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The Future of infusions

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With the Dragonstorm Eye Infusions, Anet made a great addition to what infusions can be.


Instead of being just a effect which goes around us, they can be cosmetic for separate armor parts.


In the future we should see 

chest, gloves, legs and bots. weapons, projectiles


But it doesn't need to end there



critical strike effects

Boon indicator (might for example 25 stacks)


Back to those armor infusion effects, they don't need to be active all the time also they could be combat only to add another layer of animations.


With those infusions, Anet can start Armor  design  which is not extreme flashy but could work with multiply infusions together.


 In that regard I hope anet can start add Infusions which better drop rates to the game.


Infusions could also become part of the wardrobe and that would make the way free for a legendary infusion



Edited by Balsa.3951
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8 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

With the Dragonstorm Eye Infusions, Anet made a great addition to what infusions can be.


Instead of being just a effect which goes around us, they can be cosmetic for separate armor parts.


In the future we should see 

chest, gloves, legs and bots.


But it doesn't need to end there



critical strike effects

Boon indicator (might for example 25 stacks)


Back to those armor infusion effects, they don't need to be active all the time also they could be combat only to add another layer of animations.


With those infusions, Anet can start Armor  design  which is not extreme flashy but could work with multiply infusions together.


 In that regard I hope anet can start add Infusions which better drop rates to the game.


Infusions could also become part of the wardrobe and that would make the way free for a legendary infusion



They kind of already did something like that with Koda's warmth (as "chest part"), right? Not exactly an infusion, but the result/technicality of it seems to be the same.


15 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

What infusions need is a preview window.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

What infusions need is a preview window.

I'm not spending 500+ gold on something i have no idea how it will look like on my character.

Exactly this. I've bought several of them just to realise they bug out when applied with my favorite armor skin.

Kinda weird they've been putting quite a bit of effort into streamlining the whole infusion thing and have been continuously introducing new ones without releasing any sort of option to preview them. Like, come on, those are the most expensive and rare items in the game, at least make more 1-time-use tonics like the ones for crystal and frost legion infusions. 

Edited by Kondor.2904
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1 hour ago, Balsa.3951 said:

All good points but keep in mind convince to the player doesn't make money 

It doesn't bleed out money either. Some things really shouldn't be argued in terms of monetary gain for the company. Especially if they're basically an afternoon of work required. And judging from what there's already in the game and what's coming - a simple client side switch for effects and a preview window for infusions shouldn't be too much to ask, therefore, can't really be about money either.


There's also a flip side - people that don't get those conveniences might stop playing or for instance, never buy that one infusion with gold they converted from gems. Which also is potential money lost. That's why "it doesn't make money" arguemnts always fall flat. Because there's always a 1:1 counter argument on why it already doesn't make potential money.

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Neat ideas but Anet at the present seems more interested in placing small scale "auras" on gemstore armor pieces so I'm not sure how likely these will be

Even the eye infusion was pretty obviously their way of making amends for the abrupt end to IBS which is why we get one for relatively low effort but need to spend thousand of gold to get another


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On 6/19/2021 at 1:05 PM, Shinjiko.1352 said:

Honestly would love them to actually put the Nightfury and Winters presence into infusion form. It's a crime that I can't wear my scarf with snow ;_;.

This and more of this!      A CRIME INDEED!!!!!!

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Stat selectable legendary infusions would be great, with a transmute/wardrobe system for visual effects. (Apply the effect of any unlocked infusion to any other infusion regardless of the stats.) And the wardrobe system should not be limited to legendary infusions: Any account-unlocked infusion effect should be able to be applied to any infusion.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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