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Suggestion/update for Skyscale

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Can you guys update the skyscale flight to consume less stamina while on air or fly higher or at least lower the cost when lift off? maybe create a skill for the next expansion? when we take off fly it consumes like 35% of the stamina bar :/(even with all mastery maxed). Am I the only one who think the skyscale has 'something missing' to really make it worth all the time and effort we spent to get this mount? I feel we are not being ''properly rewarded'.

If you guys could update that would be great really. The only mounts that I feel are perfect and worth have it maxed are griffon and skimmer, specially the last skill from skimmer that allow swim underwater ?.

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I just wish the stickyscale wasn’t so clunky to use. The constant stick when I’m trying to go down sucks. Its inability to head* in a vertical direction is also annoying. Every time I use this mount, it makes me miss the fluid controls of WoW’s flying mounts.

*Heading into a vertical direction means that if you point the camera down, it will continue to automatically fly down completely vertically. It’s functionally different from stopping the skyscale then holding down a key to manually descend, with both functions being useful for different situations.

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@"BlueJin.4127" said:I just wish the stickyscale wasn’t so clunky to use. The constant stick when I’m trying to go down sucks. Its inability to head in a vertical direction is also annoying. Every time I use this mount, it makes me miss WoW’s fluid flying mounts.

That is exactly the point of the Mount. And adding just flying mounts would deny the whole concept of Mounts being special and having their own flavor and movement mechanic.

Skyscale is clumsy, yes, it is a Helicopter kind of vertical focused flight. It needs care. And is perfect as it is.You combine it with Griffon, which is a speedier, more horizontal flight focused mount.If you were to make any of the two more "convenient" you would just murder the whole mount system and exploration of the game in one go.

Mounts are perfect as they are. And i hope they don't any new one ever.

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@forevergamer.7653 said:Can you guys update the skyscale flight to consume less stamina while on air or fly higher or at least lower the cost when lift off? maybe create a skill for the next expansion? when we take off fly it consumes like 35% of the stamina bar :/(even with all mastery maxed). Am I the only one who think the skyscale has 'something missing' to really make it worth all the time and effort we spent to get this mount? I feel we are not being ''properly rewarded'.

If you guys could update that would be great really. The only mounts that I feel are perfect and worth have it maxed are griffon and skimmer, specially the last skill from skimmer that allow swim underwater ?.WoW Devs: Here is a new mount that offers zero actual change to your gameplay. It's a new skin on our existing generic mounts in fact it's just a recolor of an existing mount. It's locked behind RNG and you may be grinding one dungeon daily for the next 12 months to get it.WoW Players: LET'S GO BOIS!!!GW2 Devs: Here is a mount that completely breaks the game. It lets you skip over any open world content you want and offers completely new mechanics. Acquiring it takes a quest with minigames and fresh dedicated voice acting. It takes about a week or two to earn.GW2 Players: I feel we are not being ''properly rewarded'.

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I feel like the liftoff stamina consumption is a bit too much, but other than that, i think it's perfect.You can already do pretty much everything. Yes, it's a helicopter, it won't do certain things, but that's what other mounts are for.Other than the liftoff, i think it doesn't really need a buff, you can already buff its stamina with that one mastery, and if you use it wisely it can fly pretty far.

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@Alexander Dragonfang.1759 said:

@"BlueJin.4127" said:I just wish the stickyscale wasn’t so clunky to use. The constant stick when I’m trying to go down sucks. Its inability to head in a vertical direction is also annoying. Every time I use this mount, it makes me miss WoW’s fluid flying mounts.

That is exactly the point of the Mount. And adding just flying mounts would deny the whole concept of Mounts being special and having their own flavor and movement mechanic.

Skyscale is clumsy, yes, it is a Helicopter kind of vertical focused flight. It needs care. And is perfect as it is.You combine it with Griffon, which is a speedier, more horizontal flight focused mount.If you were to make any of the two more "convenient" you would just murder the whole mount system and exploration of the game in one go.

Mounts are perfect as they are. And i hope they don't any new one ever.

And that is not the point of my post. The 2 complaints I make are about the clunkiess of the stickyscale compared to the fluid controls of WoW’s flying mounts, not about giving it full flight.

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Considering the skyscale already trivializes most terrain, doubt it's going to happen. At most I can see them making the cling more fluid or toggleable.

If you're in core, HoT, or LW3 maps, these were pre-mounts so either you're trying to get somewhere you were never intended to go, are taking an even shorter cut, or not utilizing random outcroppings to reset your stamina bar.

PoF, LW4, and IBS were built with mounts in mind with LW4 and IBS specifically having balls of VM or karma in the air in places that were expected to be a shortcut so you can refill your stamina on the go.

