree, this is kind of what I also said in my initial post:

@"DoomNexus.5324" said:Now don't get me wrong, there are plenty reasons to stick with gw2 like the casual friendly non-existence of gear progression or that everything is "kinda enjoyable" to a reasonable extent or for a limited amount of time. But is this really what GW2 should be? A kinda enjoyable gap filler for releases in other mmos/games? Idk.

Emphasis on: But is this really what GW2 should be? Not a statement at all btw, it's not a rhetorical question, just something to think about. It doesn't have to be answered here either, guess everyone should just answer this for themselves. Something to think about for Anet as well if someone reads this.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Combat in wow get a bad rep, yes gw2's is supperior but at least wow releases new content for the combat to be used in.WoW is a subscription based MMO and, I would guess, has a lot more financial resources with which to produce content. GW2 is F2P/B2P with no subscription.

I really wish people would stop trying to compare these business models. They are not the same.

Im not saying gw2 can or should putt out the same amount of content as wow does but it can and should put out content that justifies it combat being called the best in the genre.

Plus im not so sure wow gets an insanely larger amount of funding. Their team rages on the 300 ppl mark and the developers at blizzard are paid close to the minimum wage for this kind of work (similar to anet). I think the difference in cintent is because of the diff aproach to management and planning both ff14 and wow seem to have but gw2 lacks.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Combat in wow get a bad rep, yes gw2's is supperior but at least wow releases new content for the combat to be used in.WoW is a subscription based MMO and, I would guess, has a lot more financial resources with which to produce content. GW2 is F2P/B2P with no subscription.

I really wish people would stop trying to compare these business models. They are not the same.

Im not saying gw2 can or should putt out the same amount of content as wow does but it can and should put out content that justifies it combat being called the best in the genre.

Plus im not so sure wow gets an insanely larger amount of funding. Their team rages on the 300 ppl mark and the developers at blizzard are paid close to the minimum wage for this kind of work (similar to anet). I think the difference in cintent is because of the diff aproach to management and planning both ff14 and wow seem to have but gw2 lacks.

You clearly have much more insider knowledge of both game studios than I have.

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@"DoomNexus.5324" said:Emphasis on: But is this really what GW2 should be? Not a statement at all btw, it's not a rhetorical question, just something to think about. It doesn't have to be answered here either, guess everyone should just answer this for themselves. Something to think about for Anet as well if someone reads this.Well, that is exactly what makes GW2 unique. Drop this, and it would truly just become "another wow/ffxiv, but worse".

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"DoomNexus.5324" said:Emphasis on:
But is this really what GW2 should be?
Not a statement at all btw, it's not a rhetorical question, just something to think about. It doesn't have to be answered here either, guess everyone should just answer this for themselves. Something to think about for Anet as well if someone reads this.Well, that is exactly what makes GW2 unique. Drop this, and it would truly just become "another wow/ffxiv, but worse".

I can see that for some players but I personally disagree. GW2 has a lot of stuff that separates it from all the other mmos, first and foremost the extremely smooth and fluid combat and movement system and a truly equalized sPvP system (aka where gear has no impact) - literally no other mmo can offer that and that's exactly the only reason I stuck with GW2 until now... BnS has gear-agnostic pvp but only in 1v1 arenas so I don't care for that.

But anyway..I don't know, today I just came to the realization that I'm finally beyond the point where I care.I don't really care for GW2 anymore, I don't really care for Arenanet (as a company) anymore, if NCSoft would close Anet and shut down GW2 tomorrow I wouldn't even be sad or mad or anything ngl. I'd be sorry for the employees at Anet but that's it.After 15 years with Guild Wars and several thousands of hours in GW1 and GW2 I'd even sell my account without a second thought - if it was allowed by the ToS, which it unfortunately isn't, so that's not an option. I honestly don't think I'll even check out EoD anymore, even though I've been waiting for Cantha since release of gw2.

