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teleport afk(30 secs) players in drakkar event area into the drakkar pit

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Some ppl just stand in the event area(THE CAVE) and it seems the event gets scaled and this is acceptable when there is a large group attacking drakkar.. but when a small group desperately trying to succeed the event, gets unfair treatment:unfair treatments:1) when u get inside the pit, u can't get out unless u switch characters and u cant switch to that character in the drakkar pit until the event completes coz u get in combat and cant use mounts2) ppl standing in the cliff (usually more than 10~15) and watching scale up the event and thus making the event even harder...3) watching afk's scaling the event demotivates ppl already fighting in the pit and some evven ping in chat to not rezz them and let them die in peace...4) failing the event makes us fight each other

bad vibes in this event => ppl trying their best to defeat drakkar and succeed the event can't get away from the area(the pit) if the event's gonna fail but afk's can get loot if the event succeeds and if it fails they wont lose their lives and they just walk away

take tequatl for example... if we're gonna fail, everyone have a chance to run away both afkr's and tryhards why drakkar event is designed to give such a bad vibe?

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rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

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The issue is that almost any change made will harm innocent players.

Currently players get rewards only if they get event credit. This threshold is fairly low. I don’t get where people are going that someone can AFK the entire time and get all of the rewards. It has never worked out that way.

Increasing the credit threshold would harm those that legitably come late to any event and go against their event design principles given in their manifesto. Specifically the part about wanting players to jump into events at any time.

Teleporting them out doesn’t matter as they typically wait until the end to grab credit so they’d just wait outside of the teleport area.

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Drakkar fight is an example of badly tested design:

  • After the first phase there is a chance you can push the mob through the wall, and there is no way to kill it other than AoE damage if you can even reach it.
  • People standing of the cliff not only devalue the achievement and title to nothing, but also get a chance for expensive rewards by doing nothing.
  • There is also a very rare bug when Drakkar simply disappears :/I have a feeling that older team was more professional in terms of events and their quality, but it's just a personal feeling and not a judgement at all.

So the solution for Drakkar even could be relatively simple if current team has enough skills and budget to implement it:

  • Make the cliff area inaccessible once Drakkar appears on the second phase. Add a kind of ice wall or something. Everyone (and those who joins the event later) will be force-teleported to the fight area.
  • Implement event participation similar to HoT events (Tarir, Chak etc). There are 2 major stages, and 2nd stage has 3 sub-stages. People should participate enough by killing mobs and damaging Drakkar to reach at least 100% participation (we remember that in HoT you can reach more that 100%) to get the rewards.

I believe that ANet is currently trying both to save budget and to support Living Seasons (at least somehow) while working hardly on the next expac. With all this fancy agile process they simply can have no time/budget and employees to rework this event. I'm sure they are aware of this problem, but it has the lowest priority.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@"Astyrah.4015" said:rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them.

that's still better than scaling up the event and doing 0 dps -- it's still bad but better than "worse"

and if they dont participate enough (due to being dead and afk) or not doing enough healing/dps then they still wont get credit

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@Astyrah.4015 said:rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them.

that's still better than scaling up the event and doing 0 dps -- it's still bad but better than "worse"

and if they dont participate enough (due to being dead and afk) or not doing enough healing/dps then they still wont get credit

Yeah, but i'd rather not settle on "bad". I know it's like wishing for the stars from the sky, but still...