So either it's a learn to play issue (make sure to use Bond of Vigor for extra stamina, wall cling for flight juice, and Bond of Faith to get over the lips of places) or you're trying to go to places you weren't supposed to and/or going ways you weren't supposed to. Because at over a dozen map comps of every map (minus PoF because those hearts are scaled badly) since the skyscale came out, the only time I've ever had an issue was when I knowingly pushed the limit to see if I could do it. It took a while to get used to it, but once you know the limits and to watch for places to refill your stamina, it becomes the easiest mount in the game.

Simply put, if you use it expecting a free-flying mount, you're going to have a hard time. If you use it thinking it's a way to bypass cliffs and gorges, it gets far more intuitive.

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OP, I'm sure others might agree with you (and someone already has, in this thread), but I'm not one of them. As @Zephire.8049 noted, once you learn how to get the most out of the skyscale, the liftoff stamina consumption becomes negligible. I'd say the only true limits I run into on the skyscale are traveling long distances over open water and pathing blockers. Aside from that, it can pretty much go anywhere. Seems plenty worth the effort to me.

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@BlueJin.4127 said:I just wish the stickyscale wasn’t so clunky to use. The constant stick when I’m trying to go down sucks. Its inability to head in a vertical direction is also annoying. Every time I use this mount, it makes me miss the fluid control of WoW’s flying mounts.For me the skyscale is the most agile mount in the game, on par with the jackal. When you increase (spacebar) or decrease altitude © without using the movement keys the skyscale goes straight up or down. So it can indeed go in a vertical direction. And I had the sticky problem too before I learned to use the up/down keys.

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@Jukhy.2431 said:

@"BlueJin.4127" said:I just wish the stickyscale wasn’t so clunky to use. The constant stick when I’m trying to go down sucks. Its inability to head in a vertical direction is also annoying. Every time I use this mount, it makes me miss the fluid control of WoW’s flying mounts.For me the skyscale is the most agile mount in the game, on par with the jackal. When you increase (spacebar) or decrease altitude © without using the movement keys the skyscale goes straight up or down. So it can indeed go in a vertical direction. And I had the sticky problem too before I learned to use the up/down keys.

Just to add - if you don't touch the movement keys while going up - it consumes less stamina.If you change direction and go up, it will consume more.

Also, its flight is largely dependant on where your camera is facing. If your camera is facing up, that means the Skyscale is also "going up" even if only slightly and it'll consume more stamina. If you point your camera down, you can hold spacebar and fly in a straight line for a while, occasinally releasing it to refill the stamina.There's of course more tricks, but the point is - Skyscale is the most versatile mount from all of them. It can't fly forever but honestly, doesn't really need to.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"forevergamer.7653" said:Can you guys update the skyscale flight to
consume less stamina
while on air or fly higher or at least lower the cost when lift off? maybe create a skill for the next expansion? when we take off fly it consumes like 35% of the stamina bar :/(even with all mastery maxed). Am I the only one who think the skyscale has 'something missing' to
really make it worth
all the time and effort we spent to get this mount? I feel we are not being ''properly rewarded'.

If you guys could update that would be great really. The only mounts that I feel are perfect and worth have it maxed are griffon and skimmer, specially the last skill from skimmer that allow swim underwater ?.
WoW Devs:
Here is a new mount that offers zero actual change to your gameplay. It's a new skin on our existing generic mounts in fact it's just a recolor of an existing mount. It's locked behind RNG and you may be grinding one dungeon daily for the next 12 months to get it.
WoW Players:
GW2 Devs:
Here is a mount that completely breaks the game. It lets you skip over any open world content you want and offers completely new mechanics. Acquiring it takes a quest with minigames and fresh dedicated voice acting. It takes about a week or two to earn.
GW2 Players:
I feel we are not being ''properly rewarded'.

Jup, that's the gist of so many """"""""""suggestions"""""""""". More is more is more is more is more.....why bother, just remove every obstacle in the game, get everything for free upon registration, teleport to every lovation for free because moving is bothersome, make every mount ten time its current speed....did I say ten times? Why stop there, make them 100 times as fast. more is more is more is more is more is more is more is never enough is more is more...

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I find the mounts in GW2 to be perfect & amazing. The skyscale is definitely the most versatile mount & although you do not get unlimited "free" flight, the tricks to using it most efficiently (posts above) allow for navigation of nearly all circumstances in the maps.

The skyscale may not be as "fluid" as the mounts in World of Warcraft, but having played both WoW & GW2 for years, I have completely abandoned WoW for the direction that game has taken since WOD (4 Xpacks ago) which includes close to 7 years of limiting flight to only one year or less of each 2 year expansion while also making terrain as punishing, time consuming, and frustrating as possible.

