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Solo Queue Tier List


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This solo queue tier list is based on my experiences in plat+ rating. There is no ordering within tiers.S (OP builds that need to be nerfed)

A (Good builds that are consistently useful)

  • Power Herald
  • Daredevil
  • Deadeye (This build is most likely A- with most players, but can definitely be considered A with a competent player)
  • Explosive Holo
  • Prot Holo (Not many people play this anymore, I think its a decent build but could be B tier)
  • Decap Druid
  • Power Soulbeast
  • Condi Soulbeast (Not quite popular yet, some may consider it B tier)
  • Core Ranger
  • Fire Weaver
  • Tempest
  • Scourge
  • Core Necro

A- (Not consistent enough to be A tier, most have potential to be S tier if not focused)

  • Power Renegade
  • Dragonhunter
  • Full Damage Soulbeast
  • Mirage
  • Condi Herald

B (Playable builds that aren't quite at the power level at A, decent nonetheless)

  • Core Rev
  • Spellbreaker
  • Shoutbreaker
  • Core Guard
  • DPS Guard
  • Core Thief
  • Non-decap Druid
  • Reaper

B- (Just below the cut of being called alright, has issues)

  • Chronomancer
  • Scrapper
  • Firebrand

C (Pretty much unplayable, team liability)

  • Non-spellbreaker Warrior
  • Core Engi
  • Core Mes
  • Core Ele

-The only build I fully support nerfing is Decap Druid. The build just abused conquest mechanics and is not healthy for the game.-Deadeye is on the watch list as it can pump out high damage repeatedly with good survivability via stealth.
-The recent scourge nerfs knocked it down a peg while retaining its viability, It may see more nerfs if the current scourge iterations don't make the vision of what it should be.

-As for buffs, Warrior and Guardian are the most likely candidates. I would be hesitant to advocate for any buffs quite yet until some other builds are addressed, but warriors are underperforming across the board.-Mesmer is right on the edge of viability and more people are starting to play it. The most common request for mesmer is sustain buffs, but I wouldn't pull the trigger on that until a lot farther down the line. Mirage has found itself a home in the role as a roamer as opposed to a side noder and I believe this is a great direction for the class.

Feel free to ask for my reasoning on any of the placements. I know I missed a couple builds, such as condi thief, but that is because I haven't seen them enough to really place them accurately.

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Yeah, I wouldn't say team liability/unplayable. I've beaten plenty of Plat players on Core Ele. The thing about Plat is, the higher you go, the more likely you are to be paired with someone of lower rating or lower skill. So, you're under more and more pressure to create carry builds, or honestly in my opinion, some form of OP meme build to compensate. For example, do you have high mobility to compensate for team players bad rotations?

So I wouldn't say a certain build is bad, but is it good enough to carry yourself and possibly a bad teammate?

Pvp shouldn't be forcing a player to perform in that scenario/situation, but it does, because of- (insert all kinds of sPvP GW2 problems that any regular player would know)

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@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

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@BlazinFyre.2410 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

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Condi Soulbeast underrated since last year. Only got stronger after Rev nerfs. Aged like a fine wine, and I feel special being one of the few who plays it.

One disagreement - Reaper is A tier. Scary going up against good ones.

Not sure if decap Druid is viable now. Certainly not optimal.

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Anything with good damage and survivabilty is A tier. Ill be honest, I havent played in like 3 months so i am not overly familar with the new meta, but I can imagine its pretty thief/rev heavy. Duelists that dont do any damage are going to be trained down, as well as supports. I imagine reaper is becoming more popular and builds like decap druid will be pressured off point.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:What would you consider a team liability? I 've won multiple plat games as core ele.

You talk like you carried games on core ele which obviously didn't happen for reasons you are well aware of, a cantrip core ele is certainly playable but hardly able to change the outcome of a game.

Yeah you are right. I did my job and performed my role, but it cant change the outcome of a losing match. Getting kills is what controls how a match will go and core ele is better suited for holding side nodes. The most I could do is get a decap on far and hold it as long as possible or win a 1v1 on a node we already own. You can help your team win the game with proper rotations and not winning 2v1s like you think I am saying.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:What would you consider a team liability? I 've won multiple plat games as core ele.

You talk like you carried games on core ele which obviously didn't happen for reasons you are well aware of, a cantrip core ele is certainly playable but hardly able to change the outcome of a game.

