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Don't like the POF expansion area's very much.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

A vast majority of the GW2 players found the core story and game way to easy and were asking for more challenges, if they didn't add more challenges as the players were asking for this would be a dead game right now.

nope. the VAST MAJORITY quit the game before level 10. same as with any other mmo.

Then vast majority (as if you have that information, but lets pretend for a moment that you do) clearly didn't like the core design of the game and the low difficulty early levels presented.

this is the industry standard, there are many reasons to leave an mmo, and few reasons to stay. and core wasnt easy at launch, i saw MANY corpses at the moas.when people leave their toons as corpses like that, its usually because of a rage quit. do that a few times in lowbie areas, and your playerbase WILL take a nose dive.solution? they nerfed the starting zones. fact is: theyre not ready for a steam launch. not by a long shot. steam gives access to a much bigger market, so it should bea no brainer, but here we are...

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now.

Lurking on the forum of the game you don't enjoy or even play (at least that's what you claim) for past 6 months just to keep complaining that you don't like it is pretty unhealthy and to be honest completely pointless.

and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.

Nah, it's still pretty casual, meaning you don't need to chase the level cap and catch up with gear treadmill after every addition to the game. Nobody said the game will not utilize its mechanics, which is apparently what you're complaining about. Like it or not, it's still an action mmorpg and leaving it at "starting zone level" would be just way too stagnant/boring.(and what is this random throw in with drms? What do you mean? What's the relevance here?)

video games has you sitting on a chair and pushing buttons, how is that healthy in any way? each click i give one of these threads makes it grow in size andrelevance, so its not pointless either. in fact , YOU are helping my side, by coming here to argue. if its only a couple of weirdos, then the thread will die in a couple of days.note, how many times we have had this kind of topic coming back. always started by different people. and the same handful of people come back to defend it.

Oh, I was talking about the mental health (and this is not supposed to be some cheap jab at you, this just seems like some unhealthy obsession to push people away from the thing they like
just because you don't like it
), not the "playing games = sitting = not moving = unhealthy!" take you're doing here.Nothing we do here is somehow "helping your case", this game will never revert to core. You claim (hopefully falsely, just to pretend you're making a strong stance or something) you don't play this game for 6 months and yet you constantly lurk this forum just to complain. This is weird.This game won't change to your desired core experience, so have fun with that o/

some people actually claim, that DRMs are the first step in that direction. i wouldnt know, because i havent tried them myself.but they have actually returned to the core zones. that much is true, so you are wrong. again.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

It is a; casual game. DRMs aren't that hard and if you think they are, you can do them in a public arena and get carried in much the way you probably get carried at world bosses. But they're pretty much soloable.

Casual doesn't have to mean easy. Casual means that an average player can do it, and I believe most average players can. There are things you need to learn sure, but how boring would the game be if you can 1 your way through every single encounter. I mean what's the point of the other skills?

A game isn't bait and switch because it increases in difficulty. A dynamic event is still a dynamic event. You're just meant to get better at playing a game after playing it for years.

To be clear, there's a difficulty curve, but DRMs don't exceed that curve in my opinion. It's simply a matter of knowing the game. And if you don't like DRMs you don't have to do them. The world won't end if you don't.

i havent tried DRMS at all, not gonna reinstall to do so either. even IF i liked them, its simply too little, too late.it would take a major revamp for me to come back, my only hope is , that the steam launch will motivate them to do that.PS i didnt do world bosses either

Could you say what you did do? if not wanting to do it here senda pm.

levelling alts, i have a ton of toons parked at the entrance to orr. i could prolly progress with most of them if i really wanted to. but i already know, what is waiting forme, so i dont.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

Okay. I like what I like and I disagree that returning the game to core level difficulty would be beneficial, regardless of what youtube says. You're welcome to your opinion. Obviously, we are worlds apart on this issue.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

Okay. I like what I like and I disagree that returning the game to core level difficulty would be beneficial, regardless of what youtube says. You're welcome to your opinion. Obviously, we are worlds apart on this issue.

yea, lets just wait for the steam reviews. unless they do something drastic, its gonna bomb. its okay to like a hardcore game. but its NOT okay to call it casual.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

Okay. I like what I like and I disagree that returning the game to core level difficulty would be beneficial, regardless of what youtube says. You're welcome to your opinion. Obviously, we are worlds apart on this issue.

yea, lets just wait for the steam reviews. unless they do something drastic, its gonna bomb. its okay to like a hardcore game. but its NOT okay to call it casual.