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@DoomNexus.5324 said:

@DoomNexus.5324 said:Emphasis on:
But is this really what GW2 should be?
Not a statement at all btw, it's not a rhetorical question, just something to think about. It doesn't have to be answered here either, guess everyone should just answer this for themselves. Something to think about for Anet as well if someone reads this.Well, that is exactly what makes GW2 unique. Drop this, and it would truly just become "another wow/ffxiv, but worse".

I can see that for some players but I personally disagree. GW2 has a lot of stuff that separates it from all the other mmos, first and foremost the extremely smooth and fluid combat and movement system and a truly equalized sPvP system (aka where gear has no impact) - literally no other mmo can offer that and that's exactly the
reason I stuck with GW2 until now... BnS has gear-agnostic pvp but only in 1v1 arenas so I don't care for that.

Well, hold on ... it's not 'for some players' ... the fact that there are things that differentiate GW2 from other MMO's and it's not a matter of opinion. It's no consequence if those some of these things are NOT what makes GW2 appeal to you; that's not really relevant because GW2 isn't made specifically to cater to individuals.

You ask "But is this really what GW2 should be?" ... GW2 SHOULDN'T be anything BUT what Anet decides it will be. So to answer your question, YES, that IS really what GW2 should be, because Anet decides that. There isn't anything for anyone to think about; we don't get to 'choose' what GW2 is.

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@DoomNexus.5324 said:But anyway..I don't know, today I just came to the realization that I'm finally beyond the point where I care.I don't really care for GW2 anymore, I don't really care for Arenanet (as a company) anymore, if NCSoft would close Anet and shut down GW2 tomorrow I wouldn't even be sad or mad or anything ngl. I'd be sorry for the employees at Anet but that's it.After 15 years with Guild Wars and several thousands of hours in GW1 and GW2 I'd even sell my account without a second thought - if it was allowed by the ToS, which it unfortunately isn't, so that's not an option. I honestly don't think I'll even check out EoD anymore, even though I've been waiting for Cantha since release of gw2.

And you know what? That's fine too. It's a game, not a job. There is absolutely no requirement that you spent any more time on GW2 (or any game) than you want to. If you're not enjoying it then there's no reason to keep playing, you've not signed a contract or made some sort of commitment to keep playing this game indefinitely. You're not even paying a subscription fee so you don't even need to finish the month.

I doubt anyone has kept playing GW2 for 8 years without at least short breaks sometimes. That's a long time to keep doing anything.

If you're not enjoying it and don't want to keep playing then don't. Spend your time on something you do enjoy instead. Maybe one day you'll feel like picking the game up again, maybe not. The important thing is to spend your free time on something you want to do.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@DoomNexus.5324 said:Emphasis on:
But is this really what GW2 should be?
Not a statement at all btw, it's not a rhetorical question, just something to think about. It doesn't have to be answered here either, guess everyone should just answer this for themselves. Something to think about for Anet as well if someone reads this.Well, that is exactly what makes GW2 unique. Drop this, and it would truly just become "another wow/ffxiv, but worse".

I can see that for some players but I personally disagree. GW2 has a lot of stuff that separates it from all the other mmos, first and foremost the extremely smooth and fluid combat and movement system and a truly equalized sPvP system (aka where gear has no impact) - literally no other mmo can offer that and that's exactly the
reason I stuck with GW2 until now... BnS has gear-agnostic pvp but only in 1v1 arenas so I don't care for that.

Well, hold on ... it's not 'for some players' ... the fact that there are things that differentiate GW2 from other MMO's and it's not a matter of opinion.

Do people in this forum even read past the very first sentence before replying? Because in the next sentence I'm listing 2 things that are unique to GW2 and are in fact the reason why I was still playing it because they appeal to me.The "I can see that for some players" was refering to the statement "this [that GW2 is just a filler game for your main game] is what makes GW2 unique". Because for me it is not. This doesn't make GW2 unique for me and apparently neither for a lot of other players. I would like to be able to play GW2 as my main game without burning out after just a few weeks. This doesn't mean that everyone experiences that but my statement for "some players" still hold.

@Obtena.7952 said:GW2 SHOULDN'T be anything BUT what Anet decides it will be. So to answer your question, YES, that IS really what GW2 should be, because Anet decides that.