Yeah you are right. I did my job and performed my role, but it cant change the outcome of a losing match. Getting kills is what controls how a match will go and core ele is better suited for holding side nodes. The most I could do is get a decap on far and hold it as long as possible or win a 1v1 on a node we already own. You can help your team win the game with proper rotations and not winning 2v1s like you think I am saying.

doesnt matter tho, lower plat barely means anything at the current state of game, i'm mid plat 1 playing glass berserker with axe/axe and i feel like im playing with bots tho they are human.

also warrior as a class is just generally the worst class, like always and for a long time, and common knowledge shared by upper tier players.

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@RedAvenged.5217 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

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@Hogwarts Zebra.8597 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build.

Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper.

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@RedAvenged.5217 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build.

Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper.

burn DH no longer exists

as i said reaper can 1v1 but does not excel in that role. 1 player winning 1v1s on a build doesnt mean it's a good 1v1er compared to other classes

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@RedAvenged.5217 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build.

Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper.

A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side.

And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them.

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@Math.5123 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build.

Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper.

A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side.

And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them.

Hey math, would you give me the build for zerk core guard? TY

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@Math.5123 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build.

Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper.

A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side.

And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them.

Boyce beat drazeh as burn dh vs nades in conquest tourney november 2020 :)

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@bluri.2653 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build.

Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper.

A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side.

And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them.

Boyce beat drazeh as burn dh vs nades in conquest tourney november 2020 :)

Yes, because nade holo is a designated side-noder. And that is one isolated instance almost 5 months ago.

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@Math.5123 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build.

Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper.

A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side.

And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them.

Boyce beat drazeh as burn dh vs nades in conquest tourney november 2020 :)

Yes, because nade holo is a designated side-noder. And that is one isolated instance almost 5 months ago.

We used zan as a sidenoder in mota...

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@bluri.2653 said:

@RedAvenged.5217 said:Reaper, core thief and dragon hunter should be A tier and renegade should be S teir.Decap druid is trash, list is very weird not sure where you got this from

Dragonhunter and Renegade are both very strong builds when it comes to damage, and they both can carry team fights. These builds lack the personal survivability that the other damage builds have which makes them much more susceptible to being trained down. This is why I called them inconsistent as they can be near unplayable into some enemy teams.Reaper is in a similar situation and I can see it being bumped up to A- but not much more than that. Reaper can be just as good as an A tier class if it has a support with it, but since this is a soloq class, i'm trying to gauge the individual strength of the class.Decap druid is an excellent far-node harasser and can easily survive most 1v2s while still decapping the point after, not sure where you're getting its trash

Maybe your basing this off of the average untrained plat 1 players. Renegade, dh and reaper can all actually 1v1 insanely well in ranked so no they are not just pepega team fighters that can be trained down.

You also follow a huge and common misconception people have with decap druid, but I can tell you as someone who’s played it and ranger in the plat3-legend area before that it’s not as good as you think.

Decap druid is squishy as hell for a bunker and will end losing 1v1 to any dps - renegade for example is a 100% winning match up into decap druid. And since dps builds like that are by far the best builds for ranked decap druid becomes niche around the B teir, though if it works it’s annoying. But again it doesn’t work in ranked against players with a brain.

Rene is a decent duelist, but DH and reaper are far from good 1v1ers. You technically can win duels on them if ur skilled with the class, but you'd be better off on holo for that role.

The burn dh build was called “side node dh” before people really played it as a meta build.

Reaper can do fine, just watch narus hyper aggressive far pushes on reaper.

A trapper rune dh with zero stunbreaks won't ever beat another duelist at equal skill level. Especially back in that meta with decap druids and water weaver on side.

And taking, arguably the best reaper on NA as an example of the class being a viable far pusher isn't really a valid argument.I can beat most classes as zerk core guard, but that boils down to the fact that I'm 200 rating above them.

Boyce beat drazeh as burn dh vs nades in conquest tourney november 2020 :)

Yes, because nade holo is a designated side-noder. And that is one isolated instance almost 5 months ago.

We used zan as a sidenoder in mota...

I would say obindo was your designated side-noder in mota, and while zan took 1v1s I would still not claim nades to be a 1v1 build.If anything it's a jack of all trades, roamer, teamfighter with duelist potential.

But this argument is straying pretty far from the original post, in that burn dh was not a 1v1 build. It was a teamfighter, albeit with duel potential.

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