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Is there a way to play the game when there is a thief in the other team and you play mesmer?


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It all depend on your build, you can always build to counter thiefs but it might make you less effective against other professions. In general, thiefs tend to react poorly to confusion (condition build in general) while skills like illusionary counter and illusionary riposte are good way to weather a stealth attack.

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@Avatar.3568 said:Not a mesmer main, but try to spot the thief on the minimap, or try to expect where that Thief gonna go, if your team fights all over the map and close is free, he probably goes to decap close.

Avoid to meet him

I already try that sadly... But the thing is if I try to +1 a node and dont kill the enemy player instantly, it seems I always get ganked by the thief at that point. I guess I overstay my welcome and Ideally I should rotate if I miss/whiff, right?

The thing is > @Dadnir.5038 said:

It all depend on your build, you can always build to counter thiefs but it might make you less effective against other professions. In general, thiefs tend to react poorly to confusion (condition build in general) while skills like illusionary counter and illusionary riposte are good way to weather a stealth attack.

I'm playing core Power. I know its unforgiving but condis build are so boring to play...

Also, It seems like mesmer is better with duo partner to actually help pressuring the thief when he jumps you. I feel like mesmer/thief has like the biggest rock/paper relation of any game I've played. Mesmer has powerful ability on loooonnng cooldown and miss easily if the person has blind, teleports (to follow your ports) or lots of evade which thief has it all... The only way I could possibly win/stall (more probable the latter) a equally skilled thief is dodging the opener steal burst.

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@Zinzon.4081 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Not a mesmer main, but try to spot the thief on the minimap, or try to expect where that Thief gonna go, if your team fights all over the map and close is free, he probably goes to decap close.

Avoid to meet him

I already try that sadly... But the thing is if I try to +1 a node and dont kill the enemy player instantly, it seems I always get ganked by the thief at that point. I guess I overstay my welcome and Ideally I should rotate if I miss/whiff, right?

The thing is > @Dadnir.5038 said:

It all depend on your build, you can always build to counter thiefs but it might make you less effective against other professions. In general, thiefs tend to react poorly to confusion (condition build in general) while skills like
illusionary counter
illusionary riposte
are good way to weather a stealth attack.

I'm playing core Power. I know its unforgiving but condis build are so boring to play...

Also, It seems like mesmer is better with duo partner to actually help pressuring the thief when he jumps you. I feel like mesmer/thief has like the biggest rock/paper relation of any game I've played. Mesmer has powerful ability on loooonnng cooldown and miss easily if the person has blind, teleports (to follow your ports) or lots of evade which thief has it all... The only way I could possibly win/stall (more probable the latter) a equally skilled thief is dodging the opener steal burst.

domi duel illu, or do you have chaos?

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Not a mesmer main, but try to spot the thief on the minimap, or try to expect where that Thief gonna go, if your team fights all over the map and close is free, he probably goes to decap close.

Avoid to meet him

I already try that sadly... But the thing is if I try to +1 a node and dont kill the enemy player instantly, it seems I always get ganked by the thief at that point. I guess I overstay my welcome and Ideally I should rotate if I miss/whiff, right?

The thing is > @Dadnir.5038 said:

It all depend on your build, you can always build to counter thiefs but it might make you less effective against other professions. In general, thiefs tend to react poorly to confusion (condition build in general) while skills like
illusionary counter
illusionary riposte
are good way to weather a stealth attack.

I'm playing core Power. I know its unforgiving but condis build are so boring to play...

Also, It seems like mesmer is better with duo partner to actually help pressuring the thief when he jumps you. I feel like mesmer/thief has like the biggest rock/paper relation of any game I've played. Mesmer has powerful ability on loooonnng cooldown and miss easily if the person has blind, teleports (to follow your ports) or lots of evade which thief has it all... The only way I could possibly win/stall (more probable the latter) a equally skilled thief is dodging the opener steal burst.

domi duel illu, or do you have chaos?

No chaos, domi duel and illu. Probably might want to go chaos I guess? But I feel like I do no dmg when I go chaos line...

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@Zinzon.4081 said:

@Dadnir.5038 said:It all depend on your build, you can always build to counter thiefs but it might make you less effective against other professions. In general, thiefs tend to react poorly to confusion (condition build in general) while skills like
illusionary counter
illusionary riposte
are good way to weather a stealth attack.

I'm playing core Power. I know its unforgiving but condis build are so boring to play...

You asked for some tips, I gave you some tips.If you don't want to adapt to your opponent then there is no tip that will ever really help you.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:A player asking for tips rather than nerfs....it's surely a welcome sight, truly not something I'd expect any more on these forums


@Avatar.3568 said:Avoid to meet him

This. Alternatively, meet him unexpected.

You want to + where the thief isn't (or where the thief doesn't expect you to be) . Power variant mesmers either need to blow up enemies fighting while the thief is elsewhere or get the drop on the thief to win. condi variant mesmers can chase thieves off themselves. If you want to play power, you're gonna need to gank (the thief or where the thief isn't, either way youll need to be watching map)

Also keep in mind conditioning. if you manage to blow the thief up a few times in the match you may want to hold off and go + his teammates instead for a few minutes.