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Every 1% , the boss gets an invisible icon , that can be broken by you casting 2xspells from the 2nd-10th slot .And the spells needed to break the icon , are randomized/enchanched each time (3 each time , from whom 2 are short range spells ).If any of spells are already used , then count it as "broken icon - completed" .Missing too many enables , starts a "constant" afk timer , till you be less than 400 yards of the boss , or use the correctly-randomised spells every 1%

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@Astyrah.4015 said:rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them.

that's still better than scaling up the event and doing 0 dps -- it's still bad but better than "worse"

and if they dont participate enough (due to being dead and afk) or not doing enough healing/dps then they still wont get credit

Yeah, but i'd rather not settle on "bad". I know it's like wishing for the stars from the sky, but still...

i know. i wouldn't either but can't help it if arenanet designs openworld meta content that caters to these people -- the only thing we can do is complain or voice our frustration just like the OP

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@Astyrah.4015 said:rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them.

that's still better than scaling up the event and doing 0 dps -- it's still bad but better than "worse"

and if they dont participate enough (due to being dead and afk) or not doing enough healing/dps then they still wont get credit

Yeah, but i'd rather not settle on "bad". I know it's like wishing for the stars from the sky, but still...

i know. i wouldn't either but can't help it if arenanet designs openworld meta content that caters to these people -- the only thing we can do is complain or voice our frustration just like the OP

Yeah, just a staple of game as a service games. Despicable.

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:I think Teleporting out would be an unfair treatment. Better would be to do two things

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Teleporting them out doesn’t matter as they typically wait until the end to grab credit so they’d just wait outside of the teleport area.

no.. u guys misunderstood.. I was considering teleporting them inside the fighting pit and not outside... I thought some ppl will get the wrong idea that's why I mentioned it in title

If they are afking in the event area for 30 secs, they might as well get puled inside the event... I think some event works similar to the idea.. I forgot which one tho... and fractals(ami trin, aetherblade) work in similar way but that doesn't give any leniency.. since this is pve, we give 30 sec afk time.. if they still afk and not move away from the area, they get pulled in.. if they do some action within 30 sec, they can stay on the cliff

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

@mercury ranique.2170 said:I think Teleporting out would be an unfair treatment. Better would be to do two things

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Teleporting them out doesn’t matter as they typically wait until the end to grab credit so they’d just wait outside of the teleport area.

no.. u guys misunderstood.. I was considering teleporting them inside the fighting pit and not outside... I thought some ppl will get the wrong idea that's why I mentioned it in title

If they are afking in the event area for 30 secs, they might as well get puled inside the event... I think some event works similar to the idea.. I forgot which one tho... and fractals(ami trin, aetherblade) work in similar way but that doesn't give any leniency.. since this is pve, we give 30 sec afk time.. if they still afk and not move away from the area, they get pulled in.. if they do some action within 30 sec, they can stay on the cliff

They’ll wait outside of the teleport area and AFK until the boss is low enough. That’s assuming they don’t find a way to bypass the AFK timer as players already do elsewhere in the game.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@mercury ranique.2170 said:I think Teleporting out would be an unfair treatment. Better would be to do two things

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Teleporting them out doesn’t matter as they typically wait until the end to grab credit so they’d just wait outside of the teleport area.

no.. u guys misunderstood.. I was considering teleporting them inside the fighting pit and not outside... I thought some ppl will get the wrong idea that's why I mentioned it in title

If they are afking in the event area for 30 secs, they might as well get puled inside the event... I think some event works similar to the idea.. I forgot which one tho... and fractals(ami trin, aetherblade) work in similar way but that doesn't give any leniency.. since this is pve, we give 30 sec afk time.. if they still afk and not move away from the area, they get pulled in.. if they do some action within 30 sec, they can stay on the cliff

They’ll wait outside of the teleport area and AFK until the boss is low enough. That’s assuming they don’t find a way to bypass the AFK timer as players already do elsewhere in the game.

I'll love it if they afk outside the event area... that'll really help in defeating drakkar since the event wont scale up. they can kill the boss at 1% hp or 0.5% hp I don't really care.. all I care is the effort other ppl put into the event should not go unrewarded and non-participants should not scaleup and make life miserable for the tryhards

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

They’ll wait outside of the teleport area and AFK until the boss is low enough. That’s assuming they don’t find a way to bypass the AFK timer as players already do elsewhere in the game.

This could maybe work though - if they had to wait so far away that they wouldn't scale up the event, they're still going to leech/AFK, but it wouldn't punish the people that are trying to do the event as much.