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

Okay. I like what I like and I disagree that returning the game to core level difficulty would be beneficial, regardless of what youtube says. You're welcome to your opinion. Obviously, we are worlds apart on this issue.

yea, lets just wait for the steam reviews. unless they do something drastic, its gonna bomb. its okay to like a hardcore game. but its NOT okay to call it casual.

It's not a hard core game. It never has been a hard core game. It's not a hard core game now. Calling it a hard core game isn't going to make it a hard core game.

I run a casual guild, usually between 350 and 400 people. There are a couple of harder core players in there, but most of the guild is dead set casual. We have a number of people in their 70s. No one calls this game a hard core game, even though some people have trouble with some content. They simply acknowledge that some stuff is too hard for them. That doesn't make a game hard core.

This game can mostly be soloed. It gives plenty of options to get help or even carried if you're having trouble. Mesmers portaling to the ends of most jumping puzzles. World events where you can show up and press 1 and still get credit. Raids don't offer better gear stat wise and there's no real reason to have to do them. So where's the hard core, exactly?

You may well be having trouble with the game, but that doesn't necessarily make a game hard core. If you don't agree, you can make a post on the forums and ask for the communities opinions on whether this game is hard core or not, difficult or not. My guess is only a small percentage of people will say it's hard core.

From my point of view this is a casual MMO that has become slightly less casual due to more grinding to get specific rewards. But most of that grinding is something that you don't need to do quickly and can be done over time.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

Okay. I like what I like and I disagree that returning the game to core level difficulty would be beneficial, regardless of what youtube says. You're welcome to your opinion. Obviously, we are worlds apart on this issue.

yea, lets just wait for the steam reviews. unless they do something drastic, its gonna bomb. its okay to like a hardcore game. but its NOT okay to call it casual.

Why not? Casual does not mean potato. Casual vs. hardcore is about mindset, not relative ability. Casual players don't take the game seriously. Hardcore players do.

For example, I'm mostly a solo player. I dislike the over-competitive types you often find in organized group play in MMOs and I'm not willing to play in static groups that require that I play on a schedule. That is casual, by my definition. But it says nothing about the amount of time I play or my skill level.

For my tastes, GW2 is an excellent game. I can achieve the vast majority of goals in this game solo or with a pickup group. I can do it on my own time whether I play a little or a lot. This makes GW2 a casual-friendly game, in my view.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

Okay. I like what I like and I disagree that returning the game to core level difficulty would be beneficial, regardless of what youtube says. You're welcome to your opinion. Obviously, we are worlds apart on this issue.

yea, lets just wait for the steam reviews. unless they do something drastic, its gonna bomb. its okay to like a hardcore game. but its NOT okay to call it casual.

Why not? Casual does not mean potato. Casual vs. hardcore is about mindset, not relative ability. Casual players don't take the game seriously. Hardcore players do.

For example, I'm mostly a solo player. I dislike the over-competitive types you often find in organized group play in MMOs and I'm not willing to play in static groups that require that I play on a schedule. That is casual, by my definition. But it says nothing about the amount of time I play or my skill level.

For my tastes, GW2 is an excellent game. I can achieve the vast majority of goals in this game solo or with a pickup group. I can do it on my own time whether I play a little or a lot. This makes GW2 a casual-friendly game, in my view.

I fully agree with you there. GW2 is a excellent game for the casual as there is a awful lot of casual content, the big BUT is there is also some overbearing content.The other day I played a story mission (Royal chamber) and it was so long and repetitive I was praying for it to finish. Boss after boss with a trillion HP that I had to slowly chip down on my own( your team mates are useless and seem to dish out a lot of zero's). Army's of mobs that I had to cull on my own, and it went on and on.I quit for the night never wanting to play the game ever again. I was exhausted from the monotony of it all. It's wasn't hard it was mind numbing.Stay clear from it, don't do I hear you say. That's not so easy when there is so much that is locked behind these mind numbing sessions. You have to take a pill hype yourself up and grin and bare it. At these times it is not a game it is kitten painful work.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

A vast majority of the GW2 players found the core story and game way to easy and were asking for more challenges, if they didn't add more challenges as the players were asking for this would be a dead game right now.

nope. the VAST MAJORITY quit the game before level 10. same as with any other mmo.