I love GW2 and my always available mounts more than I can say. Whatever limitations I might see without "forever/free" flight is 1000% made up for by always having them available & fully functional in their capacity. I LOVE that all my mounts work all expansion long & their unique & fun abilities are NEVER locked away from me for a year at a time for no reason other than perhaps attempts to bolster time played metrics.

I think we have it really good here with all the mounts & I appreciate them every time I log in :)

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@Jukhy.2431 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:I just wish the stickyscale wasn’t so clunky to use. The constant stick when I’m trying to go down sucks. Its inability to head in a vertical direction is also annoying. Every time I use this mount, it makes me miss the fluid control of WoW’s flying mounts.When you increase (spacebar) or decrease altitude © without using the movement keys the skyscale goes straight up or down. So it can indeed go in a vertical direction.

I didn’t say it cannot GO in a vertical direction. I said it cannot HEAD in a vertical direction. It’s not the same thing.

Heading into a vertical direction means that if you point the camera down, it will continue to automatically fly down completely vertically. It’s functionally different from stopping the skyscale then holding down a key to manually descend, with both functions being useful for different situations.

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A definite NO

The Skyscle is already the most used mount in the game and it needs a buff?

In PVE, the Warclaw is the most useless and least used and ANet should be working on her instead. Unlike all the other seven mounts, the poor kitty has no speciality skill and her mobility is also the slowest.

It's like having a new Longbow in the game but with only half the range and dps of the rest of the LBs.Well done.

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@Mil.3562 said:A definite NO

The Skyscle is already the most used mount in the game and it needs a buff?

In PVE, the Warclaw is the most useless and least used and ANet should be working on her instead. Unlike all the other seven mounts, the poor kitty has no speciality skill and her mobility is also the slowest.

It's like having a new Longbow in the game but with only half the range and dps of the rest of the LBs.Well done.

The Warclaw was never meant to be competing with the pve mounts. They allowed it in pve, so people could strut around the cities with blinged skins.

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I would boost the Warclaw with a kinda of diagonal jumping mechanic. That allowed it to do 3 to 4 jumps in a diagonal direction if it has walls to jump off. Mixing the movement of Raptor and Springer.

It would be very situational, but would give it some relevance outside WvW.

Also people truly overestimates the value of Skyscale, really people, it isn't the "end-all" mount many make it to be, be it cause they are salty they don't have it and find the quest lengthy or trolls that like to bother the former: Skyscale has real limitations and is indeed clumsy in closed up spaces if you are not careful, it is far from being a "perfect" movement mount as there is plenty of situations where all other mounts are better at movement - Only the Warclaw doesn't beat the Skyscale.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@Mil.3562 said:A definite NO

The Skyscle is already the most used mount in the game and it needs a buff?

In PVE, the Warclaw is the most useless and least used and ANet should be working on her instead. Unlike all the other seven mounts, the poor kitty has no speciality skill and her mobility is also the slowest.

It's like having a new Longbow in the game but with only half the range and dps of the rest of the LBs.Well done.

The Warclaw was never meant to be competing with the pve mounts. They allowed it in pve, so people could strut around the cities with blinged skins.

Agree, there are 3 land based mounts that can be used in open world raptor, beetle and jackal. Unless they add a new flying/roller function for it that would be ridiculous, people use in open world just to show their skin or to say 'see i have a warclaw'.

And of course not everyone agree when I say buff or update for skyscale but this is my opinion/suggestion of what I-ME think about the mount, the mount can be perfect for some but not for the others this is just a suggestion. What would be of warrior if everyone like a mesmer...?

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@Mil.3562 said:A definite NO

The Skyscle is already the most used mount in the game and it needs a buff?

In PVE, the Warclaw is the most useless and least used and ANet should be working on her instead. Unlike all the other seven mounts, the poor kitty has no speciality skill and her mobility is also the slowest.

It's like having a new Longbow in the game but with only half the range and dps of the rest of the LBs.Well done.

The Warclaw was never meant to be competing with the pve mounts. They allowed it in pve, so people could strut around the cities with blinged skins.

That doesn't mean they can't give it a niche feature.Maybe something useful to the Commanders in PvE.Not sure what that would be, but it's no competition to other mounts if Warclaw has niche PvE uses.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@"Mil.3562" said:A definite NO

The Skyscle is already the most used mount in the game and it needs a buff?

In PVE, the Warclaw is the most useless and least used and ANet should be working on her instead. Unlike all the other seven mounts, the poor kitty has no speciality skill and her mobility is also the slowest.

