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Mastery point

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I never used wasd key I usually use arrows. I use my right hand on the arrow keys to move character and my left hand to cast spells.

It did work talking to the charr and using arrows to navigate but I did use right click on the mousepad using my thumb to help angle the camera.

I found the mastery point at the top of the tree. https://photos.app.goo.gl/f2Wnkd95b4DnY4QX9I never thought of clicking the icon on the map before. I should try it next time.

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@"wilykcat.5864" said:I never used wasd key I usually use arrows. I use my right hand on the arrow keys to move character and my left hand to cast spells.

It did work talking to the charr and using arrows to navigate but I did use right click on the mousepad using my thumb to help angle the camera.

I found the mastery point at the top of the tree. https://photos.app.goo.gl/f2Wnkd95b4DnY4QX9I never thought of clicking the icon on the map before. I should try it next time.

Its something new to drizzlewood map you can also press the blue circles to air drop into ally controled points in that map as well.

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@"wilykcat.5864" said:I havent found 2 mastery points in central tyria yet. They are located in places that are unknown on my map. Malchors leap and sprkfly fen.

Here you are:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Malchor%27s_Leap_Insight:_Scavenger%27s_Chasmhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sparkfly_Fen_Insight:_Shattercleft_Hills

You really need to learn how to use the wiki though. It's going to help you a lot in the long run.

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@wilykcat.5864 said:I havent found 2 mastery points in central tyria yet. They are located in places that are unknown on my map. Malchors leap and sprkfly fen.

Easy points:8 personal story8 completing LS 2 story (not the achievements)2 Tequalt1 Karka Queen1 LA exterminator1 Dry Top skritt queen1 for first character reaching lvl 80That’s 22 points without doing fractals, dungeons, JPs, LS achievements, difficult bosses or rare spawns. And that’s easily enough to max out Pact Commander (19 needed).As for Fractal Attunement, it pays for itself in terms on MP’s…11 needed, 14 available. But if you don’t do fractals, this line is useless to you and you can ignore it.

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@"wilykcat.5864" said:I'm trying to get the mastery point in malchors leap at the end of the jumping puzzle. I've been stuck at the jumping part for 3 hours and I still cant get there. Any help

If you wait till that jumping puzzle is part of a daily there will be mesmers offering ports. Or if you don’t want to wait you can see if any Mesmer is willing to help you get up there. You can try asking your guild and there are people who advertise in LFG that they port to jumping puzzles (it’s usual to tip them some gold).

Another possibility if you have a level 80 and access to Sandswept Isles is to get a [Prototype Position Rewinder] from one of the local Heart Merchants (costs 175,000 Karma and 75 of the local map currency, Diflurite crystals). This allows you to have a portal device like a Mesmer. It sets a spot for 30 seconds and you can use it return to that spot if you fall down in those 30 seconds.

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@ShadowCatz.8437 said:

@"wilykcat.5864" said:I'll check those out

Don't forget there a lot of good YouTube video that show where certain Mastery are on maps and how to get there. Maps on wiki can be zoomed in or out.

The YouTube videos were a big help to me when I was working to get Mastery points. Also having lots of those "teleport to friend" items on hand in case I found someone already at one.

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@wilykcat.5864 said:My brain cant process that jumping puzzle. It's too confusing of where to jump and where to land. And it's dark lighting and makes it hard to see. Not getting malchors leap mastery point

I had a lot easier time doing jumping puzzles with asura than any other race, in this case size does matter!Tip: if you have large backpack, you should hide it while doing the jumps, so you can see your character's legs and where to land better.

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@wilykcat.5864 said:I'm not allowed to spend real world money on video games without my parents permission. The only thing they allowed me to buy is the expansion when it went on sale. So mounts are not an option. I dont like spending money either.

You get mounts from the storylines. What you see in the gemstore is skins only. I concede its easy for new players to mix up.If you start path of fire, you get the raptor mount. Continue and you get the springer, then skimmer. And finally able to buy the jackal for 50g. The griffon is from a lenghty series of collections and needing 250 gold. Skyscale requires the whole of ls4 for all the map currencies and an even longer collection line.Finally the beetle is from ls4ep3 if i remember right.