Then vast majority (as if you have that information, but lets pretend for a moment that you do) clearly didn't like the core design of the game and the low difficulty early levels presented.

this is the industry standard, there are many reasons to leave an mmo, and few reasons to stay. and core wasnt easy at launch, i saw MANY corpses at the moas.

You don't decide what "the industry standard" is. You also don't speak for others while trying to reshape the "evidence" YOU previously brought up to match your opinion.

@battledrone.8315 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now.

Lurking on the forum of the game you don't enjoy or even play (at least that's what you claim) for past 6 months just to keep complaining that you don't like it is pretty unhealthy and to be honest completely pointless.

and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.

Nah, it's still pretty casual, meaning you don't need to chase the level cap and catch up with gear treadmill after every addition to the game. Nobody said the game will not utilize its mechanics, which is apparently what you're complaining about. Like it or not, it's still an action mmorpg and leaving it at "starting zone level" would be just way too stagnant/boring.(and what is this random throw in with drms? What do you mean? What's the relevance here?)

video games has you sitting on a chair and pushing buttons, how is that healthy in any way? each click i give one of these threads makes it grow in size andrelevance, so its not pointless either. in fact , YOU are helping my side, by coming here to argue. if its only a couple of weirdos, then the thread will die in a couple of days.note, how many times we have had this kind of topic coming back. always started by different people. and the same handful of people come back to defend it.

Oh, I was talking about the mental health (and this is not supposed to be some cheap jab at you, this just seems like some unhealthy obsession to push people away from the thing they like
just because you don't like it
), not the "playing games = sitting = not moving = unhealthy!" take you're doing here.Nothing we do here is somehow "helping your case", this game will never revert to core. You claim (hopefully falsely, just to pretend you're making a strong stance or something) you don't play this game for 6 months and yet you constantly lurk this forum just to complain. This is weird.This game won't change to your desired core experience, so have fun with that o/

some people actually claim, that DRMs are the first step in that direction. i wouldnt know, because i havent tried them myself.but they have actually returned to the core zones. that much is true, so you are wrong. again.

Reusing already available resources in an attempt to lower the cost and effort of development has nothing to do with reverting the game to the core zone difficulty levels, but nice try I guess?

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@Joote.4081 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

Okay. I like what I like and I disagree that returning the game to core level difficulty would be beneficial, regardless of what youtube says. You're welcome to your opinion. Obviously, we are worlds apart on this issue.

yea, lets just wait for the steam reviews. unless they do something drastic, its gonna bomb. its okay to like a hardcore game. but its NOT okay to call it casual.

Why not? Casual does not mean potato. Casual vs. hardcore is about mindset, not relative ability. Casual players don't take the game seriously. Hardcore players do.

For example, I'm mostly a solo player. I dislike the over-competitive types you often find in organized group play in MMOs and I'm not willing to play in static groups that require that I play on a schedule. That is casual, by my definition. But it says nothing about the amount of time I play or my skill level.

For my tastes, GW2 is an excellent game. I can achieve the vast majority of goals in this game solo or with a pickup group. I can do it on my own time whether I play a little or a lot. This makes GW2 a casual-friendly game, in my view.

I fully agree with you there. GW2 is a excellent game for the casual as there is a awful lot of casual content, the big BUT is there is also some overbearing content.The other day I played a story mission (Royal chamber) and it was so long and repetitive I was praying for it to finish. Boss after boss with a trillion HP that I had to slowly chip down on my own( your team mates are useless and seem to dish out a lot of zero's). Army's of mobs that I had to cull on my own, and it went on and on.I quit for the night never wanting to play the game ever again. I was exhausted from the monotony of it all. It's wasn't hard it was mind numbing.Stay clear from it, don't do I hear you say. That's not so easy when there is so much that is locked behind these mind numbing sessions. You have to take a pill hype yourself up and grin and bare it. At these times it is not a game it is kitten painful work.