It's like having a new Longbow in the game but with only half the range and dps of the rest of the LBs.Well done.

The Warclaw was never meant to be competing with the pve mounts. They allowed it in pve, so people could strut around the cities with blinged skins.

That doesn't mean they can't give it a niche feature.Maybe something useful to the Commanders in PvE.Not sure what that would be, but it's no competition to other mounts if Warclaw has niche PvE uses.

in my opinion, the most they can do (without breaking balance vs other mounts) is give it WvW warclaw's speed boost. this ability functions where people without the mount can run faster as long as they stay near the warclaw user. also good for mentors/commanders to help lead mount-less newbies in pve starter zones. giving the warclaw other abilities in pve doesnt seem fair to wvw people or may break balance with other mounts

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@"Mil.3562" said:A definite NO

The Skyscle is already the most used mount in the game and it needs a buff?

In PVE, the Warclaw is the most useless and least used and ANet should be working on her instead. Unlike all the other seven mounts, the poor kitty has no speciality skill and her mobility is also the slowest.

It's like having a new Longbow in the game but with only half the range and dps of the rest of the LBs.Well done.

The Warclaw was never meant to be competing with the pve mounts. They allowed it in pve, so people could strut around the cities with blinged skins.

That doesn't mean they can't give it a niche feature.Maybe something useful to the Commanders in PvE.Not sure what that would be, but it's no competition to other mounts if Warclaw has niche PvE uses.

in my opinion, the most they can do (without breaking balance vs other mounts) is give it
. this ability functions where people without the mount can run faster as long as they stay near the warclaw user. also good for mentors/commanders to help lead mount-less newbies in pve starter zones. giving the warclaw other abilities in pve doesnt seem fair to wvw people or may break balance with other mounts

Yeah, something like that! Maybe also some features that would only be useful to AND usable by a commander of a 10+ squad. That's extremely niche and doesn't interfere with other mounts at all. EDIT: Also wouldn't be unfair to WvW people if only Commanders could use those abilites. You have to WvW for a commander tag anyway and Warclaw has it's own different WvW use... With this, it'll just have a niche use in PvE as well.

EDIT 2: Something like - a Commander can summon Warclaw in combat and get access to skills like "Tactics roar" - highlights all CC skills on each player's skill bar that's in squad. They don't have to use them, nor are they influenced in any way except, people get clearer view of CC skills for when they need to break the bar. De-summons the warclaw after use. Niche, extremely niche, doesn't mess with other mounts or WvW people.Like, how many times commanders spam "CC" in chat and people have no idea what that is. Use a warclaw, roar, every player gets their CC skills highlighted (if they have any slotted). Helpful only to a commander and squad, doesn't make other mounts useless.

EDIT3: But this is a Skyscale thread, so i won't go further off topic with this. Maybe i'll brainstorm this later and make a new thread, we can continue the debate there maybe.

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@Dante.1508 said:After i got my Griffon i never bothered with the skyscale.. It just doesn't compare imo.

Contrary with me. The birb is just catching dust now. The Skyscale is so much more useful in getting to places that the birb cant reach. Four dashes in sequence can reach a lot of places the birb never could. Plus far more precise at landing in small spots, the birb not able to brake easilly when flying because of momentum.

Only real use for the birb is birb specific flying challenges, as well super long distance flying that have room to swoop down and back up for superspeed flying, something which isnt available in a great many maps, cutting down on the usefulness on it. The maps caters far more to smaller distance movements between spots, which is where the skyscale excels. I used to use the birb a lot because it had snap upwards movement, but I find the skyscale is doing that much better.

And the biggest thing that makes the skyscale superior. No need to constantly hit space to flap. Such a qol.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@Dante.1508 said:After i got my Griffon i never bothered with the skyscale.. It just doesn't compare imo.

Contrary with me. The birb is just catching dust now. The Skyscale is so much more useful in getting to places that the birb cant reach. Four dashes in sequence can reach a lot of places the birb never could. Plus far more precise at landing in small spots, the birb not able to brake easilly when flying because of momentum.

Only real use for the birb is birb specific flying challenges, as well super long distance flying that have room to swoop down and back up for superspeed flying, something which isnt available in a great many maps, cutting down on the usefulness on it. The maps caters far more to smaller distance movements between spots, which is where the skyscale excels. I used to use the birb a lot because it had snap upwards movement, but I find the skyscale is doing that much better.

And the biggest thing that makes the skyscale superior. No need to constantly hit space to flap. Such a qol.

I like the speed and the need to flap, i like jumping off things to double jump higher and higher i've gotten so proficient in it i have no issues keeping up or surpassing skyscale customers.. And the speed across a map is epic.

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