People that want to leech are always going to find a way to leech though, even if you port people down from the ledge or make the whole area a no-mount zone.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@Astyrah.4015 said:rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them.

Drakkar deals enough damage that auto attacking and not dodging gets you defeated pretty fast. It would just be nice if defeated toons were auto-teleported to the nearest waypoint after 30 seconds rather than staying on the floor...

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I think a stacking debuff would work quite well in dealing with afker's for that event?Something akin to a pulsing aoe that encompasses the area and the longer you don't move/inflict damage, it doesn't down you, it auto kills you after ten stacks or teleports you to the nearest waypoint (which would then cause the person to no longer get participation). That way those that are late comers can still get some participation in for the event.

Harsh? Yes. However remember that they want to put Guild Wars 2 on Steam. They are gonna have to start toughening up their measures on events and what is and isn't participation because Steam will just open the flood gates of frustration. I'd much rather see them take a tougher stance on AFKing events now then wait. Get that smoldering hay out now instead of waiting for the barn to catch fire to do it. I remember trying to do Dolmens in ESO before they took care of the afkers and autoattackers. I don't fancy having to go through that again on a game I actually want to play.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

People will always find a way around things like this.

If you need to have a minimum amount of damag, people will try and figure out how much that is and will afk after pressing the necessary buttons or putting down a turret/pet/minion/whatever.

If you need to have had some interaction with the boss, people will start to afk in the middle of the room where they get hi or maybe deal somedamage via passive traits.

Lazy people will always find a way. Basically downing them, killzones, porting them outside of the are are some of the few things that kinda work maybe.

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Teleporting them inside the pit probably isn't the best idea since they'll probably just stay there on the ground when they get killed. Instead, set a radius on the cliff within the event area to teleport after 30 seconds of non activity back to Still Waters Speaking waypoint. Shouldn't be too hard to implement since auto teleports already exist in several areas in the game...

At least with this method they'd be forced to afk outside the event zone, if nothing else.

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@Sikil.9817 said:

@Astyrah.4015 said:rather than teleporting people the easiest fix they can do is to not make afk-scalers eligible to open reward chests if they don't participate at all in any way for a reasonable amount of time during the course of the fight (like not even help ressing downed -not defeated- people).

because, if they didnt work for the rewards - why should they get rewards?

easy to implement too. but the question is, if arenanet is willing to do so.

And then the AFKers will move in, activate auto attack and that's it. They still didn't work for the rewards, but they still got them.

Drakkar deals enough damage that auto attacking and not dodging gets you defeated pretty fast. It would just be nice if defeated toons were auto-teleported to the nearest waypoint after 30 seconds rather than staying on the floor...

I participated in this event for the first time yesterday. When the pit was reached, I stayed on the cliff to watch, hoping to learn before jumping in & dying, because I could see a lot of downed players with more experience than me. When the boss busted through the walls to my left & then right, as a ranger with longbow & double axes, I could hit him, doing damage & wondered why there weren't more players with ranged abilities up there doing that.

I didn't want to jump down, die & have someone feel they had to rez me & / or mess with the scaling difficulty of the event. But I couldn't resist, jumped down & did my best. I was able to rez one player at least, but I died & felt that I was making the whole thing tougher for the better players.

As a simple fix, maybe a message flashed across the screen saying something like, either get into the pit or get kicked in 30 seconds with a count down, could be implemented.

Also, I really like this idea too, @Sikil.9817 "It would just be nice if defeated toons were auto-teleported to the nearest waypoint after 30 seconds rather than staying on the floor..."

EDIT - I always try to port out to the nearest WP when downed, but often someone will begin rezzing me before I can complete that. I'm never sure what's best to do, just complete the port, or let the player continue to rez? I feel like I should port, but don't want to offend, wasting the player's time & effort. What do vets prefer in that case, continue to port, or stay for the rez?

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