This is exactly the reason why I wrote this:

Something to think about for Anet as well if someone reads this.

The first part regarding

it doesn't have to be answered here either, guess everyone should just answer this for themselves.Was just a very broad statement because everyone is also free to make up their mind about whether they are satisfied with the state of GW2 and in return if they want to play it.

I think this will be my last activity on this forum. Wish everyone a great time with the game and stay healthy.

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@DoomNexus.5324 said:

@DoomNexus.5324 said:Emphasis on:
But is this really what GW2 should be?
Not a statement at all btw, it's not a rhetorical question, just something to think about. It doesn't have to be answered here either, guess everyone should just answer this for themselves. Something to think about for Anet as well if someone reads this.Well, that is exactly what makes GW2 unique. Drop this, and it would truly just become "another wow/ffxiv, but worse".

I can see that for some players but I personally disagree. GW2 has a lot of stuff that separates it from all the other mmos, first and foremost the extremely smooth and fluid combat and movement system and a truly equalized sPvP system (aka where gear has no impact) - literally no other mmo can offer that and that's exactly the
reason I stuck with GW2 until now... BnS has gear-agnostic pvp but only in 1v1 arenas so I don't care for that.

Personally, i don't think those are enough to make the game stand out in the already heavily reduced MMORPG market. Especially considering the fact that Anet seems to suffer from a significant lack of resources compared to what would be then their main competition.

Especially considering that the whole combat system that makes the combat "smooth and fluid" has some problems of its own (and that SPvP was never an important part of this game, even when devs still hoped otherwise)

Basically, to survive, GW2 needs a niche - needs to target a group of players that significantly differs than target groups of other MMORPGs. And that group needs to be big enough to matter. In current situation, that niche is the group of casual to semi-casual players that aren't too keen on progression and constantly running in hamster wheels. If Anet were to abandon that group, it would end up competing directly with all other MMORPGs for exactly the same players. While, as i said, suffering from significant lack of resources compared to many of the competitors.

As i see it, it would be a fight GW2 simply cannot win.

So yes, for good or bad, GW2 basically has to remain a game that primarily concentrates on Open World and Living Story - the very elements at which it is significantly better than all other MMORPGs around. Like you said: "If you are serious about PvE and progression then there's simply no way Anet could catch up and offer a great alternative.". You are right here - there's no way GW2 can ever compete on that field. So, it should not try to. This of course doesn't mean it can't have more serious and hardcore PvE content, but trying to make them a main point of this game is just asking to woluntarily give up on its main advantage over all competition. And that just wouldn;t be a sensible thing to do.

So, again, GW2 very much does stand out in some aspects on the MMORPG market. It's just mainly aspects you personally don't seem to value.

@DoomNexus.5324 said:I think this will be my last activity on this forum.Don't let some people get to you.

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@"DoomNexus.5324" said:This is exactly the reason why I wrote this:

Something to think about for Anet as well if someone reads this.

You DON'T think Anet has thought about what they want this game to be? I'm sure they have ... for a long time and still do ... which is why you see Anet "not making up their mind" because they are trying things they are thinking about. Again, I don't know what your specific complaint is ... but I can assure you the complaint is not cause for Anet to 'rethink' the game in hopes they change it to fix what you think is wrong.

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I would like to counter your point that pve in ff14 is better..For instanced content and savage raids, yea.

But where ff14 loses the edge over gw2 is the open world maps.In ff14, There is NO reason to go back into the expansion maps once you've done the story.I like logging on to gw2 as an ALTERNATE type of gameplay. Gw2 has always been more of an open world, explore game, more than a high tier raiding game.I like flying more on GW2 since the maps have different levels of terrain, and all kinds of hidden spots that you can only get to behind a trained mastery.A map like verdant brink or tangled depths in ffxiv? you WONT find that lol.

Also the fact that map level sync exists. That doesn't happen in ff14 meaning you can literally 1 shot level 60 monsters as a level 80 class.

While i do absolutely love ff14, it lacks any reason to go out into the open world. That is where you can find value in the playstyle of GW2.

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