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thief is literally the most broken BS class in the game in conquest


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This is the funniest thread I've read since 2019 when thief was one shotting players and everyone wanted a nerf cause new players didn't know how to predict a steal or dodge in general.

So now we get Shadowarts, perma stealthing, "INSANE MOBILITY". 


Someome talked about smokescreen and how cheesy and busted it is, but the only place i actually see it played on is Low elo games. I never ever ever seen a somewhat decent p3+ DP thief use it since core dp 1shot was a thing 🤣🤣


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Screen am I missing something here? The cd is literally 45s, and if im not wrong it has animation and is ruptable? (I could be wrong tho I haven't touched thief mechanically since like 6 months)


The only thing id ever call it "op" for is in downstate or when you got a OTP 1shot ranger like the 2nd poster who cried about it initially that can't hit his one shot combos cause of how the skill was first meant to be.. A projectile denier. and the only thing that I would ever ask anet to nerf on this skill is simply the radius.


but hey what do I know, I'm no thief main 🙂


Edited by La belladone.6579
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Thief is obviously the strongest roamer because of the mobility but even as power mes I feel like I have bigger problems with power rev in many ranked games, good prev just shreds your team


edit: that said shadow arts is still degen and should be reworked/nerfed/deleted

Edited by Quadox.7834
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8 hours ago, Quadox.7834 said:

Thief is obviously the strongest roamer because of the mobility but even as power mes I feel like I have bigger problems with power rev in many ranked games, good prev just shreds your team

thief is "strong if you know how to rotate", and  revs "strong if you know how to play the game mechanical" (i mean, since all you do on prev is literally just snowball the kitten out of the map xD i wouldnt call it the strongest, necessarily. theres many games where i just snowball the thiefs out of existence just cause he does a incorrect rotation xD strong indeed, but not strongest. i think prev and thief (RANKED context) are sharing the strongest roaming spot together. #MakeLoveNotWarcraft

Edited by La belladone.6579
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Thief is only good when you know what you are doing.. Please don't confuse "being kittening annoying" with "being actually op or even good".
I kittening hate condi thief for example but it's not really good, it's just kitten all annoying. Most teams with condi thief will still lose, except for when the thief knows how to actually play thief and in this case they would probably win anyway.

Same goes for Rev and honestly pretty much every other class in GW2.


While I don't think the balance is good, I think it's okay.. There's nothing I'd call blatantly op atm tbh.

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On 6/28/2021 at 7:12 PM, Raizel.1839 said:

First remove stealth from the game. 

Only then we can talk about eventually buffing thief.

I think complete removal of stealth wouldn’t be possible, since the backstab abilities are triggered by it. Not to mention stealth just is a part of thief/rogue by definition anyway. I think limiting it considerably to just couple seconds on a few skills would be better. Just to make it count more.

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