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Canthan Expansion When?

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said december 2022 as i believe no content will make me buy it at release and first few month they will be fixing new classes so another couple of month to get to endgame content (if any) making the game worth it.

@Danikat.8537 said:Icebrood Saga won't even have finished in April and they've done almost no promotion or told us anything about it so I think that's too early. At the earliest I'd expect the promotion and maybe pre-purchase to start in April.

July also seems a bit early. I suppose they could do a big announcement as soon as Icebrood Saga ends and a few weeks of promotion then release, but I'll be surprised if it's that early, plus as other people have said summer releases aren't that common. September or October seems more likely to me, especially since that's the time GW2, HoT and PoF were released. (The base game technically came out in August, but right at the end of the month.)

it's anet, you'll have a teaser 1 week before release and the opening or pre-order (if any) at the saeme time.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Are we expecting another release after the finale stated to release in April?Since They made a prologue, they could also have an epilogue planned.But I doubt that.

@Game of Bones.8975 said:We still need more than just a teaser.I don't know the usual time between trailer and roll-out, but I'm guessing ~6ish months after Chap 4: Judgement.We got trailers/teasers and the ends of Seasons 2 and 3, so they could put one at the end of Chapter 4 (or at the end of said hypothetical epilogue) again.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:Icebrood Saga won't even have finished in April and they've done almost no promotion or told us anything about it so I think that's too early. At the earliest I'd expect the promotion and
pre-purchase to start in April.

July also seems a bit early. I suppose they could do a big announcement as soon as Icebrood Saga ends and a few weeks of promotion then release, but I'll be surprised if it's that early, plus as other people have said summer releases aren't that common. September or October seems more likely to me, especially since that's the time GW2, HoT and PoF were released. (The base game technically came out in August, but right at the end of the month.)

Are we expecting another release after the finale stated to release in April?

According to the roadmap they included in the Champions announcement there's also a release in May: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/the-icebrood-saga-champions/

It does say 'subject to change' but I'm not aware of any changes and if anything I'd expect that to mean things coming out later than planned rather than earlier.

@Fangoth.4503 said:said december 2022 as i believe no content will make me buy it at release and first few month they will be fixing new classes so another couple of month to get to endgame content (if any) making the game worth it.

@Danikat.8537 said:Icebrood Saga won't even have finished in April and they've done almost no promotion or told us anything about it so I think that's too early. At the earliest I'd expect the promotion and
pre-purchase to start in April.

July also seems a bit early. I suppose they could do a big announcement as soon as Icebrood Saga ends and a few weeks of promotion then release, but I'll be surprised if it's that early, plus as other people have said summer releases aren't that common. September or October seems more likely to me, especially since that's the time GW2, HoT and PoF were released. (The base game technically came out in August, but right at the end of the month.)

it's anet, you'll have a teaser 1 week before release and the opening or pre-order (if any) at the saeme time.

That's an odd perspective considering previously the criticism has been that they left it too long between announcements and release. PoF was relatively quick at just under 2 months from when we were first told about it (ignoring leaks) to the release date, but HoT took 9 months, which a lot of people complained about because it left us with no new content in that time, and the base game was announced years before it was released, started pre-purchase in April 2012 and wasn't released until August that year - 4 months later. Based on that i'm not sure how you could have gotten the idea that they'll only announce it a week before.

I suspect they'll try to avoid a long gap like we had with HoT, because of how negatively that was recieved, but I doubt it will be less than a few months between the announcement and the relase.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:Icebrood Saga won't even have finished in April and they've done almost no promotion or told us anything about it so I think that's too early. At the earliest I'd expect the promotion and
pre-purchase to start in April.

July also seems a bit early. I suppose they could do a big announcement as soon as Icebrood Saga ends and a few weeks of promotion then release, but I'll be surprised if it's that early, plus as other people have said summer releases aren't that common. September or October seems more likely to me, especially since that's the time GW2, HoT and PoF were released. (The base game technically came out in August, but right at the end of the month.)

Are we expecting another release after the finale stated to release in April?

According to the roadmap they included in the Champions announcement there's also a release in May:

It does say 'subject to change' but I'm not aware of any changes and if anything I'd expect that to mean things coming out later than planned rather than earlier.