Story bosses are generally half combat challenge and half puzzle. If it's taking forever to kill them either you're dealing low damage or you aren't understanding something about the mechanics of the encounter.

If this is how the story generally feels to you, I advise grabbing arcdps and asking for advice on your class forum. Arc will allow you to add some context to the discussion. For instance, if you find you're dealing 3k DPS average on a boss when other players are dealing 12k DPS, it's going to take you 4 times as long to defeat the same boss. If that further results in dealing with additional encounter-specific mechanics, then it will take even longer.

This is the sort of issue that isn't immediately obvious to new players playing through solo content. If you're playing by yourself how would you know if you're dealing low damage or if the boss just has a trillion HP?

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@Joote.4081 said:I fully agree with you there. GW2 is a excellent game for the casual as there is a awful lot of casual content, the big BUT is there is also some overbearing content.The other day I played a story mission (Royal chamber) and it was so long and repetitive I was praying for it to finish. Boss after boss with a trillion HP that I had to slowly chip down on my own( your team mates are useless and seem to dish out a lot of zero's). Army's of mobs that I had to cull on my own, and it went on and on.I quit for the night never wanting to play the game ever again. I was exhausted from the monotony of it all. It's wasn't hard it was mind numbing.Stay clear from it, don't do I hear you say. That's not so easy when there is so much that is locked behind these mind numbing sessions. You have to take a pill hype yourself up and grin and bare it. At these times it is not a game it is kitten painful work.What you say here points a problem with gear, build, and possibly playstyle (or a mix of any/all). The sessions aren't as mindnumbing as you describe if your toon is set up correctly,The mission in question is not among the harder in the game. The actual end boss does have a small trick to making it trivial, but if you are finding the encounters leading up to it as hard as you are saying, this points more to a problem with your toon than the game itself.A poor build and bad gear can make this game a very painful battle of attrition.I mention this because a few months back when another user was complaining about this same mission, I grinded through the rest of the story arc to see what they were saying. I went as far as to put my character in green gear to run the final encounter to see if the issue was that I did not understand their experience. I didn't find this mission exceptionally hard, and I don't pretend to be the world's best player.

If you are finding this content as slow as you are claiming I will offer you two solutions:

  1. Post your build and gear in this or a fresh thread. Let us all take a look and offer advice on changes you can make that will not be expensive or compromise the build you have created.
  2. Contact me in game (add mindcircus.1506 as a friend and shoot me a PM when you see me online) and we can take a look at your setup privately, run the mission and see what improvements can be made.

The diiference between a working build and decent gear in this game can be a massive Quality of Life change. When mobs are dropping in a timely manner you will find a much more enjoyable experience. If you are looking to play this game long term, avoiding the frustration you are displaying in your post is pretty much essential.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

Thankfully! Can you imagine three expansion's worth of core gameplay? This game would have shut down years ago!

over a million players liked core enough to pay for the expansion. if the expansions had been near as good, they would had boasted with theperformance. they didnt. they halfed the price instead. money talks, bull... walks

You're right. That's why the next expansion will cater to players who actually play the game and put money toward it. Presumably, those players expect a degree of challenge that goes beyond a walking simulator plus auto-attack. You said it yourself. People who loved the core game and wanted more of that found somewhere else to spend their money.

You can talk about how wildly successful the core game was, but the fact is that's a fantasy. Maybe GW2 isn't wildly successful now, but it's neither here nor there. Going back to the beginning isn't going to happen because that plan already failed. That's why we find ourselves where we are.

it is called the sunk fallacy. youtube has some videos about it, watch them and learn.

Okay. I like what I like and I disagree that returning the game to core level difficulty would be beneficial, regardless of what youtube says. You're welcome to your opinion. Obviously, we are worlds apart on this issue.

yea, lets just wait for the steam reviews. unless they do something drastic, its gonna bomb. its okay to like a hardcore game. but its NOT okay to call it casual.

Why not? Casual does not mean potato. Casual vs. hardcore is about mindset, not relative ability. Casual players don't take the game seriously. Hardcore players do.