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@"wilykcat.5864" said:My brain cant process that jumping puzzle. It's too confusing of where to jump and where to land. And it's dark lighting and makes it hard to see. Not getting malchors leap mastery point

Have you tried to change your gamma setting in game? When there is places where it is hard to see because of darkness, it is sometimes useful to adjust your gamma to make it more brighter. Brightness and also contrast can help here to make it easier to spot where to land.

Use or to get to Option and there change tab for graphical settings (second from top tab).

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Graphics_Options (use link and you should see what I talk about)

You should be able to control gamma also directly from display (all monitor have that option built in) or from video card driver like Nvidia control panel (AMD should have same option and even Intel integrated GPU [short: iGPU] have same option for controlling their iGPU). Same for brightness and contrast as this is basic on almost all displays and video card to have access for user. Also it might help to turn off post-processing in Option>Advanced Settings for Graphic Setting (look at picture that is in GW2 wiki link above). This will reduce the spread and blurred light that post-processing make use of to give a more dreamlike visual image in some places.

If you fall down and don't have Springer or Glider, then you will fall down and most likely die from hitting any surface (water will not give you fall damage, but it can be hard to control where you will land and there is cliffs that can kill you when you can not Glide). Before mounts and gliding we had on almost all core profession traits which where common to use during JP to reduce fall damage.

I would suggest that you start working on HoT until you at least have Gliding unlocked, if you haven't by now and get at least mount up to Springer (in Water it is useful to have Skimmer which now can also dive deeper in water, if you upgrade it with Mastery). Gliding take time to learn to use even then in JP as it can annoying when you do jumps and it can get triggered a Glide instead of a normal jump, you need to have the right distance from surface to avoid this to happen and not keep hold down the key which you use to to start Gliding.

If you have Mesmer using portals, you have to remember that Mesmer have to first open (this trigger a countdown on this skill - Portal entrance) which you need to interact with before it times out [10 sec] and Mesmer have to get in the right position before 60 seconds (max range 5000 units) to create Portal exeunt (where you have the second portal which you get to when you enter Portal Entrance). If you fall and die it is a very short time frame to rez you and use Portal exeunt to get back. In short Mesmer using portals work best if you don't die from fall damage and the cooldown for this skill is now 75 seconds, if Mesmer have to place a new portal up.

Tief do have access to Portals too, but those need a target from what I can see on wiki. I haven't played Thief profession myself, but know from WvW that there are thief's that can use portals. It might be helpful if you have a target (hostile) and can teleport that way to reduce the number of portals you would need to get there. As Thief you should also have teleport abilities as it one of the most mobile class in game and even stealth to avoid getting hit when doing JP.

Good luck


Forgot that you also can change slider for how fast camera will change focus with Options>Collision Sensitivity (drag it to right and it should let your camera stay focused/not get behind walls or surface). I use Action Camera mode (the other option to control everything with tab target system and rotate camera from where you stand on ground) and try to rotate camera angle so you can see better where you will land.

I am not sure where in this thread I read that you are playing Thief on a Charr character (can only recall that you mentioned thief earlier here), but Charr is the most tricky race to use in JP as their feet have other hit box for where to land on ledges or edges (sometimes those are invisible spots that you can still stand on even if it looks like you are standing in the air). On Charr you need to look where the upper part where the leg turns in 90 degree angle into a paw. Try to land on surface and get this part on surface and not the pawn itself.

Asura in general are smaller and easier to learn where they can stand as they have normal feet and easier to see under to where to stand on. If nothing, maybe create an Asura only for doing JP as all Mastery are account bound and it doesn't matter which character you use as long it is above level 80? You only need to get that character to level 80 and then you have an easier time to get around in JP?

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@wilykcat.5864 said:I cant get to the mastery point in fireheart rise. I cant jump onto those spikes to get to the top without falling back into the water. Is there a secret tunnel I dont know about? Is the point inside of the spike tower or on top.I dont own any mounts.

You can use the Springer to get up, You need to have it maxed leveled then on the back of the spire there is a little spike that sits above the ground. jump on it and look at the spire. It might take a couple but it can be done with springer

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