The 4th chapter Judgement was preponed to the end of April.

"The fourth chapter was originally planned for May 2021, but we’re now aiming for a late April release."Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/watch-the-trailer-for-the-icebrood-saga-champions-chapter-2/

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Let's take al look at the options.April is too soon, we have super adventure festival and the last chapter of champions comingJuly is a terrible month for a release because it's summer timelate September/October 2021 are both likely picks, based on past experiences.As for 2022, I don't disregard the option of next year, however in that case we'd get an announcement of another living world season. I can't really imagine having nothing from May 2021 to January 2022, that's a gigantic gap. In chapter 3 we'll have to do something with the Dominion of Winds, plus the wording from the announcement of Champions: "The Icebrood Saga‘s conclusion will be felt throughout Tyria—even across the seas." makes me believe the conclusion of the Icebrood Saga will lead directly into the expansion.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Fangoth.4503 said:said december 2022 as i believe no content will make me buy it at release and first few month they will be fixing new classes so another couple of month to get to endgame content (if any) making the game worth it.

it's anet, you'll have a teaser 1 week before release and the opening or pre-order (if any) at the saeme time.

That's an odd perspective considering previously the criticism has been that they left it too long between announcements and release. PoF was relatively quick at just under 2 months from when we were first told about it (ignoring leaks) to the release date, but HoT took 9 months, which a lot of people complained about because it left us with no new content in that time, and the base game was announced years before it was released, started pre-purchase in April 2012 and wasn't released until August that year - 4 months later. Based on that i'm not sure how you could have gotten the idea that they'll only announce it a week before.

I don't think anything changed, imo the issue is not really to annonce too early, at least for EoD (i don't remember for hot and wasn't playing at pof time), but the lack of developement update (e.g: a 2min teaser showing of a corner of a map, some gameplay with new specs even without giving away any traits), they are just unable to make player desire their expac. there is no need to leak everything releasing 2 min here and there to keep your player base appealed would be much better than feeding then drastically low quality DRM's, tfb i'd rather have 2 min teaser every 2 month and know the 4 employee are working on expac rather than DRM's.

I suspect they'll try to avoid a long gap like we had with HoT, because of how negatively that was recieved, but I doubt it will be less than a few months between the announcement and the relase.

i mean august 2020-march 2021 isn't a big gab already? 6 month, we got 1 teaser and nothing else to keep player hyped about the expac.

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2021 October is a more realistic time frame, but would Anet really leave us with nothing new for 6 months? If so, why change the schedule and move the releases closer together? I think that's an indicator that they are going for a summer launch.

Late July, mid-August.

Maybe even aim for the GW2 anniversary.

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2024 is realistic date and late december when we are at it.Why?Because they fired or lost majority of staff that worked on previous expansions and the game itself.Once you change your staff in web dev and programong it takes incredible amount of time to develop anything. The guys who wrote origonal code are probably not working in anet anymore, even if you hire best programers and coders in the world it wont make it easier at all.

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When they've released this trailer, they've also stated that the expansion will come out in 2021, and considering that they've suspended the Steam release to respect the goal, I'll expect a september/october release considering marketing, pre-orders and so on right after the end of the current Living Story (or Saga, whatever).

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With Icebrood saga ending in May, I hope they take the two/three months after that to do teasers, trailers and build up the hype for the expansion releasing Late August or early September.I wouldn't mind it coming even later as long as the expansion is good and they promote it well beforehand so the news can reach as much people outside of the GW2 bubble as possible before release.

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@Infusion.7149 said:

@coso.9173 said:i would really hope that since the last episode will be released in april, then the actual expac won't be many months after it, hopefully July.But i also prefer to hope for it to be delayed so probably september-october 2021.also question, because i don't remember, how much time passed between the last episode of a living world season and the expac after it? Just to have an idea on how they have done it before.

Re: how much time from episode to Expansions

January 2015
Point of No Return
, June 23, 2015 trait revamps --> October 23, 2015 Heart of Thorns = about 4 monthsJuly 25, 2017
One Path Ends
--> September 22, 2017 Path of Fire = about 2 months

I would say roughly one fiscal quarter (~3 months)?

if we only count story updates though (living world episodes) then we had form january 2015 to october 2015 without nothing story related? that's quite a lot IMO

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