For example, I'm mostly a solo player. I dislike the over-competitive types you often find in organized group play in MMOs and I'm not willing to play in static groups that require that I play on a schedule. That is casual, by my definition. But it says nothing about the amount of time I play or my skill level.

For my tastes, GW2 is an excellent game. I can achieve the vast majority of goals in this game solo or with a pickup group. I can do it on my own time whether I play a little or a lot. This makes GW2 a casual-friendly game, in my view.

I fully agree with you there. GW2 is a excellent game for the casual as there is a awful lot of casual content, the big BUT is there is also some overbearing content.The other day I played a story mission (Royal chamber) and it was so long and repetitive I was praying for it to finish. Boss after boss with a trillion HP that I had to slowly chip down on my own( your team mates are useless and seem to dish out a lot of zero's). Army's of mobs that I had to cull on my own, and it went on and on.I quit for the night never wanting to play the game ever again. I was exhausted from the monotony of it all. It's wasn't hard it was mind numbing.Stay clear from it, don't do I hear you say. That's not so easy when there is so much that is locked behind these mind numbing sessions. You have to take a pill hype yourself up and grin and bare it. At these times it is not a game it is kitten painful work.

Story bosses are generally half combat challenge and half puzzle. If it's taking forever to kill them either you're dealing low damage or you aren't understanding something about the mechanics of the encounter.

If this is how the story generally feels to you, I advise grabbing arcdps and asking for advice on your class forum. Arc will allow you to add some context to the discussion. For instance, if you find you're dealing 3k DPS average on a boss when other players are dealing 12k DPS, it's going to take you 4 times as long to defeat the same boss. If that further results in dealing with additional encounter-specific mechanics, then it will take even longer.

This is the sort of issue that isn't immediately obvious to new players playing through solo content. If you're playing by yourself how would you know if you're dealing low damage or if the boss just has a trillion HP?

Your kidding of course. I do very good damage but when you are fighting bosses such as Taimi's robot you spend 99.9% of the fight on your bum. Hard to do damage when parked on your bum.

I have tried my hardest to become immersed into the lore and story of GW but it's near impossible with so much ridiculousness going on in the game.There a few really good boss fights in GW. Bosses that have a few deadly attacks that you learn and exploit, this promotes team work and/or the proper use of your skills and ability's. Sadly the majority of bosses in GW spam out random attacks at a ridiculous rate that are in the air, on the ground and in your face. Obviously these bosses were designed for being engaged by a great number of players, thus the problem when they drop such bosses into solo content. Faced with these ridiculous bosses you have only one choice if your going to survive it alone or even in a small group and that is to turn on auto fire and dodge and duck your way through it.There is far to much spamming of knockdown, daze, stun, fear, cripple and entangle by most of the bosses. Hell you haven't the time to activate a higher skill before you find yourself face down again. But, as I said these bosses are designed for open world high numbers and should be kept out of solo and especially story content.

I just wish there was some way to end one of these fights thinking I done well, (patting myself on the back), instead of 'well that was a load of smelly horse kitten' when not on my bum I done nothing but run around in circles for a hour.

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@Joote.4081 said:Hard to do damage when parked on your bum.

Then don't drop down and the problem will be solved. As @mindcircus.1506 said above, this is more of a problem of gear, build, playstyle or a mix of those. Also, since you are talking about Scruffy 2.0, you can always stay inside Braham's shield which blocks all his attacks. Do your high damage rotation while the shield is on (it has a very fast cooldown) and keep running around when it is not. The achievement there is very hard, but the boss itself is not.

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For me in hindsight HoT was one of the greatest and most creative expacs in MMO gaming. At the time I didnt like it because you basically needed your elite spec on some classes just to survive and so half the game was pain just getting it unlocked until HP trains started up and it was a bit hard to get around. In todays game with everyone rolling with powercreeped specs already the difficulty is fine and with the mounts the layered maps are a blast. I hope the new expac is more like HoT but with out the initial power creeped difficulty spike.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Joote.4081 said:Hard to do damage when parked on your bum.

Then don't drop down and the problem will be solved. As @mindcircus.1506 said above, this is more of a problem of gear, build, playstyle or a mix of those. Also, since you are talking about Scruffy 2.0, you can always stay inside Braham's shield which blocks all his attacks. Do your high damage rotation while the shield is on (it has a very fast cooldown) and keep running around when it is not. The achievement there is very hard, but the boss itself is not.