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@Zinzon.4081 said:All in the title... Tips welcome!

stealth and teleport the whole f.ing time, and hope the thief doesn't tunnel you, 'cause if he does you're in a very rough spot. Mesmer in general has a very hard time facing thieves, and core power probably doesn't have any way of passing through a thief's defence. Too much blind, too high cooldowns, too little mobility\resustain, not enough stealth (even with PU, which is huge).

I'm not saying it's fine, you could nerf thief into the dust as far as I'm concerned, but that's what it is.

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@Zinzon.4081 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Not a mesmer main, but try to spot the thief on the minimap, or try to expect where that Thief gonna go, if your team fights all over the map and close is free, he probably goes to decap close.

Avoid to meet him

I already try that sadly... But the thing is if I try to +1 a node and dont kill the enemy player instantly, it seems I always get ganked by the thief at that point. I guess I overstay my welcome and Ideally I should rotate if I miss/whiff, right?

The thing is > @Dadnir.5038 said:

It all depend on your build, you can always build to counter thiefs but it might make you less effective against other professions. In general, thiefs tend to react poorly to confusion (condition build in general) while skills like
illusionary counter
illusionary riposte
are good way to weather a stealth attack.

I'm playing core Power. I know its unforgiving but condis build are so boring to play...

Also, It seems like mesmer is better with duo partner to actually help pressuring the thief when he jumps you. I feel like mesmer/thief has like the biggest rock/paper relation of any game I've played. Mesmer has powerful ability on loooonnng cooldown and miss easily if the person has blind, teleports (to follow your ports) or lots of evade which thief has it all... The only way I could possibly win/stall (more probable the latter) a equally skilled thief is dodging the opener steal burst.

domi duel illu, or do you have chaos?

No chaos, domi duel and illu. Probably might want to go chaos I guess? But I feel like I do no dmg when I go chaos line...

nah stick with domi duel illu, it's a fun spec and you will learn the mechanics of the game better. vs thieves it's going to be difficult. you need sword/torch first of all. second, you need to have quick reactions and coutnerpressure them in the brief period after they open on you and before they reset via stealth etc.

if the problem is that you are fighting someone else and getting +1d by thief, then you need to keep track of the enemy thief on the minimap and learn no-port spots (places you can stand where thieves cant steal on you) etc.

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If you're fighting a sword/dagger thief I would say just avoid them at all costs. You're not really going to have an opportunity to burst them down after they open on you because they'll just sword 2 in and out, steal for plasma, and make quick work of you.

If it's dagger/pistol, it's really about who catches who off guard first. Sometimes precasting some phantasms will help pressure them, like greatsword 4, and then you have blind from torch 4 to help if you aren't dazed from steal. But I suppose they could have resistance from plasma at that point anyway.

You can try to position yourself so that they can't steal onto you using the terrain, but they may just pull out their trusty shortbow and spam 2 you to death.

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Core mesmer absolutely needs chaos or else you're a sitting duck. Illusions isn't really worth it for the boosted shatters. Take domi/duel/chaos it's the only way to play core shatter unless you're really good at the build and know every class in the game inside-out.

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@Bast.7253 said:If you're fighting a sword/dagger thief I would say just avoid them at all costs. You're not really going to have an opportunity to burst them down after they open on you because they'll just sword 2 in and out, steal for plasma, and make quick work of you.

If it's dagger/pistol, it's really about who catches who off guard first. Sometimes precasting some phantasms will help pressure them, like greatsword 4, and then you have blind from torch 4 to help if you aren't dazed from steal. But I suppose they could have resistance from plasma at that point anyway.

You can try to position yourself so that they can't steal onto you using the terrain, but they may just pull out their trusty shortbow and spam 2 you to death.

for sd you should move towards where his sword 2 return spot is

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@Zinzon.4081 said:All in the title... Tips welcome!

in all honesty, when both parties play properly. there is almost nothing you can do.but we are all humans and mistakes will happen and you can try to abuse them.The biggest tip of all is the fact that your best defense is your offense, if you cant just stealth and blink away, you need to counter-pressure INSTANTLY.things to keep in mind.1 thief will blind you, use shatters to remove blind before you mantra daze2 try to catch the end of thiefs dodge3 try to use gs3 early to trigger exu from DD traitline4 use skills with damage delay when thief is halfway through their dodge ( gs4/p4 ) -> this makes them somewhat pressured if they jump on you right after evading.5 blinds are strong against thief, if you have traited F2 blind its actually really strong against thief.6 disort is not as good against thief as it is against other classes, they can port/stealth and wait it out with ease, you might want to expand clones for big F1 or cover blind F2 instead.7 try to use healing skill during disort/stealth its very easy as thief to rupt it, and its your only sustain, if you dont get it off you are royally fucked.

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