What do you mean? Bratham's shield is only up for a few seconds around every few minutes. How much damage can one do in 2 or 3 seconds? Also if your not near it (been blown to the other side of the area) when his shield goes up it's down long before you get there.I have a shield of my own but for some reason every time I activated it nothing happened and I was yet again blown on my bum.

Do you think Scruffy is going to oblige by entering Bratham's space? And before you say use the bow, as far as I'm concerned the dragon bow is a tickling stick.Oh, and how is your gear going to help you stay on your feet? Are there some anti gravity boots that I don't know about, or maybe the helmet of no fall over?

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@Joote.4081 said:

@Joote.4081 said:Hard to do damage when parked on your bum.

Then don't drop down and the problem will be solved. As @"mindcircus.1506" said above, this is more of a problem of gear, build, playstyle or a mix of those. Also, since you are talking about Scruffy 2.0, you can always stay inside Braham's shield which blocks all his attacks. Do your high damage rotation while the shield is on (it has a very fast cooldown) and keep running around when it is not. The achievement there is very hard, but the boss itself is not.

What do you mean? Bratham's shield is only up for a few seconds around every few minutes. How much damage can one do in 2 or 3 seconds? Also if your not near it (been blown to the other side of the area) when his shield goes up it's down long before you get there.I have a shield of my own but for some reason every time I activated it nothing happened and I was yet again blown on my bum.

Do you think Scruffy is going to oblige by entering Bratham's space? And before you say use the bow, as far as I'm concerned the dragon bow is a tickling stick.

As a Guardian you can use the Scepter for that fight. Scepter 2 works very well on a stationary target, with a LARGE hitbox, so it hits many many times. As for the duration, the duration of the shield is plenty to allow long casting skills, for example Meteor Shower from an Elementalist. If you are a Guardian then I guess you don't really need it as your burst has low casting times and is very mobile.

Plus, as a Dragonhunter you can use your Aegis to block attacks or use Wings of Resolve to jump to Braham when he uses his shield. Then, once his shield is up, turn to Scruffy, use Spear of Justice, Scepter 2, Sword of Justice, and if you are a bit closer maybe a trap or two, otherwise range the boss and use Bane Signet for extra damage and "Feel my Wrath" as your elite skill.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

You may well be having trouble with the game, but that doesn't necessarily make a game hard core. If you don't agree, you can make a post on the forums and ask for the communities opinions on whether this game is hard core or not, difficult or not. My guess is only a small percentage of people will say it's hard core.

From my point of view this is a casual MMO that has become slightly less casual due to more grinding to get specific rewards. But most of that grinding is something that you don't need to do quickly and can be done over time.

Asking the hardcore base (people that post on forums aren’t the majority and by naitire are rarely casual even if they call themselves that) what they think the difficulty is doesn’t really work well lol.

Having played EQ at launch, we can probably agree it was hardcore, and most any MMO thats launched since then I’d say in today’s MMO this game is fairly hardcore for a newer player.

Veteran players don’t realize that because you have everything unlocked, fly around, have a great friend base to do what you need so honestly your opinion is so far obscured it’s basically useless. A brain surgeon telling a resident removing an appendix is trivial didn’t make it so.

The core game was fairly simple, easier than that honestly. HoT is a pain for new players. Constant events where your story takes you, half the time no one there to help you so you can barely get to the green marker. Veteran mobs are kind of tough and everywhere. It’s a maze on a massive scale up, down and underground so just knowing where to go is a pain. (green quest marker doesn’t say it’s up or down from current location like hero points do). Overall this isn’t casual by today’s standards at all.

Just running events with crowds isn’t casual. The mechanics aren’t hard, but aren’t simple either, it’s really fast paced because 90% of the people know what they are doing and the rest us are basically along for the ride so learning exactly what to do isn’t easy playing from behind most of the time. That’s not casual, that’s like joking a boss fight in a raid without any concept of what to do.

I’m not basing the game, it is what it is and I’m still playing it and like it a lot, but saying it’s causal and not hardcore by today’s standards isn’t accurate, at least to a new player.

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